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人教版英语八年级下册 Unit 7unit9 考点同步测试题含答案.docx

1、人教版英语八年级下册 Unit 7unit9 考点同步测试题含答案Unit 7一、单项选择(20分)1.China is ancient country and people all over the world come to learn Chinese culture.A.a C.the D./2.We should be calm the face of B.with C.of D.in3.Linda is of the three girls,but she is the tallest.A.young B.younger C.youngest D.t

2、he youngest4.What did Linda do last weekend?She succeeded in a model plane.A.makes B.making C.made make5.Mr.Wang isnt at work today. I know,he has gone to London.A.As far as B.As old asC.As soon as D.As long as6.In the near future,there self-driving cars in our B.was C.are D.will be7.

3、 is the population of your town?About sixty thousand.A.How B.WhatC.How many D.How much8.You may feel difficult to enough air in Tibet.A.take away B.take on C.take in D.take off9.The Sahara is about 29 the Taklamakan,the largest desert in China.A.times as large as B.times as larger asC.time as larger

4、 as D.times larger10.There were many people in the factory when I work D.working二、完形填空(2020山东淄博中考)(20分)In the summer of 1938, a poor sheepherder(牧羊人)fell ill and came1a small hospital in Fort Benton, Montana, with his dog.The sheepherder was seriously ill and died soon.The

5、 sheepherders body was 2to his family by train.The dog cried as the train carrying his masters(主人的) body disappeared.Trains came to Fort Benton four times a day.The dog stayed there to meet each one, waiting for his master to return.He watched each passenger3 the train.The train manager Ed felt4for

6、the dog.He named the dog Shep and left him some food every day.He encouraged the dog to come inside the station.Finally, Shep got to trust Ed and would come inside.But every day when the trains 5, Shep was back waiting at the same place.The passengers who came to Fort Benton wondered6the dog was alw

7、ays there, greeting the trains.Ed decided to write a pamphlet(小册子) about Sheps 7and sell it to the passengers for a small price.Some newspapers shared Sheps story across the nation.Day after day, Shep continued to wait and watch.He was 8old when he died in 1942.After his 9, the people of Fort Benton

8、 made a beautiful bronze statue(铜像) of Shep to honor 10.Today, many visitors still stop to look at the stature and buy the pamphlet.1.A.out C.from D.at2.A.burned B.hidden C.sent D.found3.A.get off B.get up C.get along D.get to4.A.lucky B.angry C.happy D.sorry5.A.left B.came C.disappeared D.went

9、6.A.if C.why D.what7.A.story B.hobby C.habit D.look8.A.much B.exactly C.mainly D.very9.A.death B.birth C.illness D.success10.A.them C.her D.him三、阅读表达(10分)Huge Waves Destroying Arctic Ice Faster than ExpectedIce covers much of the Arctic Ocean(北冰洋).Some pieces of ice are huge,like moving

10、islands.As temperatures have increased,however,some of the ice has begun to disappear.Scientists have discovered huge waves(海浪)in the arctic waters.The waves were discovered by accident in May,2010.Scientist Aleksey Marchenko and his students set out on a trip.They wanted to study the icy waters.On

11、May 2,the ship traveled east and stopped next to a large chunk of ice around 50 miles from the small island of Hopen.Marchenko prepared to lead his students out onto the ice.“We were ready to go but when I went out,I discovered many cracks(裂缝)around,”he remembers.He decided to move the ship deeper i

12、nto the ice to keep safe.The farther in they went,he thought,the harder the ice would become.As they pushed forward,however,the ship experienced small waves,and then bigger ones.Soon,the waves broke up the ice around the ship into thousands of smaller pieces.Within an hour.Marchenko and his team saw

13、 a wave that was about 13 feet high.The ships navigation(航行)system finally recorded the largest waves.They were more than 20 feet in height.The waves were so strong that they forced huge pieces of ice to jump up and down,breaking the ice into smaller pieces within just one hour.Scientists had never

14、imagined that the process could happen so fast.The waves in these areas used to be small.The speed and force of the huge waves there makes it impossible to know in advance when they are coming.That could be dangerous for navigators and local communities who are unprepared for huge waves or depend on

15、 sea ice to protect them.Wildlife like polar bears and walruses that depend on sea ice to live is also in danger.Some scientists think people will soon see even bigger waves in these icy waters.As waves break up ice,the seas will become more open,and the waves will get even stronger.There are stormy

16、 times ahead.1.When did Marchenko and his students discover huge waves in the arctic waters? 2.Why did Marchenko and his students set out on the trip? 3.What did Marchenko decide to do to keep safe? 4.How high were the largest waves recorded by the navigation system? 5.What is Paragraph 7 mainly abo

