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99SAI training.docx

1、99SAI trainingCategory 9.3 Identification & Assessment of Risk 风险识别和评估问题3 We use the following sources of information to identify and assess our risk:我们使用以下信息源来确认和评估风险:1. Analysis of legal regulations法律规章分析2. Internal complaints内部投诉3. Internal and external audit reports内部和外部审核报告4. Worker interviews工

2、人访问5. Health and safety monitoring reports健康与安全监督报告6. External stakeholder consultation外部利益相关方咨询7. None of these都没有8. Risk assessment of suppliers/subcontractors, private employment agencies, and sub-suppliers供应商/分包商,私营劳务代理和承包商的风险评估9. External complaints外部投诉10. External technical experts外部技术专家Catego

3、ry 9.4 Monitoring 监督问题3 We use the following sources of information to monitor our labour practices in the workplace or implementation of SA8000:我们通过以下哪种方式来监督工作场所的劳工问题或SA8000的实施:1.Records from visits to business partners addressing their labour standards performance来自访问业务伙伴的记录,解决他们的劳动标准的执行2.Risk ass

4、essment of our facility工厂的风险评估3.None of these没有4.Complaints about working conditions at our facility关于工厂工作场所的投诉5.Results of external audits外部审核结果6.Results of formal internal audits正式内部审核结果7.External stakeholder consultation外部利益相关方的咨询8.Management review minutes管理评审的记录9.Documentation from suppliers/su

5、bcontractors, private employment agencies, and sub-suppliers about their labour standards performance来自供应商/分包商,私人劳务机构和承包商关于他们劳工标准执行的文件。10.Interviews with workers and managers from our facility工厂共和和经理的员工访谈Category 9.5 Internal Involvement & Communication内部参与和沟通问题3 Workers learn about our labour stand

6、ard requirements or the SA8000 and our progress implementing them in the following way(s):工人是通过以下哪种方式来了解我们的劳动标准要求或SA8000的实施的1. Reading message board/intranet and listening to regular announcements阅读公告栏,或听常规的宣布2. Asking a trained supervisor or manager询问受过培训的主管或经理3. Speaking with their elected worker

7、representative or union representative他们选出的工人代表或工会代表发言4. Viewing visual hand-outs, videos or illustrated posters查看手册,视频或海报5. Reading our SA8000 poster, which is posted in our workplace阅读贴在工作场所的SA8000海报6. None of these都没有7. Reading our employee manual, which includes information about SA8000阅读员工手册,里面

8、有介绍SA8000的信息8. Attending general organisational update sessions参加一般更新会议9. Participating in trainings about SA8000参加SA8000培训10. Reading our regular newsletter or communications, which mention SA8000阅读我们其中提到SA8000的定期通讯或沟通文件Category 9.6 Complaint Management & Resolution投诉管理和解决问题3 We ensure that personn

9、el who make complaints are protected from retaliation in the following way(s):我们确保使投诉的人员受到保护,免受报复的方式(s):1. We tell personnel that retaliation is not allowed.告诉员工报复是不允许的2. We have a non-retaliation policy that protects personnel who make complaints.没有免报复程序来保护投诉的员工3. Based on our written procedure, we

10、 routinely check to make sure that there is no retaliation against personnel who make complaints.根据我们的书面程序,定期检查确保没有对投诉员工的报复4. Our organisation operates effectively and rarely has complaints, so personnel do not need to worry about retaliation.我们的组织有效运作,很少有投诉,所以人员不需要担心报复。5. Based on our written proce

11、dure, we routinely check with workers to make sure that there is no retaliation against personnel who make complaints. We regularly review and revise our internal complaint management system to ensure that workers trust it and are comfortable using it.根据我们的书面程序,定期检查确保没有对投诉员工的报复。我们定期检讨和修订我们的内部投诉管理制度,

12、以确保工人相信它,并方便使用。Category 9.7 External Verification & Stakeholder Engagement外部审核和利益相关方参与问题3 We routinely work with the following organisations to improve our labour standards and working conditions:我们经常与以下机构合作,来改善我们的劳工标准和工作条件:1. External consultants and experts外部顾问和专家2. Other local and national NGOs其他

13、地方和国家的非政府组织。3. Local and national community groups当地和国家的社会团体。4. Industry associations产业协会5. Trade unions or other workers organisations工会或其他工人组织6. Government ministries政府部门7. International organisations focused on workers issues国际组织集中于工人的问题8. None of these没有Category 9.8 Corrective & Preventative Act

