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1、五年级英语导学案 小学五年级上册英语导学案 Module 1 London 第一课时 课题: Unit 1 When did you come back? 主备人:杨淑霞一学习目标: 1.单词:when back those ice cream with finish hurry up wait drop (2个过去式 came dropped)2.句型:When did you come back?We came back last Sunday.I dropped my ice cream.二重难点:教学重点: home ice cream ran-run met-meet back fr

2、om China last Sunday教学难点:When did you come back?We came back last Sunday.I dropped my ice cream.三预习导引(自主学习) 给出动词的过去式: go do come look 四交流合作,探究学习 1. 讨论解决自主学习中遇到的问题:学习短语:come back last Sunday live in look at go home wait for drop my ice cream hurry up 2. 听录音,读对话,回答问题: Where are Sam and Amy?When did th

3、ey come back?Where does John live?What happened to lingling?3. 解释难点:came droppedWhen did you come back?We came back last Sunday.I dropped my ice cream.4. 让学生分组练习分角色朗读对话,并表演。五:课堂检测:1.请根据括号中的汉语提示写单词。_ (什么时候) _ (吃完)_ (赶紧,匆忙)_ (等待)_ (掉下,落下) _ (和一起)2把句子补充完整1) (什么时候)did you come (回来)?2) (吃完) your (冰激凌)3)

4、(快点) ,Lingling.4) (等待)for us!3做练习题:请把下列所给的单词组成句子。1)you did when come back2)going now home we are3) last we back came Sunday六.作业: 1. 抄写并听写本课所学短语。 2. 预习Unit 2. 小学五年级上册英语导学案 Module 1 London第二课时 课题:Unit 2 Did they buy ice creams? 主备人:杨淑霞一学习目标:1.Did you.? Yes, I did.No, I didnt.2.AB Unit2 练习4,5二重难点:1.谈论过

5、去发生的事情或活动。2.使运动词的过去式,描述已经发生的事情.三预习导引:给出动词的过去式: go do come drop 四交流合作,探究学习1. 看课文,找出下列动词的过去式:go meet buy run drop2. 认真阅读对话,回答下列问题: Where did Sam and Amy go yesterday? What did they buy? What did Lingling drop when she ran to the bus?3.领读对话,解释难点, 让学生分角色朗读对话。4.用Yes / No回答下列句型: Did you?Did they?Did Lingl

6、ing?Did Sam?五课堂检测:1.写出下列单词的过去式。1.go_2.do_3.meet_4.buy_5.run_ 6.drop_ e_8.see _9.have_ 10.watch_2.选择填空( )1._ did you come back? I_ back last Sunday.A. When,come B.Where,cameC.When,came( )2.I_ my ice cream just nw.A.drop B.dropped C.droped( )3.Whereyou _ go last Sunday?A.are B. do C.did( )4.I_ to the

7、park yesterday.A.go B.went C.going( )5.Then we went home _ bus.A.on C.by3.用所给词的恰当形式补全句子。1) I (meet) her yesterday.2)We (buy) some ice creams yesterday.3) (do) they go home by bike yesterday?3.根据课文内容填写所缺的单词。 Yesterday I to the park. Sam and Amy. We John in the .We ice creams. But I my ice cream.

8、 六作业: 1.听写单词。2. 背诵对话。3. 做调查,问问题:Did you watch TV /do your homework/go to the parkyesterday?. 小学五年级英语上册导学案 Module 2 Shopping第一课时 课题:Unit 1 How many do you want? 主备人:杨淑霞一学习目标:1.能够听、说、读、写,本单元的单词和基本句型。2 能听懂会说How many do you want ? Do you like? 等问句,及其回答。二重难点:1 准确理解对话中的语句。掌握四会单词和基本句型的书写。2能用How many do you

9、 want ?句型进行提问并能听懂他人的回答。 三预习导引(自主学习) 预习 go to the supermarket picnic shopping list how much cheese one kilo of noodles 的意思是什么?四交流合作,探究学习1. 老师出示一些卡片,教学生单词及短语。2. 介绍How many do you want ?句型及单词cheese.3. 让学生试着用How many do you want ?说一些句子。4. 听录音读对话,回答问题: What do they need?How many bananas do they want?How

10、much cheese do they want?5.自主探讨how many和how much的区别并造句。五课堂检测:1. 表演购物短剧。先问学生购物前应该准备什么(a shopping list)?购物时怎样问价(How much is this coat/shirt?)怎样问要多少(How many do you want?)学生两至三人一组自定角色练习。教师可布置出一个商店的环境供学生表演使用。2使用How many/How much do you want? 各写两句话。3我是小小翻译家。1)Can you read the shopping list to me ,please?

