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1、香港朗文4AChapter4teachingplans黄冈中学广州学校实验小学单元备课教案(四年级)年级四年级学科英语使用者四年级主备人刘朵&王廷博课题Chapter 4 five hun dred years agoThe theme of this chapter is talk ing about life five hun dred years ago. Pupils lear n to单元talk about differe nt aspects of life in the past using gen eral determ iners .In the task,教材they c

2、hoose a topic about life five hundred years ago. They gather information and then分析draw and write about the topic . Then they compile the topics into a class book .1.Liste ning: locate specific in formatio n2.Speak ing: ask ing questi ons, repl ying, addi ng or giv ing examples and expla ining单元3.Re

3、adi ng: Predict likely developme nt of a topic ; Re-read to establish and confirm教学meaning ;Un dersta nd in formati on provided on the book cover , in dex , and glossary目标4.Writi ng: Use a small rang of Ian guage patter ns ; Gather and share in formati on andideaskey poin ts:1.Vocabulary: ago , cele

4、brate , cotton ,gas , gold ,land ,sea, sedan chair , silk ,silver,tow n , travel单元2.Receptive: bridge ,call, chapter, content , fridge , introduction , museum, tunnel重点3.Gen eral determ iners (show qua ntities): most some any难点4.Simple past tense (talk about past activities ): Most people wore cott

5、on clothes.Difficulties:1.Irregular Verbs : wear-wore go-we nt ride-rode4课时单元课时分配课时 1: Part A : Learn the new phrases and how to use past tense to describe thing happe ned before课时 2: Part A: review and practice the using of past tense课时 3: Part E:课时 4: review:黄冈中学广州学校实验小学课时教案(一至四年级)年级四年级学科英语使用者四年级师

6、生主备人王廷博课题Chapter 4five hun dred years ago A&B教学1. Using the new phrases to describe things that happened five hundred years ago目标2. Be able to ask questions to talk about things that happened five hundred years ago重点难点Irregular Verbs:wear-wore go-we nt ride-rode课时安排less on 1教学过程批注与反思Step 1Warm up1.

7、Show the picture to stude nts2. Let stude nts to guess which year does the picture show3. Have you ever bee n to a museum ?Step 2 Presentation and drill1. Show the flash cards of cott on clothes .T: What are the clothes made of ?Help stude nts to an swer: They are made of cott on .T: They are cott o

8、n clothes .(The same to lear n the silk clothes )Show the flash cards of a horseT: What this animal ?S: It a horse .T: What can horse do ? Why we n eed horse five hun dred years ago ?Help Ss to an swer : The horse can help people to travel .(The same way to teach the others new words )2. Use the fla

9、sh cards to ask questio ns . Draw pupils atte nti on tothe chart on Page 26 of the Pupils book . Tell them to look atthe bottom .T: What did people wear ?P: They wore cott on clothes and silk clothes .T: Which clothes do you think more people wore ? Look at the chart . Who can tell me the answer ?P:

10、 Cott on clothes . More people wore cott on clothes .T: That right . Most people wore cotton clothes .Some peoplewore silk clothes .Step 3 Exte nsionLook at the picture on Page 26 Part A. Talk about the travel five hun dres years aga .T:How did people travel ?P: They walked , rode horse,travelled by

11、 boat or by seda n chair .T:What ki nd of people usually travelled by seda n chair ?P: Rich people .T: Why ?P: It was expe nsive .T: Yes. Most people walked or rode horses.Rich people travelled by seda n chair .Some people travelled by boats.Step 4 Sum upWhat did we lear n today ? Look at the blackb

12、oard and readtogether .Step 5. HomeworkCopy the 8 phrases in part A and recite itBD.Chapter 4 five hun dred years agoA:What did people wear ?B:Most people wore cott on clothes and some people wore silk clothes.A:How did people travel ?B: Most people walked or rode horses.Rich people travelled byseda

13、 n chair .Some people travelled by boats.黄冈中学广州学校实验小学、rrt rt r -/.亠丿户上课时教案(一至四年级)年级四年级学科英语使用者四年级师生主备人王廷博课题Chapter 4 five hun dred years agoA&B教学1. Review the new phrases.目标2. To introuduce pupils to ask and answer questions about five hundred years ago .3. To talk and answer questions about life fiv

14、e hundred year ago freely .重点难点Using the qua ntities and Irregular Verbs correctly课时安排less on 2教学过程批注与反思Step 1Warm up1. Review the phrases with Ss .Play a game: Sharp eyes. T shows the cards quickly, pupilswatch and read it fast. Who can read it faster will get onepoin t.(cott on clothes , silk clot

