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1、广西桂林市高考英语一轮单项选择和阅读理解选练5广西桂林市2016高考英语一轮单项选择和阅读理解选练(5)1Mary is really good at taking notes in class.She can_almost every word her teacher says.Aput out Bput downCput away Dput together 答案Bput out意为“伸出,长出,熄灭,扑灭,出版”;put down意为“把放下,镇压,平息,写下,记下”;put away意为“把收起来放好”;put together意为“把放在一起,组合”。根据句意判断应选B项,句意:玛丽

2、真的擅长在课堂上记笔记,她几乎能记下老师说的每一个字。2We _ to paint the whole house but finished only the front part that day.Aset about Bset upCset out Dset down答案Cset about后接doing sth.,意为“着手做某事”;set up意为“建立”,不与to do连用;set out后接to do sth.,表示“着手做某事”;set down意为“写下,登记,放下”。句意:我们着手粉刷整个房子,但那天我们只粉刷完了房子前面的部分。故选C项。3Parents and child

3、ren should communicate more to _ the gap between them so that they can understand each other better.Aopen BnarrowCwiden Dleave答案B句意:为了缩小彼此间的差距,父母和子女应该更多地交流,从而更好地理解彼此。open打开,开始;narrow压缩,使变窄;widen放宽,加宽;leave离开,离去。4The athletes years of hard training _ when she finally won the Olympic gold medal.Awent

4、on Bgot throughCpaid off Dended up答案Cgo on“(时间)过去,灯亮,开始运行,继续,接着,进行,发生”;get through“完成,度过,(使人)明白,通过,接通(电话)”;pay off “还清(债),得到好结果,取得成功”;end up“结束,结尾,停止”。句意:当这位运动员获得了奥运金牌时,她多年的辛苦训练终于有了回报。由句意可知,C项符合题意。5You had better _ some time every day for sports so that you can keep yourself energetic.Aset aside Bta

5、ke upCput away Dgive out答案Aset aside意为“留出,拨出(时间、金钱等)”;take up意为“占据(时间、空间等),从事”;put away“把收起,放好”;give out意为“分发,用尽”。句意:为了能使自己精力充沛,你最好每天留出一段时间来运动。故选A项。6Two lawyers have donated $50,000 to_our schools campaign “Help the Needy”,which was started by our former headmaster three years ago.Asponsor BlaunchCo

6、rganize Dplan答案A句意:两位律师捐赠了五万美金赞助我们学校的“扶贫”活动,该活动是三前由我们的前任校长发起的。sponsor“赞助”;launch“发动,发射”;organize“组织”;plan“计划”。7Finally,my thanks go to my tutor,who has offered a lot of suggestions and comments on my paper and_ every page of my draft.Aapproved BquotedCpolished Dfolded答案C句意:最后,我要向我的导师表示感谢,他为我的论文提供了很多

7、建议和意见,并为我的草稿的每一页都进行了润色。approve“支持,赞同”;quote“引用,引述”;polish“修改,润色”;fold“折叠,对折”。8Walking alone in the dark,the boy whistled to_ his courage.Ahold up Bkeep upCset up Dtake up答案B句意:独自一个人走在黑暗中,男孩为给自己壮胆吹起了口哨。keep up ones courage 意为“鼓足勇气”。9 Im so glad youve come here to_ this matter in person.Alead to Bsee

8、toCturn to Drefer to答案B句意:我很高兴你来到这里亲自处理这个事件。lead to“导致,通往”;see to“处理,料理”;turn to“转向,求助,转行”;refer to“提及,查阅,参考”。10OK,Ive had enough of it.I give up.You cant _ your responsibilities.Arun off with Brun up againstCrun out of Drun away from答案Drun off with意为“带着逃走,与私奔”;run up against意为“意外地碰到,偶遇”;run out of意

9、为“用完,耗尽”;ran away from意为“从逃离,回避”。后半句句意:你不能逃脱你自己的责任。11Ive _ the habit of calling in on my grandparents on my way home from school.Acome into Bgone intoCgot into Drun into答案C句意:我已经养成了在放学回家的路上去看望爷爷奶奶的习惯。get into the habit of是固定搭配,意为“养成的习惯”。12We were all agreed that the cottage would _ a perfect holiday

10、 home for the family.Amake BturnCtake Dhave答案A句意:我们一致认为,那个小屋将会成为一家人度假的完美居所。make在此处意为“成为”。13 Rod loves _ clocks.However,he never manages to put them together again.Ataking apart Bgiving awayCmaking up Dturning off答案A句意:罗德喜欢将钟表拆开。然而,他从来不能将它们再次组装起来。take apart “拆开,拆卸”;give away“分发,赠送”; make up“构成,弥补,化装,

11、编造”;turn off“关闭”。根据句意A项正确。14He had to pause from time to time to wipe the sweat from his forehead,because the airconditioning system _.Abroke in Bbroke upCbroke out Dbroke down答案D句意:他不得不时而停下来擦擦额头上的汗,因为空调坏了。break in “插话”;break up “打碎,(学校)放假,解散”;break out “爆发,发生”;break down “出毛病,停止运转”。根据句意可知选D项。15Its

