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1、常用中国菜名英文翻译常用中国菜名英文翻译cuisine 烹饪,菜系早餐饭类面类烧饼 clay oven rolls油条 fried bread stick水饺 boiled dumplings蒸饺 steamed dumplings馒头 steamed buns皮蛋 100-year egg咸鸭蛋 salted duck egg豆浆 soybean milk稀饭 rice porridge白饭 plain white rice糯米饭 glutinous rice卤肉饭 braised pork rice蛋炒饭 fried rice with egg地瓜粥 sweet potato congee

2、甜点 糖葫芦 tomatoes on sticks长寿桃 longevity peaches芝麻球 glutinous rice sesameballs麻花 hemp flowers馄饨面 wonton & noodles刀削面 sliced noodles麻辣面 spicy hot noodles麻酱面 sesame paste noodles乌龙面 seafood noodles榨菜肉丝面 pork , pickled mustard green noodles米粉 rice noodles汤类点心素食家常菜鱼丸汤 fish ball soup贡丸汤 meat ball soup蛋花汤 e

3、gg & vegetable soup蛤蜊汤 clams soup紫菜汤 seaweed soup酸辣汤 sweet & sour soup馄饨汤 wonton soup果汁甘蔗汁 sugar cane juice酸梅汁 plum juice杨桃汁 star fruit juice青草茶 herb juice冰类绵绵冰 mein mein ice地瓜冰 sweet potato ice红豆牛奶冰 red bean with milk ice八宝冰 eight treasures ice豆花 tofu pudding其它:当归鸭 angelica duck 臭豆腐 stinky tofu油豆腐

4、oily bean curd麻辣豆腐 spicy hot bean curd虾片 prawn cracker虾球 shrimp balls春卷 spring rolls鸡卷 chicken roll碗糕 salty rice pudding筒仔米糕 rice tube pudding红豆糕 red bean cake绿豆糕 bean paste cake糯米糕 glutinous rice cakes萝卜糕 fried white radish patty芋头糕 taro cake肉圆 taiwanese meatballs水晶饺 pyramid dumplings甜甜圈sweet ring牛

5、肉馅饼beef puff马拉糕malar cake椰子塔coconut tarts蛋黄酥egg yolk shortcake咖哩饺curry agnolotti杏仁豆腐almond jelly虾仁烧卖fresh shrimp shao-mai江米藕lotus root with glutionus rice葱油饼spring onion pancake马蹄凉糕water chestnut cakes肉圆meat balls芝麻球sesame ball芝麻糊black sesame seed paste花生奶露peanut milk番薯凉糕yam custard鲜奶冻fruit pudding水

6、果麦片糊oatmeal paste with fruit鲜奶米花糖rice cake in milk核桃酪walnut soup八宝粥eight treasure congee杯子小蛋糕cup cakes酥皮鲜奶冻deep-fried milk custard香蕉松饼banana pancakes豆浆冻soybean milk custard酒酿鲜果露fruit-topped custard小饼干small cookies小碗粿steam rice cakes咸蛋糕pork and egg layer cake鸡茸玉米汤chicken and corn soup炸薯球deep-fried po

7、tato balls南瓜煎饼pumpkin pancake玉米煎饼corn pancake奶油煎土司french toast鲜果巧克力chocolate fruit balls肉丸 rice-meat dumplings豆干 dried tofu生菜虾松 minced shrimp with lettuces炒箭笋fried small bamboo shoots冬菇菜心 black mushroom and pickle sour kale什锦藕片 lotus roots assorted vegetables咕咾肉 coo-lao meat糖醋鱼片 sweet vinegar fish f

8、illet粉蒸肉 steam meat红烧肉 simmer meat红绕豆腐 simmer to-fu炸明虾 fry king prawn罗汉斋 vegetarian meal for buddhism什锦锅 combination soup香酥豆腐 deep-fried to-fu咖哩洋菇 curry mushroom金菇芥菜 golden mushroom with mustard plant双菇烩虾仁 fry mushroom with shrimp酥炸芋球 deep-fried taro ball鱼香茄子 fry eggplant蚂蚁上树 bean threads with veget

9、ables豉汁蚝油鸡 braised chicken with fermented and seasoned soy beans and oyster sauce翡翠虾球 fried shrimp balls with jade -color vegetable五彩炒蛋 scrambled egg in five colors香葱煎鱼 fried fish with green onion蚝油扒双菇 mushrooms with oyster sauce三鲜汤pork-seafood soup家常豆腐bean curd with vegetable芋头排骨汤rib soup with taro

10、菠萝排骨rib with pineapple蒜泥虾shrimp with chapped garlic干贝芥菜scallop with mustard plant冬瓜淡菜汤soup of dried mussel with white gourd洋葱辣酱鱼white meat fish in hot onion sauce菜心炒肉丝sliced pork and green vegetable stem蒜苗腊肉fried salty & dried meat with scallion镶豆腐braised bean curd with ground pork海带结排骨汤hog rib and

11、seaweed knot soup葱爆牛肉fried beef with green onion南瓜三丁fried pumpkin with pork and cucumber西芹鱿鱼fried cuttlefish with western celery蕃茄豆芽汤tomato and bean sprout soup酸甜排骨sweet and sour ribs雪菜豆干丁fried winter vegetable with dried bean curd cubes紫菜冬瓜虾米汤laver, white gourd and dried shrimp soup腰果鸡丁fried chicke

12、n cubes with cashew nut莲耦清鸡汤rhizome of lotus and chicken soup韭黄肝片fried hog liver with chives菠萝冻鸡pineapple and chicken jelly苦瓜排骨鱼丸汤bitter gourd, hog rib and fish ball soup时蔬炒带子fried current vegetable and seafood清炖牛肉汤stewed beef soup磨菇烩猪排braised pork steak with mushrooms螃蟹粉丝煲braised crab and chinese v

