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天才理论传生活大爆炸S01E01 中英文对白.docx

1、天才理论传生活大爆炸S01E01 中英文对白天才理论传第一季 第1集将光子正对平面上的双缝观察任意一个隙缝 它不会穿过那两个隙缝So if a photon is directed to a plane with two slits in it and either slit is observed,it will not go through both slits. 如果没被观察 那就会If its unobserved, it will.总之 如果观察它在离开平面到击中目标之前 它就不会穿过那两个隙缝However,if its observed after its left the pl

2、ane but before it hits its target,it will not have gone though both slits. 没错 但你为什么要说这个?Agreed. Whats your point? 没什么 我只是觉得这个主意可以用于设计T恤衫Theres no point. I just think its a good idea for a t-shirt.请问Excuse me. 等等Hang on.横1是Aegean (爱情海)Uh,one across is aegean. 竖8是Nabokov (小说洛丽塔的作者)横26是MCMEight down is

3、 nabokov. 26 across is mcm. 竖14是.手指挪开点14 down is. move your finger.Phylum (生物门类) 这样一来横14就是Port-au-Prince (太子港)phylum which makes 1across port-au-prince瞧 提示是Papa doc的首都 (海地前总统) 所以是太子港see,papa docs capitol idea, thats port-au-prince. 海地的Haiti.- 能为你效劳吗?- 是的- Can I help you?- Yes.这里是高智商精子银行吗?Um. is this

4、 the high-iq sperm bank?如果你这么问 也许你不该来这If you have to ask, maybe you shouldnt be here.我想就是这没错了I think this is the place.- 把这个填一填- 谢谢- Fill these out.- Thank you.我们马上好Well be right back.慢慢来 我还要玩填字游戏Oh,take your time. Ill just finish my crossword puzzle.噢 慢着Oh,wait.Leonard 我办不到Leonard,I dont think I ca

5、n do this.开玩笑? 你可是半职业人士What,are you kidding? Youre a semi-pro.不 我们这样是诈骗No. We are committing genetic fraud.我们没法保证生出来的一定是高智商小孩Theres no guarantee that our sperm is going to generate high-iq offspring. Think about that.我姐姐跟我有一套相同的基本基因她却在Fuddrucker餐厅当服务生I have a sister with the same basic dna mix who h

6、ostesses at fuddruckers.Sheldon 这可是你的主意啊Sheldon,this was your idea.轻松赚点钱就有钱能升级我们的网络带宽A little extra money to get fractional t-1 bandwith in the apartment.我知道 我确实很渴望高速下载I know, and I do yearn for faster downloads.但一些可怜的女人会把希望寄托在我的精子上But theres some poor woman whos gonna pin her hopes on my sperm.万一生出

7、来一个连曲线下部的面积用积分还是微分算都搞不清楚的小屁孩怎么办?What if she winds up with a toddler who doesnt know if he should use an integral or a differential to solve the area under a curve?我想她还是会爱那个宝宝的Im sure shell still love him.我不会I wouldnt.你想要怎样?Well,what do you want to do?- 我想要走- 好吧- I want to leave.- Okay.离开时要怎么说呢?Whats

8、 the protocol for leaving?我不知道 我可从没有拒绝过提供精子的要求I dont know- Ive never reneged on a proffer of sperm before.我们就直接走出去吧Lets try just walking out.好Okay.- 再见- 再见 很高兴认识你- Bye.- Bye. Nice meeting you.你还在为精子银行的事生气吗?Are you still made about the sperm bank?没有No.你想听一件关于楼梯的趣事吗?You want to hear an interesting thi

9、ng about stairs?不是很想Not really.如果一阶楼梯比普通的矮个2毫米大部分人都会绊倒If the height of a single step is off by millimetres, most people will trip 不关我事I dont care.2毫米? 不会吧Two milli. that doesnt seem right.是真的 我12岁时做了一系列的实验No,its true. I did a series of experiments when I was 12.我爸爸因此还跌断了锁骨My father broke his clavicl

10、e.所以他们把你送去寄宿学校?Is that why they sent you to boarding school?不 那是因为我研究激光惹的事No. That was a result of my work with lasers.- 新邻居?- 显然是- new neighbor?- Evidently.比上一任有了明显可观的改善Significant improvement over the old neighbor.那个200磅重还患有皮肤病的异装癖? 噢 绝对是200-pound transvestite with a skin condition? Yes,she is.- 嗨

