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1、Dong ZhiweiChen LinaUnit 1 Friendship 导学案一(words and expressions)学习目标:1. 通过音标和读音规则,让学生熟读单词。2. 牢记重点单词和词组的用法,通过练习英汉互译,熟练应用。3. 激情投入,疯狂记忆,体验学习的快乐。预习案(课前完成)请同学们参照课本第 94 页,自学以下课标单词或短语,填写其英文或中文,并熟读。课标单词:1.心烦意乱的 3.使平静 5 .在户外 7.遭受 9.包装 11.dusk 13.entire 15.curtain 17.partner 19suitcase 21.teenager 23.gratefu

2、l 25.tip 27.item 词组:1.合计 3.不得不 5. 遛狗 7. 记下 9. 故意 11. 在黄昏时刻 2. 不理睬 4.使担忧 6.安家 8.痊愈 10.不同意 12.thunder 14.power 16.dusty 18.highway 20.overcoat 22.exactly 24.dislike 26.swap 28 loose 2.使平静下来 4. 关心 6. 经历 8. 一系列的 10. 为了 12 面对面地 13. 不再 15. 对厌烦 17. 相爱 14. 遭受 16. 与相处 18.参加 探究案 (课上小组合作完成)词汇解析与练习1. calm 镇静的 q

3、uiet 安静的 still 静止不动的 silent 沉默的(活学活用)用 calm quietstill silent 填空(1) He kept in face of great danger.(2) She kept about the manner.(3) The officer asked the Swedes to stand ,and the Swedes dared not move.(4) Its so noisy! Ask the students to keep .”2. “为了(1) to do在英语中有以下几种表达方式(2) in order to do /so a

4、s to do(3) in order that +句子(4) so that +句子(活学活用) 汉译英为了看清楚点,我戴上了眼镜1 ( 用 to do )2 ( 用 in order to do ) 3 ( 用 so as to do )4 ( 用 in order that)5 ( 用 so that )3. get/be tired of 对.感到厌烦 be tired from 因而疲劳(活学活用) 用 get/be tired of 和 be tired from 填空Althoughthestudentsare drawingalldaylong,they drawing.4.

5、get along/on with sb 与某人相处get along/on with sh 某事进展arenot(1) 我与同学们相处得很融洽。 (2) 你的功课学得怎么样?5. join , join in 的区别join 通常指参加某组织或团体,并成为其中的一员,其宾语往往是 the army,team,club 或 sb join in 参加,其宾语一般是表达竞赛,娱乐,游戏等活动的名词。(活学巧用)用 join , join in 填空(1) Would you like to us playing football?(2) She a country club last year.

6、当堂检测根据今天所学内容完成以下练习:I 单词拼写1. I understand how (心烦意乱)you must be feeling. 2 . Farm workers spend most of their time (在户外)3. Im slowly (恢复)my health.4. I said hello to her, but she (不理睬)me.5. Margot had difficulty (安家) and found it hard to adapt to the hiding place.II 短语填空1. I stayed awake (故意)until 11

7、:30 (为了)look at the moon by myself.2. She (遭受)loneliness,but she had to learn to like it there.3. Born in a poor family ,the manager (经历)lots of hardships in his childhood.4. We students should (友好相处)with each other.5. I am (厌烦)all her negative remarks.课后反思:学生在课文中记不住和理解不透的单词和词组有哪些?教师在教学中发现的问题有哪些?Uni

8、t 1 Friendship 导学案二Reading 1. 阅读课文,充分理解课文,了解安妮及其家人在二战中的悲惨遭遇。2. 理解课文中的重点句子;练习使用一些英语阅读策略,如查找细节,推断。3. 体会友谊的真正意义,养成珍惜身边友谊的意识。阅读全文,试译以下重点句。若有困难,请参阅 P76_79 的注释,用红色笔标记出你认为难的词。1. She said,“I dont want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do.”2 . I wonder if its because I havent been able

9、to be outdoors for so long that I ve grown so crazyabout everything to do with nature.3. I stayed awake on purpose until half past eleven in order to have a good look at the moon by myself.4. But as the moon gave far too much light, I didnt dare open a window.5. I happened to be upstairs at dusk whe

10、n the window was open.6. It was the first time in a year and a half that Id seen the night face to face.7. I am only able to look at nature through dirty curtains hanging before very dusty window.8. Its no pleasure looking through these any longer because nature is one thing that really must be expe

11、rienced. 探究案 1(课上小组合作完成)限时阅读训练 Fast ReadingScan the text and choose the best answer according to the text1. What kind of friends did Anne want best?A. She wanted a friend who could help her when she was in difficulty.B. She wanted a friend who could share her feelings and thoughts.C. She wanted a fr

12、iend who could laugh at her.D. She wanted a friend who could keep a record of facts for her.2. Why did Anne make Kitty her best friend?A. Because Kitty was helpful when Anne was in trouble.B. Because Anne and Kitty were neighbours from childhood.C. Because Kitty was also a Jewish.D. Because Anne had

13、 no other choices at that time.3. From the letter to Kitty, we can see that .A. Anne loves Kitty very muchB. Anne looks forward to freedomC. Anne loves indoor lifeD. Anne isnt interested in nature4. What kind of life did Anne live in Amsterdam during World War II?A. Exciting and interestingB. Frightening but safeC. Frightening and unsafeD. Hard but happy5. The story mainly tells us that .A. Annes best friend

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