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Unit 5What are the shirts made of.docx

1、Unit 5What are the shirts made ofUnit 5What are the shirts made of?单元教材分析类别课程标准要求掌握的项目单元话题In this unit,students learn to talk about what products are made of and where they are made.单元语法Passive voice(present tense)教学目标1.能够用英语描述及询问物品的制作材料。2正确理解被动语态的用法及句子结构。3了解一些日常用品的制作材料,增加生活常识,养成良好的生活习惯;了解一些地方知名产品或传

2、统艺术品的制作过程以及制作材料,培养学生的民族自豪感及爱国主义精神。学情分析本单元通过了解中国制造的产品在全世界的影响力,让学生树立强烈的民族自豪感。让学生通过梳理句子主语与谓语的关系,与主动语态的对比,体会被动语态谓语动词结构的变化。在实际运用中熟练掌握被动语态。课时教学设计第一课时Section A (1a2d)1重点单词:chopstick,coin,fork,blouse,silver,glass,cotton,steel,fair,grass,leaf,produce,widely,process,pack2重点短语:be made of,be made in,be made fro

3、m,as far as sb.know,be known for3重点句式:What are the shirts made of?This ring looks nice.Is it made of silver?Yes,and it was made in Thailand.What is the painting made from?How is tea produced?As far as I know,tea plants are grown on the sides of mountains.People say that tea is good for both health a

4、nd business!1重点短语和句型。2一般现在时态和一般过去时态的被动语态。难点一般现在时态和一般过去时态的被动语态。自主学习:一、预习课本P3334新单词并背诵,完成下面的汉译英。1筷子chopstick2.硬币coin3叉子fork 4.衬衫blouse5银器silver 6.玻璃glass7棉花cotton 8.钢铁steel9展览会fair10自然环境的environmental11草地grass 12.叶子leaf13生产produce 14.普遍地widely15加工process 16.包装pack二、认真预习1a2d,找出下列短语和句型。1由制造be made of2在制

5、造be made in3据我所知as far as I know4以闻名be known for/be famous for5这些衬衫是用什么制成的?What are the shirts made of?6这个指环看起来很漂亮。它是银制的吗?是的,它是泰国生产的。This ring looks nice.Is it made of silver?Yes,and it was made in Thailand.7这幅油画是由什么制成的?What is the painting made from?8据我所知茶树生长在山坡上。As far as I know,tea plants are gro

6、wn on the sides of mountains.9人们说茶对健康和商业都有好处!People say that tea is good for both health and business!课堂导学:Step 1情景导入播放动画片造纸过程的视频,让学生们了解这个中国传统发明的情况。T:Who invented paper first?S1:Cai Lun invented it in Han dynasty.T:What was paper made of then? S2:It was mainly made of bamboo.T:Was it easy for people

7、 to make paper then? S1:No, it was very difficult then.T:What is paper made of now?S3:Its mainly made of wood, bamboo, and cotton.Step 2完成教材1a1c的任务1组长领读1a中的单词,学生跟读,然后两人一组互相提问单词。ThingsMaterials1.chopsticks4.stamp2.window 5.fork3.coin fsilkc.silver gglass2.你认为方框左栏中的物品是由什么制成的

8、?将物品和原材料匹配(答案不是唯一的),完成后小组内交流核对答案。3学生齐读1a中的短语,为听力做好准备。4听录音将物品、原材料和产地匹配,完成后集体核对答案。5再听一遍录音,并跟读对话。6结对练习1c中的对话,并请一些学生表演对话。A:This ring looks nice.Is it made of silver?B:Yes, and it was made in Thailand.7模仿1c中的对话,用1b听力材料中的信息与同伴编练新对话,并邀请几组学生表演对话。8小结训练。A(1)What are the rings _?Silver.Amade of Bmade inCmade f

9、rom Dmade byD(2)The living room _ every day by her mother.Acleans BcleanedCwill clean Dis cleanedC(3)Your sweater looks very nice.Is it _ China?Of course.Amade of Bmade fromCmade in Dmade byStep 3完成教材2a2c的任务 1.小组内齐读2a中的短语和2b中的句子,为听力做好准备。_ the science museum_ the art and science fair_ environmental p

