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1、尊重中国礼仪和习俗;International students should observe Chinese laws, regulations and the USTB rules and regulations and disciplines, respect Chinese social morality and customs.2、 按照北京市公安局出入境管理局的规定办理居留许可申请、变更和延期手续;Visas application, alteration and extension should follow the regulations of Division of Exit

2、 & Entry Administration of Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau.3、 在校外住宿的国际学生需到住处所在派出所办理住宿登记;If you live off the campus, you should alter your Residence Permit and make a change of your living address at the Public Security Office.4、 在租住房屋中使用电炉、电热毯等大功率电器,或使用明火使需小心谨慎,注意预防火灾;严谨在租住房屋中存放易燃易爆、剧毒化学危险品

3、等不安全物品;Electric appliances such as electric stove for cocking, heating must be careful in the room. Rules concerning fire precautions must be observed. No fire and incense is allowed in the room. Inflammable and explosive substances, Hazardous Chemical Materials and other dangerous products are not

4、allowed in the room.5、 离开租住房屋时请锁门、关好窗户,不要将房间钥匙交给他人;Remember to lock the door and close the windows when leaving the room. Do not give the key to others.6、 保管好个人财物,现金要存放在银行;在公共场所贵重物品不要随意放置;Keep your personal belongings and property safely, deposit your money in bank and remember to take good care of

5、your valuables in public place.7、 国际学生不得做与其身份不相符的事情,不得在校内外兼职和打工;International students should focus on their studying, and any full-time, part-time job is not allowed.8、 在银行兑换外币是安全的,在其他非指定场所兑换外币违法;It is illegal making money exchange exclude banks.9、 中国政府尊重外国人的宗教信仰,但外国人在中国传教是非法的,请不要参加教堂和合法宗教机构以外的其他非法

6、宗教集会;Chinese government respects international students national conventions and religions, but propagandizing religions is illegal. Do not attend illegal religious activities or gatherings.10、严禁购买或驾驶无牌照车辆,严禁无证驾驶,严禁酒后驾驶,严禁超速驾驶,电动自行车必须上牌登记; Purchasing or driving unlicensed illuminates the vehicles, n

7、on-license driving, after alcohol driving and overspeed driving are strictly prohibited; electronic bicycles must be licensed and registered.11、节假日,包括国家法定假日,以及寒暑假、公休日等,留学生要外出旅行,必须通知留学生中心,并详细登记去向及联系方式;外出时,请注意安全,并妥善保管护照、钱包及贵重物品等;Itisnecessaryto inform the International Student Center and register the

8、contact information when international students travel on public holidays, summer or winter vacations; Keep yourself safe and improve safety and self-defense awareness outside the campus, especially take good care of your passport, wallet and valuables.12、不要到江河、湖、水库等危险区域游泳,不要去其他危险地区;Do not swim in d

9、angerous area of river, lake and reservoir; do not go to dangerous places.13、禁止赌博、酗酒、打架等严重影响社会安全及学校秩序的行为;Also forbidden are gambling, excessive drinking, fights and scuffles, taking drugs and drug trafficking, and other misconduct that may disturb the normal order of teaching, research work, daily l

10、ife and the public order.14、住在留学生公寓的国际学生须遵守留学生公寓安全通告;International students living in international students dormitory must abbey the safety regulations of the dormitory.5 / 5北京科技大学国际学生禁毒责任书THE ANTI-DRUG ADMINISTRATION REGULATION THE UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BEIJING为维护学校秩序,给国际学生提供良好的学习和生

11、活环境,保证国际学生顺利完成学习,免受毒品侵害,根据中国法律、法规和北京科技大学相关规定,特制订以下禁毒责任:In order to preserve the order of school and create a civilized, healthy, safety and comfortable studying and living environment, THE UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BEIJING makes the anti-drugs rules based on Administration Regulations for

12、 Students of USTB and Administration Regulations on Chinese Laws.1、 遵守中国法律、法规和学校有关规定,自觉远离毒品;International students must observe Chinese laws and regulations ,and relational rules of USTB,consciously to stay away from drugs.2、 服从学校安排,积极配合学校禁毒活动,参加禁毒教育;Obey Universitys arrangement, cooperate with anti

13、-drug activities, and participate in anti-drug education.3、 严格做到自己不制毒、不涉毒、不吸毒、不贩毒、不藏毒;No manufacture drugs, no involved in drugs, no take drugs, no drug trafficking, no hide drugs.4、 不为任何与毒品有关的活动提供便利条件;Dont provide convenient conditions for any drugs activity.5、 不在任何场所参与与毒品有关的活动; Dont attend the act

14、ivity of drugs in any place.6、 发现涉毒情况,及时向留学生中心和中国公安机关报告;If you found the drug-related cases, you should report to International Student Center or Chinese public security organ without delay.7、大麻在中国属于毒品;Cannabis is a drug in China.8、如果有涉毒行为,按自动退学处理;If one student is involved in drug, he/she would be expelled.本责任书适用于北京科技大学所有在学国际学生,自签订之日起生效。These Rules shall go into effect as of the date of promulgation本人已阅读以上条款,并保证遵守各项

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