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1、罗杰斯剧院 私生之子 孤苦之人 How does a bastard, orphan 荡&妇&之子 苏格兰人 Son of a whore and a Scotsman 生于加勒比被人遗忘的角落 Dropped in the middle of a forgotten spot in the Caribbean 出身贫寒 生活穷迫 By providence, impoverished, in squalor 竟想成为 英雄学者 Grow up to be a hero and a scholar? 脸印上十美元 国父没有父亲 The ten-dollar, founding father w

2、ithout a father 开辟道路 砥砺奋进 Got a lot farther by working a lot harder 发挥才智 By being a lot smarter 白手起家 By being a self-starter 年方十四 掌管远洋贸易 By 14, they placed him in charge of a trading charter 日日夜夜 无数黑人奴隶 And every day, while slaves 惨遭屠&杀& 通过海运买&卖&Were being slaughtered and carted away across the wave

3、s 他却警醒 不甘同流吅污 He struggled and kept his guard up 内心渴望 与之同仇敌忾 Inside, he was longing for something to be a part of 这位兄台 不惜强取豪夺 The brother was ready to beg, steal, borrow or barter 飓风来袭 家乡满目疮痍 Then a hurricane came and devastation reigned 1772年飓风袭击圣克罗伊岛 少年汉密尔顿给父亲写信 详细描述灾难场景 并匿名登报发表 得到乡绅们的赏识 实现用笔墨开拓出路

4、 他的未来 千钧一发之际 Our man saw his future drip, dripping down the drain 细细思忖 笔尖灱感迸发 Put a pencil to his temple, connected it to his brain 初次行文 写出悲痛经历 And he wrote his first refrain, a testament to his pain 消息传开 说他天赋异禀 Well, the word got around, they said, This kid is insane, man乡亲善款 将他送去北美 Took up a colle

5、ction just to send him to the mainland 好好学习 勿忘你的出身 Get your education, dont forget from whence you came 世人将你铭记 And the worlds gonna know your name 你叫什么Whats your name, man?亚历山大汉密尔顿 Alexander Hamilton 我叫亚历山大My name is Alexander Hamilton 志向千千万 我才刚开始 And theres a million things I havent done 你们等着瞧 But

6、just you wait Just you wait 年方十岁 父亲欠债离家 When he was ten, his father split, full of it, debt-ridden 两年过后 母子卧病不起 Two years later, see Alex and his mother bedridden, half dead 满身污物 恶臭令人窒息 Sittin in their own sick, the scent thick and. 亚历山大好转 母亲一命呜呼 Alex got better but his mother went quick 投靠表亲 表亲却寻短见

7、Moved in with a cousin, the cousin committed suicide 徒留灰心丧气 心中响起 Left him with nothing but ruined pride. Something new inside 新的声音 A voice saying 亚历山大 你得自食其力Alex, you gotta fend for yourself另辟蹊径 选择饱读诗书 He started retreatin and readin every treatise on the shelf 没有知识 他将一事无成 There wouldve been nothing

8、 left to do for someone less astute 欠债不还 他会穷困而亡 He wouldve been dead or destitute without a cent of restitution 开始工作 朋务亡母地主 Started working, clerking for his late mothers landlord 交易糖酒 他都负担不起 Tradin sugarcane and rum and all the things he cant afford 手不释卷 一本都不放过 Scammin for every book he can get his

9、 hands on 规划未来 逐渐得以立足 Plannin for the future see him now as he stands on 轮船驶向 新的大&陆&The bow of a ship headed for a new land 人到纽约 改头换面 In New York you can be a new man 人到纽约 人到纽约 In New York, New York 我们期盼你 We are waiting in the wings for you Waiting in the wings for you 你介不言弃 You could never back dow

10、n 你急不可待 You never learned to take your time 美&利&坚&歌&颂你时 When America sings for you 会否知晓 你的辉煌经历 Will they know what you overcame?会否知晓 你将历史改写 Will they know you rewrote the game?世界介此不同 The world will never be the same 船已驶入港口 The ship is in the harbor now 你能否看到他 See if you can spot him 又一位移&民&Another i

11、mmigrant comin up from the bottom 敌人玷污他的名声 美&遗忘他 His enemies destroyed his rep, America forgot him 我们与他同抗争 We fought with him 我为他牺牲自己 Me, I died for him 我信仸他 Me, I trusted him 我爱戴他 Me, I loved him 我 And me 我是傻瓜 射杀了他 Im the damn fool that shot him 射杀了他 Shot him, shot him There你叫什么 1776年 New York City 请问您是亚隆伯尔吗 Pardon me, are you Aaron Burr, sir 要看是谁在问了 That depends whos asking 当然了 我是亚历山大Oh, well, sure, sir, Im Alexander Hamilton 为您效劳 先生 m at your service, sir 我一直在找您 I have been looking for you 我有点紧张了 m getting nervous

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