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1、届高三江苏新高考英语分项汇编1书面表达读后续写解析word版2021届高三江苏好题速递分项汇编(1)书面表达-读后续写【2021届江苏省南京市高三学情调研】阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。Albert was mad about computer games.He could spend hours and hours in front of the screen, and even though his parents found it hard to believe,he really enjoyed every minute of it.He h

2、ardly left his seat.When people encouraged him to get involved with normal life,he would respond:This is my doorway to the world,there is much more here than you realize.Among all his games there was one he especially liked.In it he would move a character around, collecting turtles(乌龟)on an infinity

3、(无限)of levels and screens.He was a real expert at it.Maybe there was no one else in the world who had collected as many turtles as he had,but,nevertheless, Albert still wanted more and more and more.One day,when he got home from school,everything had changed.As usual,as soon as he arrived,he ran to

4、his room to switch the computer on.But this time he heard some strange noises, like breaking glass.Suddenly the screen broke,and from inside came dozens,then hundreds,then thousands of little turtles.And they filled every square inch of his bedroom.Albert was astonished. He couldnt believe what was

5、happening.But after pinching(掐)himself,he shut down and started the computer up many times,and called to his parents to see if he was dreaming about this.As it happens,he had to accept that on that day something very strange was happening.On entering,his parents put their heads in their hands.Seeing

6、 that the turtles were staying in Albert s room,they decided to make them his responsibility.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Looking after thousands of turtles,day after day,was no easy task._When Albert forgot about his beloved computer games,the turtles disappeared._【答案】Looking after thousan

7、ds of turtles, day after day, was no easy task. Every day after school, Albert would rush to the turtle tank and made sure every one of them was properly fed and carefully attended. Sometimes, a few naughty little ones would creep out and leave their droppings hither and thither, which meant extra c

8、leaning and taming from Alberts side. He was, to some extent, a feeder, tamer, guardian and mentor for the big turtle family. When all these responsibilities weighed down heavily on Alberts feeble shoulder, he could no longer squeeze time on games, which he had held dear for life. When Albert forgot

9、 about his beloved computer games, the turtles disappeared. Almost overnight, Albert regained his liberty, which meant he could immediately re-plunge into the colorful virtual world. However, this time, the internet lost all its charm and Albert just wouldnt open the monitor. Instead, he kept remini

10、scing about the good old days with the turtle tribe and claimed taking care of real turtles was the best days ever in his life. Obviously, this unforgettable experience taught Albert an invaluable lesson: real life exists in reality, not online.【解析】这是一篇读后续写作文。通过阅读所给文章可知,这篇读后续写讲了一个网瘾少年喜爱收集乌龟,当活的乌龟真正来

11、到他的生活时,又会发生什么呢?从给出来的2句话,我们可以推断出少年应该每天都在花大量的时间照顾这么多的乌龟,以致于没有时间再去玩游戏,当他忘记游戏时,乌龟们便消失了,同时少年也领悟到了真正生活的美好并不是在网络,而是在实际生活中,于是少年开始戒除网瘾,开始回归正常生活。文章的主题应该是远离网络,回归正常生活。续写部分分为两段,第一段开头是:日复一日地照顾成千上万只海龟并非易事。所以后文应该是讲述Albert是如何照顾这些海龟的。Albert每天都需要花很多时间和精力去喂养,清理乌龟的便便,给乌龟换水,打扫和整理房间 等等琐碎的活儿。Albert如此之忙碌以致于他完全没有时间上网,有时候网瘾又上

12、来了,可是听到实体乌龟在召唤Albert要吃的,他又投身到喂养乌龟的任务中去了;第二段开头是:当Albert忘记了他心爱的电脑游戏时,海龟们就消失了。本段应该写Albert开始体会到真实生活也有很多美好,开始戒掉网瘾,回归正常生活。最后还要注意所续写短文的词数应为150左右。【点睛】本文描写详略得当,使用了高级词汇和高级句子。如:rush to,make sure,take care of等高级词汇;Sometimes, a few naughty little ones would creep out and leave their droppings hither and thither,

13、 which meant extra cleaning and taming from Alberts side.非限制性定语从句等高级句式。【2021届江苏省徐州市第一中学新高考全国卷第一次适应性考试】阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。I had been swimming competitively for five years and was ready to quit because I felt I was horrible at it. I was often the only African American at

14、 a swimming competition. I kept receiving “Honourable Mentions”. Any athlete knows that you dont want to have a bookshelf full of “Honourable Mentions”, which you get just because you showed up.One summer day, the day before a big swim meet, I decided to break the news to my grandma that I was quitt

15、ing the swim team. When I told her of my desire to quit swimming, she looked me into my face, saying firmly but warmly, “Baby, remember these words Quitters never win and winners never quit. Your grandmother didnt raise losers or quitters. You go to that meet tomorrow, and you swim like you are a gr

