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Unit 1 教学参考.docx

1、Unit 1 教学参考Visual-Oral English for Contemporary MedicineHealth Promotion 当代医学英语视听说教程Unit 1 Healthy LivingSection A Pre-audio-visual TasksTask 1 Glossary PreviewGet familiar with the words and expressions listed below, and then match the meaning description or synonym with a proper word or expression

2、 in the n. impact n.literature n. add up v.obesity n.numerous adj.association n.lead author n.body mass index waist-hip adj. ratio n. modification n. life expectancy cut short v.junk food diabetes n.stroke n. break down locale n. middle-income adj.Asian-American n.African-American n.b

3、attle v. disorder n. disability n. medication n. premature death reinforce v.kick v. primetime n.whopping shapeveg out sedentary adj.blood clot keep at baycardiovascular disease生活方式影响,冲击文献,著作,文学言之有理,加起来得到理想的结果肥胖,肥胖症许多的,数量庞大的联系,联想主要作者身体质量指数腰臀的比例,比率,系数改变,变形,变更,修正期望寿命,平均寿命剪短,截断,缩短垃圾食品,无营养食品糖尿病中风划分

4、,衰弱下来场所或地点中等收入的亚裔美国人非裔美国人与作斗争,与作战(身心) 失调,不适,病残疾,无能药物,药剂,药物治疗过早死亡加强戒除黄金时段不平常的,巨大的,庞大的处于良好状况打发时间久坐不活动的血凝块防止发生心血管病 1. inability to pursue an occupation because of physical or mental impairment2. the average number of years that a person or animal can expect to live3. an abnormal physical or mental cond

5、ition4. books, articles, etc., about a particular subject5. food that is of little nutritional value and often high in fat, sugar, and calories6. a serious illness caused when a blood vessel in your brain suddenly breaks or is blocked7. a substance used in treating disease or relieving pain; the act

6、 or process of treating a person or disease with medicine8. the place where something happens9. a connection or relationship between things or people; a feeling, memory, or thought that is connected to a person, place, or thing10. a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the e

7、xtent that it may have an adverse effect on health11. the way a person lives or a group of people live12. a change in something; the act or process of changing parts of something13. a powerful or major influence or effect; the act or force of one thing hitting another14. a measurement that shows the

8、 amount of fat in your body and that is based on your weight and height15. a variable disorder of carbohydrate metabolism usually characterized by inadequate secretion or utilization of insulin, by excessive urine production, by excessive amounts of sugar in the blood and urine, and by thirst, hunge

9、r, and loss of weightdisabilitylife expectancydisorderliterature junk food stroke medicationlocaleassociation obesity lifestyle modificationimpact body massindexdiabetesTask 2 Pair-work Discussion Ponder over the following questions and discuss briefly each of them with your deskmates.1. What does l

10、ifestyle refer to2. What is the relationship between lifestyle and health3. What are examples of an unhealthy lifestyle 4. What do you think of your own lifestyle5. What can you do to improve your lifestyle Section B Audio-visual TasksTask 3 Spot Dictation Listen to a passage three times and while l

11、istening, you are to put the missing word in each numbered blank according to what you hear. Lifestyle choices such as diet and exercise can have a big impact on health. The scientific (1) is full of studies about the effect of various lifestyle factors, but relatively few studies look at the combin

12、ed (2) of multiple factors, and almost all of them were done in Western countries.Now, a large new study of Chinese women (3) the benefits of the healthy lifestyle choices can really add up. The research considers factors such as obesity and exposure to second-hand smoke. (4) studies have worked the

13、 link between specific lifestyle factors such as exercise and diet, and risks of disease and death, but much less research has been done into the (5) of multiple unhealthy life style choices. Now a large study in women in Shanghai has found a strong (6) between a healthy lifestyle in general and a l

14、ower death rate, over an average of nine years.Dr. Wei Zheng of Vanderbilt University is the lead author of the new study, which also (7) researchers from the Shanghai Cancer Institute and Americas National Cancer Institute.In this study, some (8) Chinese women were each given a healthy lifestyle sc

15、ore based on body mass index, waist-hip (9) , exercise, diet, and whether her husband smoked. The women were non-smokers and did not drink alcohol (10) .Zheng says the research suggests that a longer and healthier life is not (11) by just a better diet or more exercise or other single lifestyle fact

16、or alone.So the message from this study is that we need to encourage general (12) of multiple lifestyle factors for disease prevention.Task 4 Note-taking Listen to a passage “Life Expectancy and Lifestyle Choices” twice. While listening, you are to take notes according to the cues given below.1. Lif

17、e expectancy in wealthy nations increased in the 20th century:2. Examples of bad habits:3. Bad habits increase the risk for:4. What researchers wanted to find out: 5. The purpose of programs planned by public health officials:Task 5 Sentence Dictation Listen to each sentence, repeat it aloud, listen

