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Unit 2 Teaching Design 教学设计公开课优质课人教必修4精品.docx

1、Unit 2 Teaching Design 教学设计公开课优质课人教必修4精品Unit 2 Teaching Design 教学设计教材分析和教材重组教材分析本单元以“农业”为中心话题,通过本单元的学习,可以帮助学生了解农村、农业以及农作物耕种的基本知识;同时了解袁隆平博士的研究成果以及有机耕作的重大意义。通过本单元的语言技能训练,要求学生学会有关农业的词汇,掌握动词-ing形式作主语和宾语的用法,同时进一步复习巩固任何表达意见和建议并学习任何设计英文广告。1. Warming Up以农村、农业以及农作物耕种为话题,让学生讨论对农村和农业劳动的认识和经验。这一话题的引入,可以帮助学生更深刻地

2、理解袁隆平博士的研究成果的价值。2. Pre-reading 设置的两个问题可以帮助学生理解课文,同时培养他们的同情心和人道主义精神。3. Reading塑造了一个朴实、务实的中国农业科学家的形象,他过着普通人的生活,干着伟大的事业。4. Comprehending 共有3个练习,这4个练习的设置由表及里,由浅入深,非常科学。旨在提高学生讨论、收集信息及归纳整理的能力。5. Learning about Language 分为两部分,通过不同层面的练习,要求并帮助学生熟练掌握课文中所学的词汇以及-ing形式做主语和宾语的用法。6. Using Language分为三部分,Reading 部分读

3、写结合,要求学生在理解文章Organic farming的基础上写出文章的摘要。Listening讲了两个农民的故事,即进行了听力训练也说明了有机耕作的重大意义。Reading, speaking and writing 让学生假设自己是“绿色食品”生产商,在读说的基础上为自己的食品设计一个广告。教教材重组1. 材重1. 将Warming Up,Pre-reading,Reading与Comprehending整合在一起上一节“阅读课”。2. 将Learning about Language和Workbook的using words and expressions及using structur

4、es整合在一起上一节“语言学习课”。3. 将Using Language设计为一节包括听说读写在内的“综合技能课(一)”。4. 将Workbook的READING AND LISTENING和TALKING结合在一起上一节“听说课”。5. 将Workbook的LISTENING TASK,READING AND WRITING TASK和SPEAKING TASK设计为一节“综合技能课(二)”。课时分配1st Period Reading2nd Period Language study3rd Period Integrating skills()4th Period Listening an

5、d Speaking5th Period Integrating skills() Part 1: Teaching Design(第一部分:教学设计)Period 1: A sample lesson plan for reading(A PIONEER FOR ALL PEOPLE)AimsTo develop reading abilityTo learn something about farmingProceduresI. Warming up Warming up by questioningHello, everyone. We shall read about man who

6、works the land today. Have you ever grown any plants? What kind of plant would you like to grow? How will you grow it?For reference: I worked with my father in the rice field last year. We grow hybrid rice and use animal wastes to make the soil rich.Has anyone of you ever been to the countryside? Wh

7、at did you do there?For reference: I went to Chuankou the day before yesterday. It is a small mountain village 75 li north of Beijing. I went there to visit my uncles family. I like that small beautiful village very much. Who are from a farmers family? What do you know about farming?For reference: D

8、ou Jun and I are from a farmers family. We grow wheat and raise pigs on our farms. And both of our families are going to expand the area of fields this year. Warming up by seeing and listeningPlanting rice Boys and girls, I shall show you some photos of farming first. Look at this one. What are thes

9、e people doing in the fields? Yes, it is spring and they are planting rice. Lots of people in the world live on rice. I think you like eating rice, too. Plowing the landHere is another photo about farming. The man driving the tractor in the photo is plowing the land to prepare for the planting. He d

10、oes not grow rice there. What kind of crop is he going to plant here? Indoor harvestingThis photo is interesting. The woman farmer from Tibet is harvesting her crops not in the open field but in a plastic house. For generations, the people in Tibet Autonomous Region, have farmed the land using tradi

11、tional methods. But in recent years, things have begun to change. All the farmers admit the new ways are better.II. Pre-reading1.Questioning and answeringRice is the main food in South China. What do you think would happen if tomorrow there were suddenly no rice to eat?For reference: Then people in

12、the south would have to change their eating habit. They could turn to potatoes, wheat flour, cow and sheep cheese, cabbage, onions and garlic for food. They are the bases of the traditional food in North China.If you had the chance to do one thing to help end hunger in the world, what would you do?F

13、or reference: I would try to end hunger by popularizing the advanced farmingtechniques. Modern techniques could be introduced to increase the rice output, and expand the area of fields.2. Giving background information about Professor Yuan LongpingHave you ever heard of a man called Professor Yuan Lo

14、ngping? Would anyone of you tell the class something about him?For reference: Professor Yuan Longping is a Chinese agricultural scientist. Professor Yuans breakthrough scientific achievement led to the worlds first successful and widely grown hybrid rice varieties, revolutionizing rice cultivation i

15、n China and tripling production over a generation. His approach to rice breeding then spread internationally throughout Asia and to Africa and the United States, providing food for tens of millions and leading to his becoming known as the Father of Hybrid Rice.III. Reading1. Reading aloud to the rec

16、ordingComprehensionunderstanding what you are reading is important. To read in thought groups is an easy, yet effective, way of improving reading comprehension. Now turn to page 9 and read aloud to the recording of the text A PIONEER FOR ALL PEOPLE. Pay attention to the thought groups in the sentences while listening and reading aloud. 2. Reading and u

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