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1、聆听音乐中英文讲义聆听音乐中英文讲义2. Introduction to Instruments and Musical Genres介绍乐器和音乐风格早上好Okay. Good morning.上周末 布置你们阅读的内容Over the weekend, you were assigned material 出自课本第一章from chapter one of the text 那些内容是关于and it dealt really with 三首著名古典曲目的开始部分three famous beginnings of pieces of classical music.首先 谁来告诉我So

2、mebody tell me at the outset: 是哪三首著名的古典曲目what were those three famous pieces?这位年轻的女士Young lady down here.第一首是贝多芬的The first was Beethovens.对 是贝多芬的第五交响曲Okay, Beethovens Fifth Symphony.那第二首呢What was the second one?是柴可夫斯基的第一钢琴协奏曲I believe it was Tchaikovskys Piano Concerto number One.对 柴可夫斯基的第一钢琴协奏曲Yeah

3、, Piano Concerto Number One of Tchaikovsky, 那第三首呢and the third one?是的 这是理查施特劳斯的作品Yeah, this piece by Richard Strauss它有个发音滑稽的德文名with this funny sounding German name.我们称之为查拉图斯特拉就好了Well just call it Zarathustra, 查拉图斯特拉是位先知this prophet, Zarathustra.就是这三首乐曲So those are the three pieces 与它们的音乐风格相关的知识and t

4、he issues there had to do with musical genre 我们接下来会进一步探讨 that were going to talk a little bit more about in a moment,还有关于乐器的知识and the instruments.你们先前做过And you went ahead and worked with the 听力练习九至十一题Listening Exercises nine through eleven在这些练习中 to engage the musical instruments a bit 你们增长了对乐器的一些认识i

5、n those particular exercises,今天我们请来了表演者and we have performers here today 你们将看到 他们稍候that are going to, as you can see,将为我们在这里演示一些乐器demonstrate some of these instruments for us.首先 我们得明确一点Lets make one point very clear at the outset.我经常见到学生撰写的论文中提到Oftentimes I get student papers that refer to 贝多芬的第五交响曲

6、Beethovens fifth song 或是柴可夫斯基的第一钢琴协奏曲Or Tchaikovskys first piano song.这样好吗Is that right?不 一点不好No, thats not good at all.那些是歌曲吗Are these songs?一首歌里 哪些因素不可或缺呢What do you have to have to make something a song?是歌词Lyrics.你得有文字Youve got to have a text 而百分之八十的古典乐中却没有and so we dont have-in eighty percent of

7、 classical music-没有歌词we dont have lyrics;没有文字we dont have a text.没错 歌剧中是有歌词的Well, yes, with opera of course, 但其他百分之八十的古典乐都是纯器乐but the other eighty percent is purely instrumental music.纯器乐的演奏方式 容我重申It works its magic, again, 能产生神奇的效果through purely instrumental means, 所以我们其实不能把器乐称为歌曲so we cant really

8、call those songs, 这让我很困惑and this puzzled me.有天我在苹果的iTunes音乐商店 One day I was sitting there at iTunes 想买首莫扎特小夜曲 它属于室内乐and I wanted to buy an interior movement of a Mozart serenade 我准备买下时 网页上显示so I was all set to purchase this and it said, 购买歌曲 Buy song. Boom.我灵机一动 想到了问题关键That told me the answer.这就是这个术

9、语的由来Thats where this terminology comes in to play 我们在iTunes音乐商店购买歌曲because on iTunes we buy songs.可能买的是纯器乐It could be purely instrumental 却被称为买首歌but its called Buy a song, 但我们不想用那种说法But we dont want to use that sort of parlance.我们想用些更精确的词藻We want to be more-a bit more sophisticated than that,用其他措辞表现

10、if you will, and use other terms,我们一般会说贝多芬的音乐创作so well talk generally about Beethovens composition 或贝多芬的乐章 贝多芬的乐曲or Beethovens piece or Beethovens work 他的杰作 或名曲or his master work or chef doeuvre 或是任何你想到的花哨词汇称呼它or however fancy you want to get with it.我们还可以进一步We could also go on 更加精确地说and be a little

