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1、改错一 多一词的情况1 时间名词短语如 one day , last Sunday(month , year, time )等前面无介词。The secretary told me that the manager was busy and I should come at some other time .Some other time, some day , one day, the other day , that day 等直接在句中作状语,前面无介词。 I met my uncle on last Sunday.2. 时间名词the moment , the minute , eac

2、h time , the first time等直接充当连词引导状语从句,前面无介词。 I like the oil painting very much at the moment I saw it. 3.句子成分重复照成副词成为累赘。 When we got to his house, we found him in home. 1. of the year to visit Beijing , because of there is only a little rain and .2. I have just got some good news to tell to you . 3.

3、My uncle gave to me a MP4 as my birthday gift. 4. He joined in the army 20 years ago and never returned . 5. His sister married with a rich man. 6. He made a big mistake , and as a result of , lost his job.7. A great many of children cannot go to school in the poor area. 8. Marys parents could hardl

4、y afford for the medical care. 9. I want to see him at the minute he arrives. 10. I planed to visit the Great Wall in next month. 11. We need to discuss about the report today. 12. I saw a tall man enter into our office.13. The number of people who lost homes reached to as many as 250000.14. They be

5、gan to grow corn , a plant that can grow up well in dry regions.15. The Chinese diet is a little bit of different from the British diet.16. People all over the world are now beginning to learn about English. 17. Thick trees and green grass could be seen in everywhere. 二 多一连词 1 并列连词and ,but , so , or

6、 , for 等不能和从属连词如although , though , if since ,because,as when , before , after ,unles等用于同一个句子。表因果关系时,because 和 so 不能同时使用,表让步关系时,although 和but不能同时使用,只能用其一。1. Although he is very young, but he can retell the story very fluently.2. My parents sent me an e-mail to ask whether how I was getting along wit

7、h my studies. 3. In some parts of the forest where you can find large groups of monkeys, which are jumping .4.Since you have visited Greece several times, so I would like to know whether you have seen the old buildings there/ 5.They didnt want breakfast because that they were going out early.6.Earni

8、ng their own money allows them to spend anything as if they please.7. He hurt his leg while playing football, and so he couldnt go to school.8. No one knows that whether he has decided to go abroad. 9. Stand over there, and or youll be able to see it better .10. I have been surprised each time when

9、my son has come home from school with a message saying his teacher wants to see me. 11. The car is very old , but yet it runs very fast. 12. I had no idea that who he was or what he wanted. 13. Watch carefully and do anything as if your teacher does in the lab. 14. Since we have finished the work, s

10、o we went home early.15. Even if we got a local guide, but we still had some difficulty walking through the bush. 16. Although he was very young then, but he was brave. 17. While I accept that he is not perfect, but I actually like the person.18. If you work hard and you will make greater progress.1

11、9. He was punished by the teacher . The reason is that because he is always breaking the rules. 20.During the vacation , because the weather was hot and I couldnt do much work. 21.In dry regions where you can find this kind of grass. 三 多一代词关系代词和其他代词同时出现在句中,易引起句式结构重复,语言累赘。He writes about books, about

12、 his travels and about the wild and wonderful animals he collects them. It 具有广泛用法,在很多情况下因指代不明确,会造成结构重复。The movement of the parts is beautiful to watch it if they are clear. 代词是用来代替名词的词,在结构复杂的句子中,往往会出现多个代词,每一个代词都必修有明确的指代1. Einstein was devoted himself to the research of the great theory.2. As we all

13、know it, light travels faster than sound.3. The second man who added, “We will donate coins inside the circle to God. ”4. You can buy all the things what you need in this shop. 5. But there is another thing you must remember it. 6. These signs are not very difficult to see them.7. I who was born in

14、China and studied under the Chinese school system for eight years. 8. The boy replied it, “He was practicing singing.”9. The population of China is a quarter of that one of the world. 10. I love reading poems by Emerson better than those ones by Whitman. 11. He hopes to have a scholarship , and I ho

15、pe it so .12. She lost all the money, I didnt know how she did so.13. He was ready to lend me any of the books I wanted them.14. My grandma is over 100 years old, but she doesnt look it so.15. He wouldnt go to see a play that no one liked it , 16. because Im growing old and know what I want it.17. I

16、 read your e-mail to my parents and showed them the photo you sent it to me.18. Many students feel it that a popular teacher must be kind, 多一助动词1助动词本身没有独立的词义, 不能单独作谓语, 必须和其他动词结合使用,表示否定.疑问.强调以及动词的时态.语态.语气等功能. 在短文改错中,多一助动词的考查主要出现在时态和语态的构成, 尤其是在比较复杂的时态和语态中, 如过去完成十和各种时态形式的被动语态.1.时间状语从句和条件状语从句中,常用一般现在时表示

