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1、勘探英语一、Introduction (介绍)1 Hello, glad to meet you. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is zhang, the project manager. 你好,见到你很高兴。让我来自我介绍一下,我姓张,是项目经理。2 Hi, glad to meet you, too. Im David, from America, Im a geologist. 你好,见到你也很高兴。我是戴维,美国人,地质师。3 Heres my visiting (business) card. 这是我的名片。4 May I introd

2、uce Mr .Smith to you 请让我来介绍一下史密斯先生给你。5 This is Mr. Zhang , our party chief 这是我们的赵队长。6 Let me introduce each other . this is 我来相互介绍一下,这是。7 May I know your name?请问你贵姓?8 excuse me . Are you Mr. paul , supervisor from Amoco 请问你是阿莫科公司的总监波尔先生吗?9 How many years have you been the party manager? 你当队长几年了?10 O

3、ver 6 years 六年了。11 You must be tired from a long journey 长途旅行一定累了吧?12 Did you sleep well last night?昨天晚上睡得好吗?13 Yes , Im quite refreshed 很好,我完全恢复过来了。14 Have a cup of tea, please(coffee , water) 请喝茶(咖啡,水)。15 Im sorry to have kept you waiting 对不起,让你久等了。16 Would you lend me a hand please? (could you do

4、 me a favor) 请帮个忙好吗?17 Where is the toilet room? 卫生间在哪儿?18 Wont you sit down? 你请坐。19 Would you mind if I smoke here? 我在这吸烟你不介意吧?20 Let me show you around. 我来带你参观一下。二、Speaking English(讲英语)21 I am afraid my English is rather poor。 我的英语很差。22 Could you speak a little slower, please。 请你讲慢点好吗?23 I m sorry

5、 , I cant follow you。 对不起,我没听懂。24 I beg you pardon? (pardon? Excuse me)。 请再说一遍行吗?25 Are you clear? 听懂了吗?26 Sorry , I dont understand you.对不起,我没听懂。27 Please write it down请写下来。28 Say it again ,please请再说一遍。29 Do you speak any Chinese?你会讲汉语吗?30 No, only English不,我只会讲英语。31 Forgive me for being late对不起,我来

6、晚了。 32 Never mind. (No problem. Its ok)没关系。33 What do you call it in English?这个词英语怎么说?34 I dont know how to say it in English.我不知道英语怎么说。35 Can you explain it now?你能解释一下吗?36 How do you spell it?怎么拼写?37 What do you mean by that?那是什么意思?38 Let me show you.我来讲给你听。39 Sorry, I have a heavy local accent.对不起

7、,我有很重的地方口音。40 Let me try another time.让我再试一次。三、 weather (天气)41 Its too hot today.今天太热了。42 It is going to rain.要下雨了。43 Better get your raincoat.最好带上雨衣。44 The shower will soon stop.阵雨一会就停了。45 The wind will probably come up later.风会越来越大。46 Cold this morning, isnt it?今天早上挺冷,是吧?47 Whats the temperature t

8、oday?今天是多少度?48 27 degrees centigrade. (or Fahrenheit.)摄氏二十七度(或者用华氏)49 What weather is expected tomorrow?明天天气怎样?50 It will be cloudy , no rain.多云,没雨。51 What time is it。几点了。52 What day is today今天是星期几?53 Today is Monday.今天是星期一。54 Whats the data today?今天是几号?55 Its July 10七月十号。四、(Barders)理发56 I want to h

9、ave my hair cut我要理发。57 Do you want to have a shave要不要刮脸?58 No, I would like a shampoo and dry my hair不用,我只要洗头和吹风。59 How would you like it , sir你要理什么样的,先生?60 I dont want any paring . I would like to keep the same fashion我不要两边分的,我要保持原来的头型。五、(Shopping)购物61 Good morning ,sir . can I help you先生,早晨好。你要什么?

