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英国报纸发展British newspaper development.docx

1、英国报纸发展British newspaper development英国报纸发展(British newspaper development)TimesThe Times is a comprehensive national newspaper published in Britain. It is a newspaper that has a great influence on the politics, economy and culture of the whole world.The times is affiliated with Rupert Murdochs news co

2、rporation. For a long time, the times has been regarded as Britains first mainstream newspaper, known as a faithful record of British society. The times played an important role in Britains domestic politics and international relations. After being bought by Murdoch, it means that the timess style i

3、s gradually becoming conservative.The timess English name The Times, translated literally from Chinese, should be the times. However, its translation has become similar to the pronunciation, but not associated with the Thames River (River Thames). Due to the conventional relationship, mistranslation

4、 has been preserved. There are many newspapers around the world called Times, such as the New York Times (The New York Times). In order to distinguish it, the times is sometimes referred to by the English language as The London Times. The times is the first newspaper in the world to be named after T

5、imes.HistoryThe pages of the timesThe times was born in 1785 and was founded by John walter. At the beginning of the birth, the name of this newspaper is The Daily Register Universal. In January 1, 1788, officially changed to todays name. John Walter was also the first editor in chief of the times.

6、He resigned in 1803 and passed on his publisher and editor to his son, Walter John. John Walter had been jailed for 16 months for libel. However it is in charge of Walter John?, the times will be the first British news perspective extends to other European countries, especially france. This is the t

7、imes in the political and financial sector won a high reputation.As a comprehensive daily newspaper, the times focuses on politics, science, literature, art, etc., and has gained a good reputation in almost every field. In its early days, the times were profitable, and the profit margins were so gre

8、at that there was hardly another newspaper that could rival the quality or the economy. It is also for this reason that times employees, including journalists, editors and columnists, earn more than journalists who work in other newspapers.In early nineteenth Century, the times served as the three c

9、hief editor John, Barnes and Thomas Stoddart? John? Thaddeus efforts, its influence has been enhanced, especially in the UK and London political affairs.The times was the first newspaper with foreign correspondents and the first newspaper to be sent to war correspondents. W H, Russell, who was once

10、sent to the Crimea by the times, wrote a series of war stories that had made the little-known journalist famous.In the great political events of the nineteenth Century, the times played an important role. For example, during the American Civil war,The newspaper openly opposes slavery. The times open

11、ly supports certain politicians in its own value, but never pander to public opinion. President Lincoln once said, I dont know what else can have the power of the times except the Mississippi River.In 1847, John Walter third took over his father, known as the publisher of the newspaper. Despite the

12、increasingly conservative politics of the Walter family, the times maintained its independence. However, around the 1850, the rapid rise of the cheap Penny newspaper posed a great threat to the survival and development of the times. The main threats come from cheap newspapers in two: the Daily Teleg

13、raph and the daily mail.In 1880, Northern Rock gained the ownership of the newspaper and innovated it to make it more effective. In 1922, John Jacob Astor bought the times from northern rock. 30s was a very disgraceful period in the history of the times, because the newspaper received the policy of

14、appeasement and openly condoned fascist aggression by germany. Meanwhile, the timess editor, George Geoffrey Dawson, and British Prime Minister Chamberlain formed a political alliance to openly support the British governments foreign policy.In 1966, the Astor family sold the times to Roy Thomsen, a

15、big publisher from canada. It was also in this year, the times began to publish news reports in the first edition of the newspaper (prior to this, the times the first edition published mainly small luxury advertisement, object for the class). At this time the times was overwhelmed.In 1979 the indust

16、rial dispute makes the times published nearly a year. It was not until 1981 that Rupert Murdoch of news group bought the newspaper for 12 million. Murdochs news group also owns the popular newspaper, the sun, which is known for its largest circulation of third pages of naked women.The acquisition of

17、 the times, Murdoch immediately replaced the original editor William? Li Si - Harold Evans and moge, appointed as the new editor?. Evans made a major reform of the times, including the introduction of new interviews and communication technologies, and the introduction of more efficient management sy

18、stems. In 1982, the times began using computer typesetting and laser phototypesetting. The move led to a massive downsizing of the times, reducing the number of employees in its printing department from 375 to 186. At this point, however, journalists could not write articles directly through typing