11、 more precise and say它属于某种独特的音乐风格it belongs to a particular genre.我们可以用某种音乐风格描述它We could use the name of a genre, 本课程中 我将会谈到很多音乐风格and Ill be talking a lot about genre in this course.风格 只是某种比种类或类别Genre Is simply a fancy word 更花哨的说法for Type Or Kind那这首贝多芬作品属于什么风格呢so what genre of piece is this by Beeth

12、oven?是交响乐Well, its a symphony.交响乐一般有四个乐章Symphonies generally have four movements.那什么是乐章呢Whats a movement?简单来说 乐章就是些各自独立的篇章Well, a movement is simply an independent piece,在一首交响曲或协奏曲内that works oftentimes- if there arre multiple movements in a symphony or concerto- 和其他的乐章和谐统一works with other movements

13、.它们彼此独立 但又彼此互补They are independent yet they are complementary.打个比方 想象一下 有个雕塑花园Think of, for example, a sculpture garden.你有四个独立的雕塑You might have four independent sculptures in there,但他们却彼此联系but they relate one to another; 彼此间好像有某种特别的意义they make some sort of special sense one to another.交响曲有四个乐章So sym

14、phonies have these four movements 而且通常用以下的方式演奏 and they usually operate in the following way: 一个简短的开始部分的乐章A fast opening movement;一个缓慢的 更为抒情的第二乐章a slower, more lyrical second movement;接着是个衍生自舞曲的第三乐章then a third movement thats derived from dance;加上第四乐章and then a fourth movement 再次出现快节奏 迅速而强势的总结thats

15、sort of again Up tempo. Fast, emphatic conclusion.让我们通过迅速回顾贝多芬的第五交响曲Lets see how these play out by means of a quick review of 看乐章是如何表现的Beethovens Fifth Symphony我们现在要从so all were going to do here 乐曲的第一乐章开头开始is going to go from the beginning of the track for the first movement听到第二乐章 以此类推to the second

16、movement and so on,好 让我们从这开始and well, lets just start here.让我们唤醒自己的记忆Lets just, by way of refreshing our memory,温习贝多芬第五交响曲的开始乐段the beginning of Beethovens Fifth Symphony.稍微停一下 就像我们上次所说的那样Lets pause it there, and as we said last time,它是这样it operates编排的in that fashion, 乐曲的开始乐段给了我们很好的范例and that beginni

17、ng gives us a good opportunity 来区分两种旋律类型to make a distinction between two types of melody, 区分动机和主题between this idea of a motive and a theme.两种都属于旋律的范畴 Both are sort of subsets of melody, if you will.正如我在课本里所说的As I say in the textbook there, 听到贝多芬的第五交响曲开始乐段the beginning of the Beethoven Fifth 就像有人用音乐

18、 在你鼻子上猛击了一拳is something like a musical punch in the nose.对不对Right?就像一把将你抓住Sort of grabbing you here, 用音乐不停击打你的脸hitting you in the face, whatever, musically.这段旋律并不长Its not a very long idea.开始的这部分有几个音符How many notes is in this opening gambit here?几种音高How many pitches?四个Four,短音 短音 短音 长音short, short, sh

19、ort, long.好 这是个动机的典型示例Okay. So thats a classic example of a motive.动机只是个微小的细胞 一个胚芽A motive is just a little cell, a germ, 基于它 作曲家会创造新的音乐素材out of which the composer will build other musical material.现在我们拿它来对比下Now lets contrast that with what happens 贝多芬第五交响曲的第二乐章 in the second movement of Beethovens

20、Fifth Symphony 这部分有长时间抒情的流畅主题 开始where we have a lyrical, long, flowing theme. Okay?好 暂停Okay. Well stop there. All right?我们继续探讨 如果听完这部分So that went on-If we heard the whole thing,这个主题接下来还有三十二个音符it actually goes on for notes与区区四个音符的动机相对as opposed to just four动机与篇幅更长的主题相对so motive versus longer theme.主

21、题可能更趋于抒情Themes tend maybe a little bit more lyrical.现在 接着谈第三乐章Now lets go on to the third movement.我们说过 第三乐章是由舞曲衍生的We said the third movement was dance derived,但贝多芬这第三乐章里 这舞曲很怪异but in this case with Beethoven its a very strange dance 如果它的确是由舞曲衍生的话if it is dance derived.和大部分其他第三乐章相比Its just a little

22、bit different 它有些许的不同than most of these third movements,无论如何 我们先来听听but lets listen to it anyway因为我希望你们在铜管奏响时because Id like you to- when the brasses come in-思考你们听到了什么think about what youre hearing 思考它和第一乐章的关系Nand think about that vis-vis the first movement,现在听第三乐章so lets hear the third movement now.

