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1、经典美剧老友记第七季第十六集字幕对白中英文对照看美剧学英语-Hi. -Hi! Hi, Ben. -嗨 -嗨!嗨,班-Hi. -We have a bathroom emergency. -嗨 -厕所紧急事件Go ahead. 请用Before we do, are any of Joeys special romance magazines in there? 去之前,没有乔伊特别的 “罗曼史”杂志在里面吧?-No. -Okay, all clear. -没有 -可以了Thanks, Phoebe. 谢谢,菲比Thats Rachel. 是瑞秋But whatever. 随便啦Could yo

2、u do me a big favor? 可以帮我一个大忙吗?I have a meeting at the deans office. 院长办公室召开会议Can you watch Ben for an hour? 你能替我照看班一小时吗?-What about Monica? -She isnt home. -摩妮卡呢? -她不在家So it would just be me alone? 只有我一个人?Ben would be there. 班也会在Whats the matter? 怎么了?Ive never done that before. Me and him, alone. 以

3、前从来不曾 只有我和他单独在一起Hes not an ex-con. 他不是前科犯Okay, okay. 好,好-What do I do with him? -I dont know, talk to him. -我要和他做什么? -我不知道,和他讲话Entertain him. Keep him alive. 娱乐他,让他活着-Okay. -Ben, come here. -好 -班,来Im gonna leave you here with Aunt Rachel for about an hour, okay? 我要把你留在这儿和瑞秋阿姨 一起一小时,好吗?Gonna be okay?

4、 你可以吧?-I think so. -I wasnt talking to you. -我想可以 -我不是和你说话The One With The Truth About London 本集播出:伦敦的真相26 第二位教士如何?我还蛮喜欢他的-You mean the spitter? -Come on. He wasnt that bad. -你指喷口水那个? -别这样,他没那么糟Easy for you to say, youd be wearing a veil. 你说起来容易,你有面纱-And the third guy? -He kept staring at your chest

5、. -第三个呢? -他一直瞪着你的胸部看Can you blame him? 你能怪他吗?I dont like the idea of me saying, I do. 我不希望我说“我愿意”时while hes thinking, Id do it too. 他想着,“我也愿意”-Well, then we still have a problem. -With what? -那我们还有一个问题 -什么?We need someone to perform our wedding but theyre all boring or annoying. 我们需要证婚人 但他们都太无趣或是讨厌o

6、r keep staring at the ladies. 或是一直瞪着女生看You should have one of us do it. 应该让我们其中一人来证婚Were getting married married, not 6th-grade married. 我们是要“结婚”的结婚 不是“六年级”的结婚No, its a real thing. 是真的Anyone can be ordained on the lnternet and perform weddings and stuff. 任何人都能在网路上 被任命为教士然后证婚I call it! 我要!What? It wa

7、s my idea! 什么?是我的主意!Thank you very much, but neither of you is marrying us. 非常感谢你,但你们 谁也不会替我们证婚Does calling it not mean anything anymore? 提出请求不再有任何意义了吗?Were having a legitimate clergy member. 我们要一位正式的教士And when I say legitimate, I mean gay. 我说正式,我指的是同性恋and in control of his saliva. 而且能控制口水的Ben, you

8、know, when you were a baby. 班,你知道,当你还是个婴儿时wed hang out all the time. 我们常在一起I was your daddys girlfriend. 那时我是你爸的女朋友But youre not anymore. 可是你现在不是了-No, Im not. -Because you guys were on a break. -不,我不是 -因为你们想分开一下Hey, we were not on a. 嘿,我们不是-Whens my daddy coming back? -Fifty-two minutes. -我爸什么时候会回来?

9、 -52分钟后So no brothers or sisters, huh? 你没有兄弟姐妹,嗯?You know, I had two sisters and we just tortured each other. 我有两个姐妹,我们彼此折磨-Really? Like how? -Well, you know, we would. -真的?像怎样? -我们会wed repeat everything the other said. 重覆另一个人说的每一句话or wed jump out of closets to scare each other. 或是从衣柜跳出去吓人or switch

10、the sugar with salt so they put salt on their cereal. 或是把糖换成盐 让别人把盐洒到早餐麦片里Thats a good one. 这个不错-Yeah, you like that one? -Yeah, youre funny. -你喜欢吗? -是,你很好玩Im funny? 我很好玩?Oh, thank God. 感谢天Well, hey, I got a ton of these. 嘿,我有一大堆这种故事You take a quarter. 拿一个25仙铜板and you blacken the edge, right? 把边缘涂黑A

