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1、七册同步讲解录音稿陕旅版小学英语同步讲解与朗读第七册Lesson 1 May I use the telephone ?第一部分 课前导入 本课将学习如何客气委婉地向别人借东西。这一课我们将重点学习由情态动词“may”引导的句型 “May I use?”课文里的故事情节也涉及到了尊敬老人,可切合实际,教育学生树立尊敬老人,尊敬老师的美德。(Miss Wu一走进教室就看见东东在书包里乱翻,很着急的样子) M:Li Dong, whats the matter with you ? What are you looking for? D : I cant find my pen. So I can

2、t do my homework. M: You can borrow a pen from Li Shan. D: Thats a good idea. May I use your pen? L: Here you are. D: Thank you. L: Youre welcome.第二部分 课文讲解A: So what should we say when we want to borrow things from others? Today lets learn a sentence “ May I use?”Its a kind of tactful expression in

3、order to show your politeness to others.向别人借东西时我们应该怎么说。我们用句型 “May I use?” 这是一种委婉表达法, “may”会使我们的语气更礼貌。 (出示钢笔的图片) May I use your pen? (出示字典的图片) May I use your dictionary? (出示电话的图片) May I use your telephone?B: I know. When we want to borrow something from others, we can say “Can I use your ?” So what i

4、s the difference between these two sentences? 以前我们也学习过向别人借东西时,我们可以说“Can I use your?”那么这两者有什么区别呢?A: You are a careful boy. “May I use ”is more polite than “Can I use? ” “May I use ”的语气更礼貌,更委婉。B : (出示电话的图片)A, 图片上是一部座机电话,我爸爸有一部手机,那个和这个一样吗?也是telephone吗?A: Of course not. telephone 一般都是指座机电话,而我们通常用的手机都称为m

5、obile phone. mobile 是移动的意思。 所以mobile phone 就是可以携带的电话。B: I see. 在座机上打电话我们有时候需要用电话卡。A, 电话卡用英文怎么说啊?A: Oh, thats IP card. ( 出示电话磁卡的图片) . By the way, card has another meaning, 贺卡。 Such as New Year card, birthday card, Christmas card.新年贺卡,生日贺卡,还有圣诞贺卡。而IPcard 指电话磁卡。 (出示新年贺卡和生日贺卡的图片,对比展示) B: By the way, 给某人

6、打电话我们可以说give sb a call, 除了这个,我们还可以怎么说啊? A: We can also say ring up sb. (出示一个小女孩Meimei正在打电话的图片,旁边注明 ring up Meimei- ring her up) B: So I know. If I want to give my Dad a call, I can say ring up my Dad, or I can say ring him up.A: Right. You are really a clever boy. B: Diana, may I use your telephone?

7、 A: Of course you can. But who will you ring up?B: I want to ring up my friend Linlin. Today is his birthday. I have a birthday card to him.A: Its nice of you.B: Thank you.A: Youre welcome. 第三部分Listen to the tape and then answer the questions.(播放P1的课文,并出示图片)Li Dong: May I come in?Miss Wu: Yes, pleas

8、e.Li Dong: Morning, Miss Wu. May I use the telephone here? I have an IP card.Miss Wu: Certainly. But who will you ring up?Li Dong:My grandfather. He is in Shanghai now. Today is his birthday. I want to say “Happy birthday!” to him.Miss Wu: You are really a nice boy!Li Dong: Thank you.Miss Wu: Thats

9、OK.Questions:1. A: What does Dongdong want to do?B: He wants to borrow Miss Wus telephone.2. A: Has he got an IP card?B: Yes, he has.3. A: Who will he ring up?B: Hell ring up his grandfather.4. A: Why?B: Today is his birthday.第四部分Lets practise(1) A: To do this exercise, we must look at the model fir

10、st carefully. Then fill in the blanks.我们先仔细观察图片,根据语境来填空。 A: May I use your telephone? I want to tell my mother.I didnt take my book. B: Sure.A: May I use your telephone?I must tell my grandmother.I forgot my keys.B: Sure. Go ahead.A: May I use your telephone?I must tell my father.I cant find my watc

