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18版江苏Unit 3 Understanding each other.docx

1、18版江苏Unit 3 Understanding each other话题词汇1cooperate vi.合作2concern n关心;vt.与有关系;担心3sympathy n同情4generation gap代沟5a good listener忠实的倾听者6be popular with.受到的欢迎7establish good relationship建立良好的关系8promote understanding增进理解9narrow the generation gap消除代沟10be openminded to.包容话题佳作假定你是李华,你的英国笔友丹尼斯对中国功夫很感兴趣,来信询问中

2、国功夫的相关情况。请你根据表格中所给的提示信息,用英文给他回一封150词左右的信。功夫俗称中国武术(martial arts),中国国宝起源可追溯到古代自卫人群老少皆宜,传统体育运动的一种风格有上百种,一些模仿动物,还有一些受到中国文化的启发佳作欣赏Dear Dennis,Im glad youre interested in traditional Chinese Kung Fu.Here is some information about it.Kung Fu is commonly known as Chinese martial arts.The origin of Chinese m

3、artial arts dates back to the needs of selfdefense,hunting activities and the military training in ancient China.It is one of Chinas traditional sports,and is being practised by the young as well as the old,gradually making it a special element of Chinese culture.As a national treasure,Kung Fu has h

4、undreds of different styles.Some styles are modelled after the movements of animals,while others are inspired by Chinese culture.If you want to learn more information,please pay a visit to China.Im sure you are bound to have a good taste of Chinese Kung Fu. Yours, Li Hua名师点睛本文是一篇英文书信,语言简练,格式正确,结构合理,

5、文中运用了一些高级句式,如现在分词作结果状语,while引导并列句,条件状语从句。还运用了一些比较好的词汇,如be known as,origin,date back to,be modelled after,be bound to。.写作必记单词1_ vt.和某人打招呼(或问好)2_ vt.保证,担保,确保3_ vt.向(某人)道贺,祝贺_ n祝贺,恭喜4_vt.&vi.允许,准许;n.许可证_ n许可,准许5_ prep.&adv.自始至终;贯穿整个时期;各处,遍及6_ vi.&vt.适应,习惯;调整,调节_ n调整,调节;适应_ adj.可调整的,可调节的7_ adj.习惯于;惯常的_

6、vt.使习惯于8_ adj.相像,十分相似;adv.十分相像地;同样地9_ adj.通晓;熟悉_ adj.陌生的,不熟悉的10_ n期待,预料;希望,盼望_ vt.期待,盼望;预料,猜想11_ n手势;姿势;示意动作12_ n问候;问候语13_ adj.轻微的_ adv.轻微地,稍微14_ n描述,叙述15_ n勇敢_ adj.勇敢的.阅读识记单词16hug vt.&vi.& n_17reception n_18bridegroom n_ n新娘19prohibit vt._20offence n_ vt.&vi.冒犯;使生气21celebration n_ vt.& vi.庆祝,庆贺22mi

7、nority n_23govern vt._ n统治者_ n政府24mysterious adj._ n神秘;神秘的事或人25plain n_;adj._ adv.平坦地;明白地,清楚地26retell vt._语境活用用所给词的正确形式填空1No one dares to step inside his office without _(permit)2The children came to a deserted castle and began with their _(mystery) expedition.3It is the second oil price _(adjust) t

8、his year.4It was,as Mr.Holden admitted,“a _(minority) miracle(奇迹)”(2015陕西)5They played jazz music to _(celebration) their new home.(2015北京)6She welcomed us with a cheerful _(greet)7May I offer my _(congratulate) on your promotion?8He showed great _(brave) in face of danger.9The dog wags its tail in

9、_(expect) of a bone.10Bend your knees _(slight) and reach out your arms like tree branches,naturally and softly.(2014辽宁)1_适应2_习惯于3_对熟悉4_毕竟,终究5_没有也行;没有而设法对付过去6_陷入困境,遇到麻烦7_梦见;梦想8_更不用说9_带某人参观、游览10_占据(时间或空间);开始从事;拿起11_放出,发出;分发;用完12_寻找,搜寻,搜索13_相信;信任;信仰14_控制,支配语境活用运用上述短语完成片段Last week,I attended a wedding

10、ceremony of one of my friends.I 1._(对熟悉) most of the guests there.After greeting the bridegroom and the bride,I 2._(带参观) their new home.Throughout the reception many fireworks were set off.Few of the people there could bear the noise,3._(更不用说) I,who 4._(习惯于) quietness.But I enjoyed the hot dogs,roas

11、ted deer and the beautiful music.After attending the ceremony,I 5._(梦想) meeting with my Mr.Right.6._(毕竟),love is a light that never dims.1It isn./adj.doing sth.Its quite funny watching the new foreign teachers trying to adjust to doing that.看新来的外教努力适应这个动作的样子很有趣。仿写覆水难收。_ over spilt milk.2have trouble

12、 (in) doing sth.Many foreigners have trouble getting accustomed to it.很多外国人很难习惯这一点。仿写每逢我们在学习中遇到困难,老师总是耐心地辅导。Whenever we _,our teachers always help us patiently.3the reason that.One reason why there are so many French words in English is that the French ruled England for quite a number of year