11、- 嗨- Oh,hi.- Hi.- 嗨- 嗨- Hi.- Hi.- 嗨- 嗨?- Hi.- Hi?我们不想打扰你我们是住对面的邻居We dont mean to interrupt.We live across the hall.啊 太好了Oh,thats nice.噢不 我们不是同居Oh,no,uh,we dont live together.我是说 虽然住在一起 但是在不同的.I mean,we live together,but in separate,直男房间里heterosexual bedrooms.那好吧 我是你们的新邻居 我叫PennyOh. Okay,well,guess I

12、m your new neighbor. Penny.我是Leonard 他是SheldonOh. Leonard. Sheldon.- 嗨- 嗨- Hi.- Hi.- 嗨- 嗨Hi. Hi. Hi.欢迎你搬来Well,uh. oh,uh,welcome to the building.谢谢 有空一起喝个咖啡吧Oh,thank you. Maybe we can have coffee sometime.- 噢 好啊- 好啊- Oh,great.- Great.- 好啊- 好啊- Great.- Great.- 那么 再见啦- 再见- Well,uh,bye.- Bye.- 再见- 再见- B

13、ye.- Bye.我们应该邀请她共进午餐吗?Should we have invited her for lunch?不 我们要看Battlestar Galactica第二季(太空堡垒卡拉狄加)No. Were gonna start season two of battlestar galactica.我们已经看过第二季的DVD了We already watched the season two dvds.那时候没带评论音轨一起看啊Not with commentary.我们应该做好邻居 请她过来 让她感受到我们对她的欢迎I think we should be good neighbor

14、s and invite her over, make her feel welcome.我们从来没请那个不男不女的Louise过来啊We never invited louie-slash-louise over.那是我们不对Well. and that was wrong of us.我们要扩大社交圈We need to widen our circle.我的社交圈很广I have a very wide circle.我在MySpace上有212个朋友I have 212 friends on myspace.是的 但你从没见过任何一个真人Yes,and youve never met

15、one of them.这正是它的美好之处Thats the beauty of it.我去请她过来Im gonna invite her over.我们好好吃一餐 闲聊一下Well have a nice meal and. chat.闲聊? 我们不闲聊至少不线下闲聊Chat? We dont chat.At least not offline.不会很难的 你就听她说Well,its not difficult. You just listen to what she says然后给一些适当的回应就好了and then you say something appropriate in res

16、ponse.直到什么时候?To what end?嗨 又是我们Hi. Again.- 嗨- 嗨- Hi.- Hi.我们买了些印度菜Anyway,um. we brought home indian food.那个.And,um.我知道搬家会很累人I know that moving can be stressful,当我觉得很累的时候and,and,I find that when Im undergoing stress,吃顿好的 跟人聊聊天会让我放松很多that good food and company can have a comforting effect.此外 咖喱是天然的温和泻药

17、 我不一定要告诉Also, curry is a natural laxative, and I dont have to tell you,你也知道干净的结肠会让你省去件烦心事that,you know,a clean colon is just one less thing to worry about.Leonard 虽然我不是专家 但我相信当你邀请人吃午饭的时候 最好省略关于肠部运动的话题Leonard,Im no expert here, but I believe in the context of a luncheon invitation,you might want to s

18、kip the reference to bowel movements.你们是在邀我一起吃饭?Oh,youre inviting me over to eat?是啊Uh. yes.真是太好了 我很愿意Oh,thats so nice. Id love to.很好Great.你们平时都玩什么呢?So,what do you guys do for fun around here?今天我们尝试了靠手淫挣钱Well,today we tried masturbating for money.* 宇宙是个大火炉 *Our whole universe was in a hot,dense state

19、* 140亿年前大爆炸 稍等 *then nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started. wait!* 地球开始冷却 生物开始繁衍 *The earth began to cool the autotrophs began to drool,* 尼安得特尔人发明工具 我们建造墙瓦 *neanderthals developed tools we built the wall* 我们创造金字塔 数学 科学 历史 *we built the pyramids math,science,history,* 揭露奥秘 *unraveling the mys

20、tery that all started* 就从宇宙大爆炸开始! *with a big bang bang!请随意yourself at home.谢谢Okay. Thank you.不客气Youre very welcome.这些看起来好深奥啊 Leonard 这是你写的吗?This looks like some serious stuff. Leonard,did you do this?实际上 那些是我做的Actually,thats my work.哇Wow.就是些量子力学而已 边上我随便胡写了一点弦理论Yeah. Well,its just some quantum mecha

