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1、国际贸易航运租船和保险缩略语Ccjcy概要Shipping、Trading and Chartering and Terms Definitions 国际贸易、航运、租船和保险缩略语 Abbreviation Meaning C (cj-cy)CJF China-Japan International Ferry CO.,LTD. 中日国际轮渡有限公司CKD completely knocked down. 全组装,全分解的,全拆卸的,完全低价cars knocked down. 汽车拆卸,汽车部件CKS CHUN KYUNG Shipping Co.,Ltd. 天敬海运株式会社CL carl

2、oad 整车货 containerload 整箱(集装箱)货 cargo list 货物清单,装货清单 claim 索赔,要求 classification 分类。定级 clause 条款 completion of loading 装货完毕 common law 习惯法,不成文法,普通法(案例法)container lease 集装箱租赁合同 container leasing 集装箱租赁container load 集装箱满载,满载集装箱 continuous line(r) 定期航线,定期(班轮) contract logistics 合同物流 Columbus Line 哥伦布航运公司

3、(德国) craft loss 船舶灭失,船舶沉没 crew list 船员名单 current law 现行法律 customs liquidation (货物)海关清关CLA cargo loading adaptability 货物适载性能CLANSA Compania Latino Americana de Navegakion S.A. 南美邮船公司CL.B/L clean bill of lading 清洁提单Clayton Act An anti trust act of the U.S. Congress making price discrimination unlawful

4、.美国国会反价格歧视法CLC Civil Liability Convention 国际损害民事责任公约confirmed letter of credit 保兑信用证 container loading charge (including inland drayage) 集装箱内陆/地装箱费(包括内陆拖箱费)CLL International Load Line Certificate 国际载重线证书CLN Cheng Lie Navigation Co.,Ltd 正利航业有限公司CLNC;CLNE clearance (船舶的)结关,出(入)港证CLOU Clou Container Le

5、asing GmbH CLOU租箱公司(德国)CLP container loading plan 集装箱装箱单CLPC Cargo Loss Prevention Committee 货物损失保护委员会CLS Chiu Lun Container Co.,Ltd 朝联货柜有限公司CM cross Member 集装箱底板横梁 consignee mark (收货人) 唛头 container manifest 集装箱装载清单 cargo manifest 载货清单,货物舱单CM (CM3) cubic meter (capital letters) 立方米CM centimeter (厘米)

6、 care and maintenance 维修与保养 case mark 货箱标记 certificate Master 船长证书,合格船长 certificate of manufacturer 厂商证明书 commerce maritime 海上贸易 commission 佣金 common market 共同市场 correction manifest 更正舱单 courier mail 专送邮件CMA Compagnie Maritime dAffretement 法国达飞海运公司CMC contract marine carrier 合同海运承运人CMCL China Mercha

7、nts Co.,ltd. 招商货柜航运有限公司CMI Code Maritime International 国际航海电码 Comite Maritime International (International Maritime Committee) 国际海事委员会 Conference Maghreb/Italie 意大利/马格里布公会CMIB Conference Maritime International et Baltique(Baltic and International Maritime Conference) 波罗的海国际航运公会CML container maritime

8、 line 集装箱海运班轮,集装箱海运公司CMR International Convention on the Contract for the Carriage of Goods by Road国际公路货物运输合同协定CMSNC China Merchants Steam Navigation Company, Ltd 招商局轮船股份有限公司(香港)CMT continental marine terminal 海陆联运港 cement 水泥 custom marine towage 海上习惯拖带C/N consignment note 发货通知书 credit note 付款通知,汇款通

9、知container number 集装箱号 CN cargo NOS (税则)未列名货物CN consignment note 发货通知书cover note 认保单credit note 贷方通知单CNCC China National Chartering Corporation中国租船公司CNEE consignee 收货人CNF cannot find 不能找到 confirm 确认,保兑 cost and freight 成本加运费价格CNFFO cost and freight free out 成本加运费船方不负责卸货费用价格CNFM confirm 确认CNMT/CONSGT

10、 consignment 发运、托运、托付CNOR consignor 发货人、托运人CNS Canadian National Steamships 加拿大国家轮船公司CNTR counter 计算器,相反的,还盘,还价 container 集装箱C/O(C0) certificate of origin 原产地证明,领事签证原产地证明书 care of (信) 请转交 certificate of ownership 所有权证书 certificate of origin 产地证 change order 更改令 check out 检查,核实无误 chief officer (chief

