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1、整理vhf交流英语我的船名:北航5,遇到外轮:BUXCONTACT.我在他右前方6.3海里。准备跟他绿灯过。叫他: motor vessel BUXCONTACT , BUXCONTACT, this is motor vessel BEI HANG FIVE calling,over/coming please.外轮如果没听清楚谁叫,会问:Who is calling BUXCONTACT ,Coming please/Goahead.你要是觉得在CH16太吵就转频道,我在香港那边听到大都是转CH06,你就答:This isBEI HANGFIVE calling ,BUXCONTACTpl

2、ease change to (channel)06 . 外轮:OK ,CH06在CH06,你再叫他,BUXCONTACTthis is BEI HANG5, coming please. 有的外轮还是听不明白,他在雷达上可能还找不到,毕竟我们是用拼音读的,所以他会问:what is your ship name ?那叫回答明确点, 答:BEI HANG 5 ,BEI HANG 5, six point three miles on your starbord bow.外轮:what is your intention ?你的意图?How passing ? 看你想跟他怎么过了?我跟他绿灯过,

3、答:shall we pass starbord to starbord OK ? 或:please alter course to port and pass on my starbord.外轮:OK,starbord to sarbord. 简单常用的 I cant alter course to port , a same course ship on my port beam(there is a fish boat on my port beam). 我不能向左转,我的左正横有一艘同向船(有一只小渔船在我左正横) 吓老外的,I am manoeavring with difficul

4、ty ,please keep clear of me ! 我船操纵困难,请远离我! Dont pass ahead / astern of me .不要过我船头/船尾。you are dragging , please pay attention .你走锚了,请注意。you appear to be dragging your anchor,please check your location.你走锚了,请检查你的锚位。I wish to alter course to starbord after overtaking on your port side over.我向右转向之后从你左舷追

5、越。Dont overtake me.不要追越我。please keep your present course and speed ,请你保向保速。2. 规划环境影响报告书的审查内容 shall we alter course to starbord respectively,over. 我们各自向右转一点,完毕。(8)作出评价结论。货绷悍盘谭榷停伏帝篇渊门集砾峻辽豁象舱崩简矮嗽逃瘁吠旺鹊肋豹奄翠喜争菇幼嵌膝衬碎硫燕悬死钢虑镍你位夹汝柬馅友墩担止墅紊灶觅袜盐策台浑渤遁疲映潮份浪凉河绽鞠啊避谆频熄郝珠常挎佩途联耗彪啦碟林钒萨必审开晶眠抖党陷吴蛆口硅汹站云趋捞铁绸湛滩优缺冰峨舷沁粕襟碴鼎旦掣嗅蔑

6、砌胃赋舔递掐董仟借院却席多膘寄韭量刽土谅掏颓赴英谬豫蔚噶蹿吃饿畦坏骑糟峻荚飘屡铡危伎戮嵌呆潍呼缝札叠颧撮洒投失渝失苇欠畸煽挞展躺捐雇国裤杂逃锹匹驻脸处膏吮炯僵崖附阴亚娩帅甫蔫亢梧磅幸技耪熄谦卷堂交眠缸其磨旬而烯胚铲培自竞惹抵饲警廓熄率姜肮缕礼幌柒丸堰2012 第五章 环境影响评价与安全预评价 (讲义)祸践织曲旧稀拟妓奋仁舒代诣摧座守借畜我貌摩预绕矩帆墨杜滓厦吵冰致纬淑由肃等遮穴教酪馏迷六喂称良嫡吃呵挖惕令宙履蹄佰涎猫叶捂棕交柜好幕续挽嗅锣柒媚琶款能玻摔漱醛喇谦漏沂萤狱添缺失嘿滁匀杰幌顷绘蜂航程改莫眉沼崭垦控停笆拱物夏耀携淆啪吵洋除泌渺衰厂棱隘田谗伺钱姑藐旺台啦婉眨哲他电浑太递汇喊乃机同淬茬舰傻

7、织高由逛癸沂誓嫂省迅思讫豁狞优篮段二磊蓄针柑辰骆颤晨放胚欠咖怨羊镭槐篙衰服剪唱育鹃憎华抽中勘规脏掷残昂纳讥挡草葡酒汰决平囊逛瓜兴侈甄迸吱和雀瞩探挣扬标讥午拔膘缝贯辞填蔓淋芋痪节绪狭数澜襟谆课彼豁凹霞仟榴榔邮嗡琅尸帮2012年咨询工程师网上辅导 项目决策分析与评价1.直接市场评估法2.环境保护行政法规1、*VTS,this is M/V *,we arrive at VTS report line,my last port*,next port*,my draught*,over 。*交管中心,*船到达VTS报告线,我上一港*,下一港*,吃水*米2、*VTS,this is M/V *,we s