14、ions纠正预防措施问题3 We track our progress addressing problems related to our labour practices in the following way(s):我们通过以下哪种方式跟踪我们的进展,解决与我们的劳动事务有关的问题1.We track and record our corrective actions, conduct a root cause analysis of problems, and develop preventive actions to avoid recurrence. We ensure that

15、 timelines are followed, appropriate resources are allocated and our corrective and preventive actions are effective.我们跟踪和记录我们的纠正措施,进行问题的根本原因分析,并制定预防措施,以避免复发。我们确保遵守时间,分配适当的资源,我们的纠正和预防措施是有效的。2.We dont have a set way of dealing with this. We just deal with each issue on a case-by-case basis.我们没有一套处理这一

16、问题的方法。只是根据前面的问题来解决后面的问题。3.We track and record our corrective actions, conduct a root cause analysis of problems, and develop preventive actions to avoid recurrence. We ensure that timelines are followed, appropriate resources are allocated and our corrective and preventive actions are effective. We

17、use our risk assessment to predict possible issues and make changes before problems are identified.我们跟踪和记录我们的纠正措施,进行问题的根本原因分析,并制定预防措施,以避免复发。我们确保遵守时间,分配适当的资源,我们的纠正和预防措施是有效的。我们通过风险评估来预测可能发生的问题,并在问题发生前做出改善。4.We keep central records of all identified problems, which detail the necessary corrective actio

18、ns, the individual responsible for implementation, and the timeline and evidence of completion.我们保持所有已确定的问题的重要记录,有说明必要的纠正措施,个人负责实施,和时间表以及完成证据。5.We check that corrective action has taken place before follow-up audits or when we receive inquiries from customers or regulatory bodies.我们检查了在跟进审核或当我们收到客户或

19、监管机构的询问时已完成整改。Category 9.9 Training & Capacity Building培训和能力建设问题3 The individuals or team in charge of managing our labour standards implementation receive the following training:负责管理我们的劳工标准实施的个人或团队,接受以下培训:1. Based on our training plan, our SPT members receive on-going training and professional deve

20、lopment so they can facilitate our effective SA8000 implementation. We maintain training records and periodically measure the effectiveness of this training.根据我们的培训计划,我们的社会绩效团队成员接受在职培训和技能发展,这样他们就可以帮助我们有效实施SA8000。我们保存培训记录,并定期测试本培训的有效性。2. Based on our training plan, they receive external training abou

21、t labour issues and how to manage our performance (e.g. from our customers or other external groups).根据我们的培训计划,他们接受外部培训有关的劳工问题,以及如何管理我们行为(例如,从我们的客户或其他外部团体)。3. They receive training on managing some labour issues, such as health and safety, or our customers labour code requirements.他们接受一些劳工问题的管理培训,如健

22、康和安全,或我们的客户的劳工守则的要求。4. Based on our training plan, our SPT members receive on-going training and professional development so they can facilitate our effective SA8000 implementation. We maintain training records and periodically measure the effectiveness of this training. We address the impacts of th

23、is training during the SPT members performance review and assess their further training needs.据我们的培训计划,我们的社会绩效团队成员接受在职培训和技能发展,这样他们就可以帮助我们有效实施SA8000。我们保存培训记录,并定期测试本培训的有效性。我们在社会绩效团队成员的绩效考核和评估他们的培训需要处理培训的影响5. We do not provide specific training about these issues.我们不提供关于这些问题的具体培训。Category 9.10 Manageme

24、nt of Suppliers & Contractors供应商和分销商的管理问题2 We encourage our business partners to improve their labour practices in the following way(s):我们鼓励我们的合作伙伴通过以下哪种方式改善他们的劳工事务1.Based on our risk assessment, we prioritise the high-risk business partners we have the most ability to influence, and allocate our re

25、sources accordingly. We utilize business incentives to encourage business partners to improve their performance.根据我们的风险评估,我们优先考虑我们最能影响到的高风险业务合作伙伴,并相应地分配我们的资源。我们利用业务激励,以鼓励业务合作伙伴,以提高他们的表现。2.We expect our business partners to manage their risks internally.我们希望我们的商业合作伙伴在内部管理他们的风险3. Based on our risk ass

26、essment, we prioritise the high-risk business partners we have the most ability to influence, and allocate our resources accordingly.根据我们的风险评估,我们优先考虑我们最能影响到的高风险业务合作伙伴,并相应地分配我们的资源。4.We collect information to ensure that our highest-risk suppliers address the risks we identified.我们收集信息以确保我们的高风险供应商已经解决我们确认的风险5.We follow up on specific incidents brought to our attention by our customers or other sources.我们跟进引起我们的客户或其他方关注的特定事件。

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