11、h.B: Im sorry. Its broken.Lets practise(2)A: In this exercise a lovely cat has a big bag. There are many things in this bag, such as a pencil, a watch, a violin, a book, a hammer and an umbrella. For example, in picture 4, 我们来看看图4,I must do my homework, but my pencil is broken.他的铅笔坏了,他应该怎么说呢?May I u

12、se your pencil? 来向别人请求。如果别人答应给他,我们应该有礼貌地回应Thank you. Youre welcome.Lesson 2 May I speak to Li Shan, please?第一部分 课前导入 本课将学习如何用英语打电话,尤其是在接通电话后互相介绍对方时的不同表达法。This isThat is speaking. 以及打电话时的一些礼貌用语。A: Good morning, Jack. B: Good morning, Diana.A: So last time we learned how to borrow things from others.

13、Wed better use “May I use ” in order to show our politeness to them.我们要向别人借东西,应该礼貌地说“May I use”。B: So it seems that tactful expression is very important in English.所以在英语中委婉礼貌用语非常重要。A: You are right. Especially in telephone. Chinese people have different speaking way from that of English-spoken peopl

14、e. So we must pay more attention to our words .特别是在电话用语中,英语国家的人和我们中国人的表达方法是不一样的,所以我们要特别注意自己的语言。本节课我们就一起来学习它们之间的区别。第二部分 课文讲解A: Once the telephone has been get through, we should say hello to them. Then there should be a tactful expression “May I speak to ”电话接通了,我们首先应该向对方打招呼,Hello!然后怎么说呢?我们要用礼貌的语气向对方询

15、问你要找的人。“May I speak to ”B: I see. That is similar with Chinese.咱们中国人也有这样的说法啊。A:Yea. Then next if you want to introduce youself and ask for others, you cant say “ Im”or “You are”Instead, you can say “This is speaking” or “That is”比如,我要给Jack打电话,我应该说,“This is Diana speaking.而不能说“ Im Diana”.同样我询问对方是不是Ja

16、ck, 要问 “Is that Jack?”而不能说 “Are you Jack?”B: So I can say This is B speaking and May I speak to ?A: Yes, youre so clever.(出示一幅小女孩向自己老师献花的图片,标注 send)A: send 有献,送的意思。它是比较正式的用法。我们常说send sb something, 给某人送什么东西。例如过节我们会给朋友们送礼物,发短信,这两个短语都可以用 send来说,(出示 送礼物-send a present; 发短信-send a message)B: Yes, I see.

17、Today is September 10th. 今天是教师节。But I dont know how to say it in English.今天是9月10日教师节,但是我不知道用英语怎么说教师节?A: Well, you can say “Today is Teachers Day.” (出示一个日历-9月10日,标注 Teachers Day) Teachers Day 教师节。B: Oh, Teachers Day. So according to it, I know how to say some other festivals, 所以根据教师节的表达方法,我也知道怎么说六一儿童

18、节,妇女节了。 such as Childrens Day, 儿童节Womens Day 妇女节. 对吗?A: Yes, thats right. In the text, Liu Mei and Li Shan are talking about what they should send to their teacher on Teachers Day.在课文里面,Liu Mei 和Li Shan正在商量教师节给她们的老师送什么礼物呢? 这里用到了句子What about?, What about some beautiful flowers? (出示短语 what about-怎么样?)

19、 What about sth或者What about doing sth?这个句型是用来给别人提建议的。For example, 来杯茶怎么样?What about a cup of tea?散散步好不好?What about walking for a while?B: Sometimes we still use How about? Are they the same?有时候我们也可以说How about?,它们一样吗?A: Yes. Under most situations we can use both of them.在大多数情况下两者的含义和用法都是一样的 。第三部分List

20、en to the tape and answer the questions.(播放P6的课文,并出示图片)Li Shan: Hello?Liu Mei: Hello! May I speak to Li Shan, please?Li Shan: This is Li Shan speaking.Liu Mei: Hi, Li Shan. This is Liu Mei. Tomorrow is Teachers Day. Lets send a present to our teacher.Li Shan: Good idea! But what present shall we sen

21、d her?Liu Mei: What about some beautiful flowersLi Shan: Thats quite fine.Questions:1. A: Who doesLiu Mei want to speak to? B: She wants to speak to Li Shan.2. A: What are they talking about?B: They want to send their teacher a present on Teachers Day.3. A: What present will they send to their teach

22、er?B: They ll send some beautiful flowers for their teacher.第四部分Lets practise(1)A: We should do this exercise as follows:(1) greetings(2) introduction (3) talking about the affairs做这道题时,我们一般要遵循以下原则:1. 问候。2. 介绍。3. 谈论主题内容。女: Hello?男: Hello! Is that Linda speaking?女: Yes. Whos that?男: Zhao Yu speaking.

