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1、每日百词计划高考英语高频词汇三每日百词计划:高考英语高频词汇(三)201. advance vi推进,促进;前进 adj. advanced 先进的/ 高级的in advance 预先,事先 an advanced worker202. examine vt检查/诊察 have ones eyes examined203. seem v. 好像,似乎 He s happy/a good man. He s to have said it.It s to me that在我看来 There s to be 好像有Aftre what ed several hours, he left.204.

2、age n.年龄;时代 vi. 变老 for ages 多年; at an early age; at the age of ;of the same age=of an age After his wifes death he aged quickly.205. power n. 能力, 动力, 权利,电力beyond ones power超出能力范围 in power 执政power station 发电站 come into power上台执政 power failure 停电206. asleep adj 睡着的,熟睡 fall asleep 入睡 He seems to be fas

3、t asleep.207. blow v. 吹、刮 blow down 吹倒 blow up 爆炸、炸毁n. 打击 give sb. a blow 给某人打击208. avoid doing 避免,防止209. ruin v. 毁坏 n. 毁坏;废墟【多用复数】 ruin somebody/somethingThe country was ruined by the war. The bad weather ruined our trip.That one mistake ruined his chances of getting the job.Years of fighting have

4、left the area in s. 成为废墟210. decision n. make a decision211. interest 1) v. interest sb. I bought the book that interested me most.2) n. 1兴趣 show /have / feel/ express interest inlose interest in I watched the game with interest.2 利益 常用复数形式 protect customers interests3 a place of interest/ places of

5、 interest212. thought n. 思考,思想,念头On second thought,he decided to accept his invitation.deep in thought= lost in thought 沉思213. other/another/the other/others/the othersother than=except =besides 除了Were going away in June but other than that I will be here all summer.the other day/week 前几天,前几周 anothe

6、r day/time 改天,下次214. thank n. Thanks to a lot of hard work, we succeed. How can I express my thanks to you?v. thank sb for sth / doing sth215. circle n. 圆圈 vi 环绕,盘旋 The plane circled over the airport before landing.216. remove He removed his hand from her shoulder. 拿开,移走remove ones eyes from the pic

7、ture 把目光从画上移开remove the family to 把家搬到 remove ones shoes/ coat 脱下remove the dirt from the door清除,去掉 remove ones doubt 打消某人的疑虑remove a student from school 将一个学生开除出学校217. decline 拒绝,谢绝,下降The number of tourists declined by 10%. Her health was declining rapidly.I offered to give them a lift but they dec

8、lined with thanks.218. can 否定:cannot= cantcant help doing = cant help but do 禁不住can nottoo = can nevertoo 越越好/再也不为过You can never be too careful when crossing the street.219. sight n.视力,视觉;望见;视野u;景象c I have good/bad .catch of at first lose of out of at the sight ofThere is not a boat in . the beautif

9、ul s of Beijing220. chicken c/n. 小鸡 u/n. 鸡肉 Would you like some chicken? 来点鸡肉怎么样?Dont count your chickens before they are hatched.不要在还没孵出小鸡之前先数鸡。221. agree vi. 同意;应允1)agree with agree with sb / what you say/your opinion.表示一致;“ 对适宜”:The weather does not agree with me. 这种天气对我不适宜。A verb must agree with

10、 its subject in person and number.What he does does not agree with what he says. 他言行不一致。2)agree to the plan/ the arrangement/ the suggestion .3)agree on /upon主要指双/多方通过协商而取得一致意见或达成协议:We agreed on the price. 我们就价格达成了一致意见。Both sides agreed on these terms. 双方都同意这些条件。4) agree to do sth He agreed to go wi

11、th us. 他同意同我们去。5) reach/arrive at/come to an agreement 6) I cant/couldnt agree more.222. arise arose arisen vi. 1) 出现,发生,产生 A new crisis has arisen. 新危机出现。2)起床,起身,起立 He arose at dawn. 他黎明即起。223. biscuit 饼干c/n some chocolate biscuits224. fair adj公平的,相当大的,白皙的,晴朗的, 金黄的:n.博览会a fair price/ fair skin/ a f

12、air day /fair hair fairly pretty225. repair vt&n. 修理 under 正在修理226. continue v. 继续 continue doing / to do / with227. generous adj. 慷慨大方的It s of you to lend me the car. be to sb 对某人慷慨丰盛的 a meal. generosity n.228. swell v. 1) 膨胀,增长Her arm was beginning to swell up where the bee had stung her.2)隆起 The

13、sails swelled in the wind.3)骄傲自大,情绪高涨229. instruct v. sb to do She arrived at 10 o clock as ed.The letter him to report to headquarters immediately.instruction n. follow ones instructions carry out / ignore ones s230. raise vt. 使升高,提高,举起,筹措,饲养,抚养1) raise ones hand/ voice举起手、抬高声音 2) raise money 筹集钱3)

14、 I was raised by my aunt on the farm.231. decorate v. 装饰修饰 decoration n. 装饰,装饰品,奖章decorate A with B 装点,布置 decorate sb. for bravery 因为勇敢授予奖章232. effort n. 努力 make an effort /make every effort/ make efforts做出努力spare no effort 不遗余力233. population n. 人口;数量 have a large /small population 人口多、少The populat

15、ion of the city is increasing. Seventy percent of the population are workers.have a population of 数字 有人口234. introduce v. introduction n. 1 introduce sb. to sb./ oneself2 introduce sb. to sth.使初次了解 It was she who first introduced me to the pleasures of sailing。3introduce new technology 4 an introduc