11、 mate) 大副 block coefficient (船型)肥瘠系数,方形系数 counter offer 还盘,还价cube out 暴仓 clip-on 集装箱制冷机 COA contract of affreightment 包船运输合同,包运合同COACP contract of affreightment charter party 包运租船合同COAM coamings (舱口)围板;围栏COB clean on board 完整装船,已装船 closing of business (租船)停业 cargo on board 已装船货物,在船上货物 confirmation o

12、f balance 余款确认书/结余保付书/差价确认书COBLDN closing of business London 伦敦停租,伦敦还船COC carriers owned containers 船东箱,承运人箱 certificate of seaworthiness 适航证书 container operation center 集装箱作业中心 contract of carriage 运输契约COCENAVE Vale do Rio Doce Navegacao 多西和流域航运公司(巴西)COCS container control system 集装箱控制(管理)系统 contai

13、ner operation control system 集装箱操作控制系统 C.O.D(COD) cash on delivery 货到付款,现金交货 collect(cash) on Delivery 货到收款 carried on docket(pricing)完税价格表 cargo on deck 舱面货(物),甲板货(物) channel of distribution 销售管道/渠道,配送渠道 coding 编码 change original destination fee 改港费COD charge of diversion 转港费 centralized or decentr

14、alized 集中仓储或分散仓储CODNT could not 不能COF certificate of fitness 适装证书C.O.F.C. container-on flat-car(rail flat car) (铁路)平板车装运的集装箱COFFC cause of failure, effect and correction 故障、原因/影响及排出C/Offr counter offer 还价,还盘CofGH Cape of Good Hope 好望角COFIFE Conferencia de Fletes Italo Franco/Espanola (Italy-France/S

15、pain Conference)(意)意大利-法国/西班牙公会COG carriage of goods 货物运输 center of gravity 重心clearance of goods 报关COGSA Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 海上货物运输法COH Coheung Shipping Co.,ltd. 京汉船务有限公司COI certificate of inspection (船舶)检验证书 Certificate of insurance 保险证明书COLAS International Convention for the Safety of Lif

16、e at Sea 国际海上人命安全公约COLREG Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 国际海上避碰规则公约COM commission 佣金COMANAV Compagnie Marocaine de Navigation 摩洛哥航运公司COMAUNAM Compagnie Mauritanienne de Navigation 毛里塔尼亚航运公司Combibill combined transport bill of lading 联合运输提单COMBICONBILL Co

17、mbined Transport Bill of Lading 1971 1971年联合运输提单Combidoc Combined Transport Document 1977 1977年联合运输单据COMBITERMS Delivery terms for Intl Groupage traffic 国际成组运输交货条款(货运代理人之间)COMBOS combinations (多式)联运COM&EXPc commission and expenses 佣金与费用COMI commercial invoice 商业发票COML.PPR commercial paper 商业票据COMM c

18、ommodity 商品COMM.AGT commission agent 委托代理 COMPL complain 投诉,抱怨 complex 合成的,复合的 completing(also compt) 完成,完毕全套的交船 in compliance 依从., 按照,根据CON closure of navigation 封航,禁航 Contrans GmbH 康曲兰士集装箱公司(德国)CONBILL Uniform Bill of Lading Clauses 1946(to be used when no charter party is signed) 1946年标准提单(代号),当租

19、船合同尚未签订时使用的提单CONBILL conference bill of lading 公会提单CONEC Continent-Near East Conference 大陆近东公会CONECCA Conferencia Espana-Caribe/Centro America (Span-Caribbean/Central American Conference) 西班牙加勒比海/中美洲公会CONGENBILL conference general cargo bill of lading 公会杂货提单CONGESTION port/berth delays 港口拥挤,港口堵塞,港口滞

20、期CONLINEBILL liner bill of lading (liner terms approved by the Baltic and International Maritime Conference) 标准班轮提单(波罗的海国际航运公会认可的班轮条款)CONLINE B/L CONLINE bill of lading 班轮公会提单CONLINEBOOKING liner booking note to be used with “conlinebill” liner bill of lading 与标准班轮提单一起使用的班轮订舱单CONS consumption 消耗CONS

21、A consular shipping adviser 领事馆海运顾问CONSAT condition satisfactory 情况良好,状况良好CONSECS consecutive voyages 连续航次CONT continent of Europe 欧洲大陆Cont. A/H Continent, Antwerp-Hamburg range 大陆安特为普-汉堡范围的各港口CONTBD contraband 走私,走私货,违禁品,禁运品Cont.B/H Continent, Bordeaux-Hamburg range 大陆波尔多(法国港口)-汉堡范围内航线CONTD contrac

