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1、bhzdyy1001试卷代号:1029中央广播电视大学20092010学年度第一学期“开放本科”期末考试变化中的英语 试题 2010年1月注 意 事 项 一、将你的学号、姓名及分校(工作站)名称填写在答题纸的规定栏内。考试结束后,把试卷和答题纸放在桌上。试卷和答题纸均不得带出考场。监考人收完考卷和答题纸后才可离开考场。 二、仔细读懂题目的说明,并按题目要求答题。答案一定要写在答题纸的指定位置上,写在试卷上的答案无效。三、用蓝、黑圆珠笔或钢笔答题,使用铅笔答题无效。Information for the examinees:This examination consists of 3 parts

2、. They are:Part : Knowledge Test (40 points)Part : Reading Test (40 points)Part : Writing Test (20 points)The total marks for this examination are 100 points. Time allowedfor completing this examination is 90 minutes.There will be no extra time to transfer answers to the Answer Sheet;therefore, you

3、should write ALL your answers on the Answer Sheetas you do each task.Part I Knowledge Test (40 points)Section ! Choose the best answer according to what you have learned in this course. (20 %) 1. The Tempest was first printed in 1623, and written by _ A. Mark Twain B. Samuel Johnson C. Shakespeare D

4、. Geoffrey Chaucer 2. Languages are like tools, A. as they develop, so they become powerful and effective B. they all evolve from simple to complex form C. they are both like living organisms D. but tools may evolve enormously, while languages do not 3. In the Kachru view, the local English A. shoul

5、d be corrected whenever possible B. is inferior to Standard English C. is clearly a failure of the education system D. should be taught, learned, and respected 4. Rasselas was written in the 18th century by _ A. Mark Twain B. Samuel Johnson C. Wordsworth D. Shakespeare 5. Information about English a

6、nd proficiency in English _ A. probably never reinforce each other B. are almost mutually exclusive C. are useful goals for beginners D. support each other at advanced levels6. About language change, the statement that is NOT true. A. change in language matches change in peoples lives B. language ch

7、ange is usually even and steady C. languages change over time D. new words enter the language to match new sorts of experience7. The opportunity cost of language learning refers to A. the amount of money that has to be invested in the opportunity B. the expenditure of valuable time that could be spe

8、nt on other things C. the lost opportunities you may face at work because you are studying D. the extra opportunities you will get if you become good at English8. By cultural imperialism of English it is meant A. the spread to other places of products and cultural ideas that are associated with Engl

9、ish B. the attempt by some countries to conquer other countries by way of culture C. some countries use military forces as well as culture to conquer other countries D. the attempt to take over other countries and force them to learn and speak English9. The dominance of English in science is A. the

10、result of US political supremacy and scientific achievements B. because English is much more suitable than other languages C. because it is the language of the United Nations D. because it is the language of the British Empire10. RP is considered a _ for second language learners. A. better form of w

11、riting B. model of pronunciation C. model dialectal pronunciationD. stylish model written formSection 2 True or FalseDecide the following statements to be True (T) or False (F) according to what you have learned from the course. (20%) 11. Macanese is a Creole. 12. Standard English changes more slowl

12、y than spoken English. 13. Almost everyone has a much larger productive than receptive knowledge of vocabulary. 14. Chinese belongs to the Sino-Japanese language family. 15. British English and American English are mutually intelligible. 16. An interlanguage is a language that is in the process of d

13、eveloping. 17. Spanish, French and Portuguese are descendents of Latin. 18. Style means choice of suitable words, and has to be consistent. 19. Language learning is a new thing that only started from the Second World War. 20. When a teacher is doing Prescriptive teaching, he usually teaches the four

14、 skills.Part II Reading Test (40 points)Passage i (Questions 21-25)Read the following passage, and decide whether the statements are T (True) or F (False).Write your answers against the numbers on your Answer Sheet. When students of English are advanced enough to read authentic texts, that is storie

15、s,articles, and even books, not written especially for them, but intended for a wideinternational readership, they are sometimes surprised to find how similar are the writtenmaterials produced in England, in America, in India, in Africa or in New Zealand. Such areader can often read many pages witho

