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1、牛津小学6B各单元知识点6B各单元知识点Unit 1 Who is younger?一、四会要求:1、单词:A.than 比 chat 闲谈、聊天 also也、还 so所以twin双胞胎之一(twins双胞胎),minute分钟(复数形式minutes),only 唯一的;仅有的,child 孩子(复数形式children)B.形容词和它们的比较级:tall高(taller),long长(longer),short矮、短(shorter),young年轻的、年纪小(younger),old年长、年老(older),fat胖(fatter),thin瘦(thinner),big大(bigger)

2、,small小(smaller),heavy重(heavier),light轻(lighter),strong强壮(stronger) C.动词和它们的过去式:meet-met,sit-sat2、词组:on Sunday morning在周日早晨have a chat闲谈、聊天, asas和一样,go for a walk去散步 (take a walk散步)meet 遇见want to meet her想要见见她very glad to see them很高兴看见他们sit down under a big tree坐在大树下(比较级) than 比更one year younger tha

3、n me比我小一岁twenty minutes youger than me比我小二十分钟one day 某一天look the same看起来一样,看起来很像the only child in your family你家里唯一的孩子3、句型:A.Who is (比较级) than 某某? I am/You are/ 某某is.例:Whos taller than David? Gao Shan is.B.Whose is (比较级),某某的 or 某某的? 某某的 is,I think.例:Whose school bag is heavier,yours or mine? Yours is

4、, I (原形) as 例:Im as tall as you. Are you as old asTom? Yes,I am. D.Su Yangs twenty minutes younger than Su Hai.He is one year younger than me.Youre the only child in your family.Do you have any brothers or sisters?二、三会要求:1、单词、词组:centimetre/ centimeter 厘米height身高weight体重goalkeeper守门员try ag

5、ain再试一次2、句型:Whats your height?你的身高是多少? Whats your weight?你的体重是多少? Ill be the goalkeeper.我将做守门员。三、语音:ir - /:/ bird girl shirt skirt T-shirt first third thirteen thirty birthday her hers turn Thursday nurse purse五、语法:形容词比较级: 1、as+原形+as2、表示二者比较时用比较级(特别是出现than时)3、比较级变化规则:a.单音节词末尾加-er,如tall-taller;b.单音节词

6、如果以-e结尾,只加-r,如brave-braver;nice-nicerc.闭音节词如果末尾只有一个辅音字母,需要双写这个字母,再加-er,如big-bigger;fatter;thinner;d.少数以-y结尾的词,如果-y前是辅音字母,则变y为i,再加-er,如heavy-heavier.4、不规则比较级变化:good/well-better,bad/ill-worse,little/few-less,far-farther-further等Unit 2 More exercise一、 四会要求1、 副词和它们的比较级:low(低)lower high(高)higher slow(慢)s

7、lower fast(快)faster late(晚)later early(早)earlier far(远)farther good/well(好)better2、 单词和词组:fish 鱼more (many,much,a lot of的比较级)更多的,更,更多do more exercise 做更多的锻炼do some exercise 做一些锻炼be good at 善于do well in 在方面学得好do better in 在方面做得更好want to do better 想要做得更好need help with 在方面需要帮助run faster than me 跑得比我快ru

8、n as fast as me 跑得和我一样快swim faster than me 游得比我快swim as fast as me 游得和我一样快jump very high 跳得很高jump higher than my brother 跳得比我的弟弟高jump as high as my brother 跳得和我的弟弟一样高get stronger 变得更强壮get up earlier 更早地起床some of the boys 一些男孩in my/your/his/her/our/their class 在我/你/他/她/我们/他们班every day/morning/afterno

9、on/evening 每天/每个早晨/下午/晚上a good football/basketball/volleyball/baseball player 一个出色的足球/篮球/排球/棒球运动员talk to (人) about (事) 和谈论(do/does not)know how (不)知道怎么办Whats the matter? 怎么了?jog to school 慢跑上学all of us/them 我们/他们所有人read better than all of us 比我们所有人读得好3、 句型:A. I run faster than Ben. 我比本跑得快。Mike runs

10、as fast as Ben. 迈克跑得和本一样快。I jump hiqher than Jim. 我跳得比杰姆高。Jim jumps lower than me. 杰姆跳得比我低。C Do/Does+主语+动词原形 ?Do the boys jump higher than the girls? Yes,they do./No, they dont.Does Jim swim slower than David? Yes,he does./ No,he doesnt.D. Do you need help with your homework?No,Im not doing well in

