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六年级下册英语教案Unit5 General Revision 2 Task 1Task 2 人教精通版.docx

1、六年级下册英语教案Unit5 General Revision 2 Task 1Task 2 人教精通版Blackboard design:Unit 5General Revision 2Task 1-4一、教学内容分析:1、 指导思想与理论基础: 根据义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)提出的“鼓励学生在教师的指导下,通过体验、实践、参与”等要求,结合学生好动、好玩、好表演的心理特点,通过游戏、歌曲、唱谣、表演等,在真实的语境中、不同任务完成中来实践和运用语言。2、教学内容:本课位于六年级下册第二个综合复习单元,通过本课的学习,对于已经学习的关于toys,stationery, clothe

2、s, food, colours等与购物相关话题的词汇和功能句型按照“话题-功能-结构-任务”为主线进行整体复习与综合应用。唤醒学生已知,以学生们的能力为圆心展开知识的螺旋上升应用。3、教学项目:Key patterns: Can I help you? What can I do for you? Which one would you like? How much is it/are they? I want Can I try them on? I/Well take it/them.等相关购物句型。Words: Words about food, toys, school things

3、, clothes and so on. 4、 教学方法:本节课准备了多媒体课件,衣服道具,购物袋,绘本书,拼图,教学卡片,调查表格,情景道具等。5、 教学手段:本节课采用了师生、生生间互动、模拟购物场景、掌握相关阅读方法、表演等活动。落实本节课的重点,突破难点。6、 教学目标:本课通过Kate一家人在购物中心购物,展示了一个真实的购物交际场景。通过师生、生生间的互动,激发学生的复习、模仿、学习和体验,从而引导学生运用目标语言进行交际的目的。7、 教学重点: A. 复习有关购物话题的单词;B. 复习有关购物话题的句型。8、 教学难点: A. 能够在真实情景、实际生活中运用与交流句型;B. 能够

4、通过不同的任务要求,锻炼学生使用购物话题语句的综合应用能力。9、教具准备:多媒体课件,衣服道具,购物袋,绘本书,拼图,教学卡片,调查表格,情景道具等。二、教学过程Teaching ProcessTeachers ActivityStudents ActivityPurpose of DesignStep I. Pre-readingT: Its time for our English class. Im your new English teacher today. So I want to know more about you. 1T: Whats your name? Nice to

5、meet you.2 T: Whats your hobby? Can you ?T: You are really good at it. 3 T: Do you enjoy ?How long have you ?T: I really admire you! 4T: Are you fond of ? Do you want to be a in the future?T: Wow, you must be a good in the future. T: Whats my hobby? Can you guess?T: You know, I like going shopping s

6、o much! T: Look! Last Sunday I bought so many things. Whats in my shopping bag?T: Lets look and read!T: Hey, boys and girls. I bring my shopping bag here.T: Do you want to have a look?T: What are these? T: Yes, you can stick the cards on it.T: Today we have four groups here. Group leaders come to th

7、e front and choose the one you like. T: Anything else? Come and have a look! T: Do you like them? T: Try your best to get one, OK?T: I bought these things in the toy shop and stationery shop. Stationery means the school things you use, just like pens, notebooksT: Which shop would you like to go? Why

8、? S1: My name is S2: My hobby is S3: I enjoy S4: Im fond of S1: Is your hobby ?S2: Do you like ?Ss: (Read the words)Cap, teddy bear, chocolateS: Theyre puzzles. S: Wow! S: Yes!(Food & Drink ShopToy ShopStationery ShopClothes Shop)S1: Id like to go to the shop S2: Id like to go to the shop because 通过

9、询问学生们的爱好,来引出本节课的话题。同时,激发学生们学习的积极性。 通过看图读购物袋中的单词,复习了学生们一至五年级所学的关于服装、学具、玩具、食品和饮品类的单词,为接下来的学习做好铺垫,唤醒学生们的旧知。而通过看真实的购物袋中的内容,将情景融入到课堂中来。将小组分组(拼图)和本节课的铺垫内容完成。 话题的直接引入让学生们可以进入到情景中思考,带着问题进入到本课的新授内容中学习。Step II. Presentation:A. Story Part1- SkimmingT: Do you want to listen to the story?T: Are you interested in

10、 this story? T: Here are three questions for you.Q1: What does Nick want to buy?Q2: What colour is it? Q3: How much is it?T: How about reading this story by yourselves? I have prepared them for you! T: Where are they? Can you find them? Show your books to me.T: Whats the title of this story?T: Pleas

11、e go through the first part from P1-4 by yourselves. T: How many people are there in the first part?T: Now its the magic time! Look! Look! Look! The customers and the saleswoman are doing some shopping. T: Can you answer my questions?Q1: What does Nick want to buy? T: The saleswoman welcomes the cus

12、tomers to the shop, shell say: “Can I help you?”T: How will the customers answer?T: She can also say T: You are right! Q2: What colour is it? (T: Whats the colour?) Q3: How much is it? (T: Whats the price?) B.Story Part 2-ScanningT: How about Kate? T: Now lets play a quick answer game. T: Listen car

13、efully and then when I say 1,2,3, raise your hands, Ill find the quickest one.Q1: How much are they?Q2: What does Kate want to buy?Q3: Which pair would she like?T: How about this pair?T: Can you say so?C.Give me a quick answerT: This time, boys and girls. A competition for you! Please give me a quic

14、k answer, please.T: Let me see, which part will be better, boys and girls, are you ready?T: Please fill in the blanks as quickly as you can.D.Lets try them onT: Welcome to the clothes shop. T: Here are so many clothes. Do you want to try the clothes on? T: Its cool! Can I take a picture with you?E.M

