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1、英语(Units 1-6, A New English Course, Book II)I. Spelling (30%)1. painkiller 2. cramp 3. athlete 4.emotional5. wellbeing 6.slanderously 7. visualize 8. disheartening 9. participate 10. patriotic11. resume 12. colony 13. administrative 14. autonomy 15. fulll-length 16. grand 17. rehearsal 18. engagemen

2、t 19. outcome 20. catcall21. mentality 22. unblushingly 23. litter 24. socialist 25. generation 26. nightmare 27. jumper 28. sensible 29. original 30.receipt 31. pollution 32. environmental 33. technological 34. awareness 35. fertilizer 36. pesticide 37. marine 38. survival 39. scatter 40. sprain41.

3、 digit 42. deposit43. directory 44. telecommunication45. extraordinary 46. graze47. conservationist 48. urban49. essential 50. appeal51. vaccinate 52. injection 53. enjoyable 54. relieve 55. immediate 56. ceremony 57. indistinct 58. surgical 59. accommodation 60. representativeII. Blank filling (40%

4、)1. Grandpa was all in tears while he was watching the Olympic Games on TV.2. He was so happy that he could hardly hold back his tears.3. I couldnt help recalling the days when I was their age.4. She was once an athlete on a national track and field team.5. When I was young, the country was in the m

5、idst of years of wars.6. All the actors are very cooperative and promise to save Friday evenings for this play.7. As for the stand-ins, they dont have to come to the rehearsal every Friday evening.8. Tiny explosives are placed inside the holes. Then the holes are covered up.9. Air rifles are sometim

6、es loaded with “blood” pellets.10. Although stuntmen wear asbestos suits under their clothes and they cover their skins with protective jelly, they can still be badly injured if there is any delay in putting out the flames.11. To be an all-rounder, you would have to learn boxing, judo, karate and wr

7、estling.12. I come to school by bus every day and sometimes it turns out to be a terrible experience.13. During the rush hour you have to fight your way in when you get on, and fight your way out when you get off.14. The other day, I saw something you wouldnt believe unless you saw it with your own

8、eyes. 15. When the bus finally arrived, the waiting crowd turned into a charging mob, rushing the door.16. Some young guys pushed hard and elbowed their way to the front.17. Since then, Ive always thought of London as a city full of fog.18. Since the Clean Air Act was enforced in 1956, the average w

9、inter sunshine has doubled and the Thames is swarming with fish.19. I wish we could do away with air pollution and dust here. Its been tormenting us for years.20. Go to the industrial zone and youll be bothered by the air and water pollution.21. That was the same in my country. The factories must ha

10、ve been set up a long time ago. Old factories are usually not equipped with pollution control devices.22. Its some time since I saw you last.23. It sure feels good to be among American friends.24. Dont forget to put your seat belt on. You can get fined nowadays.25. But the environmentalists and cons

11、ervationists have always been allowed to have their say in the “Land of the Free”.26.Do you think a telephone operator should be concerned about the worries of caller?27.It was such a late hour that apparently nobody was around at the other end of the line.28.The caller sounded very worried, and the

12、re was a pleading tone in his voice.29.What happened was that a travelling writer of childrens stories was down with a serious stroke when he arrived at this small town in Qinghai.30.Vitamins are chemical substances that our bodies must have.III. Translation (30%)1. 相比较起来,现在的大学生有更多的科目可以选择。(by compar

13、ison)By comparison, modern college students have more choices to/of the subjects.2. 掌握的单词量越大,阅读速度就越快。(The morethe more) The more vocabularies you have, the higher your reading speed will become.3. 维他命与人类的成长和健康的关系密不可分,虽然人们对它的需求量不是很大。(need) Only small amount of vitamins are needed, but growth, good he

14、alth are impossible without them. .4. 那个驾驶员上个月已经被罚了250美元,雪上加霜的是,他昨晚又犯了同样的错误。(to add insult to injury) The driver got a $250 fine last month, and to add insult to injury, he committed the same mistake last night.5. 新建工厂本应该装备有治理三废设备来控制烟、灰、水污染。(use modal auxiliaries + have done structures) Newly-built

15、(New) factories should have been equipped with treatment devices to control smoke, dust, and water pollution.6. 我完全支持发展社会主义道德。社会主义道德标准应该代代相传。(from generation to generation) Im all for developing socialist ethics, and the socialist moral standards ought to be passed down from generation to generation

16、.7. 他一心扑在事业上,对现在社会流行的方式全然不知。(preoccupy with)He was too preoccupied with his career to know the fashionable style in the modern society.8. 自从中国在1997年对香港恢复行使主权以来,香港人民一直在“一国两制”的方针指导下共同努力,把香港建立成为一个崭新的繁荣的特别行政区。(resume)Hong Kong people have been working together to build a new and prosperous special admin

