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1、3AUnit6Colours第二课时23A Unit 6 Colours 第 2,3,4 课时教学内容3A Unit 6Colours课型新授课执教者第(2 )课时教学目标1.能熟练地听懂、会拼读、会写单词:red, yellow,green,orange。能初步听懂、会拼读、会写单词 black, blue,brow n,white2.能熟练运用日常交际用语 What colour is the/my/your 来并且能用It s来回答。3.能初步听懂、会唱歌曲:Colour song教学重点1.能熟练地听懂、会拼读、会写单词:red, yellow,green,orange。能初步听懂、会

2、拼读、会写单词 black, blue,brow n,white2.能熟练听懂 What colour is the/my/your ,并且能用It s来回答。3.能初步听懂、会唱歌曲:Colour song教学难点1.能初步听懂、会拼读、会写单词 black, blue, brown,white2.能初步听懂、会唱歌曲:Colour song教学疑点让学生了解三原色教学准备挂图,卡片,PPT教学过程三备Step 1 Greeti ng and warm up1.Greet ingT: Good morni ng/afternoo n, class. How are you? S: I m f

3、ine(well/good),thank you.2.Warm upa.复习上节课的单词和重点句型 教师出示不同颜色的物品,让学生说颜色red, yellow, gree n,orangeT:Last lesson,we learnt some colours.Let sreview them.教师先出示颜色单词,拼读单词 教师再出示句型: What colour is it?让学生回答问题:It s 两组问,两组答。T: What colour is it?(1)教师出示绿色的树T:What colour is the tree?S:It s green. 教师出示一些绿色的物品,让学生做对

4、话:What colour is the It s green.T:Which seas on is gree n?S:It s spring.T:Let s say a rhyme.Spri ng is gree n.The trees are gree n.The bees are dancing .I like gree n.(2)教师出示橙色的物品 例如出示一件橙色的外套T:What colour is the coat?S:It s orange. 牛牛之间对话练习。T: Which seas on is oran ge?It s autumn.利用颜色都可以说一个RhymeOran

5、 ge,ora nge.It s orange.Autu mn is oran ge.I like oran ge.巩固redT: Look at this colour.So hot!( 教师做出扇风)Can you guess which seas on is red?S: It s summer.T:Yes.Summer is so hot.Summer is red.Let s say a rhyme.Summer is so hot.Summer is red.I like red.巩固yellow 教师出示中国国旗:T: What colour are the stars?S:Th

6、ey are yellow.( 如果学生不会说可以提醒)T:Lets s a rhyme.Yellow,yellow.I like yellow.The stars are yellow.I love China.( 学生不会读China,可以教读)Step 2 Prese ntati on1.Review-Story timeT:I love these colours.Do you like the colours,too?S:Yes,l do.教师出示人物图片: Liu Tao, Wang Bi ng, Su Hai,Ya ng Ling.T:Who s he/she?S:He s/Sh

7、e sHe s/She s my friend. 最后出示Yang Li ng.T:Ya ng Ling is giving a magic show.(1)Read Story timeT:Now,let s read after the tape / together.跟读录音,纠正语音语调。(2)角色扮演利用光盘上的功能进行角色扮演。(3)Retell-Story timeYang Li ng is weari ng (穿着) a nice skirt.It sorange .First( 首先),the colour turns( 变成)togreen .At last (最后),th

8、e colour turns(变成)to red and yellow .教师出示wearing,并且教读T:What colour are you weari ng today?教师出示today,并且教读S:(colours)2.Lear ning the son g-Colour songa.Watch the songb.Expla in the senten cesc.Sing with the teacherd.S ing together3.教授新单词: white ,black, brown,bluea.教授单词white(教师出示春夏秋季节的的图片)T:Look,spring

9、 is green.Summer is red. Autumn is oran ge.What colour is wi nter?S:It s white.(1)教师出示单词white,并且教读 教师出示白色的物品图片,work is pairs.T: What colour is the ?S:It s white.1 A 芦寸flower duck toy bear chair(3)Say a rhymeT: Let s say a rhyme.White, white.I like white.White, white.Win ter is white.b.教授单词:blackT: N

10、ow,l have a question.出示 panda 的图片: What colour is the pan da? S: It s white and black.(1)教师出示单词black,并且教读单词 教师出示黑色的物品的图片,work in pairs.(3)教师出示斑马的图片:T: What colour is the zebra?S: It s white and black.(4)Say a rhymeT:I have a rhyme here.Please look at the rhyme.Can you read it?Black,black. The panda

11、is white and black.Black, black.The zebra is white and black. c.教授单词brown和blue (1)教授单词brown Brain storm让学生猜猜怎么调出棕色T: : + =brownblack gree n 教师出示单词brown,并且教读 多种方法操练brown 教师出示各种棕色的图片,work in pairsWhat colour is the ?It s brown.(2)教授单词blueT: There are three-primary colours. 教师出示RYB让学生猜包含哪几种颜色 R red Y:?

