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1、6-Mandela! 7-Who is it, sir?教练,那是谁?8-It is that terrorist, Mandela. They let him out.是那个恐怖分子,曼德拉,他们把他放了9-Remember this day, boys.记住这一天吧,孩子们10-This is the day our country went to the dogs.咱国家从今天起算是完蛋了11-Come. Lets go. Come.过来,走,咱们继续练12-I am now in a position to announce that Mr. Nelson Mandela will b

2、e released.我在此宣布纳尔逊曼德兰先生将会于 2 月 11 日,周日下午三点 the Victor Verster Prison从维克托韦斯特监狱14-.on Sunday, the 11th of February, at about 3 p.m.被释放15-Theres Mr. Nelson Mandela.那就是纳尔逊曼德拉先生16-Mr. Mandela, a free man曼德拉先生,现在是个自由的人了17-.taking his first steps into a new South Africa.他将一步步走向一个全新的南非18-This is the

3、moment the world has been waiting for.这就是全世界都在等待的那一刻19-And the top news of the day here in South Africa and around the world.今天南非和世界的头条新闻都是20-The recent release of Nelson Mandela from prison纳尔逊曼德拉最近的出狱21-has triggered a power struggle between the ANC and their black rivals.引发了 ANC(非洲人国民大会,简称非国大)与其他黑

4、人党派的权力之争22-There are reports that the government has been secretly providing arms有报道指出,现任(白人)政府秘密地向这些组织提供武器 these groups, contributing to the violence从而导致了24-.that has erupted throughout the country.全国性的暴力活动25-South Africa appears to be on the verge of a civil war.南非正处于内战爆发的边缘26-Mr. Mandela ha

5、s traveled to Durban曼德拉到达德班(南非港口城市) an effort to persuade 100,000 angry young ANC supporters on the frontline试图劝说 10 万名愤怒的非国大年轻支持者放弃武力 make peace.和平解决争端29-Take your knives and your guns and your pangas拿上你的匕首、枪和砍刀30-.and throw them into the sea.然后把它们丢到海里去31-After four years of talks, the

6、day black South Africans经过四年的对话,长期以来南非黑人32-.have been fighting for has finally arrived.为之奋斗的一天终于到来了33-For the first time, they are free to cast their vote alongside whites.有史以来第一次,他们终于能和白人一起投票34-An estimated 23 million people went to the polls today.今天,预计有 2300 万人参加投票35-I, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela我

7、,纳尔逊罗利拉拉曼德拉 hereby swear to be faithful to the Republic of South Africa.在此宣誓效忠南非共和国37-Never, never and never again shall it be永远、永远、永远都不要38-.that this beautiful land will again让这片土地再次经受39-.experience the oppression of one by another一个种族对另一个种族的压迫40-.and suffer the indignity of being the skunk o

8、f the world.和因为丑恶行径而遭到整个世界的鄙夷41-Madiba!马迪巴!(曼德拉家族中长辈对他的荣誉头衔,此处类似于昵称)42-马迪巴!43-Here he is. Like clockwork.他来了,跟闹钟一样准44-That makes him such an easy target.这样有规律使他很危险啊45-Yes, good morning.您好,早上好46-早安老大,早安老大47-How are you?你们还好么?48- Us is sharp, Madiba. - Good.- 我们挺好的,马迪巴 - 很好49- Linga, hows your mother?

9、 - Shes much better. Thanks.- 林格,你妈妈怎么样了? - 她好多了,谢谢您50-Good, very good.好,很好51-Linga, watch your left.林格,小心左边52-Madiba. Madiba.马迪巴、马迪巴53-Its all right.没事的54-What does it say?那上面说什么?55-It says, He can win an election, but can he run a country?(报纸上的文字是阿非利卡语,或称南非荷兰语,是白人的主要语言) 那上面说,“他能赢得选举,但他懂得治理国家么?56-N

10、ot even one day on the job and they are after you.都还没上任呢,他们就开始批评了57-Its a legitimate question.这问题提的没错啊58-Today marks the beginning of a new era in South Africa今天,标志着南非进入了一个新的时代 President Mandela takes office in Pretoria.曼德拉总统将在比勒陀利亚开始办公60-Facing issues that range from economic stagnation and u

11、nemployment他面临问题有很多,从经济不景气和失业问题 rising crime, while at the same time到高发的犯罪,同时62-.balancing black aspirations with white fears.还要注意平衡黑人的热情和白人的恐惧63-I never thought Id see the day. I feel sorry for you, son.我没想到自己能看到这一天,真为你感到抱歉,儿子64-You got your whole life ahead of you. Whats it gonna be like now

12、?你前头还有大把人生呢,那会是怎样的人生呢?65- Dont be so gloomy. - Yeah.- 别那么消极嘛 - 好吧66-Now, I added vitamins. Theres a horrible flu bug going around.给你,我加了维他命的,最近好像流感爆发67- You tell Nerine when you get home, eh? - Thanks, Mom.- 你回家之后要告诉纳琳,知道么? - 谢了,妈妈68-Now, Im telling you, Francois.现在,我跟你说,弗朗索瓦69-Look at Angola, look

13、at Mozambique, look at Zimbabwe.看看安哥拉,看看莫桑比克,看看津巴布韦(这些国家在黑人政府掌权后对白人的政策有些矫枉过正)70-Were next.我们也快了71-Theyre gonna take our jobs and theyre gonna drive us into the sea.他们会抢走我们的工作然后把我们赶到海里去72-Just you wait.等着瞧吧73-Good morning.早安74- Good morning. - Good morning.- 早安 - 早安75- 早安 - 早安76- Good morning, everyo

14、ne. - Good morning.- 大家早安 - 早安77-Brenda, youve had your hair done. I like it.布兰达,你做了头发啊,我喜欢78-Thank you, Madiba.谢谢你,马迪巴79-Yeah, we need to talk about your cabinet appointments and ministers.嗯,我们需要讨论一下政府内阁的人选问题80- Give me one moment, please. - Yes, Madiba.- 请稍等我一下 - 好的,马迪巴81- After you, Comrade President. - Thank you, sir.- 请进,总统同志82-Office of the president, good morning.早安,总统办公室83-Brenda.布兰达84-Please assemble all the staff

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