12、surprising that your brother_Russian so quicklyhe hasnt lived there very long.Apicked up Blooked upCput up Dmade up答案Apick up在此句中意为“无意中获得或学到”。句意:你哥哥学俄语如此之快让人感到惊讶他住在那儿也没有多长时间。look up“仰望,尊敬”;put up“建造,搭起”;make up“组成,构成,弥补”。【由山东省2014模拟改编】 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。Our body clock,or natural bod

13、y rhythm,influences our energy and alertnessPaying attention to it can help us choose the suitable time of day when we best perform specific tasksThe reality,however,is that most of us organize their time around work demands,school deadlines,commuting or social eventsDoing whatever your body feels l

14、ike doing is a luxury in todays fast-paced modem societyBut that doesnt mean it isnt worth tryingObeying our body clock has significant health benefitsDisrupting our natural body rhythm,on the other hand,has been linked to problems such as depression,obesity,or headache,says Steve Key,a biology prof

15、essorWhen the body clock can synchronize(使同步)the rhythms of its natural processes,it “gives us an advantage in daily life”,says KeyAccording to him,when it comes to cognitive(认知的)work,most adults perform best in the late morningAs our body temperature starts to rise just before awakening in the morn

16、ing and continues to increase until midday,our memory,alertness and concentration gradually improveHowever,he adds,our ability to concentrate typically starts to decrease soon thereafterMost of us are more easily distracted(分心)between noon and 4 pmAlertness also tends to fall after eating a meal and

17、 sleepiness tends to peak around 2 pm,making that a good time for a napSurprisingly, tiredness may increase our creative powersFor most adults,problems that require open ended thinking are often best dealt with in the evening when they are tired, according to a study in the journal Thinking & Reason

18、ingWhen choosing a time of day to exercise,paying attention to your body clock can improve resultsPhysical performance is usually best from about 3 to 6 pm,says Michael Smolensky,a professor of biomedical engineeringOf course, not everyones body clock is the same,making it even harder to synchronize

19、 natural rhythms with daily plans 1If we know our natural body rhythm well, we can Afind out the suitable time to do specific tasksBorganize our time around work demandsCdo whatever our body feels like doingDbe sure to be healthy2Which of the following is NOT true?AOur alertness is influenced by our

20、 natural body rhythmBDoing whatever your body feels like is very difficult in our modem societyCObeying our body clock is good for our healthDDisrupting our natural body rhythm can lead to obesity3According to Steve Key,which of the following is NOT true?AWhen our body clock synchronizes the rhythms

21、 of its natural processes,we can do betterBWhen it comes to cognitive(认知的)work,most people perform best in the late morningCAs body temperature rises before awakening in the morning,our concentration gradually improvesDWe concentrate better in the late morning than between noon and 4 pm4Inspiration(

22、灵感)to solve a difficult problem will most probably come to us Awhen we get up in the morningBwhen we are tired in the eveningCwhen we are full of energy in the late morningDwhen we are asleep at night5Which of the following can be the suitable title for the passage?AWhat is natural body rhythm?BNatu

23、ral body rhythm is good for usCSomething about natural body rhythmDThe latest research about natural body rhythm【参考答案】1-5 ADBBC 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。【2013嘉定区】As we have seen, the focus of medical care in our society has been shifting from curing disease to preventing diseaseespecially

24、in terms of changing our many unhealthy behavior, such as poor eating habits, smoking, and failure to exercise. The line of thought involved in this shift can be pursued further. Imagine a person who is about the right weight, but does not eat very nutritious foods, who feels OK but exercises only o

25、ccasionally, who goes to work every day, but is not an outstanding worker, who drinks a few beers at home most nights but does not drive while drunk, and who has no chest pains or abnormal blood counts(血细胞计数), but sleeps a lot and often feels tired. This person is not ill. He may not even be at risk

26、 for any particular disease. But we can imagine that this person could be a lot healthier.The field of medicine has not traditionally distinguished between someone who is merely “not ill” and someone who is in excellent health and pays attention to the bodys special needs. Both types have simply bee

27、n called “well.” In recent years, however, some health specialists have begun to apply the terms “well” and “wellness” only to those who are actively striving to maintain and improve their health. People who are well are concerned with nutrition and exercise, and they make a point of monitoring thei

28、r bodys condition. Most important, perhaps, people who are well take active responsibility for all matters related to their health. Even people who have a physical disease or handicap (缺陷) may be “well,” in this new sense, if they make an effort to maintain the best possible health they can in the f

29、ace of their physical limitations. “Wellness” may perhaps best be viewed not as a state that people can achieve, but as an ideal that people can strive for. People who are well are likely to be better able to resist disease and to fight disease when it strikes. And by focusing attention on healthy w

30、ays of living, the concept of wellness can have a beneficial impact on the ways in which people face the challenges of daily life. 72. Today medical care is placing more stress on _.A. keeping people in a healthy physical conditionB. monitoring patients body functionsC. removing peoples bad living h

31、abitsD. ensuring peoples psychological well-being73. In the first paragraph, people are reminded that _.A. good health is more than not being illB. drinking, even if not to excess, could be harmfulC. regular health checks are essential to keeping fitD. prevention is more difficult than cure74. Traditionally, a person

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