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1、中国的餐桌礼仪英语作文中国的餐桌礼仪英语作文在平凡的学习、工作、生活中,大家都经常接触到作文吧,作文根据写作时限的不同可以分为限时作文和非限时作文。写起作文来就毫无头绪?下面是为大家整理的中国的餐桌礼仪英语作文,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。中国的餐桌礼仪英语作文篇1 Different country have different tablemanners. The western country is different from eastern country, such as China andFrance. In China, old people eatfirst. We arent s

2、upposed to talk aloud while we areeating. If you dont want to eat next, you are supposed tosay: “ Imfull.” And you arent supposed to eat fruit atonce. Chinese eat food withchopsticks. It is rude if you point at someone with yourchopsticks. All of them will be helpful toyou. It can make you a politep

3、erson. So we must know more about the manners around theworld. 中国的餐桌礼仪英语作文篇2 The Chinese food culture includes some typical tablecustoms. We have selected a remarkable features of Chinese tablecustoms: the usage ofchopsticks. Chopsticks, in Chinesecalled kuai-zi , were developed about 5,000 years ag

4、o inChina. People cooked their food in large pots which retained heatwell.Food was chopped into small pieces so it could be cooked morerapidly. Inventive eaters then broke twigs off trees to retrieve thefood.Because food was chopped in small pieces, this led to the replacement of knives by chopstick

5、s and chopsticks became the sole stapleutensils. The famous Chinese philosopher Confucius has further stimulated the usage of chopsticks by advising people not to use knives at the table because knives would remind them of the slaughterhouse!中国的餐桌礼仪英语作文篇3 The main difference between Chinese and west

6、ern eating habits is that unlike the West, where everyone has their own plate of food, in China the dishes are placed on the table and everybodyshares. If you are being treated by a Chinese host, be prepared for a ton offood. Chinese are very proud of their culture of cuisine and will do their best

7、to show theirhospitality. And sometimes the Chinese host use their chopsticks to put food in your bowl orplate. This is a sign ofpoliteness. The appropriate thing to do would be to eat the whatever-it-is and say how yummy itis. If you feel uncomfortable with this,you can just say a polite thank you

8、and leave the foodthere. Eating No-nos Dont stick your chopsticks upright in the ricebowl.Instead,lay them on yourdish. The reason for this is that when somebody dies,the shrine to them contains a bowl of sand or rice with two sticks of incense stuck upright init. So if you stick your chopsticks in

9、the rice bowl, it looks like this shrine and is equivalent to wishing death upon a person at the table!Make sure the spout of the teapot is not facinganyone. It is impolite to set the teapot down where the spout is facing towardssomebody. The spout should always be directed to where nobody is sittin

10、g, usually just outward from thetable.Dont tap on your bowl with yourchopsticks.Beggars tap on their bowls, so this is notpolite.Also, when the food is coming too slow in a restarant, people will tap theirbowls. If you are in someones home,it is like insulting thecook.中国的餐桌礼仪英语作文篇4 Chinese table man

11、ners Table manners in Chinese life and order in the full possession of a very important position, they believe, eating is not only way to meet their basic physiological needs method- is also of paramount importance socialexperience. To this end, grasp the knowledge of the rules in some Chinese resta

12、urants have become particularly important, whether you are a master, or merely a guest, must have somerules.餐桌礼仪在中国人的完整生活秩序中占有一个非常重要的.地位,他们认为,用餐不单是满足基本生理需要的方法也是头等重要的社交经验。为此,掌握某些中式餐饮规则的知识便显得特别重要了,无论你是主人,抑或只是一位客人,都必须掌握一些规则。The round table ispopular. Because they can sit more people, and we can sit fac

13、e to face, the head of the family identity and not long shaped the West on the table very clearly through his seat andidentification. Guests should be invited to sit down and wait for theowner. The owner must be careful not to call the guests sitting in a seat near thetable. This is ataboo.Will have

14、 to wait until all the people here can only be the beginning of any form of dining activities - even if they have to wait for beinglate. Once you master home place, can do theprologue. During the meal, the owner must assume a proactive role - urging guests enjoy eating and drinking is entirelyreason