23、 Miss White is ill in bed. Lets go to see her tomorrow afternoon女: OK. Shall we send her some flowers?男: Good idea! See you tomorrow.女: See you.Lets practise(2) A:This is an English joke. Here whatand Watthas the same sound. So does Knottand not. As a result both of the men misunderstand each other.

24、 在这个故事里,what和Watt有一样的发音, Knott和 not也是同样的发音。这样导致两个人之间互相误解了。Lesson 3 Just a moment, please!第一部分 课前导入 在实际生活中,我们打电话时,要找的人不一定就在电话旁边接电话,所以如何请求接电话者转接的时候,我们应该怎么说呢?本节课我们要学习如何请求接电话者转接电话。A: In this unit, well go on learning how to phone others.这个单元我们将继续学习给别人打电话。B: But if the person we want is not in, what shal

25、l we do?那假如我们想要找的那个人不在,我们应该怎么办呢?A: So we must learn how to answer telephones for others and how to leave a message to him. 所以我们应该学习如何接打给别人的电话,怎么电话留言。B: Yes, thats a good idea.第二部分 课文讲解 A: Boys and girls, in this unit, we are going to learn several special expressions when we answer telephones for ot

26、hers.同学们,今天我们将要学习怎么请求别人转接电话。B, what does inmean in the text? Id remembered in is a preposition, which means one object is contained in another one.我记得in是个介词,意思是“一件物品在另一个物体里。”课文中的in是什么意思呢? B: Well, in here means somebody is at home. 在这里,in表示在家。So we always say Hes not in, it means hes not at home now

27、.或者He is out now. A: Oh, I see. B: When we have to hold a telephone, we can say wait a moment.当我们有时候等电话的时候,我们要说wait a moment来等接电话的人。 A: B, call和telephone两个词都有“电话”的意思,它们两个的含义和用法一样吗? B: Yeah, they have the same meaning.在这它们的意思是一样的。 But telephone is just a noun. telephone是个名词。 Call is not only a noun,

28、but also a verb. call不光是名词,它还可以做动词“打电话”。A: Oh, I get it. Whats the meaning of doing washing? Does it mean washing face of washing clothes? B: Doing some washing means washing clothes. (出示一个小女孩在洗衣服的图片,标注Doing some washing)In English we hardly say wash clothes.在英语中,我们很少说wash some clothes. In this phra

29、se, washing is a noun.在这washing 是个名词。我们可以说do some washing.来表示洗洗衣服,洗一洗。 A: B, what does these sentences mean Would you like to come and listen with me? B: “Would you like”is the sentence to give suggestions to others. 它是一个给别人提建议的句子。(出示句型Would you like,标注中文意思怎么样)suggestions“建议”It is familiar with What

30、 about同我们以前学的“What about”意思差不多。But it is more polite and tactful.它更加礼貌和委婉。Would you like在提建议的时候和What about?是一样的。 A: Oh, I see. So we can say Would you like a cup of tea? or Would you like to dance with me? B: Yes, thats right. A: Thanks.第三部分Listen to the tape and answer the questions.(播放P11的课文,并出示图片

31、)Linda: Hello?Wang Nan: Hello! Is that Helen speaking?Linda:No, this is Linda.Wang Nan:Is Helen in?Linda:Yes, but wait a moment. Shes doing some washing.Helen:Hi!This is Helen speaking. Whos calling?Wang Nan: This is Wang Nan. I bought a new CD. Its wonderful. Would you like to come and listen with me?Helen: Great! Im coming soon.Questions:1. A:Who is calling Helen?B: Wang Nan is calling.2. A: Who is answering?B: Linda is answering the telephone.3. A: What is Helen doing at th

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