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本文(江苏省徐州市王杰中学高三英语《M3 Unit 2 Language》复习学案.docx)为本站会员(b****3)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

江苏省徐州市王杰中学高三英语《M3 Unit 2 Language》复习学案.docx

1、江苏省徐州市王杰中学高三英语M3 Unit 2 Language复习学案高三英语 撰稿人: 审核:高三年级组 Unit 2Language Module3热点单词1. confuse vt. 使迷惑; 混淆 confusing adj. 令人迷惑的; confused 糊涂的 confusion n. 混乱;混淆2. Europe n. 欧洲 European adj. 欧洲的;欧洲人的 European n. 欧洲人3. invade vt. 侵略 invasion n. 侵略; invader 侵略者4. create vt. 创作;创造 creative adj. 创造性的;有创造力的

2、creation n. 创造; creativity创造性,创造力; creature(上帝创造的)生物5. contribute v. 贡献,捐献,促成 contribution n. 贡献,捐献; contributor 贡献者 contributory adj. 捐助的,有贡献的6. conquer vt. 征服,攻克 conquest n. 征服,攻克; conqueror 征服者 7. replace vt. 取代;把放回原处 replacement n. 取代;放回原处 replaceable adj. 能够被取代的8. serve v. 服务,服役;上(菜等),敬(烟等) ser

3、vice n. 服务,服役 9. adopt v. 采取,采纳;收养adoption n. 收养;采纳 adoptive adj. 收养的;采纳的10. modernize v. 现代化 modernization n. 现代化 modern adj. 现代的11. pronounce vt. 发音 pronunciation n. 读音,发音 12. process vt. 加工,处理 process n. 过程 processed adj. 加工过的13. difficulty n. 困难,难点 difficult adj. 困难的1.Knowledgeis what you know a

4、bout the world.2.The two companies seem to disagree about many points of the program, but hopefully they will talk about their disagreementsand reach a contract.3.To easethe problem of overcrowding, new prisons should be built. However, it is not an easy job to get enough cash for that.4.Most wester

5、n countries are multiracialnations, that is, nations of many different races.5.The two pictures differ in several ways. Lets see who is the first to find out the differencesbetween the two.6.We have got numerousdata about the economical conditions of the country, and every item is numbered.7.Thomas,

6、 I know you are an active young man. What are you waiting for? Take action now and get what you deserve!8.The two countries thought about combining against their common enemy, but before their combinationcould work, the central government of their enemy had been toppled by its people.9.What makes yo

7、u think that its just a physical change rather than a chemical one? You must know the physicsworking in the process.10.If young Chinese knew that their written language has already undergone systematic simplification,they wouldnt complain that the characters are not simple enough to learn.11.Althoug

8、h the emperor had been ill for a long time, it still came as a shock when he died eventually. And his funeral became the top national event.12.That fact that he makes more efforts now to keep up with better students is a reflectionof a change in his attitude towards studies. Anything else that refle

9、cts it? 根据中文填单词完成句子,每空一词(记忆时,用下列横线上的新单词造句记忆)1. 整个历史上,无数令人不解的因素致使统治者侵略和征服下层阶级。 Throughout history, numerous confusing factors contributed to the rulers invasion and conquest of the lower classes.2.那个不知名的仆人饲养牛有困难;他喜欢吃羊肉和咸猪肉。 The unknown servant,who feels like eating mutton and bacon,has some difficult

10、y in raising oxen .3.现在,政府部门已经制定了一些创造复杂符号的标准。 Nowadays, the government department has set some standards for creating complex symbols.4.那个代表在查找一些汉字以及纯英语发音的词组和现代方言。 The representative is looking up some Chinese characters, phrases and modern dialects with pure English pronunciation.5.最初三个山峰放一起的象形文字最终

11、变成了今天所用的这个汉字,这反映了中国文字的发展。 The pictograph originally with three peaks together eventually turned into the character used today, which reflects the development of Chinese writing.根据中文写出英文短语1. 由组成 be made up of / consist of 2. 代表(的含义) stand for3. 依靠;依赖;取决于 depend on/upon4. 母语 mother/native tongue / lan