15、able.圆形餐桌颇受欢迎。因为可以坐更多人,而且大家可以面对面坐,一家之主的身份并不像西方长形餐桌上很清楚地通过他的座位而辨认。客人应该等候主人邀请才可坐下。主人必须注意不可叫客人坐在*近上菜的座位。此为一大忌。必须等到所有人到齐才可以开始任何形式的进餐活动即使有人迟到也要等。一旦大家就位,主人家便可以做开场白了。进餐期间,主人必须承担一个主动积极的角色敦促客人尽情吃喝是完全合理的。In a typical Chinese-style table looks quite empty, in the eyes of Westerners,especially. Each seat can be

16、 seen on the front wheel on a bowl;right is a set of chopsticks and spoons, were placed in their ownseat. In formal occasions, there will be napkins, mainly on thelap. In a formal banquet, the dishes of eating like a slide show, each time adish. Surprisingly, rice, not with the dishes ibid, but you

17、can choose to eat thesame. As the dishes have their special characteristics, it should be for individual taste, but once only from a bowl to eat, not mixedtaste. Plate is not available to eat, can onlybowl. Bones and shells on the individualdisk. Not clean the dishes must always be replaced with cle

18、anplates.一张典型中式餐桌看上去相当空,在西方人眼中尤甚。每张座位前可见放在盘上的一只碗;右面是一组筷子与汤匙,分别放在各自的座上。在正式场合上,会出现餐巾,主要放在膝上。在正式宴席上,菜式的吃法很像放映的幻灯片,每一次一道菜。令人惊讶的是,米饭不是与菜式同上,不过可以选择同吃。由于菜式各有特色,应该个别品尝,而且一次只从碗中吃一种,不是混合品尝。不可用盘子吃,只能用碗。骨头和壳类放在个别盘中。不干净的盘子必须经常用清洁盘子替换。in addition to Tom, the gallery of all the food withchopsticks. May provide a k

19、nife and fork, but as the Chinese people, it is best to usechopsticks. Chopsticks are eating a tool, so do not play with the chopsticks - take them when the drumstick is a very rude way, but can not use chopsticks pointing to the person ormotioned. Of course, absolutely can not suck or to chopsticks

20、 chopsticks ed in rice, it is Taboo - this is like the funeral of incense, is consideredunlucky. Again, can not use chopsticks in a non-stop flipping Diecai years, should be the first sights with your eyes you want to getfood. When you use chopsticks to pick up one of the food, try to avoid the enco

21、unter otherfood. If possible, use public chopsticks and spoonsbeside. After dinner or take the food after the end, will chopsticks chopsticks backseat.除了汤之外,席上一切食物都用筷子。可能会提供刀*,但身为中国人,最好用筷子。筷子是进餐的工具,因此千万不可玩弄筷子把它们当鼓槌是非常失礼的做法,更不可以用筷子向人指指点点或打手势示意。当然,绝对不可吸吮筷子或把筷子插在米饭中,这是大忌这正好像葬礼上的香烛,被认为是不吉利的。再有,不可用筷子在一碟菜

22、里不停翻动,应该先用眼睛看准你想取的食物。当你用筷了去取一块食物时,尽量避免碰到其他食物。可能的话,用旁边的公筷e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193e4b893e5b19e31333264663638和汤匙。吃完饭或取完食物后,将筷子放回筷子座。A seat Chinese restaurant without a formal tea and cannotclaim. Therefore, as far as possible, the storage ofdifferent varieties of tea is a sensible approach, to ensureth

23、e most sophisticated taste is also taken intoaccount. Issuesrelating to tea, should pay attention to a few keythings. Seatsrecently teapot people should be responsible for others andthemselves - -, pour the order in accordance with age, fromlongest to most young persons, the final pourmyself. When thepeople you pour, the protocol should be used finger tapping onthe table, this is done to pour expressed gratitude andrespect.一席中式餐饮如果没有茶便称不上正式了。为此,尽可能贮存不同品种的茶是明智的做法,确保最精明的品味也照顾到。有关茶的问题,应该注意几件关键的事。座位最近茶壶的人应该负责为其他人和自己斟茶斟茶的次序按照年岁,由最长者至最年青者,最后为自己斟。当人家为你斟茶时,礼节上应该用手指轻敲桌子,这样

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