16、andchild of mine, you hear?” I was too afraid to say anything but “Yes, maam.” The next day we arrived at the swim meet late, missing my group of swimmers in the 15/16 age group. My coach insisted I be allowed to swim with the older group. I knew she was including me in the race so our long drive wo

17、uld not be wasted, and she had no expectations whatsoever that I would come in anything but eighth place and only that because there were not nine lanes.As I was mounting the board, all the other girls looked at me. I quickly noticed that these girls were here to do one thingbeat me! All of a sudden

18、 my grandmas words rang in my head:“Quitters never win and winners never quit. You swim like you are a grandchild of mine. Quitters never win and winners never quit.” “Yes, grandma, I will swim like I am a grandchild of yours, ” I said to myself.Paragraph 1:SPLASH! I was swimming harder than Id ever

19、 swum before._Paragraph 2:Just then, cheers and claps overwhelmed me._【答案】One Possible Version:SPLASH(扑通一声)! I was swimming harder than Id ever swum before. As I drew my right arm back, I noticed I was tied with one person. I assumed we were battling for eighth place and I refused to finish dead las

20、t, so I added more kick on the last 200 yards. I hit the wall and looked to the left and to the right for the swimmers who had beat me, but no one was there. They must have gotten out of the water already.Just then, cheers and claps overwhelmed me. I raised my head to see my coach screaming hysteric

21、ally. My eyes followed her pointing finger and I couldnt believe what I saw. The other swimmers had just reached the halfway point of the pool! That day, at age 15, I broke the national 17/18yearold 400freestyle record. I hung up my honourable mentions and replaced them with a huge trophy. “Yes, gra

22、ndma, youre right. Quitters never win and winners never quit.”【解析】这是一篇读后续写作文。通过阅读所给文章可知,上文讲述了作者已经参加了五年的游泳比赛,准备退出,因为觉得自己很糟糕。一个夏天的一天,在一个大型游泳比赛的前一天,作者把决定退出游泳队的消息告诉了奶奶,结果奶奶让作者坚持下去。第二天作者和奶奶来到比赛地点,没有赶上作者15/16岁年龄组的游泳选手。教练坚持允许作者和年龄大一些的人一起游泳。当作者登上跳板时,其他所有的女孩都看着自己。作者很快注意到这些女孩是来做一件事的打败自己!突然,奶奶的话在作者的脑海里回响:“放弃者永

23、不成功,胜利者永不放弃。” 续写部分分为两段,第一段开头是:扑通一声!我游得比以前任何时候都努力。所以后文应该是讲述作者比赛的经过和心理活动;第二段开头是:就在那时,欢呼声和掌声淹没了我。本段应该写作者打破了17/18 400自由泳的全国纪录,以及作者获胜后的感想。最后还要注意所续写短文的词数应为150左右。【点睛】本文描写详略得当,使用了高级词汇和高级句子。如:add on,hysterically,honourable等高级词汇;As I drew my right arm back, I noticed I was tied with one person.运用时间状语从句;My eye

24、s followed her pointing finger and I couldnt believe what I saw.运用宾语从句等高级句式。【2021届江苏省苏州四市五区高三上学期期初调研英语】阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。Just after New Years,before school vacation ended.I went out for a walk.It was a walk Id been meaning to take ever since we moved to the house.I took my camera-t

25、he first time Id taken my camera out since we came to the country-and went, dressed in my down jacket and wearing heavy boots.I walked toward the seemingly abandoned house that I could see across the fields from the upstairs window.A truck was parked at the end of the road,beside a

26、en house.There was smoke coming out of the chimney,and curtains in the two little windows on either side of the door.A dog was in the yard,who barked when he saw me coming.And beside the truck-no,actually in the truck,or at least with his head inside it,was a man.“Hi,I called.It would have been sill

27、y to turn around and start walking home without saying anything,even though Ive promised my parents all my life that I would never talk to strange men.He lifted out his head,a gray head,smiled-a nice smile-and said,Miss Chalmers.Im glad youve come to visit.“Meg,I said.I was puzzled.How did he know w

28、ho I was?For Margaret?he asked,coming over and shaking my hand.Forgive me.My hands are very dirty.My battery dies in this cold weather.How did you know my name was Chalmers?He wiped his hands on a towel that was hanging from the door handle of the truck.My dear,I apologize.I have not even introduced

29、 myself.My name is Will Banks.And its much too cold to stand out here.Your feet must be frozen,even in those boots.Come inside,and Ill make us each a cup of tea. And Ill tell you how I know your name.”I stood unmoved.He saw me hesitate,and smiled.Meg,he said,“Im seventy years old. Completely harmless,even to a beautiful young girl like you.Come on in and keep me company for a bit,and get warm. I laughed,because he knew what I was thinking,and very few people ever kno

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