17、将来, 一般过去时表示过去将来时意义。If you will study hard, you will succeed.2 时态与时态之间的混用, 容易出现多余助动词, 尤其是过去完成时, 容易和一般过去时混用,极易出错。 She had taught us English when I attended training courses two years ago. 3有时句子的主语与谓语之间不存在被动关系或有些不及物动词如happen, take place, belong to , last . break out 等 易被误用作及物动词,以被动语态形式出现,致使出现语态混用,出现多余助

18、动词的情况。 This experience has been shown that trtavelling by air actually is the safest way of making journeys.Great changes have been taken place in the past few years. 各种时态都有其构成特点和意义, 如 现在完成时,其构成为have/has +过去分词, 常与表示一段时间的状语(for , since等)连用;过去完成时就必修有与之相对应的 过去时间或动作比较使用。 只有及物动词才有被动语态。 只有正确掌握这些时态和语态的构成及其

19、他用法等, 才能在改错中明辨是非,正确纠错。18. He had received a strange phone call when he was reading a book.1. A few years ago, I was used to watch TV every night.2. As a child was born in the south I knew almost everything outside it. 3. If you will take notice in some places, you will see the fact that most smokers

20、 are young people.4. The students Union has recently been agreed to set up a Swimming Club.,5. The party was lasted nearly three hours. 6. What a successful party we had that day. 7. He fired at the animal , but missed and his last moment has arrived. 8. The gas keeping the balloon up was being runn

21、ing away. 9. All the money is to be collected will be sent to the disaster areas.10. We also visited some workshops , talked to some of the workers and have learned a lot.11. Who has left the window open? he asked in a kind voice.12. The teacher was always kept a big book on his desk then. 13. I hav

22、e received your letter just now. 14. When the accident was happened , I witnessed the whole process.15. He permitted me to retake the test, and I was pulled my grade to an A.16. They were used to write on the blackboard and ask us difficult questions.17. It had rained even harder,. We were wet to th

23、e skin.18. Im glad to learn that youve been settled down in Boston. 多一冠词1. 在许多使用零冠词的地方 Wang ping was badly ill last night. He was sent to the hospital at once. I told the boy not to write silly things in the public places. 2.物质名词与抽象名词前面通常出现多余的不定冠词。 Music can bring people a pleasure. 2. 零冠词的固定用法(1)物质

24、名称。抽象名词前一般不用冠词He likes science. 、Water is transformed into steam by heat.(2)表示泛指概念的复数名词前不用冠词Those young man are teachers, not students.(3)表示三餐.季节.学科.疾病的名词前不用冠词.Have breakfast/lunch /supper in spring/summer/autumn/winter (4) 表称呼或表示职务.头衔作表语.同位语.补足语的名词前不用冠词.Mr.Pattis, head of the department,discovered

25、Mr Kings secret.In 1864, Lincoln was made president for the second time.(5) 表示球类运动.棋类游戏的名词前不用冠词.Lets go and watch them play football. (6)与by 表示交通工具的名词前不用冠词.Do you like to play bridge?By bus. By train by plane by bike (7) 单数名词对称使用时不用冠词.Side by side year by year hand in hand shoulder to shoulder face

26、to face Heart and soul day and night year after year (8) 在某些短语中,有无定冠词意思大不一样.At table at the table in hospital in the hospital in class in the class In front of in the front of in charge of in the charge of on earth on the earth By sea by the sea in place in the place of in office in the office Take

27、place take the place in prison in the prison go to church go to the church Live on farm live on the farm two of us the two of us in possession of In the possession of by day by the day in case of in the case of on fire on the fire 1. What a bad weather we had today. 2. The poet and a professor has p

28、romised to come. 3. We all know the man is the most developed animal in the world. 4. Many people lost their lives in the World War II5. My brother is a student of the Grade Two. 6. He promised to come and see us after the supper. 7. What a fun it is to skate on the ice. 8. Suddenly I caught a sight

29、 of my English teacher in the crowd.9. Ive got a wonderful news to tell you. 10. Wendy was made the monitor for this month.11. Some people think a certain numbers may bring good luck.12. Mary is ill in the hospital. 13. I hope to become a pianist, but I turned a teacher.14. He will go to Shanghai to

30、 attend an important conference the next week. 15. He has made a great progress in his English study.16. still there, In the fact, there were four tickets on the seat. 17. The play tells humorous stories that happen in the Greens family .18. It was indeed not easy to get in the touch with everybody.

31、 19. Because there are more the honors and joys in my life. 六 多一不定式符号 to 1.在使役动词make, let, have及感官动词hear, watch, notice, see, listen to, look at 等后跟不带to的不定式作宾语补语2.在情态动词后及一些常见句式结构中常省略to 的不定式。 如 had better do , would rather do , cannot but do sth , have nothing to do but do sth , why not do sth , why

32、do sth 1. I will let someone to repair the TV set. 2. Why not to go out and play? Asked he.3. Now let me to introduce our school to you. 4. The picture made me to think of my childhood. 5. Look at me to draw the picture and try to learn. 6. The animals had nothing to do but to lie down and sleep. 7. Youd better to go to your teacher for help. 8. We often heard

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