12、guage5. 拿起,举起 lift up/pick up6. 控制 take control of7. 与谈一谈 have a word with8.拿起,捡起 pick up9.关注;关心;在意 care about10.曾经 at one time11.总的来说,总体来看 as a whole/on the whole12.不同于 differ from13.对有影响 have an impact on14.是的成因之一 contribute to15.(原因)在于 in that 1. That is why “那就是的原因。”why引导的从句是表语从句,表原因。2. is what

13、“就是的。”what连接的是表语从句。3. find it hard to “发现很难。” it是形式宾语,不定式短语是真正宾语。4. Whatdreamt of has come true. “所梦想的事情已经实现了。”what引导主语从句,what在从句中作of的宾语。.根据课文中的重点句子进行同义转换1.That is why English is a language with so many confusing rules. That is the reason why English is a language with so many confusing rules.2.The

14、language they created is what we now call Old English. The language that / which they created is the one that we now call Old English.3.I want to have a word with you about the condition of the playground. I would like to speak/talk to you about the condition of the playground.4.Hope that you will t

15、hink about my concerns. It is my hope that you will take my concerns into consideration.5.I expect your reply. I look forward to your answer.汉译英你对自己没有信心,那就是你要依赖朋友的原因。(why) You have no confidence in yourself, and thats why you have to depend on your friends.2.他对女儿的生活一点都不关心,那就是她对他冷漠的原因。(distant; what)

16、 He doesnt care about his daughters life. Thats what makes her distant from him. 3.我发现要找到现状的成因简直不可能。(find; contribute; what) I find it simply impossible to find out what contributed to the present situation.4.对月球影响最大的当然应该是太阳和地球。(what; impact) What has the biggest impact on the moon is surely the sun

17、 and the earth.1、access n. 通路,接近/使用进入某地的方法/权利/可能性,接近某人的方法/权利/可能性He is a man of easy access. 他是一个很好接近的人。Citizens may have free access to the library. 市民可以免费使用这个图书馆。We have_access_to the Internet in the classroom. 我们在教室里可以上互联网。The_only_access_to the man is through his secretary. 唯一能接近此人的方法是通过其秘书。 v. 接

18、近,使用I cant access the file on your company because Ive forgotten the code. 我无法使用贵公司的文件, 因为我把代码忘了。accessible adj. 可(或易)得到的;可使用的;随和的 be accessible to容易得到的;可使用的 have / gain / obtain access to得以接近,会见;得以进入,使用 give access to接见;准许进入Medicine should not be kept where it is accessible to children.药品不应放在儿童容易拿到

19、的地方。 Im afraid these shoes are not _ in your size.A. applicable B. availableC. accessible D. adaptableB available 可得到的。2、raise (1) 举起She raised her finger to her lips as a sign for silence. 她举起一根手指放在唇边,示意肃静。(2) 提高(音量、价格、程度等)The landlord raised_my_rent. 房东提高了我的租金。(3)种植(农作物等)、饲养(家禽等)、抚养(子女)The farmer

20、raises_chickens and corn. 农夫养鸡和种植玉米。 (4)筹集(资金)We hope to raise_a_lot_of_money for the people suffering in the earthquake. 我们想为这次地震受灾者筹一大笔钱。(5)唤起、引起His funny stories raised a few laughs. 他有趣的故事引来一阵笑声。(6) 提出(问题等)I wonder if I could raise this problem with you now. 不知我现在能否向您提及这问题。raise sb. to ones feet

21、 把某人扶起来raise ones voice 提高声音raise a family 养家糊口 Steam can be seen _ from wet clothes.A. rose B. raiseC. to raise D. to riseD seerise 看到升起来。当see用于被动语态时,用不定式作主语补足语,表示看到的全过程。3、consistconsist of 由组成,不能用于被动语态(=be made up of)The committee _ nine members set out for the disaster area immediately.A. consist