18、 to it again, and then write down the whole sentence on the space provided. You will listen to each sentence for a third time to have a check.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Task 6 Recognizing Details Watch a video clip “Women and Smoking” twice and decide whether each of the statements below is TRUE (T) or FALSE (F

19、)._T_F_F_F_T_T_F_1. Garcia has been a smoker since the age 15.2. Since the age 15 Garcia joined a program to try to quit her smoking habit.3. She kept saying she was really ready for quitting smoking.4. The study in Britain followed one million women now in their 60s and 70s for 22 years.5. The nude

20、 of the study is not all bad. 6. The research finds that if a woman quits by age 50, her extra risk drops by 66%. 7. Garcias main reason for trying to quit smoking is her heart disease. Task 7 Overall Comprehension Watch a video clip “Daily Dangers” twice and choose the best answer to each of the qu

21、estions below.1. A new study found that watching one hour of television _.A) makes you become overweightB) has the different effect for everyoneC) matters little if you are in great shapeD) means increased risk for dying of cancer2. According to the American Heart Association, _. A) watching TV an h

22、our a day is bad for healthB) watching TV can have a dramatic effectC) it is fortunate to veg out in front of the TVD) it is a waste of time just watching television3. According to Dr. Vogman, sedentary behavior _. A) will not hurt us in a short period of timeB) is not harmful if we are not overweig

23、htC) still hurts us even if we have healthy dietsD) is very harmful if you have blood clots4. Sitting too long may impair all of the following EXCEPT _.A) heart disease B) white blood cellsC) our immune system D) our muscles 5. If you watch TV more than four hours a day, youll have _. A) a 46 percen

24、t increased risk of dying cardiovascular diseaseB) at least a 46 percent higher risk of death from all causesC) at least an 80 percent higher risk for blood clotsD) a 46 percent higher risk of dying heart diseaseKey to Task 7Section C Follow-up Oral TasksTask 8 Listening & Interpretation Listen to t

25、he five sentences twice and interpret each into Chinese.1. Lifestyle choices such as diet and exercise can have a big impact on health. 2. But much less research has been done into the effect of multiple unhealthy life style choices. 3. Now, a large new study of Chinese women indicates the benefits

26、of the healthy lifestyle choices can really add up. 4. Now a large study in women in Shanghai has found a strong association between a healthy lifestyle in general and a lower death rate, over an average of nine years.5. The research suggests that a longer and healthier life is not achieved by just

27、a better diet or more exercise or other single lifestyle factor alone. 诸如饮食和运动的生活方式选择,可以对健康产生重大影响。但对多种不健康生活方式选择的作用的研究更少。现在,一项大的对中国妇女新的研究表明,选择健康的生活方式确实有增寿的益处。现在,一项对上海妇女的大的研究发现,一般的健康生活方式与死亡率低之间有很强关联,平均超过九年。研究表明,更长和更健康的生活不只是更好的饮食或更多运动或其他单一的生活方式因素的结果。Task 9 Dialogue & Conversation Make dialogues and con

28、versations, using the Chinese below as cues.A: 你对生活方式与健康的关系怎么看B: 这两者的关系很密切。健康的生活方式会增进健康,不良的生活方式有损健康。A: 很多人没有意识到不良的生活方式是影响健康的重大危险因素。B: 情况确实如此。据你观察, 你周围的人群中有哪些不健康的生活方式选择A: 有不少,如过量饮食、吃垃圾食品、吸烟、酗酒、缺睡眠、少运动,等等。B: 这些不健康的生活方式选择与哪些健康问题相联系A: 许多新的研究表明,生活方式不健康的人群有更高的肥胖症、中风、糖尿病和过早死亡的风险。当然,风险还不止这些。B: 你所说的使我想起一句话很有

29、道理:你的健康是你选择的结果。A: 有健康才有高的生活质量,才有快乐的人生。B: 我很同意你的看法。健康不是天生的,健康不仅是意识,更是主动行动的结果。What do you think of the relationship between lifestyle and healthWell, there is a close relationship between them. A healthy lifestyle can contribute to good health while an unhealthy lifestyle can have a bad impact on heal

30、th.Quite many people are not aware that an unhealthy lifestyle is a major risk factor for health.It is indeed the case. What, by your observation, are unhealthy lifestyle choices among people you know Quite a few, such as eating too much, eating junk food, smoking cigarettes, excessive alcohol drink

31、ing, shortage of sleep, lack of physical activity, etc. What health problems are these unhealthy lifestyle choices connected with A lot of recent researches suggest that people with unhealthy lifestyles have greater risks for obesity, stroke, diabetes and premature death. Of course, there are many more other risks.What you have said makes sense. It reminds me of a saying t

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