10、rotection_ a model plane_ a beautiful painting_ grass and leaves(1)Where is the art and science fair?_(2)Do Nick and Marcus have to pay to go?_(3)What is the model plane made of?_(4)What is the painting made from?_2听Nick和Marcus的对话录音,勾画出主要的话题,集体核对答案。Keys:the art and science fair3再认真听一遍录音,根据对话内容回答2b中的

11、四个问题,完成后集体核对答案。Keys:(1)Outside the science museum.(2)No,they dont.(3)Used wood and glass.(4)Grass,leaves and flowers.4听第三遍录音,学生跟读。5仿照2c的形式,利用2a和2b中的信息,两人一组编练新的对话,完成后邀请几组学生表演对话。A:What did you see at the art and science fair?B:I sawA:What is it made of/from?B:6小结训练。D(1)The bridge _ two years ago.Ahas

12、built BbuiltCwere built Dwas builtC(2)Do you know what paper is _?Amade of Bmade inCmade from Dmade byB(3)Where is Tom?He _ to help out the sick children.Acalled Bwas askedCtold DwantedStep 4完成教材2d的任务1播放2d的对话录音,让学生跟读,模仿并理解大意。然后让学生分角色朗读并表演2d的对话。2对话内容巩固训练。要求学生根据2d对话的内容完成下列各句。完成后要求若干学生给出自己的答案。以巩固对对话内容的

13、了解。(1)China is famous for tea both in the past and now.(2)As far as I know,tea plants are grown on the sides of mountains.(3)When the leaves are ready,they are picked by hand and then are sent for processing.(4)The tea is packed and sent to many different countries and places around China.(5)People

14、say that tea is good for both health and business!Step 5布置作业完成探究在线高效课堂本课时练习。第二课时Section A (3a3c)1重点单词:product,France,local,brand,avoid,product,handbag,mobile,everyday2重点短语:no matter,everyday things,hightechnology products3重点句式:No matter what you may buy,you might think those products were made in th

15、ose countries.He found it interesting that so many products in the local shops were made in China.He realized that Americans can hardly avoid buying products made in China.1重点短语和句型。2一般现在时态的被动语态及代词的指代作用。难点1重点短语和句型。2一般现在时态的被动语态及代词的指代作用。自主学习:一、预习课本P35新单词并背诵,完成下面的汉译英。1产品product2.法国France3当地的local 4.品牌;牌

16、子brand5避免avoid 6.手提包handbag7可移动的mobile 8.每天的everyday二、认真预习3a3c,找出下列短语和句型。1无论no matter2高科技产品hightechnology products3无论你可能买什么,你可能认为这些产品是这些国家生产的。No matter what you may buy,you might think those products were made in those countries.4他发现有趣的是当地商店里的许多产品都是中国制造的。He found it interesting that so many products

17、 in the local shops were made in China.5他意识到美国人不可避免地会买到中国制造的商品。He realized that Americans can hardly avoid buying products made in China.课堂导学:Step 1情景导入Teacher:Have you ever bought something in foreign countries?Do you think it easy to find things made in China in foreign countries?Step 2完成教材3a的任务1展

18、示一段巴西奥运会礼品的视频,让学生了解中国制造已被世界人民所接受。 Then ask Ss some questions:T:As we know, there are so many things made in China in England.What about in America and other countries in the world? Now lets read the passage of 3a.First, read quickly and find the answers to these questions:(1)Where did Kang Jian visi

19、t his aunt and uncle last year?(2)Were there many things made in China in the US?(3)What two things did Kang Jian want to buy in the US? (4)Where were they made? Ss read the article quickly and try to answer the questions.2方法指导:带着问题,然后快速阅读短文,争取在较短的时间内找到答案。3学生们按老师指导的方法进行阅读,并快速回答这几个问题。 4最后,教师让部分学生回答问题

