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1、 Worley said.6CWith this you dorit have to alter it or treat it at all. We can determine the elements in a fingerprint and get a pattern at the same time.The technology focuses a tight beam of X-rays on surfaces with fingerprints and creates a conputer picture out of those scans. The equment costs a

2、bout $175,000. For big labs, the method could be a great way to bring out prints that carit be seen any other way said VahidMajidi, another lab scientist.(照应,重复)1.美国洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室的科学家们采用了一种新技术,可以观察到 原本很难在物体表面上看见的指纹。参与该科研项目的科学家克里斯托弗沃尔 利说,该方法使用了一种“微X射线束荧光技术。可以探测到指纹携带的化学 成分,却不会改变指纹的保存状态。沃尔利说:“传统的方法是通过常规光线

3、使指纹显示出来,而且要借助粉末 等物质,这会改变指纹保存的状况。有了这种新方法,你根本用不着改变或处理 指纹了,我们可以测定指纹所含的化学成分,同时获取指纹图案。”这项技术将一束密集的X光对准留有指纹的物体表面,并根据扫描结果创 建出计算机图像。这套设备造价17.5万美元。该实验室的另一位科学家瓦希德马 吉德表示,对那些大实验室来说,这是获取用其他方法看不到的印迹的最好方法。2.Finnish scientists have invented a device to make it harder to steal mobile phones and laptops by enabling th

4、em to detect changes in their ownefs walking style and then freeze to prevent unauthorized use. The device is equipped with sensors that measure certain characteristics of the users gait. When the device is used for the first time, these measurements are saved in its memory Thus, it couki prevent mi

5、llions of portable appliances being stolen every year.The gadget would monitor the users walking style and check it against the saved information. If the values differ; the user would have to enter a password. Conpared with passwords and traditional bio-identification, the new method is simple: conf

6、irmation of identity takes place as a background process without any need for user s intervention (照应或者词汇重复,连接)2 .芬兰科学家最近发明了一种用于手机和笔记本电脑等珍贵便携式电子产 品的防盗装置。该装置能记忆主人的行走姿势,一旦发现有陌生人盗用就会使机 器停止工作。这种防盗装置配有可以准确识别使用者步态特征的传感器。当装置 第一次被使用时,它所获得的数据就储存在了记忆库里。因此,这种防盗装置的 出现可以使小型电子产品失窃的局面得到控制。这种装置能够检测使用者的步态,并检查是否与所存储的

7、主人的步态一致。 一旦发现使用者的步态与原来的不同,防盗装置将会要求使用者输入密码。与常 见的密码验证和传统的生物验证方式相比较,这种防盗装置使防盗工作变得更加 简单:装有防盗装置的机器可以在工作的同时自动识别使用者的身份,而不需要 使用者的附加操作。3.Why arent there more women physicists, and in senior positions? One fector may be unconscious biases that could keep women physicists from advancing一and may even prevent wo

8、men from going into physics in the first place.Amy Bug, a physicist at S warthmoreColiege, examined the bias question Her research team trained four actors一two men, two womento give a 10-minute physics lecture. Real physics classes watched the lecturers. Then the 126 students were surveyed.When it c

9、ame to questions of physics abilitywhether the lecturer had a good grasp of the material, and knew how to use the equipment一male lecturers got higher ratings by both male and female students.But when asked how well the lecturer relates to the students, each gender preferred their own And while femal

10、e students gave a slight preference to female lecturers, male students overwhelmingly rated the male lecturers as being siperior. The research appears in the journal Physics World.Bug says the results may be evidence of inherent biases that could hold women backalong with economic inequalities, such

11、 as lower wages and smaller start-up grants, which reduce career acceleration and thus the amount of force available to crack the glass ceiling.(照应,词汇重复,连接)3.为何女性物理学家较少,具有高级职称的也不多呢?有一个因素,即无意 识的偏见,可能就是影响女性物理学家进步,甚至使女性无法成为物理学翘楚的 罪魁祸首。艾米巴格,斯沃斯莫尔学院的一名物理学家,曾研究了这个偏见问题。她 的研究团队训练了 4名表演者.两男两女给她们十分钟做物理学讲座,由就读

12、 于物理系的学生去听讲座,然后对126名学生进行调查。当学生对物理学科水平评价时,比如演讲者是否熟知讲课内容,是否了解如 何使用设备,男性演讲者得到的评价更高。但是当问及演讲者与学生间的互动时,学生更认同与自己同性别的演讲者。 不过女学生仅表示出一丝对女性演讲者的偏爱,而大多数男学生则认为男性演讲 者更优秀。此研究发表在物理世界这个期刊上。巴格认为此项研究结果指出了对女性物理学家人们所持有的先天性偏见的 证据,更别说其他经济上的不平等,比如更低的工资和更少的启动津贴。这些都 会降低她们职业上的腾升速度,从而更难以积蓄力量打破升迁瓶颈了。4.We ask that you respect the

13、 following rules when using the Confuting Lab. These rules are here for a good reason either to protect you, or to allow you and your fellow students to use the Lab most effectivelyThese facilities are for the exclusive use of Department of Confuting stafl and students registered on Department of Co

14、nfuting courses. Do not enable anyone else to gain access to the labs, conputers or printers. The corqputers and printers are to be used for academic work only Anyone found printing for college clubs and societies, or doing personal printing, will be charged at 20p per sheet - please use the College Printing service or the services available in the Students5Union instead.Please try to maintain a quiet environment. The student representatives have asked that Lab 202 be made a quiet lab: do not make any unnecessary noise, and pl

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