11、2) The first thing is bananas.3) How much cheese do you want?六作业: 1. 抄写并听写单词和短语。 2. 预习Unit 2 的课文。 小学五年级英语上册导学案 Module 2 Shopping第二课时 课题:Unit 2 How munch milk do you want ? 主备人:杨淑霞一.学习目标:1.能听、说、读、写本单元的单词和句型。2.能听懂会说How much do you want ? 及其回答,并用Look、ask and answer 中的替换词进行练习。二.重难点:1熟练掌握本单元的单词和主要句型。2能区分

12、“How many”与“How much”的区别及用法。 三.预习导引(自主学习)选择“How many”与“How much”填空:1 eggs do you want?2 cheese do you want?3 apples do you want?4 milk d oyou want?四交流合作,探究学习 1. 让学生看课本 (I) ,讨论:What are we going to take on our picnic? 2. 让学生自读课本(II) 中的句子,看图编对话,叫一些学生问与答。五课堂检测:1. 根据句意填写出下面的单词(10分):1).Did they ( 遇见 ) Jo

13、hn ?2)We ( 需要 ) food for our picnic .3).Can you read ( 购物单 ) to me ?4) ( 多少果汁 ) do you want ?5)We want five ( 瓶 ) of milk , please .6)We visited ( 大本钟 ) and ( 伦敦眼 ) 7)He walked for one ( 小时 ) 8)They want six ( 盒 ) of milk andtwo ( 公斤 ) of eggs.2. 选择恰当的内容填空:1) (How many,How much)juice do you want?2)

14、How much (juice, boxes) do we need?3) There are (many, much) ships in the picture.3.选择适当的短语将句子补充完整,并把正确的短语写在题中横线内,注意大小写(12分) in Bhow many Chow manyDat the weekend E. what about1) cheese do you want ?2) bananas do you want ?3) bottles of milk do you want ?4)What did you do ?5) juice ? All righ

15、t .6)Do you London ?六.作业:1.完成Activity Book。2.背诵书本一题。 小学五年级上册英语导学案 Module 3 At the weekend 第一课时 课题:Unit 1 We visited lots of places. 主备人:杨淑霞学习目标:1.Function: Describe actions in the past.2.Language: Where/How/When/What did?3.Vocabulary: hour mountain 二重难点:重点:1Language: Where/How/When/What did?2Vocabul

16、ary: wheel postcard wonderful the British Museum the London Eye难点:Describe actions in the past.三预习导引(自主学习)1让学生回忆周一至周日、周末怎么说。问学生What do you usually do at the weekend?让学生平时周末所做的活动罗列出来,然后将自己的周末活动与他人的周末活动做一下交流。在交流时可采取小组表格统计的方式呈现个大家。2给出下列动词的过去式do visit go send like 四交流合作,探究学习 1. 讨论解决自主学习中遇到的问题:学习短语:at th

17、e weekend lots of the British Museum Big Ben the London Eye like best 2. 听录音,读对话,回答问题: What did Amy do at the weekend?Where did they go?What did they visit?Whats the London Eye?3. 解释难点:wheel wonderful understand postcard And we visited Big Ben and the London Eye.But she liked the bus ride best.4. 让学

18、生分组练习分角色朗读对话,并表演。五:课堂检测:1.请你根据汉语写单词补充句子。1)The London Eye is a big .(轮,轮状物)2)I cant (明白,理解).3)We sent you a (明信片).2.选择填空1)What did you do the weekend? A. at B. in2)We visited places. A. lot of B.lots of3)I like pears . A.good B. best3写出下列句子的汉语意思。1.What did you do at the weekend?2.We visited lots of p

19、laces.3.We visited Big Ben and the London Eye.4.But she liked the bus ride best.六.作业: 1. 抄写本课单词和短语。 2. 预习Unit 2. 小学五年级上册英语导学案 Module 3 At the weekend第二课时 课题:Unit 2 What did Daming do? 主备人:杨淑霞一学习目标:1. Key words: hour, mountain, took (photos)2. Key structures: When/ How did go? What did do?Function Ta