20、,并核对答案。Step 3完成教材3b的任务1告诉学生们再次阅读短文内容,并回答3b中的问题。2让学生们先读这五个问题,确信所有的学生都能理解这些问题的意思。3然后仔细回读短文,在短文的相关信息处画线,并回答出问题。4让学生们回答问题,校对答案。 Step 4完成教材3c的任务1告诉学生们本学习活动的要求:写出下列指示代词在短文中所指代的事物。2让学生们读3a中的内容,理解黑体指示代词所处的句子的意思及其上下文的意思,开动自己大脑进行思维,确定它们所指的内容。3如果不能确定,可以在小组内进行讨论。4核对答案。Step 5巩固练习Ask Ss to fill in the blanks to c

21、omplete the passage.Kang Jian is a 17yearold student from Shanghai.Last year he went to visit his aunt and uncle in San Francisco.He found it interesting that so many products in the local shops were made in China.He wanted to buy a toy car for his cousin, but even though most of the toys were Ameri

22、can brands, they were made in China.Read the second paragraph and fill in the blanks.Toys are not the only things made in China.In fact, there were many other things made in Chinafootballs, handbags, pet food, mobile phones.Even American flags are made in China.He realizedthat Americans could hardly

23、 avoid buying products made in China.He thinks its great that China is so good at making these everyday things.He wishes that China will also get better at making hightechnology products in the future.And people can buy those products in all parts of the world.Step 6布置作业完成探究在线高效课堂本课时练习。第三课时Section A

24、 (Grammar Focus4c)1重点单词:boss,Germany,surface,material,traffic,postman,cap,glove2重点句式:Careless driving causes many traffic accidents.What language is spoken in Germany?一般现在时态的被动语态。难点一般现在时态的被动语态。自主学习:一、预习课本P36新单词并背诵,完成下面的汉译英。1老板boss2.德国Germany3表面surface 4.材料material5交通traffic 6.邮递员postman7帽子cap 8.手套gl

25、ove二、认真预习Grammar Focus4c,找出下列句型。1在德国说什么语言?What language is spoken in Germany?2粗心驾驶会导致许多交通事故。Careless driving causes many traffic accidents.课堂导学:Step 1情景导入Teacher:Whats this?Student 1:Its a cup.Teacher:Whats it made of?Student 1:Its made of glass.Now please practice conversations like this with the t

26、hings you have.Step 2完成教材Grammar Focus的任务1尝试完成下列句子。你的衬衫是棉的吗? Are your shirts made of cotton?是的,而且它们产于美国。 Yes.And they were made in the US.飞机模型是由什么制成的? Whats the model plane made of?它是由旧木头和玻璃制成的。 Its made of used wood and glass.茶产自中国哪里? Where is tea produced in China? 茶产自很多不同的地区。 Its produced in many

27、 different areas.茶是如何制成的? How is tea produced?茶树种植在山坡上。当茶叶长成后,它们被手工采摘下来,然后送去加工。 Tea plants are grown on the sides of the mountains.When the leaves are ready,they are picked by hand and then are sent for processing.在杭州人们种植茶叶。 People grow tea in Hangzhou.Tea is grown (by people) in Hangzhou.2梳通Grammar

28、 Focus,回顾语法重点。Step 3完成教材4a的任务认真阅读4a中的句子,然后用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空,请几组学生在黑板上板演答案,完成后小组内互相交流所写句子,师生共同点拨黑板上的答案。Keys:1.arent allowed2.are cleanedStep 4完成教材4b的任务1让学生们阅读句子,理解句子的意思,为进行句子转换做好准备。2将主动语态句变为被动语态句时,应先确定句子的谓语动词,并找出句子的宾语。然后,将句子的宾语变成被动句的主语,将谓语动词变成beved形式。 3最后,通读一遍句子,进行综合理解,看

29、句子是否通顺,合理。4和学生核对答案。Keys:(2)The best materials are used to make dresses in this shop.(3)Many traffic accidents are caused by careless driving.(4)Letters and postcards are brought to peoples homes by the postman.(5)This silver plate isnt used very often in our family.Step 5完成教材4c的任务1Ask five classmates about something they are wearing or have in their schoolbags.The list of words below may help you.(Learn some new words.)pencil,jacket,sweater,Tshirt,shoes,cap,gloves,ring2Let one pair read out th

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