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1、没有? 好的,早上好。What we are going to do today is finish up on perfectionism and then move on to the mind body.我们今天要把完美主义讲完,然后开始讲精神肉体。This semester for me has been going great. There are very few things that I regret about not having done this semester, but there is one thing that I will change next time

2、when I teach the class, that I already know of now, is have the lecture on the mind body earlier.这个学期对我来讲还是很不错的,并没有什么事情让我后悔没有做过,不过下学期我想做出一点改变,也正是我现在已经意识到的,就是应该更早一点讲精神肉体。Because it is such an important topic. It is so foundational, so basic that when I realized that and that was earlier on this semes

3、ter that I should have had it earlier, I started already to plug for physical exercise, to talk about mindfulness, to introduce it a little bit on a lower level of the spiral.这是一个很重要的话题。它是如此根本,如此基础,我在这个学期早些时候就意识到了这一点,也意识到了我应该早点讲。我那时候就开始停止介绍身体锻炼,开始从较低一点的层次来讲“念”。So today, you know, a month or two too

4、late perhaps, we are going to introduce the mind body connection, physical health.今天,可能迟了一两个月,我们要再讲讲精神和肉体的联系,以及身体健康。But first, let me introduce- let me finish up on perfectionism.但是首先,我们先把完美主义讲完。So remember last time we talked about the two models- the schema of the perfectionist, a straight line fr

5、om point A to point B versus the schema of the person committed to excellence which is much more meandering spiral kind-of journey.上节课我们讲到了两个模型:一种是完美主义的基模,类似于一条从A到B 的直线;一种是追求卓越的基模,更类似于蜿蜒曲折的螺旋上升。And a couple of people yesterday in office hours asked the question, “so what is really the difference?”昨天

6、有些人在办公时间来问我“区别到底在哪儿”。So you gave us the model of rat racer- you know that person- remember- who at the age of 72, gets to being, quite literally on top of the world, overlooking central park and then being informed after a life of constant stress, constantly living the future in point B, not enjoyin

7、g the present, the journey, is being told it is time to retire.我们可以用无意义追逐目标的人来类比。还记得那个72岁的人么?他达到了很高的地位,管理着世界的中心,不停地追逐到达B点,而不是享受当下、享受人生旅程,在承受了一生的压力之后,却被告知退休的时候到了。And I ask you a sample question “what kind of life do you want for yourself?由此,我问你们一个简单的问题,“你自己想要一种怎样的生活呢?So what is the alternative model?

8、 What is the positive model? Now the positive model from the outside may look exactly the same. It may be a person who is extremely ambitious, a person who is extremely hard working, a person who is an investment banker or a doctor, or a lawyer, or a teacher, or working at a homeless shelter.那么,另外一种

9、模型是怎样的呢?积极的模型又是怎样的?积极的模型从外表来看几乎完全一样。也可能是一个野心勃勃的人,一个极度勤奋的人,是银行家,是医生,或者是个律师,是个教师,是个在流浪者庇护所工作的人。It may look the exactly same from the outside. From the inside, it is radically different. How is radically different? In that the person who is on the excellence side may be as ambitious, may have the same

10、goals, may reach the same goals. However, that person also enjoys the journey. That is the difference.表面上看起来一样,实则迥然相异。怎么个迥然相异呢?区别就在于这个人可能同样雄心壮志,可能有同样的目标并且达成了,然而他同时享受了这个过程,这就是区别所在。So yes, he or she gets into a top school, a school that they really wanted to get into. At that school they work extremel

11、y hard. However, they also learn it that they are able to, mostly-theres no 100 percent here- but mostly, enjoy their time in school, with the same ups and downs, the vicissitudes- natural- but enjoy school and then get into the job they really wanted or one of the jobs they wanted, and work extreme

12、ly hard there, and be ambitious, and work the 80hour weeks.是的,他(或她)会进入一个他很想进入的名校,然后非常刻苦的学习。然而他们中的大多数,不能说是全部,懂得享受他们在学校的所有时光,伴随着同样的起伏坎坷,同样的兴衰变迁,但是他们享受这个过程,然后获得他们想要的工作或者之一,然后继续非常努力地工作,同样的充满雄心壮志,每周工作80个小时。However, that person also overall enjoys the journey. And then they enjoy the next step and being a

13、ssociated, being a partner, and being the MD or whatever it is. The only difference is that they enjoy the journey.然而这个人同样享受了这个过程,然后他们享受下一个旅途,和别人合作,成为别人的搭档,当上营销总监之类的。唯一的区别就在于,他们享受了这个过程。Now I have a few role models that I know. One of them is my ex-roommate, who is an investment banker. We were in co

14、llege together, also class of 96. 我所知道的就有很多类似的例子。其中一个就是我以前的室友,他现在一个投资银行家。我们是96级的大学校友。After graduating, being an economist major, worked for one of the premier hedge funds. After that, came back to Harvard, got his JD MBA. Did extremely well here as a JD MBA. Had all the offers that he wanted after.经

15、济学专业毕业后,他在一家著名的对冲基金工作。然后又回到哈佛,获得了法律博士和工商管理硕士的双学位,学业非常优秀。之后就获得所有他想要的机会。Choose another hedge fund. And went off on his own and started a firm with a few friends. Now when I talked to him about investment baking which I know very little about, I get very excited about investment baking. Because his exc

16、itement is contagious.他去了另外一家对冲基金。之后他又自立门户,和几个朋友开办了一家公司。当我跟他谈到我并不怎么了解的投资银行的时候,我对此表现得很兴奋,因为他的兴奋能感染我。He looks forward to work every day. And he works long hours. So he is a model of a person committed to excellence. 他每天都期待着去工作,也每天都工作很长时间,他就是一个追求卓越的例子。Even though from the outside, it may look the exact same as the “caricature” tha

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