20、rgets:3. Students are able to talk about their trips with the past verbs.4. Students are able to make questions with “when, how, what”.二重难点:1. Key words: hour, mountain, took (photos)2. Key structures: When/ How did go? What did do?Function Targets:3. Students are able to talk about their trips with

21、 the past verbs.三预习导引:1开心词汇:our(同音词) hill(同意词) picture(同意词) bye (同音词) for(同音词) old (反义词) short(反义词) 2提问回顾Unit 1 中的对话:What did Amy do at the weekend?Where did they go?What did they visit?Whats the London Eye?四交流合作,探究学习1. 看课文,找出下列动词的过去式:go walk are take 2. 认真阅读对话,回答下列问题:What s the Great Wall like?When

22、 did they go there?How did they go to Badaling?What did Daming do?3.领读对话,解释难点, 让学生分角色朗读对话。五课堂检测:1.Read and write.1)Yesterday I_ (go) to a small school by bike.2)Last summer I _ (visit) the Great Wall.3)Yesterday evening we _ (send) Tom to the hospital.4)Sams father_ (like) smoking two years ago.5)We

23、 _ (walk) in the park last Sunday.6)Amy_(take) photos of his father.2.Unscramble the sentences.1)didnt/it/the children/Mr Smart/liked/but2)excited/the children/very/were3)the/London Eye/went to/at the weekend/Amy,Lingling and Ms Smart4)music/I/last Sunday/evening/listened to/at home5)morning/read/in

24、 the park/Sally/yesterday/a book3Read and write. My memo of last weekends I_(play) football. I_ (not play) basketball on Saterday. I_ (read) books and _(swim) on Sunday. I was very happy.六作业: 1.Recite the dialogue.2. Tell your friends what you have enjoyed during your trip. 小学五年级上册英语导学案 Module 4 Pos

25、session 第一课时 课题:Unit 1 Its mine! 主备人:杨淑霞一学习目标:1.学习新词mine, yours, argue, matter, wear, hers, clean.2.学习Its mine/yours /his /her /LingLings.语句说明物品的归属关系,说明物品所属.二重难点:能口头运用Its mine/yours/his/hers/Linglings,说明物品归属关系。三预习导引(自主学习)1.Revise words related to clothes: trousers /shirts /shoes / skirt/ sweater2、Fi

26、ll in the blanks.Its _ (我的) bookIts _(你的)shirtIts _(他的) blouse Its _(她的)cap.Theyre _ (他们的) T-shirts.四交流合作,探究学习 1. 讨论解决自主学习中遇到的问题:It isnt yours. Its mine. Dont argue. took washed 2. 听录音,读对话,回答问题: Whats the matter?Where is Sams T-shirt?3. 解释难点: took washed4. 让学生分组练习分角色朗读对话,并表演。五:课堂检测:1.根据汉语写出单词,补充句子。1

27、)These photos are _ (你们的).2)This shirt is _ (她的),its _ (干净的).3)That is _ (他的) bike.2请你选择恰当的词填空。1)_ am a worker, _ name is Jack,that cap is _ .(I me my mine)2)The red bike is_,the blue one is her_ .(Lingling,Linglings brother,brothers)3)_ book is this? (who,whos whose)3.用所给的词选择填空。(mine ,yours,his,her

28、s,theirs,ours)1.This is my CD. Its _.2.That is her parrot. _.3.This is Sams toothbrush. _.4.This is his car. _.5.Those are our towels.Theyre_.六.作业: 1. 抄写并听写本课所学单词和短语。 2. 预习Unit 2中的单词和对话。 小学五年级上册英语导学案 Module 2 Possession第二课时 课题:Unit 2 This bag is hers. 主备人:杨淑霞一学习目标:正确运用Whose bag is this? Its Lingling

29、s 等语句。让学生逐渐熟悉发音规律。二重难点:难点:了解my与mine, you与yours, her与hers的区别用法。重点:口头正确运用Whose bag is this? Its Linglings 等语句。三预习导引:读一读,填一填。1.This dress is Amys.Its_.2.That cat is Tommys. Its_.3.This is my football. Its_.4.These are our birds.Theyre _.四交流合作,探究学习1. 看课文,找出下列词:Linglings hers his mine Jimmys2. 认真阅读对话,回答下列问题: Whose bag /T-shirt/sweater/capis this?3.领读对话,解释难点, 让学生分角色朗读对话。五课堂检测:1.补全下列

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