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1、forcenvidiacard = true 应该是 nvidia 显卡的加速选项forcenvidiacaps = false engine 引擎forcedisplaysize = false 强制分辨率大小forceantialiasing = true 所为的开启抗锯齿效果 需要和displaywidth (分辨率宽) displayheight (分辨率高) 结合使用forcedisplayrefreshrate = false 强制画面刷新率forceanisotropicfiltering = true 强制各相异性过滤maxanisotropy = 4 过滤倍数分别为 2 4

2、8 16 (好像是这样)antialiasingquality = 2 0 分辨率 3x3, 相当于 9aa; 1 - 分辨率2x2 相当于 4aa; 2 - 分辨率 2x2, 效果较 1 差些 注: 显卡不好的最好不要设置成 0 或者是 1displayrefreshratehz = 60 自定义画面刷新率displaywidth = 1440 自定义分辨率宽displayheight = 900 自定义分辨率高reflectionsforcehighprecision = true 反射高精确度reflectionsextremeprecision = false 反射极高精确度effec

3、t 特效enablebloom = true 开启 bloon 特效enableambientocclusion = true 开启 ao (环境光遮蔽) 特效enableskylighting = true 开启天空相关特效useoriginalpostprocessing = false 开启原版画面处理input 输入keyuseeffect = 123 开启特效的按键设定keycombination = 16 组合的按键设定? keyscreenshot = 44 屏幕截图的按键设定keyambientocclusion = 121 开启环境光遮蔽效果的按键设定blood 血refle

4、ctionamount = 0.8 反射量specularpower = 0.8 tree 树leavesreflectionamount = 0.15 树叶光影反射量leavesspecularpower = 0.2 leavesambientamount = 0.3 树叶光影遮蔽量leavescolormultiplier = 1.2 树叶色彩强度leavescolorpow = 1.5 / / 树叶色彩对比building 建筑物windowlightintensity = 1.5 / / 建筑玻璃的光影强度light1 siren and some internal 警铃相关light

5、intensity = 2.0 警灯光照处强度lightaoamount = 1.4 警灯光照处物体阴影范围lightilamount = 0.0 警灯光照处物体反光范围edgelighteningamount = 0.0 边缘亮度The brightness contrast of ColorPow=1.5 illumination range is higher, the higher the darkLightCurve=1.0 light curveLIGHT2, street, light, road related (night evident) LightIntensity=2.

6、0 enhances brightness at illumination LightAOAmount=0.0 shadow area at light LightILAmount=1.5 range of illumination EdgeLighteningAmount=0.3 edge glowing object reflectionLightCurve=0.7 light curveLIGHT3, car, front, light headlights LightIntensity=1.7 headlamp exposure intensityLightAOAmount=0.0 h

7、eadlights illuminate the objects shadow rangeLightILAmount=6.0 headlights illuminate the bright range of the objectEdgeLighteningAmount=0.4 edge glowing object reflectionLightCurve=1.0 light curve LIGHT4 secondary taillightLightIntensity=2.0 taillight illumination intensityThe shadow range of the ob

8、ject of the LightAOAmount=0.0 taillightThe brightness range of the object that is illuminated by the tail lamp of the LightILAmount=4.0EdgeLighteningAmount=1.0 edge glowing object reflectionLightCurve=1.0 light curve LIGHT5 ambient spheres interiorLightIntensity=1.5 indoor light intensity LightAOAmo

9、unt=1.0 shadow range for indoor objects LightILAmount=0.0 bright range of indoor objects EdgeLighteningAmount=0.0 edge glowing object reflectionThe brightness contrast of ColorPow=1.0 illumination range is higher, the higher the darkLIGHT6, ambient, spheres, for, Omni, light indoor floodlightLightIn

10、tensity=1.5 floodlight intensityLightAOAmount=1.0 floodlights illuminate the shadow range of objectsLightILAmount=0.0 floodlight illuminates the bright range of the objectEdgeLighteningAmount=0.0 edge glowing object reflectionLightCurve=0.7 light curve CARHEADLIGHT headlight EmissiveMuliplier=1.5 sh

11、ine parameters LightIntensity=4.0 ray intensity LIGHTSPRITE lightningUseExternalTexture=true uses extra materialIntensity=1.0 intensity of each light source, including lights, etc.IntensityInReflection=0.6 reflection intensity UseRays=true opens flashRaysNumber=3 flash number - the amount of blue ha

12、lo visible before lightning strikesRaysIntensity=0.2 flash intensity - values are high, and the light source is more radioactiveRaysRateOfChange=10.0 flash change rate? RaysLength=2.0 flash length?CARWINDOWGLASS window glass ReflectionAmount=0.6 reflex SpecularPower=100.0SpecularAmount=1.0 specular

13、reflection CHROME chromaticity ReflectionFront=0.8 before reflection ReflectionSide=1.0 reflection direction SpecularPower=10.7sidefade = 1.0metallicamount = 0.05 金属反射? 车轮reflectionfront = 3.0 反射前reflectionside = 0.2 反射方向specularpower = 0.02metallicamount = 0.1 金属反射reflection1 反射 1, 车体reflectionfront = 0.4 反射前reflectionside = 0.8 反射方向specularpower = 100.0sidefade = 0.6metallicamount = 0.05 金属反射reflection2 反 射

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