11、PE.你在你的家作方面需要帮助吗?不,我在体育方面学得不好。He wants to do better but does not know how.他想做得好点可不知道怎么办。She reads better than all of us.她读得比我们所有人都好。二、 三会要求1、 单词:player(球类)运动员 true真实的 ball game球类运动number编号,序数2、 词组:well done做得好 animal show动物表演 read the new words读新单词3、 句子:Thats true.那是真的。Youll get stronger and youll d

12、o better in PE.你将变得更强壮,在体育方面会做得更好。Ill get up earlier every day and do some exercise before I go to school.我将每天更早地起床,在上学之前做一些锻炼。I can jog to school in the morning and play ball games after school.我早上会慢跑上学,放学后玩一些球类运动。Please dont be late again.请不要再迟到了。Shall we start our lesson now?我们现在开始上课好吗?Let Helen

13、do it.让海伦做。Who would like to read the new words?谁想要读新单词?三、 语音or-/ :/or for fork forty before horse morning sports short order more airport accordion / :/ worker work word world / / doctor visitor mirror forget calculator四、 语法原级+as 例:Mike runs as fast as Ben.2.表示比较时用比较级 例:Ben runs faster than me

14、.3.副词比较级句型要考虑主语是不是第三人称单数:A 肯定句:主语是第三人称单数,行为动词用第三人称单数形式:Jim runs slower than Ben.主语不是第三人称单数,行为动词用原形:I jump higher than some of the boys.B 否定句:主语是第三人称单数,doesnt+动原: Nancy doesnt get up earlier than Helen.主语不是第三人称单数,dont+动原: You dont go to bed later than Jim.C 一般疑问句:Do+主语+动原。?Yes,do. /No,dont.Does+主语+动原

15、。?Yes,.does. /No,doesnt.4.副词比较等级形式的变化与形容词大致相同,但以后缀-ly结尾的副词一般用more。如:carefully more carefully Unit 3 Asking the way一、 四会要求:1、 单词:A. way路线get到达 along沿着 street街,街道 take乘坐,搭乘(交通工具) stop停车站 road 路,道路 crossing十字路口 left左,左边 right右,右边 bookshop 书店B.动词和它们的过去式:come-came tell-told run-ran take-took steal-stolev

16、2、 词组:ask the way 问路 the way to the 去的路go along this street 沿着这条街道走 take bus No. 5. 乘路公交车at a bus stop 在一个公交车站 on Zhongshan Road 在中山路上at the first/second/third/fourth/fifth/ crossing 在第一/二/三个十字路口get on 上车 get off 下车 turn left 向左转 turn right 向右转on (my/your/his) left/ right 在我的/你的/他的左边/右边 come from Au

17、stralia 来自澳大利亚 live in Nanjing 居住在南京want to visit the 想要参观 a post office 一个邮局how to get there 怎样去那里 get to the 到达3、 句型A.Excuse me , can you tell me the way to ,please ?例:Excuse me , can you tell me the way to the History Museum, please?打扰一下,你能告诉我去历史博物馆的路吗?B.Go along this street, and then turn at the

18、 crossing .例:Go along this street ,and then turn left at the second crossing.沿着这条街走,然后在第二个十字路口向左拐。C.The is on your 例:The museum is on your left. 博物馆在你的左边。.Thats all right. 没什么。不用谢。(Youre welcome./Not at all.). How can I get to the ? 例:How can I get to the shopping centre ?我怎么到达购物中心?.How many stops a

19、re there ?有几站?GHow far is it from here ?这里距离那有多远?Its about a kilometre away. 大约一千米远。(five hundred五百米)二、 三会要求:1、 单词:history历史 museum博物馆 miss没找到,错过 kilometre千米 No. (number 的缩写,用于数字前)号 steal偷(过去式stole) shout呼喊,喊叫 thief贼 hotel旅馆 place地方,地点 、词组:a shopping centre 一个购物中心 a middle school 一所中学a primary schoo

20、l一所小学 a train station一个火车站a history museum 一个历史博物馆 River Road 江河路a bus every five minutes 每五分钟一辆公交车run (ran) out of the shop 跑出商店 run (ran) faster than me 比我跑得快pick a card 挑一张卡片 steal my purse 偷我的钱包follow him along the street 沿着这条街跟着他stop the thief 拦住了小偷 Stop thief! 抓贼!get my purse back 拿回了钱包 Bank o

