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1、我把我的钱袋交给你支配,让你随意花用,你却做了他们的同谋,这太不够朋友啦。Iago. Sblood, but you will not hear me. If ever I did dream of such a matter, Abhor me.伊阿古 他妈的!你总不肯听我说下去。要是我做梦会想到这种事情,你不要把我当做一个人。Roderigo. Thou toldst me thou didst hold him in thy hate.罗德利哥 你告诉我你恨他。Iago. Despise me, if I do not. Three great ones of the city, In

2、personal suit to make me his lieutenant, Off-cappd to him: and, by the faith of man,I know my price, I am worth no worse a place: But he; as loving his own pride and purposes, Evades them, with a bombast circumstance Horribly stuffd with epithets of war; And, in conclusion, Nonsuits my mediators; fo

3、r, Certes, says he, I have already chose my officer. And what was he? Forsooth, a great arithmetician, One Michael Cassio, a Florentine, A fellow almost damnd in a fair wife; That never set a squadron in the field, Nor the division of a battle knows More than a spinster; unless the bookish theoric,

4、Wherein the toged consuls can propose As masterly as he: mere prattle, without practise, Is all his soldiership. But he, sir, had the election: And I, of whom his eyes had seen the proofAt Rhodes, at Cyprus and on other grounds Christian and heathen, must be be-leed and calmd By debitor and creditor

5、: this counter-caster,He, in good time, must his lieutenant be, And IGod bless the mark!his Moorships ancient.伊阿古 要是我不恨他,你从此别理我。这城里的三个当道要人亲自向他打招呼,举荐我做他的副将;凭良心说,我知道我自己的价值,难道我就做不得一个副将?可是他眼 睛里只有自己没有别人,对于他们的请求,都用一套充满了军事上口头禅的空话回绝了;因为,他说,我已经选定我的将佐了。他选中的是个什么人呢?哼,一 个算学大家,一个叫做迈克尔卡西奥的弗罗棱萨人,一个几乎因为娶了娇妻而误了终身的家伙;

6、他从来不曾在战场上领过一队兵,对于布阵作战的知识,懂得简直 也不比一个老守空闺的女人多;即使懂得一些书本上的理论,那些身穿宽袍的元老大人们讲起来也会比他更头头是道;只有空谈,不切实际,这就是他的全部的军人 资格。可是,老兄,他居然得到了任命;我在罗得斯岛、塞浦路斯岛,以及其他基督徒和异教徒的国土之上,立过多少的军功,都是他亲眼看见的,现在却必须低首 下心,受一个市侩的指挥。这位掌柜居然做起他的副将来,而我呢上帝恕我这样说却只在这位黑将军的麾下充一名旗官。Roderigo. By heaven, I rather would have been his hangman.罗德利哥 天哪,我宁愿做他

7、的刽子手。Iago. Why, theres no remedy; tis the curse of service, Preferment goes by letter and affection, And not by old gradation, where each secondStood heir to the first. Now, sir, be judge yourself, Whether I in any just term am affined To love the Moor.伊阿古 这也是没有办法呀。说来真叫人恼恨,军队里的升迁可以全然不管古来的定法,按照各人的阶级依

8、次递补,只要谁的关系好,能够得到上官的欢心,就可以越级晋升。现在,老兄,请你替我评一评,我究竟有什么理由要跟这摩尔人要好。Roderigo. I would not follow him then.罗德利哥 假如是我,我就不愿跟随他。Iago. O, sir, content you; I follow him to serve my turn upon him: We cannot all be masters, nor all masters Cannot be truly followd. You shall mark Many a duteous and knee-crooking k

9、nave, That, doting on his own obsequious bondage, Wears out his time, much like his masters ass,For nought but provender, and when hes old, cashierd: Whip me such honest knaves. Others there are Who, trimmd in forms and visages of duty, Keep yet their hearts attending on themselves, And, throwing bu

10、t shows of service on their lords, Do well thrive by them and when they have lined their coats Do themselves homage: these fellows have some soul; And such a one do I profess myself. For, sir, It is as sure as you are Roderigo, Were I the Moor, I would not be Iago: In following him, I follow but mys

11、elf; Heaven is my judge, not I for love and duty, But seeming so, for my peculiar end: For when my outward action doth demonstrate The native act and figure of my heart In compliment extern, tis not long after But I will wear my heart upon my sleeve For daws to peck at: I am not what I am.伊阿古 啊,老兄,你

12、放心吧;我所以跟随他,不过是要利用他达到我自己的目的。我们不能每个人都是主人,每个主人也不是都该让仆人忠心地追随他。你可以看到,有一 辈天生的奴才,他们卑躬屈节,拚命讨主人的好,甘心受主人的鞭策,像一头驴子似的,为了一些粮草而出卖他们的一生,等到年纪老了,主人就把他们撵走;这种 老实的奴才是应该抽一顿鞭子的。还有一种人,表面上尽管装出一副鞠躬如也的样子,骨子里却是为他们自己打算;看上去好像替主人做事,实际却靠着主人发展自 己的势力,等捞足了油水,就可以知道他所尊敬的其实是他本人;像这种人还有几分头脑;我承认我自己就属于这一类。因为,老兄,正像你是罗德利哥而不是别人 一样,我要是做了那摩尔人,我

13、就不会是伊阿古。同样地没有错,虽说我跟随他,其实还是跟随我自己。上天是我的公证人,我这样对他陪着小心,既不是为了忠 心,也不是为了义务,只是为了自己的利益,才装出这一副假脸。要是我表面上的恭而敬之的行为会泄露我内心的活动,那么不久我就要掬出我的心来,让乌鸦们乱 啄了。世人所知道的我,并不是实在的我。Roderigo. What a full fortune does the thicklips owe If he can carryt thus!罗德利哥 要是那厚嘴唇的家伙也有这么一手,那可让他交上大运了!Iago. Call up her father, Rouse him: make af

14、ter him, poison his delight, Proclaim him in the streets; incense her kinsmen, And, though he in a fertile climate dwell, Plague him with flies: though that his joy be joy, Yet throw such changes of vexation ont, As it may lose some colour.伊阿古 叫起她的父亲来;不要放过他,打断他的兴致,在各处街道上宣布他的罪恶;激怒她的亲族。让他虽然住在气候宜人的地方,也

15、免不了受蚊蝇的滋扰,虽然享受着盛大的欢乐,也免不了受烦恼的缠绕。Roderigo. Here is her fathers house; Ill call aloud.罗德利哥 这儿就是她父亲的家;我要高声叫喊。Iago. Do, with like timorous accent and dire yell As when, by night and negligence, the fire Is spied in populous cities.伊阿古 很好,你嚷起来吧,就像在一座人口众多的城里,因为晚间失慎而起火的时候,人们用那种惊骇惶恐的声音呼喊一样。Roderigo. What, ho, Brabantio! Signior Brabantio, ho!罗德利哥 喂,喂,勃拉班修!勃拉班修先生,喂!Iago. Awake! what, ho, Brabantio! thieves! thiev

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