17、istrative region under the principle of “one country, two systems” since China resumed sovereignty over Hong Kong in 1997.9. 这是由莎士比亚的哈姆雷特改编而来的五幕剧。(adapt, Hamlet)Its a five-act play adapted from Shakespeares Hamlet.10. 直到最后一刻才有一群爱国人士捐助了足够的钱资助这两位运动员和他们教练的路费。(It was not until that)It was not until the

18、last minute that a patriotic general donated enough money to finance the trip for the two athletes and their coach. (Units 7-10, A New English Course, Book II)I. Spelling (20%)1. fuse 2. terrific 3. recitation 4. instrument5. westward 6. attraction 7. uncultivated 8. adjust 9. incredible 10. pioneer

19、11. intelligence 12. evolution 13. preliminary 14. inheritance 15. psychologist 16. minority 17. nationality 18. institution 19. surgeon 20. conscientiously21. promptly 22. comprehension 23. legendary 24. craftsmanship 25. embroidery 26. design 27. disrespectful 28. promotion 29. temptation 30. dayd

20、ream 31. fantasy 32. motivate 33. cognitive 34. deprivation 35. constructive 36. interpreter 37. astronaut 38. explore 39. convenient 40. contemporary41. bad-tempered 42. linguistics43. efficient 44. thermostat45. entertainment 46. unbearable47. manipulate 48. sensible49. feedback 50. formerly51. st

21、raighten 52. mechanism 53. hazard 54. telecommunication 55. intercollegiate 56. withdraw 57. petty 58. theft 59. strenuous 60. saunter61. souvenir 62. ori ental63. security 64. variation65. Mediterrane an 66. pickpocket67. automatically 68. possession69. lookout 70. passpo rt71. specific 72. interfe

22、re73. endeavour 74. accumulate75. pertaining 76. variation77. vocabulary 78. pronunciation79. comprising 80. grammaticalII. Choose the word that best keeps the meaning of the original one. (10%)1. journey A. journal B. test C. drive D. trip2. recognize A. organize B. realize C. identify D. admit3. s

23、trike A. stick B. steal C. hit D. heat4. cultivate A. field B. educate C. till D. toil5. disease A. injury B. wound C. heat D. illness6. amusement A. playing B. fun C. bun D. party7. nuisance A. news B. bother C. science D. nickname8. thick A. thrifty B. dense C. flat D. mighty9. dependable A. heavy

24、 B. persistent C. main D. reliable10. keen A. brief B. long C. new D. sharpIII. Structure (Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.) (10%)1. Larry took a train from New York to California _ he could see the country. A. after B. as C. such that D. so that2. I had no sooner

25、closed the door _ somebody started knocking on it. A. as B. before C. than D. when3. “The streets are all wet.” “It _ during the night.” A. must be raining B. must have been rain C. had to rain D. must have rained4. A man escaped from the prison last night. It was a long time _ the guards discovered

26、 what had happened. A. before B. until C. since D. when5. Mary _ be in Paris because I saw her in town only an hour ago. A. mustnt B. isnt able to C. cant D. may not6. He ought _ have done so even if possible. A. not to B. to not C. not D. never7. We wont let him _ . A. interfere our study B. interf

27、ere with our study C. interfere to our study D. interfere on our study8. You mustnt delay _ the medicine over. A. to send B. sending C. sent D. send9. “Why did you leave the meeting early?” “I found the discussion _ .” A. boring B. Bored C. bore D. boredom10. “Do you have a dictionary? “No, but I wi

28、sh I _ .” A. Has B. did C. do D. haveIV. Blank Filling (10%)1. The life of the frontiersmen in the west has always been an attraction to us American people.2. Her accounts must be authentic.3. But evolution, although it has brought monkeys to a remarkable degree of cleverness, has stopped short at a

29、 crucial ability.4. It was not exactly that there was a specific thing out the window that interested you. Rather, the mood of the spring day set you off into daydreaming.5. In a daydream, your thoughts wander unconsciously in unexpected directions.6. A robot is clever, capable, efficient and obedie

30、nt. Itll work with precision. And itll work around the clock without complaint.7. I consider humans the most varied, sophisticated, creative and powerful creatures on earth.8. Class four students didnt go on picnic on Sunday, because it rained cats and dogs all day.9. The United Kingdom comprises England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.10. Suddenly one bumped into me and another tripped on something beside me, and the third stepped on Fannys toe.V. Paraphrasing (Explain the underline

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