11、nd then you say, I bet you cant roll this quarter. 然后说:我打赌 你不能用这枚铜板to your chin without it leaving your face. 滚过你的下巴而不离开你的脸And when they do it, theyre left with a line down the center of their face. 等他们这么做了 会在脸正中央留下一条线Can I do it to you? 我可以对你这样吗?Im funny, Ben, but Im not stupid. 班,我是幽默,但我不笨So did y

12、ou find anyone to marry you yet? 你们找到证婚人了吗?No, but Horny for Monica minister called. 没有,但“痴想摩妮卡”教士 打电话来wondering if were still together. 想知道我们是否还在一起-Well never find anybody. -Then let me do it. -我们永远不会找到人的 -那么让我来-Joey. -Ive been thinking. -乔伊 -我想过了Im an actor, so I wont get nervous in front of peopl

13、e. 我是个演员,我在人前不会紧张I wont spit and I wont stare at Monicas breasts. 我不会喷口水 也不会瞪着摩妮卡的胸部看Everyone knows Im an ass man. 大家都知道我喜欢的是臀部-Thats true. -The most important thing. -那倒是真的 -最重要的是is, it wont be some stranger who barely knows you. 不是一位几乎不认识你的陌生人替你证婚Itll be me. And I swear, Ill do a really good job.

14、而会是我,我发誓,我会做得很好Plus, I love you guys and it would really mean a lot to me. 还有,我爱你们,这对我意义重大Might be kind of cool. 这样也蛮酷的-So I can do it? -Yeah, you can do it. -我可以吗? -好,你可以All right! Okay! 好!好!Okay, I gotta get started on my speech. 好,我要开始准备我的演说Wait a minute. 等一下Internet ministers can have sex, right

15、? 网路上任命的教士 还是可以做爱,对吧?Coming. 来了I have a bone to pick with you. 我要找你麻烦-Uh-oh. -Yes. -惨了 -对Ben learned a little trick. 班学了一个恶作剧-Oh, did he pull the old.? -Thats right, thats right. -他是不是? -对,是的Saran wrap on the toilet seat. 马桶座位上包了丝龙so the pee goes everywhere. 于是尿尿喷得到处都是-Oh, that. -Yeah, that. -哦,那个啊

16、-对,那个You know I hate practical jokes. 你知道我最恨恶作剧的Theyre mean, theyre stupid and I dont want my son learning them. 恶作剧很毒,很笨 我不要我儿子学会这些Saran wrap on the toilet seat? Isnt that just a little funny? 马桶包了丝龙? 那没有一点点好笑吗?-I was barefoot. -Oh. -我赤脚 -哦Tell me, the toilet thing is the only thing you taught him,

17、 right? 你只有教他马桶这一件,对不?Yes. 对-Hey. -Say hello to Reverend Joey Tribbiani. -嘿 -向乔伊崔比亚尼教士打招呼-You got ordained? -Yeah. -你被任命了? -对Just got off the lnternet. Man, theres a lot of porn out there. 才下网,网上好多色情图片Our minister. 我们的教士I started on what Im gonna say for the ceremony. Want to hear it? 我已经写下我在婚礼要说的话,

18、要听吗?Listen, this is just the first draft, so. 注意,这只是第一篇草稿,所以We are gathered here today on this joyous occasion. 今天我们齐聚此处 在这个喜悦的场合to celebrate the special love that Monica and Chandler share. 来庆祝摩妮卡和钱德之间特别的爱It is a love based on giving and receiving. 这是奠基在付出和接受as well as having and sharing. 拥有和分享的爱An

19、d the love that they give and have is shared and received. 他们付出和拥有的爱被分享和接受了And through this having and giving. 借着这样的拥有和付出and sharing and receiving. 以及分享和接受we too can share and love and have. 我们同样分享,爱,和拥有and receive. 还有接受Should we call the spitter? 要不要打电话给喷口水的?-Hey, Rachel. -Hi. -嘿,瑞秋 -嗨What a surpri

20、se. What are you doing here? 好个惊喜,你怎么在这里?I was just in the neighborhood. 我正好在附近and I passed by your building and thought, Whats up with Carol. 经过你家,我想 凯洛和可爱的小班and sweet little Ben? 不知道怎么样?-Thats nice. Well, come on in. -Okay. -真好,请进 -好Ill make some coffee and we can chat. 我来煮咖啡,然后我们可以聊天Id love that.

