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1、英语人教新目标七年级上册unit89单元知识点总结及练习【英语】人教新目标:七年级上册unit89单元知识点总结及练习七年级Unit 7-8 知识点总结及检测【知识梳理】1. when adv. 什么时候,引导特殊疑问句,其结构为“When+一般疑问句?”。When可以对年、月、日以及时刻进行提问或者询问某一动作发生的时间。回答时常用at, in, on等表示时间的介词短语。(1)在年、月份前用介词in;在泛指的上午、下午、晚间用介词in (2)在具体某日前用介词on;在星期前用介词on;在具体的某一天的上午、下午或晚上用on(3)在具体的时间点前用介词at2. happy adj. 幸福的,

2、愉快的,高兴的。 Marina was a confident, happy child. 玛丽娜是个自信、快乐的孩子。反义词: unhappy adj. 不快乐的,悲伤的He was a shy, sometimes unhappy man. 他是一个腼腆的人,有时候还很忧郁。相关句型: Happy New Year! 新年快乐! Happy Childrens Day! 儿童节快乐!3. how old 意为“多大年纪,几岁”,是用来询问年龄的疑问词组。其中old为形容词,指年龄。其句型结构为“How old+be+主语?”,表示“几岁/多大了?”,答语常用句为“主语 +be+基数词+ye

3、ar(s) old.”,也可以直接说年龄。4. party n. 晚会;聚会。have a party 举办晚会。5. school trip 学校郊游。trip可数名词,意为“旅游;旅行”,尤指短途游玩或有目的的旅行。We are going on a trip to Hainan. 我们将去海南旅行。相关句型: Have a good trip! 旅途愉快!6. busy adj. 忙的,繁忙的。I have a busy day today. 我今天很忙。相关句型/结构: be busy doing sth.=be busy with sth. 忙于(做)某事My mother is b

4、usy cooking in the kitchen. 我妈妈在厨房忙着做饭。反义词: free 有空的,空闲的Im free tomorrow. 我明天有空。7. month 可数名词,意为“月份”。复数为months。月份缩写月份缩写January一月Jan.July七月Jul.February二月Feb.August八月Aug.March三月Mar.September九月Sept.April四月Apr.October十月Oct.May五月无缩写November十一月Nov.June六月Jun.December十二月Dec.8. English test 英语测试。test可数名词,意为“

5、测验;检查”。 常用短语:take a test 参加考试;pass a test 通过考试。9. basketball game 篮球比赛。game此处用作可数名词,意为“比赛”。10. School Day 学校开放日。day通常表示“天,白天,一日”,但首字母大写成为专有名词时,Day表示节日、纪念日以及其他有特殊意义的日期。11. art festival 艺术节。art 名词,意为“艺术,美术”。festival 可数名词,意为“音乐戏剧等会演节;节日”,也可表示具有悠久历史的传统节日。12. See you! 再见! 一般用于分手或离开时,意为“再见”,相当于Bye-bye!或Go

6、odbye!,英语中常见的表示道别的表达方式还有:See you later. 一会儿见/回头见。See you this afternoon/evening. 今天下午/晚上见。See you soon. 早日见。 See you then. 到时见。 See you tomorrow. 明天见。13. Have a good time! 祝你们玩得开心! 此句意为“玩得开心/度过美好时光/过得愉快!”。常用来表示祝愿。相当于 Have a nice/great/wonderful time!Unit91. science n. 科学,是不可数名词。当它指理科的一门学科时,是可数名词。 Sc

7、ience is my favorite subject. 科学是我最喜欢的科目。相关单词: n. scientist 科学家 Edison is a great scientist. 爱迪生是位伟大的科学家。2. favorite adj. 最喜欢的,最喜爱的,相当于likebest。Chemistry was her favorite subject at school.她上学时最喜欢化学。其他词性: n. 最喜欢的人或物,其复数形式是favorites。These books are great favorites of mine. 这些是我最喜爱的书。3. because conj.