23、铜管奏响时 发生了什么Okay. So what happened there when the brasses came in?它是怎样和第一乐章联系起来的How did that relate to the first movement?-你吗 -四个音符- Yes? - Four notes?四个音符 就这么简单Four notes, something as simple as that,同样的节奏 所以这就是动机的运用same rhythmic idea, so thats the use of a motive there 这就是乐章间的微妙联系所在and thats how th

24、ese movements are tied together a little bit.现在要接近终曲了 Lets go on to the finale now, 当我们听最后乐章时and as we listen to the finale让我们想想在乐曲开头听到了什么lets think about what we heard at the very beginning 还有上次我们谈到的内容and talked about last time,关于第五交响曲开头的感情基调about the mood that the beginning of the Fifth Symphony c

25、reated for it.我们会用些形容词We have these adjectives up here, 像是消极的 焦虑的 怀疑的Negative, Anxious, Unsettled.我们对最终乐章感觉如何 这感觉从何而来Well, how do we feel now about the finale and why?音量关小一点就好 我们继续讲You just turn the volume down a little bit so well go on.为什么我们会感觉不一样So why do we feel differently about that?我想确实不同I th

26、ink we do.在这里 我们体会到什么What do we feel there?一种乐观 积极Well, sort of upbeat, positive.是什么使感情基调逆转 具体是什么Whats turned all of this around, what specifically?在第一乐章 我们说过它大体上Well, with the first movement we said hes generally going就像这样 但现在and that kind of idea, but now its 我们讲到和弦时再来研究这个and well explore this whe

27、n we get to harmony,大调和小调的概念 我们继续听音乐this idea of major and minor so were going music还有这个and now这就是小调到大调间的转变 and thats a change from the dark minor 由阴郁转向明亮to the brighter major.第一乐章中 我们曾情绪低落 但现在We were going down in the first movement. Now were going-情绪正高涨 Its going up 刚才小提琴演奏的部分and instead of having

28、 just the violins playing换成了小号 豪情万丈的小号we have the trumpets, the heroic trumpets,听上去有种胜利的喜悦so it sounds very triumphant.在这四十分钟的乐曲里 So in this -minute interval 我们走完了一趟情感丰富的音乐旅程weve gone sort of through an emotional musical journey here from despair,从消沉沮丧 到半信半疑 再到个人胜利despondency, uncertainty, to whatev

29、er- to personal triumph,其实在某种意义上也反映了事实and in a way that mirrors some of the things 贝多芬的人生 也将经历相似的历程that were going on in Beethovens life.好吧Okay.让我们接着讲第二首乐曲Lets go on to talk about the second piece.我们讲完这种风格和它的四个乐章We finished with this idea of the genre, of the four movements, 下面要探讨的是钢琴协奏曲so then lets

30、 go on to talk about the piano concerto.协奏曲一般有三个乐章Concertos are generally in three movements.协奏曲是另外一种风格The concerto is another genre.这种风格中 独奏乐器要和管弦乐队分庭抗礼Its a genre in which a soloist will confront the orchestra 就会出现一种协作与让步and therell be a kind of give and take两者间会存在协作与让步的精神a spirited give and take-

31、between the two.现在我们要听到的是So now we are going to listen to 柴可夫斯基第一钢琴协奏曲的开始乐段the beginning of the first movement of Tchaikovskys Piano Concerto.我们听过这首曲子Youve worked with this already 你们会觉得有些熟悉so youre a little bit familiar with it, 开始前 我为你们准备了两个问题and at the outset here I have two questions for you.这里的开始乐段是由哪种乐器演奏的Is the beginning here played 铜管乐器 还是弦乐器by the brasses or the strings?或者是木管乐器 换句话说In other words, what-or the woodwinds-这里演奏的是什么乐器what family of instruments is playing here 还有柴可夫

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