21、nics with a little string theory doodling around the edges.那个部分 是开玩笑的That part there, thats just a joke.是我乱改的伯恩-奥本海默近似版Its a spoof of the born-oppenheimer approximation.你就像美丽心灵那部电影 里面的那种天才人物So youre like one of those beautiful mind genius guys.可以这么说Yeah.好厉害啊This is really impressive.我也有块纸板 如果你喜欢 这边是

22、我的纸板I have a board. If you like boards, this is my board.我的妈呀Holy smokes.如果你说的我的妈呀指的是在麻省理工大学任何一个男生宿舍墙上都能看到的涂写 那我想是的If by holy smokes you mean a derivative restatement of the kind of stuff you can find scribbled on the wall of any mens room at mit,sure.- 什么?- 得了吧- What?- Come on.谁没见过我伤心地坐在这下面的微分演算啊?W

23、ho hasnt seen this differential below here I sit, broken-hearted?至少我不用自己发明26种量纲才能让演算成立At least I didnt have to invent 2dimensions just to make the math come out.我没有发明它们它们本来就是存在的I didnt invent them. Theyre there.在哪个世界上存在啊?In what universe?所有的世界里都存在 这正是关键In all of them,that is the point.我可以开动了吗?Uh. do

24、 you guys mind if I start?PennyUm. penny.你坐了我的座位thats where i sit.那你坐我旁边嘛So,sit next to me.不行 我只坐那个座位No. I sit there.- 有什么区别?- 有什么区别?- Whats the difference?- Whats the difference?又来了Here we go.冬天 那个位置跟电暖炉之间的距离正好能让人保持温暖 而又不会太近导致出汗In the winter,that seat is close enough to the radiator to remain warm,

25、and yet not so close as tocause perspiration 夏天 坐在这儿正好能吹到从这个窗口到那个窗口对吹的风in the summer,its directly in the path of a cross-breeze created by opening windows there and there而且这里对着电视的角度正好it faces the television at an angle that is neither direct,既不会妨碍跟他人谈话thus discouraging conversation,又不用把头扭得太过去以致造成视差畸

26、变nor so far wide as to create a parallax distortion.我还能继续解释下去 但我想你应该明白了I could go on,but I think Ive made my point.你要我移开吗?Do you want me to move?- 嗯.- 你就坐到旁边去吧- Well.- just sit somewhere else.好吧Fine.Sheldon 给我坐下!Sheldon,sit!啊Ah.这样很不错Well,this is nice.我们不是经常有朋友过来We dont have a lot of company over.你胡扯

27、 Koothrappali和Wolowitz天天都来Thats not true- koothrappali and wolowitz come over all the time.我知道 但.Yes,I know,but.星期二晚上我们玩Klingon拼字游戏到夜里1点Tuesday night we played klingon boggle till 1:00 in the morning.是啦 我记得Yeah,I remember.我讨厌你说我们没有朋友I resent you saying we dont have company.- 抱歉- 那会产生消极的交际暗示- Im sorr

28、y.- That has negative social implications.我说了我很抱歉!I said Im sorry!Klingon拼字游戏是什么?So. klingon boggle?就像普通的拼字游戏 但是是Klingon语的(星际迷航中外星武士一族的怪异语言)Yeah. Its like regular boggle,but. in klingon.不聊我们了 说说你的事吧Thats probably enough about us. So,tell us about you.我? 好啊Um. me? Okay.我是人马座的 这一点就很能说明我的个性啦Im a sagitt

29、arius, which probably tells you way more than you need to know.是啊 它告诉我们你也是迷信那种大众文化妄想的一员Yes. It tells us that you participate in the mass cultural delusion你相信你出生时太阳的视位置跟任意划分的星群间的关系能以某种方式影响你的性格that the suns apparent position relative to arbitrarily defined constellations at the time of your birthsomeh

30、ow affects your personality.我相信什么?Participate in the what?我想Sheldon是说你第一眼看上去不像人马座I think what sheldons trying to say is that sagittarius wouldnt have been our first guess.对啊 很多人觉得我像水相星座Oh,yeah. A lot of people think Im a water sign. Penny:让我想想 还有什么Okay,lets see, what else.我是个素食者 嗯 鱼除外Oh,Im a vegetarian. Except for fish.偶尔我也吃牛排 我好爱牛排!And the occas

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