19、input. This situation continued until 1986.In 2005, official figures showed that the times had an average daily circulation of 688 thousand copies. This sales volume has been the best release level of the times in recent years. The daily telegraph, which belongs to an integrated quality newspaper, i

20、s more sales than the times, with an average daily circulation of about 920 thousand copies and a total of more than 300 thousand subscribers.FeaturesThe times has been adhering to the independent, objective reporting of facts and reporting the history of development purposes, but look at the histor

21、y of more than 200 years,It can be seen that the political tendency of the newspaper is basically conservative, and supports the view of the British government in all previous important domestic and international affairs.The daily edition of the times is about 40 pages. The layout can be divided int

22、o two parts. One is news and commentary at home and abroad, culture, art, and book reviews. The first is business, finance, sports, radio, television and entertainment. The reporting style is very serious, and the content of the report is very detailed. Its readership mainly includes political, busi

23、ness, financial and intellectual circles.After the acquisition of the times, Murdoch has repeatedly stressed that he will not interfere with the editorial policy of the newspaper, and does not reduce the quality and style of its historical accumulation, but it means that the times has still undergon

24、e some changes. In editorial style, more pictures, more social news, and more political tendencies; pro american government trends.Successive issuerJohn Walter (1785-1803)Little John Walter (1803-1847)John Walter, third (1847-1894)Arthur, Fraser, Walter (1894-1908)Sir North Rock (1908-1922)The Astor

25、 family (1922-1966)Roy, Thomsen (1966-1981)Rupert, Murdoch (1981-)Successive editor in chiefJohn Walter (1785-1803)Little John Walter (1803-1809)John Stoddart (1809-1817)?Thomas, Barnes (1817-1841)John, Ryan (1841-1877)Thomas chenoll (1877-1884)? George Earl Buckley (1884-1912)George, Geoffrey, Daws

26、on (1912-1919)Henry? Wickham Steede (1919-1922)?George, Geoffrey, Dawson (1923-1941) Robert Mike temperature Bahrain meal - Wald (1941-1948)William, Casey (1948-1952)William, Hailey (1952-1966)William? Li Si - Mo Ge (1967-1981)Harold, Evans (1981-1982)Charles, Douglas, Hume (1982-1985)Charles Wilson

27、 (1985-1990)Simon, Jenkins (1990-1992)Peter Stowe? Sade (1992-2002)Robert, Thomsen (2002-)Serving columnistSimon, Barnes?Columbine? Alan?Benjamin, Cohen?Elese? Cohen?Michael, GF?Tim, Humes?Anthony, Howard?Philip, Howard?Mick, Hume?Anatole, C Lessky?Magnus, Linklater?Anthony, Luo Yide?Ben, Madge Tell

28、?Morondava? Caitlin?Richard, Morrison?Matthew Parrish?Libby, amber, WeissWilliam, Li Si - Mo Ge?Peter Lee DELL?Nick, Robinson?Marie Ann Hart SeegerJanis Turner?Victor Krafts patience?External linksThe Times Online?泰晤士报时尚手册德:时代恩:时间:时间:时间:FI FR的时候他:答:NL:时代网络时代的时代:没有:PL:时代PT:时代钌次SV:时代补充内容泰晤士报创刊于1785年元旦



31、报业集团-北岩报团买下,才使它起死回生。北岩报团的掌门人就是大名鼎鼎的哈姆斯沃思,这个人很有本事,现在英国很有名气的两种小报每日邮报和每日镜报就是由哈姆斯沃思创办的,后来被封为北岩勋爵。他任命道森为主编,全力革新,使泰晤士报重有起色,发行量由3万份上升到31万份,这是泰晤士报的第二次巅峰时期。但是好景不长,随着广播电视的问世,英国报业受到严重的冲击,泰晤士报也逃脱不了衰落的命运。到北岩勋爵去世以后,它的后代把泰晤士报卖给了阿斯特家族,阿斯特家族又因财政困难转卖给了国际报业大王汤姆森。汤Whether this is a Canadian, Britain in 50s battles, the

32、 founder of the Thomsen group company, the company is the largest newspaper company in Britain after World War II, currently has more than 50 local newspapers, more than 50 magazines. Although the newspaper was run by such a large newspaper, it failed to save the times. Old Thomsen had to make up for the deficit of newspapers spent 800 thousand pounds of property, after the death of the old Thomsen, his son Thomsen will e

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