22、ed of B. consisting ofC. made of D. made up for B consisting of 由组成。在句中作定语。4、indicate vt. 表明,指示,表示,显示,示意What do they indicate? 他们表示什么意思?The symptoms indicate immediate surgery. 症状表明急需外科手术。When quoting old sayings, please indicate the specific reference(s) 引用名言时必须加列参考书目。There is a great deal of evide

23、nce _ that music activities engage different parts of the brain.A. indicate B. indicatingC. to indicate D. to be indicatingB 句意“有大量证据表明音乐活动调动大脑不同的部位。”考查非谓语动词作定语。B项作定语表主动,相当于which indicates。5、 replace vt. 把放回(原处); 取代;以代替(+with)He replaced the book in the shelf. 他把书放回到书架上。Obama has replaced George Bus

24、h as the new president of the USA. 奥巴马取代了布什成为美国的新总统。replace= take the place of 取代;代替replace A with B以B代替/替换A in place of 取代;代替(= instead of代替;而不是)take ones place 代替某人;就位;就职take place 发生他们将坐飞机去广州,而不是坐火车。They will go to Guangzhou by plane in place of by train.6、 adopt vt. 收养;过继;采用, 采取(计划、方法、措施等), 采纳(意

25、见)They are not my real parents. I was_adopted by them at the age of three. 他们不是我的亲生父母,我是在3岁时被收养的。Our school has_adopted_a_new_teaching_method. 我们学校采用了新的教学方法。The general manager decided to adopt his suggestion after much deliberation. 总经理经过再三思考后,决定采纳他的建议。Its too early to say whether IBMs competitors

26、will be able to _ their products to the changing market.A. contribute B. adaptC. attach D. adoptB contribute A to B是把A贡献给B; attach A to B是将A附加在B上; adopt 是采纳,领养; adapt适应。adapt A to B使A适应B。句意:现在就评判IBM的竞争对手是否能使他们的产品适应变化的市场还太早了。7、contribute vt. & vi. 捐献,捐赠;贡献出;投稿(+to) contribute sth. to sth. 将某物捐献/贡献给;向

27、供稿 contribute to sth.也是的原因,促成/助长The writer personally contributed 5,000 dollars to the earthquake fund. 那位作家个人给地震基金会捐赠了5000美元。His carelessness contributed_to the accident. 他的粗心大意也是造成事故的原因。He contributes regularly to English Weekly. 他定期给英语周报投稿。Im sure regular exercise will contribute_to_curing your d

28、isease. 我相信有规律地锻炼将有助于治疗你的病。make contributions to 为作贡献8、recordn. 记录;成绩;履历break / beat the record 破记录set the record 创记录hold the record 保持记录keep a record of sth. 把记录下来make a record 制作唱片You should keep_a_record_of how much you spend. 你应该把花的钱数记下来。 v. 记录,记载;录音,录像I record the score in a notebook. 我在笔记本上记下了

29、分数。Ill record_the_film so that we can all watch it later. 我将录下这部电影,以便以后我们都能看。recording n. 录音,录音制品make a recording of 录制recorder n. 录音机9、spreadvt. 展开,播种,推广 vi. 传播,展现The little girl is old enough to spread the table cloth for her mother. 小女孩够大了,她可以帮助妈妈铺桌布了。Soon the news spread throughout the whole vil

30、lage. 消息很快就传遍了整个村庄。The virus is_spreading_fast_across_the_country. 这种病毒正在飞速向全国扩散。 另外,spread也可以用作名词,表示“传播”等意思。In 2009, the_spread_of A/H1N1 made the government worried much. 2009年,甲型流感的蔓延让政府很是担心。1、 in a word 一句话, 总而言之 His behavior was, in a word, shocking. 总之,他的行为是令人震惊的。in ones own words 用某人自己的话来说 in

31、 other words 换句话说,也就是说word for word 逐字地Tell me what happened in_your_own_words. 用你自己的话把发生的事情告诉我。His wife is my daughter, in_other_words,_I am his motherinlaw. 他妻子是我女儿, 换句话讲, 我是他的岳母。Dont translate word for word, sentence for sentence. 不要逐字逐句地翻译。2、 take control of 掌管Its no easy task to take control of a class of children. 管住一个

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