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学年高中英语 模块综合检测 北师大版必修4.docx

1、学年高中英语 模块综合检测 北师大版必修4 模块综合检测.阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)APlanning a visit to the UK?Here we help with ways to cut your costs.AVOID BIG EVENTS Big sporting events,concerts and exhibitions can increase the cost of accommodation and make it harder to find a room.A standard double room at the Thistle Bright

2、on on the final Friday of the Brighton Comedy Festival (19 Oct.) cost 169.15 at B.A week later,the same room cost118.15.If you can be flexible and want to know dates to avoidor youre looking for a big event to pass your timecheck out sites such as W,which allow you to search for events in the UK by

3、city,date and category.STAY AWAY FROM THE STATION If traveling to your destination by train,you may want to find a good base close to the station,but you could end up paying more for the sake of convenience at the start of your holiday.Dont be too choosy about the part of town you stay in.Booking tw

4、o months in advance,the cheapest room at Travelodges Central Euston hotel in London for Saturday 22 September was95.95.A room just a tube journey away at its Covent Garden hotel was75.75.And at Farringdon,a double room cost just62.95.GET ON A BIKE Londons “Boris bikes” have attracted the most attent

5、ion,but other cities also have similar programmes that let you rent a bicycle and explore at your own pace,saving you on public transport or car parking costs.Among the smaller cities with their own programmes are Newcastle (casual members pay around1.50 for two hours) and Cardiff (free for up to 30

6、 minutes,or5 per day)【语篇解读】本篇是一篇说明文。主要给读者讲解了去英国节约开支的途径。1The Brighton Comedy Festival is mentioned mainly to show big events may Ahelp travelers pass timeBattract lots of travelers to the UKCallow travelers to make flexible plansDcause travelers to pay more for accommodationD推理判断题。题干关键词为:The Brighton

7、 Comedy Festival,定位第二段。根据句子The Brighton Comedy Festival cost169.15.A week later,the same room cost118.15,可以得知,主要是为了说明在有大事期间游客付费更高一些。干扰项排除:C项提及flexible ,但是指如果游客时间灵活的话,根据具体情况而定,故选D。2“Farringdon” in Paragraph 5 is most probably Aa hotel away from the train stationBthe tube line to Covent GardenCan idea

8、l holiday destinationDthe name of a travel agencyA推理判断题。题干已经明确告知第五段,所以,直接在第五段找答案。文中提及at Farringdon, a double room cost just62.95;再看前两个句子,只因为距离车站的距离不同,价格相差很大,从75.75到95.95,可知两个信息:Farringdon首先是旅馆;其次是相对来说离车站较远,故选A。3The main purpose of the passage is Ato tell visitors how to book in advanceBto supply vis

9、itors with hotel informationCto offer visitors some moneysaving tipsDto show visitors the importance of selfhelpC推理判断题。回到文章开头,Here we help with ways to cut your costs不难看出答案,故选C。BThis year some twentythree hundred teenagers (young people aged from 1319) from all over the world will spend about ten mo

10、nths in US homes.They will attend US schools,meet US teenagers,and form impressions of the real America.At the same time,about thirteen hundred American teenagers will go to other countries to learn new languages and gain a new understanding of the rest of the world.Here is a twoway student exchange

11、 in action.Fred,nineteen,spent last year in Germany with Georges family.In turn,Georges son Mike spent a year in Freds home in America.Fred,a lively young man,knew little German when he arrived,but after two months study the language began to come to him.School was completely different from what he

12、had expectedmuch harder.Students rose respectfully when the teacher entered the room.They took fourteen subjects instead of the six that were usual in the United States.There were almost no outside activities.Family life,too,was different.The fathers word was law,and all activities were around the f

13、amily rather than the individual.Fred found the food too simple at first.Also,he missed having a car.“Back home,you pick up some friends in a car and go out and have a good time.In Germany,you walk,but you soon learn to like it.”At the same time,in America,Mike,a friendly German boy,was also forming

14、 his idea.“I suppose I should criticize American schools,”he said.“It is far too easy by our level.But I have to say that I like it very much.In Germany we do nothing but study.Here we take part in many outside activities.I think that maybe your schools are better in training for citizens.There ough

15、t to be some middle ground between the two.”【语篇解读】本文介绍了一种不同国家青少年参与的交换生活动。通过此活动可以感受到不同国家之间的文化差异。4The whole exchange program is mainly to Ahelp teenagers in other countries know the real AmericaBsend students in America to travel in GermanyClet students learn something about other countriesDhave teena

16、gers learn new languagesC细节理解题。根据第一段第二、三句话“They will attend US schools.American teenagers will go to other countries.”说明这个计划是让年轻人了解其他国家的文化等知识,故C正确。5What is particular in American schools?AThere is some middle ground between the two teaching buildings.BThere are a lot of outside activities.CStudents