13、s.英语里有如此多的法语词汇的原因是法国人曾统治英格兰很长时间。仿写我们不信任他的原因是因为他总是说谎。_ we dont trust him is _ he always tells lies.4It is believed that.It is believed that the Maori people came from the Pacific islands of Polynesia.据说毛利人来自太平洋的波利尼西亚群岛。仿写人们普遍认为在课堂上电脑永远不会取代老师。_ teachers will never be replaced by computers in class. pe

14、rmit v允许;许可;准许n通行证;许可证;执照(1)With the exception of using a small microwave oven to heat food,students are not permitted to cook in their rooms.除了用小微波炉热饭外,学生不允许在他们房间里做饭。(2015天津)(2)The owners dont permit _ cars in front of the shops.店主们不允许在其商店门口停车。允许某人做某事permit doing sth.允许做某事(2)ask for permission请求许可w

15、ith/without ones permissionwith/without the permission of sb.获取某人同意/没有获得某人许可基础知识训练单项填空(1)It made our head teacher angry _ Wang Lin,without the _ from the school,was absent from class for a week.Athat;permission Bwhich;permitCwhich;permission Dthat;permit写作能力提升句式升级(2)If time permits,I will visit the

16、Great Wall.(用独立主格结构改写)_,I will visit the Great Wall. accustomed adj.习惯于;惯常的(1)However,instead of devoting themselves to their work,they find themselves working to support the lifestyle to which they have so quickly become accustomed.但他们并不专心于自己的工作,他们发现自己工作只是为了维持这种很快就习以为常的生活方式。(2015浙江)(2)He quickly _

17、this new way of life.他很快就习惯了这种新的生活方式。(1)be/get/become accustomed to (doing) sth.习惯于(做)某事(2)accustom oneself to (doing) sth.使自己习惯于(做)某事(3)be used to doing sth.习惯于做某事基础知识训练单项填空(1)_ to the climate here,the old couple would rather live here for the rest of their life _ move to another city.AHaving accus

18、tomed;thanBAccustomed;thanCAccustom;rather thanDAccustoming;rather than写作能力提升句式升级(2)He was accustomed to the custom and didnt want to change it._,he didnt want to change it.(用过去分词短语作状语改写)_,he didnt want to change it.(用现在分词短语作状语改写) expectation n期望;盼望(1)In college,there are so many good chances for yo

19、u to meet your expectations.在大学里,有这么多的好机会来满足你的期望。(2016浙江)(2)He didnt appear at the meeting in time _.他没有像人们希望的那样按时到会。(1)meet/live up to ones expectations不负某人所望in expectation of预料;期望beyond (ones) expectations料想不到(2)expect vt.预料;期待expect (sb.) to do sth.预料(某人)做某事as expected正如所料;不出所料基础知识训练单项填空(1)With C

20、hinas Singles Day approaching,shop owners offer large discounts _ high sales volumes created by enthusiastic buyers.(2016江苏五校联考,26)Ain expectation of Bin regard toCin terms of Din response to(2)In a diverse society,one would expect _ multiple interpretations of rights.(2017启东中学月考,32)Ait being Bit to

21、 beCthere being Dthere to be写作能力提升句式升级(3)He failed in the exam,and all of us had expected it._,he failed in the exam.(用as从句改写)He failed in the exam,_.(用which引导的定语从句改写) account v认为;说明;总计有n账目;说明;计算;理由(1)In English law a man is accounted innocent until he is proved guilty.根据英国法律,一个人未经证实有罪仍视为无罪。(牛津词典)(2

22、)When judging his performance,dont _ his age _.评定他的表现时,不必考虑他的年龄。account for说明(原因等);做出解释;占(比例)on account of由于,因为on no account绝不(置于句首时,句子部分倒装)take account of/take.into account考虑基础知识训练单项填空(1)Tom has played a lot of computer games recently.Yes,that might _ his failure in the midterm examinations.Aaccoun

23、t for Banswer forCask for Dstand for(2)It is _ his tremendous enthusiasm and devotion that the old teacher is respected by all his students.(2017扬州中学开学考试,25)Aon account of Bwith regard toCin terms of Din reference to写作能力提升句式升级(3)We should on no account give up the plan.(改为倒装句)_ let alone 更不用说(1)We d

24、idnt know at that time that there even was an environment,let alone that there was a problem with it.那时候我们甚至不知道环境的存在,更别提环境问题了。(2014新课标全国)(2)Im counting on you to support medont _ me _!我指望你支持我呢别让我失望!(3)It remains unknown who _ the secret.目前尚不清楚是谁泄露了秘密。let/leave sb.alone别烦某人let/leave sth.alone别碰某物;别管某

25、事let sb.down使某人失望;辜负某人let go of释放,松手放开let out发出;放走,释放;(把衬衣、外套等)放大,放长,加宽;说出秘密,泄密基础知识训练用let短语的正确形式填空 (1)She felt badly _ by her friends.(2)Your mothers tired_ her _!(3)She would not _ the babys hand.写作能力提升同义句改写(4)I hardly had time to think these days,let alone relax.I hardly had time to think these days,_ _ _ relax. ensure vt.保证;担保;确保完成句子(1)We should try all means to _(确保我们免受) all possible risks.(2)A cars tires should be checked regularly _(以保证其安全性)句式升级(3)This pill will ensure the patient a good nights sleep.(改为复合句)This pill will ensure _.ensure sb.from/against.确保某人免受

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