21、 I would love that. 好啊,很好So where is sweet little Ben? 可爱的小班呢?I would love to have a little. 我想和小I found him! 找到他了!Very funny. Come here. 好好笑,过来That is exactly why Ive come here to talk to you, okay? 这就是我来找你谈的原因-Rachel, you want sugar? -Yes, but. -瑞秋,要加糖吗? -好,但Do I want sugar in my coffee? 我的咖啡要不要加糖

22、?No, just some milk would be good, Carol. Thanks. 不要,只要加牛奶就好,谢谢Remember all that stuff I taught you yesterday? 记得我昨天教你的那些东西?Remember all that stuff I taught you yesterday? “记得我昨天教你的那些东西?”-Dont do that. -Dont do that. -不要这样 -“不要这样”-Your dad doesnt like pranks. -Your dad doesnt like pranks. -你爸爸不喜欢恶作剧

23、 -“你爸爸不喜欢恶作剧”-Oh, damn it. -Oh, damn it! -可恶! -“可恶!”No! Dont say that. 不!不要这么说-Damn it! -Go back to repeating. -可恶! -重覆我的说话-Damn it! -Oh, crap. -可恶! -真烂!Oh, crap! “真烂!”Okay, I got some more written, ready? 好,我又写了一些,准备好了吗?Yeah, okay. 是,好When I think of the love that these two givers and receivers sha

24、re. 当我想到这两位付出者 和接受者所分享的爱I cant help but envy the lifetime ahead of having and loving. 我禁不住嫉妒 之后一生的拥有和爱and giving. And then I cant think of a good word for right here. 和付出我想不出这儿要用什么字-How about receiving? -Yes! -用“接受”如何? -对!See, Joe, not that thats not great. 乔伊,这不是不好but one cool thing about having a

25、friend perform the ceremony. 但朋友证婚的好处就是is that it can be about us. 能够和我们有关It can be more personal. You can tell stories about us. 可以更个人,你可以说说 我们的小故事Okay! Maybe Ill talk about London, when you hooked up. 好!我可以谈伦敦 当你们开始在一起Only I wont say hooked up. 我不会说“在一起”Ill say, began their beautiful journey. 我会说:

26、他们美丽的旅程-There you go. -by doing it. -对了 -由做了开始-Joe. -Okay, all right. -乔伊 -好吧So how did it happen? Did your eyes meet across the room. 所以是怎么开始的? 你们的双眼越过房间相遇then youre in the bathtub and shes feeding you strawberries? 然后你在浴缸里 她在喂你吃草莓?-Isnt that what happened to you? -Yeah! -那不是发生在你和伴娘身上吗? -对!I call t

27、hat London style. 我叫它做“伦敦派”That didnt happen with us. 没发生在我们身上Maybe you should say it is, because London style sounds nice. 也许你应该说有 因为“伦敦派”听来不错Okay, uh. 好,嗯I was sad that night because this guy thought I was Ross mom. 那天晚上我很难过 因为有个家伙以为我是罗斯的妈And Chandler was really sweet and he consoled me and. 钱德对我很

28、好,一直安慰我-we drank too much. -Yeah, baby. -而我们喝了很多 -好啊,宝贝I was a gentleman and I walked her to her hotel room and said good night. 我很绅士地陪她走回旅馆房间,道了晚安Oh. 我很绅士地陪她走回旅馆房间,道了晚安-But then, later that night. -Yeah, baby. -但那晚稍晚时 -好啊,宝贝Cute P.J.s. Really living it up here in London, huh? 可爱的睡衣 真的想在伦敦过的多采多姿?Wel

29、l, I wasnt exactly expecting company after. 我想不会再有人来,现在已经9:15. 9点15分Is Joey here? 乔伊在吗?Last I saw he was with a bridesmaid and a bucket of strawberries. 上次我看到他时 他和伴娘和一篮草莓在一起Youre not still upset about what that guy told you, are you? 你不会还在为那个家伙的话生气吧?Wouldnt you be? 你不会吗?Its been a really emotional t

30、ime and youve had a lot to drink. 这是一个很感人的时刻 你又喝了很多You have to let that go, okay? 你必须要让这件事过去,好吗?You were the most beautiful woman in the room tonight. 你是今晚屋里最美的女人Really? 真的?You kidding? Youre the most beautiful woman in most rooms. 你说笑?你是大部份屋里 最美的女人Whoa, whats going on? 喔,发生什么事了?We just made out. 我们

31、亲嘴了-Were making out? -Not anymore. -我们亲嘴了? -现在没有-But we dont do that. -I know, I thought it would be fun. -可是我们不这样的 -我知道,我以为会很好玩How drunk are you? 你有多醉?Enough to know I want to do this. Not so much that you should feel guilty. 醉到知道我想这么做 但没到你该觉得内疚的地步Thats the perfect amount. 这是最好的程度-You know whats weird? -What? -你知道哪里奇怪吗? -哪里?-This doesnt feel weird. -I know. -感觉一点都不奇怪

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