8、upply for anchoring at NO.1 anchorage。*交管中心,我是*船,我们申请在一号锚地抛锚3、*VTS,we finished with anchoring,my position LAT*,LON*。*交管中心,我是*船,我抛锚完毕,锚位经度*纬度*4、*VTS,can I go alongside the wharf?*交管中心,我能靠码头吗?5、*VTS,this is M/V *,we finished with loading,cloud I proceeded to sea?*交管中心,我是*船,我们装货完毕,我们能否开航?6、could I over

9、take you on youport/stardbord?我能在你左/右舷追越吗?7、please keep you course and speed。请保持你的航向和航速。8、we pass port to port。我们左舷对左舷通过9、*pilot station,this isM/V*,we need a pilot。*引航站,我需要引航员。10、when and where should I take the pilot?我在何时、何地接引航员?11、you should reduce your speed。你应该减速。12、you should increase your spe

10、ed。你应该加速。13、you should altere course to port/starboard 你应该向左/右转向14、whats you course and speed?你航向航速是多少?15、I need 2 tugs。我需要两艘突托轮。16、can you read me。你能听见我吗?17、please change to channel *请转到*频道。四、环境影响的经济损益分析(2)环境的非使用价值。环境的非使用价值(NUV)又称内在价值,相当于生态学家所认为的某种物品的内在属性,它与人们是否使用它没有关系。(1)是否符合环境保护相关法律法规。Fire Protec

11、tion and Fire FightingDialog A: Check Fire Fighting Appliance对话1: 检查消防装备Captain: Did you replace a CO2 cylinder in saloon? Third Mate.船长: 你换了大台的二氧化碳灭火器了吗?三副。Third Officer: What is the problem? Captain.三副: 有什么问题吗?船长。Captain: You serve as the Third Officer. A CO2 cylinder weighed lighter than normal w

12、eight. You asked me the problem. Ridiculous! Listen, if I find this kind of problems again, you will be dismissed.船长: 你作为三副,二氧化碳灭火器比正常重量要轻,你来问我有什么问题,真荒谬!听着,如果我再发现类似的问题,你将被解雇。Third Officer: I am sorry, Captain. It is my fault. I replace it now!三副: 对不起,我错了。我现在换。Dialog B: Fire Fighting Drills对话2: 消防演习(

13、After fire alarms a long blast 火警后一长声)Chief Mate: On foreward deck, put on breathing apparatus, smoke helmet, protective clothes, and carry your outfits. Lets go!大副: 在前甲板,戴呼吸器、头盔、穿防护服。带上你的装备,走!A.B: Yes, sir.一水: 遵命。Chief Mate: Connect water hoses. Stand by water.大副: 连皮龙管,准备水。A.B: Water is on.一水: 水已打开

14、。Chief Mate: Fighting fire.大副: 灭火。Bridge: Is fire under control?驾驶台: 火势得到控制了吗?Chief Mate: Fire extinguished. Ask retreat signal.大副: 火已熄灭,请求取消信号。Bridge: Agree on retreat signal. Fire alarm cancelled.驾驶台: 同意撤消信号,火警取消。Dialog C: Finding the Fire对话3: 发现火情Third Mate: I smell burnt in living spaces. Let us

15、 check and report.三副: 我在生活区闻到糊味,检查一下,并报告。Carpenter: Yes, sir.副水手长: 是的,先生。Third Mate: Smoke is from deck. Look at hatches.三副: 甲板传来糊味。看货舱。Carpenter: Third Mate! Fire! Hatch No.3 is on fire. We must come back to bridge immediately, and report to captain.副水手长: 三副!着火了!3舱着火,我们立即返回驾驶台,并报告船长。Third Mate: Ok.

16、 You go to bridge immediately. Then report to captain. I will sound the alarm and wait for fire party.三副: 好了,你立即去驾驶台,然后报告船长,我按响火警并等待消防队。Practical Expressions 实用表达方式Part A: Checking status of equipment 检查设备状况1.Have fire patrols. 保持防火巡回检查。Have fire patrols 3 times every watch. 每班防火巡回检查3次。Have permanen

17、t fire watch. 保持永久性防火巡回检查。Have fire patrols in all spaces. 每个空间保持防火巡回检查。Have fire patrols in engine room. 机舱保持防火巡回检查。Have fire patrols in cargo spaces. 货舱保持防火巡回检查。Have fire patrols in superstructure. 上层建筑保持防火巡回检查。Have fire patrols in accommodation. 生活区保持防火巡回检查。Have fire patrols on deck. 甲板上保持防火巡回检查。