17、ut? 四、词汇运用(20分)(A)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1.The homeless people in our society need care and (protect).2.Tom is one of the (popular)students in the class.3.I stayed (wake)until 12 oclock last night.4.His grandma went to hospital and her (ill) is so serious.5.I want to know the (weigh)of the vegetables.(B)根据

18、句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子。6.Look out!There is a (深的)hole in front of you.7.Do you know what the (人口数量)of Australia is? 8.Youd better go out to enjoy the beauty of (大自然)in spring.9.China has been making many great (成就)in every field these years,which amazes the world.10.The village is famous.Every year thousan

19、ds of tcome to visit it.五、短文填空(10分)用括号中所给词的适当形式填空,使语篇意思完整,必要时请用否定式。World Wildlife Fund(WWF)and Greenpeace are two famous organizations in the world.They both aim at making our planet a better place 1.(live).World Wildlife Fund works to protect wild animals and plants.It began in Switzerland on Septe

20、mber 11,1961.Now,it has offices in 100 countries and nearly 5 2.(million)members all over the world.The members are from different groups,3.(include)governments,business,scientists and farmers.They have played an active role in 4.(save)animals and rainforests.5.(recent),one WWF project is protecting

21、 the Amazon rainforest.WWF has done plenty of research 6.(find)creative ways that meet the need of both people and nature.Greenpeace was set up in 1971,with an idea of working for world peace at the very 7.(begin).Now it is active in 8.(protect) oceans,forests,and animals as well.It also calls for t

22、he use of clean energy,like wind power and solar power.Greenpeace has offices in 45 countries such as America and Canada.Its head office is in Netherlands.Greenpeace has about 3 million members at present.Small steps lead to big 9.(change).It encourages more and more people 10.(take)action.六、书面表达(20

23、分)动物是人类的好朋友。为了增强同学们的动物保护意识,本周校英语角将就“拯救动物”的话题进行讨论。请你根据下面的提示准备一篇发言稿。提示:1.Why are more animals in danger?2.What should we do?3.What should the government do?要求:1.句子通顺、语意连贯;2.70词左右。参考词汇:skin 皮;fur 毛More and more animals are in danger. 四十分钟单元随堂测(Unit 7)一、1-5 BDDBA6-10 DBCAD二、1-5 BCADB6-10 CADAD三、1.In May

24、,2010.2.Because they wanted to study the icy waters.3.He decided to move the ship deeper into the ice.4.More than 20 feet.5.The damage of the huge waves to people and wildlife in the Arctic area.四、1.protection2.most popular3.awake4.illness5.weight6.deep7.population8.nature9.achievements10.tourists五、

25、 take 六、One possible version:More and more animals are in danger.One of the main reasons is that people are killing them.Animals are good friends of human beings,so we should stop killing them.We shouldnt ki

26、ll wild animals for their skin,meat or fur.At the same time,we should not cut down too many trees in the forests,or animals will have nowhere to live.The government should make special rules to protect animals.Please stop killing animals! We must save animals in order to protect the earth!Unit 8 .单项

27、填空(20分)()1.The old box is not empty at all. It is full books and magazines.A.with B.for C.of red pen is and the black one belongs to .A.mine; hers; her C.mine; her; hers()3.Nowadays, farmers leave their hometowns to search for work in the cities.A.million of B.two millionsC.mi

28、llions of D.two millions of()4.I got so many presents on my birthday. The presents made me happy and excited. A.feel B.felt C.feeling feel ()5.Would you like to watch Harry Potter with me tonight?Sorry. I it many B.have watchedC.will watch D.was watching()6.Would you like to come

29、to my birthday party tonight?Yes, Id love to. But I have to finish my English homework first.A.doing do C.does doing()7.I asked Tony about his secret of . He told me that it was confidence(信心).A.success C.dream D.kindness()8.We have to . If we dont be quick, we may miss the tr

30、ain.A.give up B.hurry up C.stay up D.take up()9.The old box is too heavy for you. Why not and have a rest?A.put it down B.put it offC.put it off D.put it on()10.The doctor has worked in the hospital for fifteen years he moved to the that long as C.ever since D.even though.完形填空(20分)It

31、was my first day at Grade 6. And the first lesson was 11 English. When I was doing nothing, Mr. Gough, our new English teacher, 12 into the classroom.To my surprise, he held up a book, The Collected Works of Edgar Allan Poe, and asked, “Who has 13 it yet?” I put my hand up, because Poe was my favorite writer. Mr. Gough asked if I really understood 14 the author trie

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