10、62 I want to buy some real Indian souvenir我要买一些真正的印度纪念品。63 Can you show me that toilet soap我看一下那块香皂行吗?64 Id like to buy a tube of toothpaste and a towel。我要一管牙膏和一条毛巾。65 How much is it。多少钱?66 30 dollars and 50 cents三十美元五十美分。67 Its too costly, can you come down a bit?太贵了,少点行吗?68 Its so dear. Is there a

11、 discount这么贵呀,便宜点行吗?69 No, its a sale price.不行,这是最低价。70 How much do they cost? (How much is it altogether)一共多少钱?六、Post Office (邮局)71 Excuse me, could you tell me where the post office is?请问,邮局在什么地方?72 Hello, may I help you, sir?你好,我可以帮助你的忙吗?73 Yes, I want to post some letters to china.是的,我要寄几封往北京的信。

12、74 What kind of letter do you want to send?你要寄那种信?75 This is an urgent letter, the others are ordinary letter.这是一种急信,其他的都是普通信件。76 You may send the urgent one by registered express airmail , and others by airmail only.这封急信,你可以寄航空挂号快信,其他信件用航空信寄发77 How long will it take to Beijing by registered express

13、 airmail.?用航空挂号快信寄往北京要几天才能到达?78 About one week. Let me weigh it, 25 grams.大约一周左右,我把你的信称一下。二十五克。79 Whats the postage for this letter?这封信邮费是多少?80 One dollar and 50 cents. Here are your stamps and postal receipt.一美元五十美分。这是你的邮票和邮件收据。81 Excuse me, can I send a telegram here?请问一下,我能在这发电报吗?82 Yes, what kin

14、d of cable do you want to send, ordinary rate or urgent?可以,你要拍哪一种电报,普通电报还是加急电报?83 Id like to send a fax.我要发一份传真。84 Here is the telegram form. Would you please fill it out in block letters?这是电报纸,请用印刷体填写。85 All right. Here is the message.好,这是电文。86 Twenty-five words in all. That comes to eleven dollars

15、 and ten cents.一共二十五个字。电报费一共是十一美元十美分。87 Heres the money. By the way, can I mail a parcel here?给你钱。顺便问一下,在这可以寄包裹吗?88 No, sir. Please mail it in the next counter。不行,先生。青岛下一个柜台办理。89 Whats the rate for sending a package of books surface mail to Japan?平邮寄一包书去日本,怎么收费?90 Eighty-three cents per pound, but t

16、he limit is 11 pounds per package if you want it to go book rate.每磅八十三美分。可是如果是当书寄,每包重量限度实十一磅。七、Making Telephone Call(打电话)91 Hello, may I have extension 460?你好,请接分机号460好吗?92 Whom are you calling?你找谁呀?93 May I speak to Mr. Johnson?我要找约翰先生听电话行吗?94 Please put me through to your manager.请接你们经理。95 Who is

17、that speaking?你是谁呀?96 I have to make a phone call to my boss。 May I use your telephone?我要给我们头打个电话,用一下你的电话可以吗?97 May t have your number, please.请问你的电话号码是多少? 98 Jack, you are wanted on the phone.捷克,你的电话。99 Mr. Wang is occupied right now. can I take a message?王先生现在很忙,你要留个口信吗?100 Thank you for calling.谢

18、谢你来电话。101 Can I make a directdial call to China from my room? 我能否从我的房间大中国的直拨电话吗?102 Operator, could you tell me the international prefix number and the country code for America?总机,你能告诉我美国的国际冠码和国家好码吗?103 I want to call India. How long does it take to put it through?我想给印度打个电话,多就可以接通?104 What time do t

19、he special rates apply?什么时候可拥有回家?105 Between six in the evening and eight in the morning, Sir.晚上六点到早上八点,先生。106 Id like to place an overseas call to Kaifeng, China 。The number is 0860378225011,extension 524 我要打个电话到中国开封号码是0860378225011转524 107 Sorry, all the lines to Beijing are engaged. Will you plea

20、se hold on for a moment?到北京的所有电话都占线,你能否等一会在打。108 Ive just been disconnected from a number, will you put me through again?我的电话突然断了,你再给接上好吗?109 I want to make a call to Beijing, how much are the rates?我想给北京打个电话,是怎么收费的?110 Just a moment please The rates are $14 for the first three minutes, and $5 for e