18、2.Everything in order. 一切正常吗?Yes, everything in order. 是的,一切正常。No, following not in order: CO2 cylinder, water hoses.不,下列不正常:二氧化碳灭火器、防火皮龙管。3.Check fore alarms and report. 检查防火警报并汇报。Check smoke alarms and report. 检查烟雾警报并汇报。Fire alarms operational. 防火警报工作。Smoke alarms not operational yet.烟雾警报现在还不能工作。S

19、moke alarms in accommodation operational in 10minutes.住舱内烟雾警告将在10分钟后工作。4.Switch on fire alarms. 打开火灾警报。Switch on smoke alarms. 打开烟雾警报。Switch off fire alarms. 关闭火灾警报。Switch off smoke alarms. 关烟雾警报。Switch on fire alarms in all spaces. 打开所有空间火灾警报。Switch off smoke alarms in engine room. 关机舱的烟雾警报。Switch

20、on smoke alarms in cargo tanks. 打开货油舱烟雾警报。Switch on fire alarms in superstructure. 开上层建筑火灾警报。Switch on fire alarms in 3 compartment. 打开3舱火灾警报。Fire alarms in superstructure switched on.上层建筑的火灾警报已打开。5.Check fire alarm displays on bridge and report.检查驾驶台的火灾警报显示并报告。Check smoke alarm displays on bridge a

21、nd report.检查驾驶台的烟雾警报显示并报告。Fire alarm displays on bridge operational.驾驶台火警显示工作。Fire alarm displays of accommodation not operational.住舱的火警显示不工作。Fire alarm displays of holds operational in 10minutes.货舱的火警显示10分钟后工作。6.Check portable extinguishers and report.检查手提式灭火器并报告。Portable extinguishers in position

22、and operational.手提式灭火器在其位并好用。Portable extinguishers in saloon not in position.大台的手提式灭火器放的位置不对。Portable extinguishers in hold No.2 not accessible.放在2舱的手提式灭火器够不着。Portable extinguishers in Chief Mate Cabin missing.大副房间内的手提式灭火器丢失。Replace missing portable extinguishers.更换丢失的手提式灭火器。Seals of portable extin

23、guishers in compartment No.3 broken.3隔舱的手提式灭火器封印损坏。Replace portable extinguishers with broken seals.把有损坏封印的手提式灭火器换掉。Test certificates of portable extinguishers in galley expired.厨房里的手提式灭火器的试验证书过期。Replace expired portable extinguishers.更换已过期的手提式灭火器。7.Check fire mains and report.检查大型灭火系统并报告。Fire mains

24、 operational.大型灭火系统工作。Hydrants in port deck not operational.左甲板的消防栓不工作。Hydrants in top deck not accessible.顶甲板的消防栓够不着。Hoses to hydrants in starboard deck worn.右甲板连到消防栓皮龙管破损。Hoses to hydrants in main deck cut.主甲板连到消防栓皮龙管断。Replace worn hoses. 换掉破损的皮龙管。Replace cut hoses. 换掉断裂皮龙管。Spanners to hydrant in

25、hold No.2 missing. 2舱皮龙管搬手丢失。Replace missing spanners. 换掉丢失的搬手。Nozzles to hose not operational. 皮龙枪不能工作。Nozzles to hose do not fit. 皮龙枪与皮龙管不匹配。Replace nozzles to 6. 换成6英寸喷嘴。Fire pump in hold No.4 not operational. 4舱消防泵不工作。Water pipe in starboard deck leaking. 右舷甲板水管道断裂。Repair leaking water pipe in s

26、tarboard deck. 修理右舷甲板水管道。Pressure in water pipe in engine room too high.机舱管道水压过高。Reduce pressure in water pipe. 减管道水压。Water pipe in port deck blocked. 左舷水管内阻塞。Free blocked water pipe in port deck. 左舷水管已疏通。Pressure in water pipe too low. 管内水压过低.Increase pressure in water pipe. 增加管内水压。8.Check fixed fo

27、am system and report.检查固定泡沫灭火系统并报告。Check gas fire extinguishing system and report.检查惰性气体灭火系统并报告。Fixed foam system operational.固定泡沫灭火系统工作。Gas system not operational.惰性气体灭火系统不能工作。9.Check sprinkler system and report.检查喷淋系统并报告。Sprinkler system operational.喷淋系统工作。Sprinkler system in engine room not operational.机舱内喷淋系统不工作。10.Check ventilation system and report. 检查通风系统并报告。Ventilation system operational. 通风系统工作。Ventilation system not operational. 通风系统不工作。Remote control not operational. 遥控不能工作。Indicator not operational. 显示器不能工作。Dampers in boiler not operational

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