13、ermicelli冰糖小蹄膀small hog hoof with crystal sugar酿黄瓜braised cucumber with pork filling酸菜肉片汤pickled cabbage and pork soup凉拌鸭掌duck palm salad红烧海带结braised seaweed knots海鲜炒蛋fried seafood with egg萝卜红烧肉braised pork with turnip虾丸汤shelled shrimp soup蜜汁火腿 honey ham橙汁排骨orange spareribs炒腰花stir fried kidneys五香蹄花f

14、ive spice trotter节节高braised dried bamboo shoots with belly porks谦记牛肉braised brisker with star anise沙茶牛肉barbecued sauce beef袈娑肉monks robe它似蜜its like honey子姜牛肉stir fried beef with young ginger宫保鸡丁kung-pao chicken神仙鸭 fairy duck咖哩鸡curry chicken辣子鸡chicken with szechwan pepper汽锅鸡air-pot chicken文昌嫩鱼braised

15、 fish boon-bhang style红烧划水braised fish tail in brown sauce杏仁鱼排almond fish葱烧鲫鱼braised silver carp with spring onion龙井虾仁stir fried prawn with longjin tea罗汉虾lohan prawn四味明虾片four flavoured prawn干煎大虾pan fried large prawns芙蓉虾仁fu-yung shrimp清蒸蟹steamed crab味噌海鲜锅miso seafood pot五柳花枝five coloured cuttlefish排骨

16、菜饭pork ribs and vegetable rice海南鸡饭hainanese chicken rice菠萝饭pineapple rice地瓜粥sweet potato congee香芋粥taro congee咖哩鸡饭curry chicken rice过桥米线cross bridge rice noodles肉酱面minced meat noodles川味牛肉面szechwan beef noodles竹叶包bamboo leaves bun凉拌干丝bean curd strips salad凉拌海带丝seaweed salad素虾仁mock shrimp in tomato sau

17、ce茄汁芋丸taro ball in tomato sauce五味茄子five flavoured eggplant香芋肉末minced pork with taro苹果鸡丁stir fried apple with chicken cubes麒麟豆腐kirin bean curd琵琶豆腐pe-par bean curd黑白豆腐black and white bean curd砂锅豆腐bean curd in clay pot蟹黄豆腐bean curd with crab roe脆皮豆腐crispy bean curd客家镶豆腐hakka style stuffed bean curd薏仁排骨

18、汤ribs with pearl barley玉米丸子corn balls蒸肉饼steamed ground pork清蒸鳕鱼steamed cod银鱼白菜stir-fried cabbage and silverfish鲑鱼海苔卷salmon rolls蛋豆腐烩虾shrimp-topped tofu芋头肉末taro with ground pork水晶虾冻crystal shrimp jelly酿西红柿stuffed tomatoes西红柿牛肉汤beef and tomato soup鲜菇鸡腿chicken leg with shiitake mushrooms软煎鱼排fish steak奶

19、油蘑菇汤sauted mushroom soup味噌汤miso soup肉酱茄子pork with eggplant海苔松子roasted seaweed with pine nuts玉米虾仁corn with shrimp香煎肉鱼fried fish罗宋汤chinese-style beef vegetable soup冬瓜酿肉stuffed winter melon核桃鸡丁chicken with walnuts脆皮鲜鱿crisp squid鲜奶南瓜汤pumpkin milk soup黄豆排骨汤rib and soybean soup芋泥肉卷taro and pork rolls酥炸肉排b

20、readed fried pork烤鸡翅roast chicken wings南瓜饭pumpkin rice红豆饭red bean rice鲔鱼土司tuna fish sandwich蘑菇肉酱面mushroom and pork noodles鲜虾馄饨shrimp wonton soup三鲜元宝seafood dumplings鱼丸汤 fish ball soup 贡丸汤 meat ball soup 蛋花汤 egg & vegetable soup 蛤蜊汤 clams soup 牡犡汤 oyster soup 紫菜汤 seaweed soup 酸辣汤 sweet & sour soup 馄饨

21、汤 wonton soup 肉羹汤 pork thick soup 蛋炒饭 fried rice with egg 烹饪方法:steam 蒸 poach水煮 boil 煮 toast 烤(面包)grill烤、的煎 roast(duck)烘烤、红烧、(烤鸭)braise 油炸过用温火炖 pure 煮成浓汤 broil 烧、烤 season 加调味料 panbroil用浅锅烧烤 seasoning 调味料 fry 炸、炒 dressing 沙拉酱 bake 烤 gravy 肉 saute 用温火慢炒 appetizer 饭前菜、小菜 stew 炖、焖、红烧 entree主菜 simmer慢炖、煨

22、snack 点心、小点 stir fry 快炒、大火炒 marinate 腌、用卤泡,卤 smoke 熏 调味料ginger 生姜tomato 番茄eggplant 茄子potato, spud 马铃薯garlic 大蒜 white fungus 白木耳agaric 木耳garlic bulb 蒜头 green onion 葱 scallion, leek 青葱wheat gluten 面筋seasoning 调味品miso 味噌sugar 糖caviar 鱼子酱 barbeque sauce 沙茶酱tomato ketchup, tomato sauce 番茄酱 salt 盐monosodium glutamate, gourmet powder 味精lard 猪油 mustard 芥茉vinegar 醋sweet 甜sour 酸bitter 苦peanut oil 花生油soy sauce 酱油 green pepper青椒paprika 红椒star anise八角cinnamon肉挂curry 咖喱lotus root 莲藕maltose 麦芽 dried mushroom 冬菇 onion洋葱

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