15、ake up a new dialogueT: Kate likes the purple pair. But she doesnt pay for it. Why?T: Look! Whose feet are these?T: Whats she doing?T: Are the shoes OK for her?T: Choose one and talk in pairs. Does Kate buy that pair of shoes, thats the task for you! T: Please show us your dialogue. T: They are so i

16、nteresting. T: I have heard so many kinds of stories. I really want to know whether Kate buys that purple pair or not, do you? T: In the end, the customer will take the things they like. And hell sayF.Follow the storyT: Please follow the tape together.Step III.Post- readingA.Lets talkT: Kate buys th

17、at purple pair at last, right? T: I bought a bunch of Carnations on May14th.T: Do you know why?T: Because I sent them for my mum to show my love. T: What did you do last Sunday?S: I T: Good! We should show our love to our parents.T: My nephews birthday is coming, heres a toy car for him.T: You know

18、we should show our love for someone when his birthday is coming.T: We can celebrate the festivals because that is our Chinese traditional culture.T: The most important is we should help those who need help in need.T: What about filling the form like this? Here is the example for you.T: First, choose

19、 one topic, fill in the form and make up a new dialogue in your group.T: You can use the things I have prepared for you.B.Make a puzzle T: You are so great today; do you want to know what your puzzles are?T: Lets make the puzzle together!T: Now let me see, wow its a (balloon, ball, doll, taxi)T: Wha

20、t do you want to do with it?T: How about your group?T: But its not beautiful, right? What can we do?T: Colour can change them, do you want to know something new about colours?T: Thats what I want to share with you.C.Colour videoT: You can know some other meanings about colours.T: You can also colour

21、 it after class. That is our homework - Task3. Step. IV Product Homework1. To finish the Task 3;2. To finish the Task 4;3. To go on preparing the dialogue.S: The title of this story is “Go shopping”.S: The woman is a saleswoman. Dad and Nick are customers. S: He wants to buy a toy car. S: Yes, I wan

22、t to buy S: What can I do for you?S: Id like to buy S: Its blue. S: Its sixty-nine yuan. S: They are ninety-eight yuan.S: She wants to buy a pair of shoes.S: Purple pair.S: Black pair, orange pair, a pair of blue shoes.S: A pair of A new pair of . An old pair of S: Fill in the blanks.Id like a new p

23、air of shoes.Show me an old pair of gloves.Where are my blue jeans?How much is that red pair?How much are those purple shoes?You can buy clothes in the clothes shop.S1: I want to try the shirt on. S2: I want to try it on.S3: I want to try them on.Ss: Try on, try on, try on!S4: Oh, Its too big/ small

24、. S: Shes tying the shoes on, right?S: How much is it? / How much are they?S: Ill take it. Ill take them.Topics: Ones birthday Festivals Project Hope .G1: We want to use it for G2: We would like to give it to 问题整体呈现,将学生们带入故事情景。 渗透阅读方法1Skimming,同时教会学生学会阅读绘本。 以“藏书”的形式来激发学生们的阅读兴趣。介绍故事主要人物和人物关系。为之后的板书梳理

25、做铺垫。通过与学生之间的问答,来扩展文中核心句型的同义句。同时,启发学生树立故事框架。 阅读训练方法2 Scanning。通过快问快答游戏的形式,集中学生们的注意力,学会提取文中重要的信息点。 针对 pair of 这个难点,结合着学生们目前已掌握的知识情况,来进行相应的扩展。层1: 看图进行表达;层2: 加入物品adj.;层3: 整体加入adj.进行练习。 承接上一个环节的学习之后,教师顺势将难点再一次提升。在规定的时间内,由学生自主进行填空,通过句式的判断来拼读并且填空。锻炼了学生的反应,巩固所学内容。 教师将准备好的衣服道具呈现给学生们。由学生们自主选择试穿的衣服,进行描述。同时练习了t

26、ry.on 短语在句型中的应用和单复数的变化。故事的结尾开放,到底是怎样的结尾,由学生们自主选择并创编新的对话进行表演。故事的精彩之处在学生们的精彩创编中诞生。 呈现故事结尾,整体掌握故事情节发展。在本课创编新的对话中,启发学生们思考,要如何帮助别人,什么时候送给别人礼物,要表达的思想是什么?-德育渗透于无形之中进入到了课堂,与本节课所学内容进行呼应。提供范本,在学生们思想共鸣之处,进行对话的创编。以拼图形式的小组评价,学生们兴趣浓厚。得到的拼图是集体智慧和团体合作的结果。充分锻炼了学生们的合作和快速反应的能力。学生得到的拼图是黑白的,不是那么的美丽。那么,我们可以怎么办呢? 涂色! 是的!大

27、家都知道颜色可以改变物品,那么它们还有其他别的含义吗?带给学生们颜色的意义,来扩展知识的深度和广度。 三、 板书设计Blackboard design:Unit 5General Revision 2Task 1-4Saleswoman/Salesman CustomersCan I help you? Yes,I want to buyWhat can I do for you? Id like to buy Which one would you like? Id like the one/ pair Can I try on? How much is it/are they? Whats the price of 四、教学评价: 本节课主要使用拼图作为评价手段,与课堂中的小组活动以及作业都前后呼应。形式新颖,充分调动了学生们的兴趣,培养学生们的团队合作意识以及快速的反应能力。同时本节课还准备了小礼物,来呈现给学生们“小惊喜”,很好地激活了本节课的气氛。

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