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1、whether和if的区别,特殊疑问句:who whom whose what which when why where how,4,2022/10/6,注:that 在句中无词汇意义,在从句中不能充当成分,在口语当中往往省略,由从属连词that引导的宾语从句,1.我听说他很帅。,I hear(that)he is handsome.,2.他说他非常喜欢这条裙子。,He said(that)he loved this dress very much.,3.李易峰告诉我们地球围绕太阳转。,Li Yifeng told us(that)the earth moves around the sun.

2、,注意:当从句是客观真理的时候,无论主句什么时态,从句一律用一般现在时,5,2022/10/6,由从属连词whether、if引导的宾语从句,e.g.1.Ask him _.(他是猪吗)2.I dont know _.(他们是否是男孩),whether(if)he is a pig,whether they are boys or not,说明对陈述的事物不明确或不清楚。常用在ask,wonder,can(could)you tell me 等后。原句为一般疑问句,选择疑问句或反意疑问句。,6,2022/10/6,If 和whether 傻傻分不清楚,I dont know _ he will

3、 come or not.I dont care of _ he is handsome.He wondered _ to stay here the next week._ he will come is not decided.,与or not 连用只能用whether,介词后只能用whether,与to do 不定式连用只能用whether,作主语只能用whether,啥时候用if,啥时候用whether,葵花宝典:前有介词狼,后有to do虎,句中有or not,只能用whether.,7,2022/10/6,由连接代词、连接副词引导的宾语从句,What is she doing?Ca

4、n you tell me?,Can you tell me what she is doing?,Where does she live?Do you know?,Do you know where she lives?,当从句原本是特殊疑问句时,用以下连接代词和连接副词引导:what,which,who,whom,whose,when,where,how,why,how far,how long,how many,how much,how often作用:连接主句和从句,并在从句中担任句子成分,具有一定的意义。,(从句),(从句),(主句),(主句),8,2022/10/6,句子类型,th

5、at,陈述句,一般疑问句,if/whether,特殊疑问词(7W+1h),特殊疑问句,超强引导词(连接词),9,由连接代词what,whom,whose,which,what及连接副词 when,where,how,why引导的宾语从句,when well have a meeting,where he is,how I can get to the station,why the train is late,who could answer the question,whom they are waiting for,10,2022/10/6,语序:陈述句语序,语序!?又是什么鬼!,陈述句语

6、序=主语+谓语 疑问句语序=谓语+主语,将下列句子换成陈述句语序1.Is he a lovely boy?2.Are they good boys?,He is a lovely boy.,They are good boys.,主语,谓语,主语,谓语,In a word:宾语从句的陈述语序就是引导词+主语,11,2022/10/6,1.I want to know _ he can be here on time.A.whoB.whenC.whereD.which2.Could you tell me _?A.what your mother do B.what does your moth

7、er do C.your mother does D.what your mother does3.Did you know _ a sports meeting next Saturday?A.there would have to be B.if there were C.if there was going to be D.there was going to have4.Tell me _, old is he old he isC.he is how old old does he,一步两步,选出Mr.Right!,12,2022/10

8、/6,将下列句子合并为一句:1.Where do they stop on the way?I asked.2.What will you speak at the meeting?Could you tell me?3.Do they like to go skiing?He asked.4.He is doing his homework.He said.5.He will come back.Tom said.,让我们在一起!,I asked where they stopped on the way.,Could you tell me what you will speak at t

9、he meeting?,He asked if they liked to go skiing.,He said that he was doing his homework.,Tom said that he would come back.,13,2022/10/6,师太原则,葵花宝典:主现从不限,主过从必过,真理规律用一现,委婉语气不影响。,14,2022/10/6,主现从不限,He says she is right.He says she was right.,判断 yes or no,主句是一般现在时,从句时态不受限制,这就是深藏功与名的,主过从必过,He said she is

10、right.He said she was right.,主句是一般过去时,从句时态必须是相对应的过去式,15,2022/10/6,什么是相对应的过去时?,He will go to Hong Kong.He is sick.He is reading a book.He has finished his work.,he would go to Hong Kong.he was sick.he was reading a book.he had finished his work.,He said,16,2022/10/6,He said the earth moved around the

11、 sun.He said the earth moves around the sun.,不变的真理,规律永远都用一般现在时,真理规律永一现,Could you tell me how I could go there?Could you tell me how I can go there?,Could,Would等表示委婉语气,时态不受影响,委婉语气不影响,判断 yes or no,17,2022/10/6,师太原则,你造了吗?,18,拓展:宾语从句转化为简单句,1.当主从句的主语一致时:I dont know what I shall do next.I dont know what t

12、o do next.2)John didnt decide which shirt he would buy.John didnt decide which shirt to buy.,当宾语从句的主语和主句的主语相同,且主句的谓语动词是know,remember,forget,learn,decide 等时,从句可简化为“疑问词+不定式”结构。,19,2022/10/6,拓展:宾语从句转化为简单句,2.当主句的谓语含有双宾语时,如果间宾与从句(直宾)中的主语一致时:1)Can you tell me how I can get to the police station?Can you te

13、ll me how to get to the police station?2)Please show me how I should start the recorder.Please show me how to start the recorder.,20,2022/10/6,补充:乾坤大挪移之否定转移,在含有宾语从句的主从复合句中,当主句的主语为第一人称,谓语动词是think,believe,guess,suppose等时,要将从句的否定词转移到主句中,即主句的谓语动词用否定式,宾语从句的谓语动词用肯定式。,1.我认为他不会和你一起来。,I dont think he will co

14、me with you.,2.我不相信他已经完成了作业。,I dont believe he has finished his homework.,21,2022/10/6,当从句的原句为以下句子以及what,who作主语时,语序不变:Whats wrong?Whats the matter?Whats happening?eg:I dont know whats the matter.Can you tell me who is over there?,注意了:前方有坑!,22,2022/10/6,I asked him whether he _ how to pronounce this

15、word.A.knowsB.knewC.has knownD.will know2.Dick said that he _ in a train to Washington at seven yesterday.A.ride B.would ride C.was ridingD.had ridden3.Peter said that he _ the way to the chemists shop.A.does not know B.did not know not know D.did not knew4.He said that he _ the next day.A.will

16、 set off B.set C.would set off D.wont set off5.The teacher told us that the earth _ B.was C.were,一步两步,选出Mr.Right!,23,2022/10/6,The radio says it _ cloudy tomorrow.(be)The headmaster hopes everything _ well.(go)Tom says that they _(play)basketball at six oclock yesterday evening.I hea

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