16、ut being at all aware what part of the English-speaking world the writer comes from, or where the work was published. Until he looksinside the front cover he may be quite unsure whether the publisher is based inLondon orCape Town, New York or Singapore. As a rule there is a clue, sooner or later - p

17、erhaps the name of a plant or an animal found only in a few parts of the world. Or the reader may notice a word like faucet, orsidewalk, or vest - and know that these are American-English terms for what BritishEnglish calls tap, or pavement, or waistcoat. Written English, much more than thevarieties

18、 of spoken English, is standardized. It is not entirely the same throughout theEnglish-speaking world, but it is similar. The differences are quite superficial. For manypractical purposes they can be disregarded most of the time. Standard English (as thisstandardized written English is called) is an

19、 advantage to the international user. Once he orshe has a good reading knowledge, then printed English from all over the world on almostevery topic you can imagine is within reach. 21. Readers may feel that the author is obviously biased against British English. 22. It is clearly stated in the first

20、 paragraph that readers will find surprising similarity in written English in different parts of the English-speaking world. 23. The author mentions several English-speaking countries or regions in the first paragraph to exemplify wide use of Englishes. 24. In the authors opinion, there is invariabl

21、y something in a passage that betrays where it is written. 25. Readers may find the tone of the whole passage is impersonal.Passage 2 (Questions 26-30)Read the following conversation, and answer the questions after the passage.Professor What made you decide to be a teacher, Steven? Did you ever cons

22、ider a different career?Steven Oh yes. I seriously thought about journalism. And at one stage I wanted a medical career- I thought of training as a doctor. And then I thought - I know this sounds conceited - that I could do a better job as a teacher than the people did who taught me!Li Yan Were you

23、not happy at school Steven? I thought all English children enjoyed their school!Steven Well, you have to remember, Li Yan, that I was at school some time ago. Things are different now. When I was at school in the North of the country, where we lived, you took an exam when you were eleven, and that d

24、ecided the sort of school you went to.Li Yan How extraordinary!Steven Yes, well, things are different now. Anyway, I passed the exam and I went to a Grammar School. Grammar Schools were thought to be the best sort, and my parents were delighted. So was I - at first.Professor So you didnt enjoy being

25、 at your secondary school?Steven Not really. I was a country boy in a city school. They thought I spoke with a rough country accent. The other boys - city boys - teased me. The teachers made it quite clear that my way of speaking English wouldnt doII had to learn to speak with a Received Pronunciati

26、on - or something like it! There were some non-standard features in my grammar too - those had to go!Li Yan Ive often wondered if native speakers of English could switch from one regional variety to another.Steven Well, not easily, but I learned and I suppose I learned quite quickly, but I never rea

27、lly made up for those first miserable months. And in the evenings, you see, I went home, and I had to switch back again. I often made mistakes.Professor Of course you would. Surely everyone realized that?Steven Well no, they didnt My teachers thought I was just careless. The people at home thought I

28、 was getting conceited, and that I thought I was too good for them! It was much harder than learning French. I was doing that at the same time of course.Li Yan And how about home work?Steven That was all right. I got good grades from the start, Id been writing Standard English from the time that I b

29、egan to learn to read and write iii my Primary School. 26. Steven thinks saying that sounds conceited. A. being a teacher is better than a doctor B. being a doctor is better than a teacher C. he can be a better teacher than his teachers at the time D. he can be the best doctor in the country 27. The

30、 secondary school Steven went to was A. in the North of the country B. a Grammar School C. the best secondary school in the country D. a Public School 28. The aspect of Stevens pronunciation which the teacher clearly didnt like is_ A. the Received Pronunciation B. the non-standard grammar he used C.

31、 the regional accent in his speech D. the typical voice he spoke English 29. Steven became bi-dialectal because A. he spoke RP at school and his dialect at home B. he learned to speak correctly quite quickly C. he was thought to be conceited by his family D. he could speak both English and French 30. Steven got good grades at study because _ A. he was very intelligent B. he worked hard to get rid of his grammar mistakes C. he had learned to write Standard English since his primary school D. he started to learn English earlier than the other childrenPassage 3 (Questions 31-35)Read the follow

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