1、我说:您既然翻译出来了,别只给自己的孙女们读啊,让别的年轻人也沾沾光,一块看看可好?她答应了,于是就有了这本刚刚印出来的中英文对照的小书温暖的荆棘。我从里面选了5 篇,从 12 月 25 日开始,连续5 天,每天在公号中发 1 篇。恳请批评指正。毕淑敏敬上你为什么而活着there is no meaning to life我有过若干次讲演的经历,在北大和清华,在军营和监狱,在农村土坯搭建的课堂和美国最奢华的私立学校面对从医学博士到纽 约贫民窟的孩子等各色人群,我都会很直率地谈出对问题的想法。在我的记忆中,有一次的经历非常难忘。i do have some experience in publi
2、c speakingat pekinguniversity and tsinghua university, in barracks and prisons, in village classrooms built of beaten earth and in the gleaming halls of prep schools in the us. my audience had ranged from ph.d. candidates to kids from the slums of new york. i am always frank in saying what i think.那
3、是一所很有名望的大学,约过我好几次了,说学生们期待和我进行讨论。我一直推辞,我从骨子里不喜欢演说。每逢答应一桩这样的公差,就要莫名地紧张好几天。但学校方面很执着,在第n 次邀请的时候说,该校的学生思想之活跃甚至超过了北大,会对演讲者提出极为尖锐的问题,常常让人下不了台,有时演讲者简直是灰溜溜地离开学校。there is one occasion which stands out in my memory. itwas a prestigious university and i had turned down theinvitationseveral times running. public
4、 speaking is not my forte. i tend to get nervous several days ahead. but the universitykept repeating the invitation, claiming that their students were just as brainy as those of peking university or tsinghua university if not more, and that sometimes their challenging questions would send the speak
5、er walking off in a huff. my curiosity was piqued and idecided to accept the challenge.听他们这样一讲,我的好奇心就被激励起来,我说我愿意接受挑战。于是,我们商定了一个日子。那天,大学的礼堂挤得满满的,当我 穿过密密的人群走向讲台的时候,心里涌起怪异的感觉,好像是“文 革”期间的批斗会场,不知道今天将有怎样的场面出现。果然,从我 一开始讲话,就不断地有条子递上来,不一会儿,就在手边积成了 厚厚一堆,好像深秋时节被清洁工扫起的落叶。我一边讲课,一边 充满了猜测,不知道树叶中潜伏着怎样的“思想炸弹”。讲演告一段
6、落,进入回答问题阶段,我迫不及待地打开了堆积如山的纸条,一 张张阅读。那一瞬,台下变得死寂,偌大的礼堂仿若空无一人。the hall was packed. as i made my way through the crowd to reach the stadium, my thoughts went back to the “struggle meetings” of the cultural revolution, and i wondered what was lying in store for me today. not surprisingly, the moment i ope
7、ned my mouth to speak, slips of paper with questions kept arriving, and soon made a pile on the stand. as i talked, my thoughts strayed to the pile before me, and i wondered what startling questions were waiting to confound me. my talk ended, i opened the slips one by one and read the questions alou
8、d, while the packed hall was wrapped in complete silence.我看完了纸条说:“有一些表扬我的话,我就不念了。除此之外,纸条上提得最多的问题是人生有什么意义?请你务必说真话,因 为我们已经听过太多言不由衷的假话了。”我念完这个纸条以后,台下响起了掌声。“你们今天提出这个问题很好,我会讲真话。我在西藏阿里的雪山之上,面对着浩瀚的苍穹和壁立的冰川,如同一个茹毛饮血的原始人,反复地思索过这个问题。我相信,一个人在他年轻的时候,是会无数次地叩问自己我的一生,到底要追索怎样的意义?“我想了无数个晚上和白天,终于得到了一个答案。今天,在这里, 我将非常负
9、责地对大家说,我思索的结果是:人生是没有任何意义 的!这句话说完,全场出现了短暂的寂静,如同旷野。但是,紧接着就响起了暴风雨般的掌声。apart from favorable comments on my talk which i put aside, the question which showed upmost frequently was, “what is the meaning of life?” one note in particular had pleaded: “please tell us the truthwe are sick of prevaricating pla
10、titudes.”as i read that particular note aloud,the audience broke into applause. i said: “this is a good question. i will speak the truth. when iwas in tibet, facing the snowy mountains and the frozen lakes, almost becoming a caveman myself,i had often thought of this question. i believe that when yo
11、ung, one would often ask oneself: what is the meaning of the life that i should strive for? day and night, i had pondered over the question,and one day i finally found the answer. today let me tell you in all seriousness my answer to the question: there is no meaning to life” there was a moment of s
12、tunned silence, followed by deafening applause.那是我在讲演中获得的最热烈的掌声。在以前,我从来不相信有什么“暴风雨”般的掌声这种话,觉得那只是一个拙劣的比喻。但这一次,我相信了。我赶快用手做了一个“暂停”的手势,但掌声还是绵 延了若干时间。it was the most sincere applause that ihad ever received. ihave always brushed off terms like “deafening applause” as awkward exaggerations. but on that occ
13、asion, it was literally true. the applause was thunderous and deafening. i raised my hand for silence, but the applause continued for a while before it quieted down.“大家先不要忙着给我鼓掌,我的话还没有说完。我说人生是没有意义的,这不错,但是我们每一个人要为自己确立一个意 义!i said: “do not rush to applaud. i have not finished thesentence. i say that l
14、ife has no meaning. it is up to usevery single one of usto confer meaning on our own lives!“是的,关于人生的意义的讨论,充斥在我们的周围。很多说法,由于熟悉和重复,已让我们从熟视无睹滑到了厌烦。可是,这不是问 题的真谛。真谛是,别人强加给你的意义,无论它多么正确,如果 它不曾进入你的心理结构,它就永远是身外之物。比如我们从小就 被家长灌输过人生意义的答案。在此后漫长的岁月里,谆谆告诫的老师和各种类型的教育,也都不断地向我们批发人生意义的补充版。但是,有多少人把这种外在的框架,当成了自己内在的标杆,并为
15、之下定了奋斗终生的决心?那一天结束讲演之后,我听到有同学说,他觉得最大的收获是听到有一个活生生的中年人亲口说,人生是没有意义的,你要为之确立一个意义。其实,不单是中国的青年人在目标这个问题上飘忽不定,就是在美国的著名学府哈佛大学,也有很多人无法在青年时代就确立自己的目标。我看到一则材料,说某年哈佛的毕业生临出校门的时候,校方对他们做了一个有关人生目标的调查,结果是:百分之二十七的人完全没有目标,百分之六十的人目标模糊,百分之十的人有近期目标,只有百分之三的人有着清晰而长远的目标。二十五年过去了,那百分之三的人不懈地朝着一个目标坚韧努力, 成了社会的精英,而其余的人,成就要相差很多。it is true that there is a lot of talk about the meaning of life. someviews are so repetitive that they have become tiresome. but that is not the point. the point is: any “meaning” that others impose on you, no matter ho
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