12、 B:?教师出示单词blue,并且教授Step 3 Con solidati on1.出示颜色图片和单词 R red Y:yellow B:blue red+ yellow =ora nge blue+yellow =gree nred+yellow+blue=black2. Summmary出示本课所有的重点,一起读。总结本课所学的内容, 让学生知道需要掌握哪些内容。Step 4 Homework1.S ing the song after class.2.Copy the words after class3.Recite Story time作业:1.S ing the song aft

13、er class.2.Copy the words after class3.Recite Story time板书设计Unit 6 Coloursgree n orange red yellowA: What colour is the white blackB: It s brown blue教学内容3A Unit 6Colours课型新授课执教者第(3 )课时教学目标1.能熟练地听懂、会读、会说、会拼写 black、blue、brown、green、orange、red、white、yellow 8 个颜色类单词2.能准确使用 Look at myTt s .What colour is

14、 my ? It s 3.正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味 之处,在教师的引导和训练下,养成良好的阅读习惯。教学重点1.能熟练地听懂、会读、会说、会拼写 black、blue、brown、green、orange、red、white、yellow 8 个颜色类单词2.能准确使用 Look at myTt s .What colour is my ? It s 3.正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味 之处,在教师的引导和训练下,养成良好的阅读习惯。教学难点正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之 处,在教师的

15、引导和训练下,养成良好的阅读习惯。教学疑点如何让孩子提高阅读的兴趣,提高学习英语的积极性?教学准备挂图,卡片,PPT鸡蛋教学过程三备Step 1 Greet ingI.Greet ingT: Good morni ng/afternoo n, class. How are you?S: I m fine(well/good),thank you.2.Say a rhyme and sing a songNice clothes Colour song3.Free talkT:l like white.What colour do you like?S:I like Step 2 Warm up

16、1.复习颜色a.让学生用多媒体来给黑白的彩虹涂色,复习颜色 black,white,red,ora nge,yellow,gree n,blueT:Look ,here is the rainbow.What colour is this rain bow now? ( PPT 出示句型和单词 rain bow) S: It s black and white.教师出示单词black and white.but,there are somecolours missing? Can you find the colours.让学生用多媒体来给黑白的彩虹涂色,并且出示单词 red,orange,y

17、ellow,green,blueb.复习单词brownT: Do we need brown?直接出示单词brown,并且拼读2.复习 Story timea.导入T:The colours are in our life everywhere .1 likethese colours.Look,our clothes are so colourful. Look at my skirt.My skirt is black.教师出示Look at my(服饰)My(服饰)is(颜色) 并且读句型。然后让学生根据自己的服饰进行练习。b.Yang Ling is giving us a magic

18、 show.Let s read it togrther.跟录音读,全班读。3.Carto on time.a.介绍故事人物T: Loo,our friends are coming.Who are they?S:They are (学生不会说就提醒) Bobby and Sam.b.故事情节介绍T:They are gonging shopp ing. 出示问题:What shop is it? (它是什么店) Let s watch the cartoon together.( 看动画)T(再次出示问题):What shop is it?Ss: It s an egg shop.T(出示鸡

19、蛋):Look ,this is an egg.教师出示egg,教读单词。(1) Read one by one(2) Read together(3) Read with the teaacherb.对话单词和句子的理解T: What is Sam ask in g(问)?再看动画,然后出示句型: Would you like ?解释并且教读句型T: What is the cock saying?Lear ning tips: or出示单词or,解释并且教读单词(两者以上的选择才 能用or)c.让学生说说这个故事的幽默点是什么?d.Read after the tapee.Read tog

20、ether.f.RetellIn the (morni ng /afterno on /eve ning ),Bobbyand Sam are going to an/a (egg/clothes)shop. Bobby like an egg. The cock(公鸡)askthem which(哪一种) (colours/shapes)of the eggs they would like? How in teresti ng( 有趣)the shop is!让学生试着跟老师读这段文字,让学生学会复述故事, 不会说的也可以尝试用汉语去说。Step 3 Homework1.Read Cart