22、ted 已约定的,已订约的CONT. H/H Continent, Havre-Hamburg range 欧洲大陆、勒哈弗尔(法国港口)-汉堡范围航线(指定港装/卸) CONTI continental (欧洲)大陆的,欧洲人CONT/RO-RO/B container/roll-on/roll off/bulk 集装箱/滚装/散装多用途船CONWAY Baltic Conference Clause in Respect of Customs Duty in Coastwise Trade,1962 1962年沿海贸易关税波罗的海航运公会条款COOC contract with oil o

23、r other cargo 油或其他货物合同条款COOP cooperage 开桶取样费,桶装费CO-OP cooperation 合作 COP customs of port 海关码头 cash on presentation of documents 见票即付款 customer order processing 客户订单处理 custom of the port 港口惯例,商港习惯COR combination of rate 分段相加运价CORP. corporation 公司 C0S cash on shipment 装船付款 chamber of shipping 航运会,航运协会

24、 central operating system 中央操作系统 custom of the port 港口惯例,商港习惯COSCE cause of ships certificate 船舶证书原因COSCHARD China Ocean Shipping Company Chartering 中国远洋轮船公司租船部 (“中远租”)COSCO China Ocean Shipping Company 中国远洋运输公司COT cargo oil tanks 货油舱,货油轮cut-off time 结载时间 COSTACO China Ocean Shipping Tally Company 中

25、国外轮理货公司COTIF Convention concerning Ints Carriage by Rail 国际铁路运输公约COW crude oil washing 原油洗舱COWAC Continent West Africa Conference 大陆西非航运公会CP;C/P;C&P Captains Protest 船长海事声明 car pooling 联合租用/雇用的运输工具 cargo preference 特惠货物 carriage paid; (运费已付) capital stock 股本 carriage and packing 运费和包装费,运输和包装作业 carri

26、age paid 运费已付,运费付讫 cash price 现金售价 charges paid 费用已付,各项费用付讫 charter party; 租船合同/租约 check point (车辆)检查站 collective Paper 收费凭证,收费文件 compulsory pilotage 强制引航/引水 condition precedent 先决条件container pool 集装箱用箱协议 contract price 合同价格corner posts 集装箱角柱 cost price 成本价格,原价 customs of port (港口惯例)C/PB/L charter p

27、arty bill of lading 租船提单(按租船人要求或租约规定擅制的提单)CPD charterers pay dues 租船人负担税金CPFF cost plus fixed fee 成本加固定佣金价格CPH compensation per hour worked 每工作小时报酬额CPI China Shipowners Mutual Protection & Indemnity Association 中国船东互保协会 Consumer Price Index (居民)消费价格指数CPLTC Conference Port Liner Term Charges 港口班轮装卸条款

28、公会CPN Pacific North West Container Line 太平洋西北集装箱航运公司CPP clean petroleum products 清洁石油产品CPT carriage paid to 运费付至(.指定目的地) Panama Canal Special Tonnage Certificate 巴拿马运河特别吨位证书CPV concrete pressure vessel 压力水泥船 customs patrol vessels 海关巡逻船 Corporacion Peruana de Vapores 秘鲁轮船公司CQ certificate of quality

29、质量证(明)书 commercial quality 商品质量CQD customary quick despatch 按港口习惯迅速装卸,不计滞速费 (or: similar to customary dispatch)CR captains receipt (船长)随船单据证明 cargo receipt 货物承运收据carload rate 整车运费 carriers risk (alss C/R) 承运人风险,损失由船东负责 certificate of registry (船舶)登记证书 centre (also c, Lloyds Registr)Cr. 中心 charterer

30、租船人 charter rates 租船运费率 China Register 中国船舶登记局classification rating 分类运价表,分级运价 classification register 船级公告combination Rate 联合运价,联运运价 commodity rate 特定商品运价率 cost rate 成本费率;Or: cost reduction 成本降低,费用减少 cranes (Lloyds Register) 劳氏船级社起货设备 companys risk 公司风险,损失由公司承担 construction rate 比例运价 continuous replenish 连续补货 contract requirement 合同要求 crew 船员 current rate 现行费率 customs report 海关报告CRD discharging at current rate 现行卸货费(现价) current rate discharg

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