21、ach additional minute.请稍等。前三分钟时每分钟14美元,以后是每份钟5美元。111 Id like to cash this money order我要用汇款单取钱。112 Have you brought any identification?你带证件了吗?113 Yes, heres my passport , will that do?带了,这是我的护照行吗?114 I want to change some Us dollars for Rupee我要用美元换卢比。115 how much do you want to change你要换多少?116 will y

22、ou fill out this from and hand it to me together with the money?你先填一下这个表格,和钱一起交给我。117 Whats the change rate today?今天的兑换率是多少?118 Its one dollar to .Rupee and.paise一美元兑换。卢比。派司。119 I want this file to be copied , do you have a copier here?我要复印一下这份文件,你有复印机吗?120 Sorry , I dont know how to start it . Coul

23、d you do me a favor?对不起,我不知道怎么开启,请帮个忙好吗?八、问路(Asking the Way)121 Excuse me , could you tell me the way to the railway station?请问去火车站怎么走?122 How can I get to the supper market?去超市怎么走?123 Well , turn to the left at the first corner after the crossroads . its easy to find . you cant go wrong.过了十字路口在第一个路

24、口向左转,很容易找到,不会走错的。124 Is it far from here离这儿远吗?125 No, its only 500m不太远,只有一里路。126 Can you tell me where the airport is?请问机场在哪儿?127 You can drive down the road . about ten minutes ride , you will come to the third traffic light and turn to the right . that is the airport road你沿这条路向前开大约十分钟,碰到第三个交通路向右拐,

25、就到了机场路了。128 Can I go there by bus我能坐公共汽车去吗?129 Yes , before 6: 00 in the afternoon可以,下午六点以前。130 Thank you very much indeed. 十分感谢。九(看病)Seeing a Doctor131 You dont look very well你看上去不太好。132 I do feel sick . Maybe I need to see the doctor .我确实病了,也许我得去看医生了。133 Whats troubling you?你那儿不舒服?134 I have a bad

26、 stomachache.。我胃疼得很厉害。135 What about your bowels? Do you have constipation?大便怎么样? 干结吗?136 No, I had three motions this morning。I think I have loose bowels. 不干,今天早上解了三次。我想我可能拉肚子了。137 How about your appetite?你的胃口怎么样?138 Not so good不太好。139 Its nothing serious问题不大。140 Just take the medicine every four h

27、our.每四小时吃一次药就可以了。141 Whats the matter with you?你怎么了? 142 I feel shivery and have a splitting headache.我有点冷得发抖,头疼的很厉害。143 I started sneezing this morning , and my eyes and nose ran . then I started to run a fever.今天早上开始打喷嚏,流眼泪,流鼻涕。后来开始发烧。144 You probably have caught a cold . did you cough much?你可能是感冒

28、了,你咳嗽得厉害吗?145 Yes I have a sore throat是的,我嗓子疼。146 Show me your tongue and say “ah please让我看看你的舌头,说“啊”。147 How long have you been like this?你病了多长时间了?148 Since yesterday afternoon . do I have a temperature , doctor?从昨天下午开始的。我发烧吗?大夫。149 Yeah . You have a slight fever , .37.9 degree centigrade。三十九度七,有点烧

29、。150 I think you have a bad cold and inflammation of tonsils。你得了重感冒,扁桃体发炎了。151 Well give you an injection to bring down the temperature。我们给你打一针退烧针。152 Can you give me something to relieve my headache。你能给我点止头疼的药吗?153 Ill prescribe some painkiller . Take one when you feel really bad.我给你开点止疼片,头疼的厉害时吃一片

30、。154 Stay in your bed, drink plenty of liquids and have a good rest.卧床休息,多喝点水,好好休息。155 Youll be recovered in two or three days.两、三天就好。156 Hes got a severe wound on his leg. We should hurry up to send him to the nearby hospital.他的腿伤得很厉害,我们赶快送他到附近的医院。157 Please call in the doctor at once.请马上叫大夫来。158 Xiao Li, make a phone call and call an ambulance.小丽,到电话叫救护车来。159 Her left (right) hand was scratched (finger, thumb).他的左(右)手之划破了(手指)。160 I have a bandage ( a piece of wound pastor ) here. Help her to dress her

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