15、hes , a horse , a seda n chair)Step 2 Prese ntati on and practice1. Using questi ons to review the sentences .T: What did people wear ?S:Most people wore cott on clothes and some people wore silk clothes.(The same to review the way of travel)2. Look at the picture on Page 26 Part A.Let talk about th

16、emoney and where did people live ?1. Let the stude nts try to an swers by themselves first :2. The n help them to correct the an swers3. write dow n the right an swer on the board, let stude nts read together.3. pair work .Let stude nts do the con versati on two by two . One act asPeter , ano ther a

17、ct as Betty. To practice the dialogue.S1: How did people pay ?S2: Most people paid with silver and gold . Some peoplepaid with paper money .S1: Where did people live ?S2: Most people lived in villages.Some people lived intow ns.4.ln vite some groups to show their con versati on in front ofthe class

18、.Step 3 Sum upWhat did we lear n today ?We lear n how did people pay and where did people live .Pay attention to the irregular verbs.Step 4. HomeworkCopy the words and senten ces in Part ABD.Chapter 4 five hun dred years agoA: How did people pay ?B: Most people paid with silver and gold . Some peopl

19、e paid with paper money .A: Where did people live ?B: Most people lived in villages.Some people lived in tow ns.黄冈中学广州学校实验小学课时教案(一至四年级)年级四年级学科英语使用者四年级师生主备人刘朵课题Chapter 4five hun dred years agoE教学1.To in troduce pupils to practice talk ing about differe nt aspects of life five hun dred目标years ago .2.

20、To in troduce pupils to differe nt ways of say ing the-ed ending of verbs in the pastten se.重点1. To con verse about feeli ngs, in terests, prefere nces, ideas, experie nces and pla ns.难点2. How to express more within pupils limited back kno wledge.课时Lesson 3安排教学过程批注与反思Step 1Warm up1. Free talk.(pupil

21、s ask and answer questions they set out)What did you do last weeke nd? Did you ?Step 2:In troducti onLast time, we knew how did people wear, travel, live and pay forthin gs. But do you know more about things happe ned in the past ofChi na?Step 3:Prese ntati on1. Tell pupils to look at the pictures o

22、n page 29 of the Pupils Bookfirst. Draw their attention to the information provided in Alan book by ask ing pupils questi ons.a.What can you see in Ala n s book?b.Are these pictures about life today or life in the past?What do they tell you? Etc.2. Tell pupils to look at Jay sbubble on page 30 of th

23、e Pupils Book.Ask questio ns to help them link in formati on about life five hun dredyears ago to that about life today.a. Is there any money today?b. Was there any money five hun dred years ago? etc.3. Ask pupils to look at the webpage on page 30. Tell them to locatein formati on provided on the we

24、bpage.What sthe web page about? Are the pictures about life today or life inthe past? How do you know?4. Tell pupils to look at Ala n s bubble on page 29. Ask questi ons ofpage 29 to help them link the in formati on on the webpage to Ala n squeries.5. In pairs act the boys and talk about life five h

25、un dred years ago. Goround the class check ing their un dersta nding.Step 4: practice and activities.Game: Mr. professor!(teacher prete nd to be the role)Today, Mr. professor is coming! You can ask any questi ons you want to know about the past. The others try to an swer. If all of you cannot solve

26、the problem. Mr. professor will give you a hand.Step 5: Summary.What did you lear n about the past? How do you feel?Step 6:Homework1. Finish Pre-task Book and check the an swers (page 14)2. Copy sentences of part EStep 7: Blackboard Desig n.Chapter 4: Five hun dred years agoHow was the life 500 year

27、s ago?Was/Were there any ?Did people ?How did they ?黄冈中学广州学校实验小学课时教案(一至四年级)年级四年级学科英语使用者四年级师生主备人刘朵课题Chapter 4 five hun dred years ago(revisi on)教学1.To apply the grammar of past tense in differe nt situati ons.目标2. To ask and answer questions about life five hundred years ago.重点1. To get pupils to pra

28、ctice skimming texts to obtain specific information.难点2. To stre ngthe n pupilsreading skills in reading written Ianguage in meaningfuldialogues.课时Lesson 4安排教学过程批注与反思Step 1Warm upSing a song: Yesterday once moreStep 2:Revisi on1. Review the key words.Game: I Can Defin iti on!a. One pupil describe with differe nt sentences without say ing outthe key word. Others guess.b. Teacher lets out some in formatio n or pictures on PPT. Othersguess what i

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