16、tion to English grammar235. settle vt. 解决,调停;整理;使平静;安放;支付,结账 vi. 安定,定居;停息,停留;稳定下来 a question / in New YorkA bird d on the branch. Wait until the excitement has d down.236. humor n. -humourous adj.n. I cant stand people with no sense of humor.They failed to see the humor of the situation.v. she thoug

17、ht it best to humor him rather than get into an argument.237. receive vt 收到 receive a letterreceive a good education/ a warm welcome The play was well received. 受到好评238. right adj. 正当的;正确的;右边的 adv正确地 n. 公正,正确;权利;右边all right 好吧 Thats all right. 回答道歉have the to do sth有权利干 turn to the =turn right向右转,on

18、 the 在右边 keep to the 靠右边走239. custom n.风俗,习俗;个人习惯It is the custom in that country for women to marry young.It was her custom to rise early.240. relation n. 关系;亲戚 relative adj.有关的;相对的; n.亲戚the between cause and effect 因果之间的关系 A be relative to B A与 B 有关241. over prep. adv. take over 接管 get over 克服 ove

19、r again 重新over and again 反复地 over=more than 超过 over dinner/a coffee 在期间242. knowledge n.1Knowledge is power. 2have a good knowledge of243. useless be to do / be doing sthHe knew it was to protest Its worrying about it.use n. 1) make use of 2 )be of great use to sb / be of no use to sb3) It is no use

20、 doing sth244. argue vi. 争辩,争论 n. argument 1) argue for /against 赞成/反对2) argue sb into/out of doing sth 说服某人做/不做某事3) argue with sb about sth 与某人争论某事245. drink-drank-drunk n.饮料 v. 喝drink to 为干杯 Lets drink to the friendship between us.drunk 喝醉的 drunken 喝醉了的246. partly adv 部分地, 在一定程度上 1)。The road is pa

21、rtly finished.2)。I didnt enjoy the trip very much , partly because of the weather.3)。He was only partly responsible for the accident.247. award n. 奖金,奖品 v. 授予,给予248. breath n. hold ones breath take a deep breath out of breath breathe v.249. waste n. 浪费,废物 vt. 浪费 waste time doing waste time on sthIt

22、is a waste of time/ energy/ money doing sth.250. participate v参加,参与 Participant 参与者 participation 参与She didnt participate in the discussion.251. busy adj. 忙的;忙碌的 be busy with sth. be busy doing 忙于做 busily adv252. pretend v. pretend to do253. upset a. 心烦的,苦恼的 Then the friend went away, and the writer

23、 was extremely upset to do sth: She was upset to hear that the holiday had been upset that clause: Her sister was very upset that her family had to move to upset about/over sth: My parents were in a huge argument, and I was really upset about it.254. adjust vt. 调整

24、,调节,适应 adjust your speed /the volume/ the cameraadjust to the dark/ the single life adjust yourself to the student life adjustment n. 调整,调节255. operate v. 操作,手术 operate a computer 操作电脑 operating system 操作系统operate on a patient 给病人手术 operating table 手术台operation n. 操作,手术 in operation 工作中The new rules

25、 will come into operation from next week. 开始工作,生效put sth. into operation/practice 实施256. soon adv. 马上; 很快; 不久 How soon will we be back?Please send it as soon as possible.the sooner the better; sooner or later; no soonerthan 257. panic n/v panicked panicking 1)。Theres no panic.2)。They were in a state

26、 of panic. 3)。Theres no point getting into panic about the exams .4)。I panicked when I saw smoke coming out of my house. 5)。The gunfire panicked my horse.258. beg 乞求,请求 begbeggedbeggedbegging beg sb. to do 请求、乞求某人做某事I beg your pardon. 对不起、请原谅 请再讲一遍259. narrow/narrowly adj./adv. 狭窄的,勉强的, v. 缩小 a narr

27、ow victory 险胜be beaten narrowly 差点儿,以毫厘之差 She has a very narrow view of the world. 狭隘的She escaped injury narrowly. 险些 in the narrow/broad sense 狭义/广义上260. need v./n. 需要 They badly need a change.There is no need for sb. to do/have no need to do 没有必要做There is no need for you to get up early tomorrow.I

28、 have no need to open the letter. in need of 需要if need be=if necessary 如果有必要/需要There is always food in the freezer if need be. I am in need of some fresh air.261. spare adj. 不用的 闲置的;备用的;空闲的 多余的We have a spare bedroom, if you like to stay.Take some spare clothes in case you get wet.a spare key / tyre

29、; in ones spare timev. 尽力 破费;抽出 匀出;饶命He spared no effort to make her happy. We can only spare one room for you.Surely you can spare me a few minutes. There is just a few minutes to spare.262. concert 音乐会;演奏会 go to a concert a live concert 现场演奏的音乐会263. fix v.修理,安装,确定,决定 Has the date of the meeting be

30、en fixed?The car cant startcan you fix it?All the students are listening to the teacher with their eyes fixed on the blackboard.This is a fixed phrase.264. hand v 传递n手,指针 have a hand in give/lend sb a handhand in /out/down from hand to handon the one handon the other hand265. persuade v.说服,劝说 persuade sb to sth=persuade sb into doing sthpersuade sb not to do sth=persuade sb out of doing使相信 I persuaded him of the truth.=I persuaded him tha

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