17、usually take 14 subjects in all.DStudents go outside to enjoy themselves in a car.B细节理解题。根据文章最后一段倒数第三句“Here we take part in many outside activities.”可知,在美国的学校里有很多的户外活动,故B正确。6What did Mike think after experiencing the American school life?AA better education should include something good from both Am

18、erica and Germany.BGerman schools trained students to be better citizens.CAmerican schools were not as good as German schools.DThe easy life in the American school was more helpful to students.A推理判断题。根据文章最后一句“There ought to be some middle ground between the two.”可知,他认为要从两种教育体系中找出好的方面,并把二者结合在一起。故A正确。

19、7Whats Mikes attitude towards American education?APraise. BRegret.CIgnore. DAccuse (批评)D观点态度题。根据最后一段中“It is far too easy by our level.”可推断,他认为美国的教育太容易了,故持批评的态度,故D项正确。CThe appeal of advertising to buying motives can have both negative and positive effects. Consumers may be convinced to buy a product

20、of poor quality or high price because of an advertisement. For example, some advertisers have appealed to peoples desire for better fuel economy for their cars by advertising automotive products that improve gasoline mileage. Some of the products work. Others are worthless and a waste of consumers m

21、oney.Sometimes advertising is intentionally misleading.A few years ago, a brand of bread was offered to dieters with the message that there were fewer calories in every slice. It turned out that the bread was not dietetic, but just regular bread. There were fewer calories because it was sliced very

22、thin, but there was the same number of calories in every loaf.On the positive side, emotional appeals may respond to a consumers real concerns. Consider fire insurance. Fire insurance may be sold by appealing to fear of loss. But fear of loss is the real reason for fire insurance. The security of kn

23、owing that property is protected by insurance makes the purchase of fire insurance a worthwhile investment for most people. If consumers consider the quality of the insurance plans as well as the message in the ads, they will benefit from the advertising.Each consumer must evaluate her or his own si

24、tuation. Are the benefits of the product important enough to justify buying it? Advertising is intended to appeal to consumers.But it does not force them to buy the product. Consumers still control the final buying decision.【语篇解读】广告的吸引力有积极影响也有消极影响,但买不买商品最终决定权在消费者手中。8Advertising can persuade the cons

25、umer to buy worthless products by Astressing their high qualityBconvincing him of their low priceCmaintaining a balance between quality and price Dappealing to his buying motivesD推理判断题。从第一段看出,广告能说服人购买没有价值的产品就是因为它能投其所好,抓住消费者的购买心理。所以选D。9The reason why the bread advertisement is misleading is that Athi

26、n slices of bread could contain more calories Bthe loaf was cut into regular slicesCthe bread was not genuine breadDthe total number of calories in the loaf remained the sameD细节理解题。文章第二段举了一个消费者被误导的例子。由本段最后一句可知,面包广告误导了消费者就是因为整条面包的热量总数并未减少。10The passage tells us that Asometimes advertisements really s

27、ell what the consumer needsBadvertisements occasionally force consumers into buying things they dont needCthe buying motives of consumers are controlled by advertisementsDfire insurance is seldom a worthwhile investmentA推理判断题。文章开篇的观点就是,广告既有消极的一面又有积极的一面。第三段举例说明了广告的积极性就在于它能满足消费者的真正需求。11It can be infer

28、red from the passage that a smart consumer should Athink carefully about the benefits described in the advertisementsBguard against the deceiving nature of advertisementsCbe familiar with various advertising strategiesDavoid buying products that have strong emotional appealA推理判断题。广告的目的是吸引消费者,但不能强迫消费

29、者购买,最终的选择权还是在消费者手里。因此选A。DThe most important thing to becoming rich is for you to have a mindset(心态) to want to become rich.The reason I say that is that I wanted to become rich when I played Monopoly (强手棋)The greatest formula (公式) for wealth was found on that board game.Then my poor dad said,“Ah,put

30、 the game away.Study,study,study!Youre wasting your time playing.”While my rich dad said,“You must open your mind and see the formula right on Monopoly.”I wondered “Whats the formula?”And finally I learned the formula was:four green houses,a red hotel.Today Im a rich man because all I ever did since

31、 that time was buying four green houses,selling them all,buying a red hotel,four green houses.You must have an open mindset.If you have an open mindset you will learn from everything;if not,you will learn from nothing.So I think that is the most important thing.I dont have a salary;I only have a job

32、 for four years in my life.I dont want a salary.What the middle class and the poor want is high income and money.But they have no wealth because they have no assets (资产)You must know the difference between money and wealth.Money will never make you rich.Wealth makes you rich.I have large companies,lots of stocks,real estate

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