21、o on time after class2.Try to tell the story time to your pare nts作业:1.Read Carto on time after class2.Try to tell the story time to your pare nts板书设计Unit 6 Coloursgree n orange red yellowA: What colour is the white blackB: It s brown blue教学内容 3A Unit 6 课型Colours新授课执教者第(3 )课时教学目标1.能熟练地听懂、会读、会说、会拼写 b

22、lack、blue、brown、green、orange、red、white、yellow 8 个颜色类单词2.能准确使用 Look at myTt s .What colour is my ? It s 3.能熟练掌握字母Rr Ss Tt的听说读写能力4.熟练地诵读歌谣“ Colour song ”5.通过练习进一步提高学生对于本单元重点知识的综合运用能 力教学重点1.能熟练地听懂、会读、会说、会拼写 black、blue、brown、green、orange、red、white、yellow 8 个颜色类单词2.能准确使用 Look at myTt s .What colour is my

23、 ? It s 3.能熟练掌握字母Rr Ss Tt的听说读写能力教学难点通过练习进一步提高学生对于本单元重点知识的综合运用能力教学疑点在这节课中需要重点讲解句型 Wouldyou like ? Yes,please. 吗?学生能全部理解吗?教学准备卡片,PPT教学过程三备Step 1 Greet ingI.Greet ingT: Good morni ng/afternoo n, class. How are you?S: I m fine(well/good),thank you.2.Say rhymes and sing songsa.Zip,zip,zip 通过这两首小诗让学生b.Put

24、 on your coat c.Nice clothes 回忆所学的服装类单词。c.Look at the moon 通过这两首小诗复习句型d.My lovely doll Look at 和 What can yousee?为接下来的复习做准备。Step 2 Warm up1.Play a game Puzzles(1)There are some clothes .Ca n you find them. 在方框中找出相应的单词,并且拼写完整。skirt T-shirt cap jacket3.cap 4. jacket2.1 m a good pain ter! What is RYB?B

25、 blueR red Y yellow Whats RGB?R red G gree n B blue 分别出示单词 red ,yellow, blue,green ,并且拼读单词。通过这一环节,让学生再次复习颜色,增加颜色单词 复习的趣味性。bluj+yellow = grenellow = orange分别出示单词:oran ge black ,并且拼读单词。(4)Brain stormWhy can t the pan das take photos?Because the pan das are black and white分别出示单词black和white,并且拼读单词。3.直接出

26、示brown,并且拼读单词T: They are all clours. I have another colour here .It s the chocolates colour.What colour is this chocolate?教师出示 What colour is this ?学生跟读Ss:It s brown.直接出示brown,并且拼读单词,注意渗透ow组合发音4.Checkout timeT: Open your books.Please turn to Page 43.Listen to the tape.Try to colour and say,please. 教

27、师出示句型This is aIt s 5.Play a game- Fun timeT:Let s have a fun.Look,this is a big turntable. 教师出示光盘T: There are four clothes.What s this?Ss:lt s a 巩固this这个单词。T: The hand will go around the turntable.When it stops,please try to an sewer Miss Zhang squestio n.教师出示转盘冋题,再次出示句型: What colour is this ?eg:S1:

28、 What colour is this T-shirt?S2: It s red.个别对话连词后,可以男生女生进行对话,可以邀请 学生来操作大转盘,提高学生参与课堂的积极性。6.S ing a song-Colour song.7.Letters learning.结束完歌曲演唱后,比比那一组字母听得妙,记得牢, 写得好。a.听写字母b.写出字母左邻右舍c.四线三格写字母在学生做完每个练习后,教师都要做出相应的评价, 教师要对于字母从哪里开始起笔都要严格规定。Step 3 Con solidatio n1.完成补充习题听力题不仅仅局限于补充习题教参上的要求,还可以 让学生对于每道题目说说自己的理解,发挥自己的想 象力,编小故事。不会说的就用汉语表达,尽量用英 语说。2.完成同步探究部分练习 题目比较难,教师耐心讲解。3.Ticki ng time讲解两项要求,让学生自己评价。Step 4 Homework 编辑版 word1.课后继续完成补充习题2.课后继续完成同步探究部分练习作业:1.完成补充习题2.完成同步探究部分练习A: What colour is the B: It s板书设计Unit 6 Coloursred yellow blue gree n orange white black brow n

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