21、f China 中国银行 、句型To get there faster.更快到达那儿。Get the mouse on my blouse out of the house. 把女衬衫上的老鼠赶出房子。Can you help me ? 你能帮助我吗?Im looking for the post office. 我正在寻找邮局。Im at the hotel. 我在宾馆。The place is on my left. 这个地方在我的左边。三、 语音:ou-/ blouse house mouse mouth out our loudly trousers shout ground soun

22、dou-/ young touch cousinou-/ would shouldow-/ flower how town down cow now brownow-/ know yellow low slow row grow window pillow follow四、 知识介绍:问路:Can you show me the way to ? Can you tell me how to get to ? Can you tell me how I can get to ?How can I get there?How can I get to ?Wheres ? Which is the

23、 way to ? Is there a near here ?其他回答:Its over there./Its near the /Go down the street./Its on Road.Its in Street./You can take bus No.and get off at the stop./Go along Road,turn right/left at Road.The n go along Road.The place is on your right/left.路程问答法:How far is it from here?Its about metres/kilo

24、metres away.Its about minutes walk from here.Unit 4 Review and check词组:1.long jump/do the long jump跳远 2. high jump /do the high jump跳高3. 50-metre race 50米赛跑4. four metres 四米5. the boy in green 穿绿色衣服的男孩6. Class 2,Grade 6 六(2)班(grade年级/gret/)7. be good at running 擅长跑步8. be good at the long jump 擅长跳远9.

25、get on bus No.6 在6路公交车处上车10. near the Bank of China 在中国银行附近11. three kilometres away 三千米远句型:1. -Is Liu Tao as tall as Mike? -Yes,he is.刘涛和Mike一样高吗?是的。2.Who goes to school earlier,you or David?谁更早去上学,你还是David?Who goes to bed later,Helen or Mike?谁更晚睡觉,Helen还是Mike?Who is older,your uncle or your aunt?谁

26、年纪更大,你的叔叔还是你的阿姨?3.-Can I help you? 你想买点什么?-Yes ,Id like a skirt for my daughter.是的,我想要为我女儿买条裙子。4. -How about the red one? 红色的怎么样?-Its too big.Do you have some smaller ones?它太大了。你有更小些的吗?5.-How far can jump? -Four metres. -能跳多远?-四米。-Can jump farther than ? 能比跳得更远吗?-I think he can.Look,they are doing t

27、he long jump now. 我想他能。看他们现在正在跳远。6.-Are Helens pencils as long as Nancys? -Yes,they are. Helen的铅笔和Nancy的一样长吗? 是的。7.-Does the boy in red sing better than the boy in green?-No,he doesnt. 穿红色衣服的男孩比穿绿色衣服的的男孩唱得更好吗? 不。8.How far is the station from here? 车站离这里多远? -Its three kilometres away. 三千米远。 -How can

28、I get there? 我怎样到达那里? -You can take bus No. 6. 你可以乘6路公交车。9. You get on bus No.6 and get off at the first stop. 你在6路公交车处上车,在第一个站头下车。10.We hope to see you soon.Come and visit us.我们希望不久看见你。来看看我们。期中语音重点:(Unit 1Unit 5)ou-/ blouse house mouse mouth out our loudly trousers shout ground playground around so

29、undou-/ young touch cousin ou-/ would shouldow-/ flower how town down cow now brownow-/ know yellow low slow row grow window pillowor-/ :/or for fork forty before horse morning sports short order more airport accordion / :/ worker work word world / / doctor visitor mirror forget calculatorir - /:/ b

30、ird girl shirt skirt T-shirt first third thirteen thirty birthday her hers turn Thursday nurse purse*ea-/ e / sweater weather bread breakfast ready heavy / i:/ tea eat teacher teach peach jean seat season / great / / reallyee-/ i: / meet green bee see tree street goalkeeper*a-/ name take cake face place /cat fan can chat than glad (have)e-/ i:/ these he she zebra /e/pen left neck get best theni-/ kite like bike five wife child /sit lift in six childreno-/ those nose post most /D/not clock long stop strongu-/:/duty student excuse music museum /but cut up sun mother brotherUnit 5 T

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