8、因为,其后接从句,陈述原因或理由,回答why提出的问句。 -Why do you love science? 你为什么喜欢科学? -Because it is very useful. 因为很有用。4. freeadj. 空闲的。Sorry, Im not free today. 抱歉,我今天没空。其他含义: adj. free 自由的;免费的。 Is the book for free or for a charge? 这本书是免费的,还是收费的?5. cool adj. 妙极的;酷的。 -Shall we go boating? 我们去划船吧? -Sounds cool. 听起来很酷。其他

9、含义:cool adj. 凉爽的。 It is cool today. 今天挺凉爽的。6. on Friday 意为“在星期五”,on常用在表示星期几或具体某一日及某一日的上午、下午或晚上的名词前。但当星期名称前有this, that, next, last等词修饰时,其前不能再用介词on。 I can go to the shop this Friday. 这周五我能去商店。相关单词:星期名词是专有名词,首字母要大写。在表达日期时,还会用到缩写形式。Monday星期一Mon.Tuesday星期二Tue./Tues.Wednesday星期三Wed./Weds.Thursday星期四Thur./

10、Thurs.Friday星期五Fri.Saturday星期六Sat.Sunday星期日Sun.7. usefuladj. 有用的;有益的,其动词形式是use,意为“用”。 A dictionary is useful for English study. 字典对英语学习有用。8. fromto. 意为“从到”,用来表示时间、地点等范围。 We go to school from Monday to Friday. 我们从周一到周五上学。9. finish vi. 完成;做好。 The teaching day finishes at around 4 pm. 一天的教学在下午4点左右结束。其他

11、用法:vt. 后接名词、代词或v.-ing形式作宾语。 Jim usually finishes doing his homework before 8:00. 吉姆通常在8点前做完作业。10. lesson n. 课,一节课,是可数名词。 I missed a lesson yesterday. 昨天我误了一节课。 词义辨析: class/lesson 均含“课”之意。class 从“班级”引申指学生在一起上课,还可表示“(一节)课”。lesson 主要指教材中的一课或每次授课的单位时间。My violin class starts at 4:30 every day. 我的小提琴课每天四点

12、半开始。I missed a lesson yesterday. 昨天我误了一节课。11. be strict 严格的12. Hows your day? 今天过得如何?此句是非正式场合朋友见面时的问候用语,表示“今天过得如何?”-Hows your day? 今天过得如何? -Great! 太棒了!13. Thats for sure. 的确如此。 Thats for sure.表示完全赞同他人的观点,相当于汉语中的“那是肯定的;的确如此;确实是这样;完全没有问题”。 -Jack swims very well.杰克游泳游得很好。 -Thats for sure. 的确如此。【特色讲解】序数

13、词1. 表示事物的顺序的数词叫做序数词。它的作用相当于名词或形容词,可作主语、宾语、定语和表语。2. 序数词的构成: (1) 第一:first 第二:second 第三:third (2) 第四至第十九均在相应的基数词后加-th,但第五(fifth)和第十二(twelve)均把基数词five(五)和twelve(十二)词尾的ve改为f,再加-th。基数词八(eight)的序数词直接在eight后加-h,即eighth,九(nine)的序数词是将nine词尾的e去掉,再加-th,即ninth。 (3) 整十的序数词是把对应的基数词的最后一个字母y变为ie再加-th。 (4) 表示“几十几”的基数

14、词变序数词时,只将个位数变为序数词,十位数不变。3. 序数词前一般要加定冠词the表示顺序。 The Yellow River is the second longest river in China. 黄河是中国第二长河。4. 序数词常用作名词的定语,但当名词前已有物主代词等限定词时,则不再用the her fourth birthday 她的四岁生日5. 表示英语中的分数时,分子用基数词,写在前面,分母用序数词,写在后面。当分子超过1时,分母的序数词后要加“s”。 1/3 one third 2/5 two fifths6. 序数词前有时也可用不定冠词a/an,这时不再表示在具体范围内的“

15、第几”,而是表示在原有基础上的“又一个,另一个”。 I think I must do it a second time. 我想这件事我必须再做一次。(已做过一次)7. 表示编号时,常把基数词放在名词后面来表示顺序,相当于“the+序数词+名词”。 Lesson Five = the fifth lesson 第五课8. 序数词的缩写序数词的缩写形式是由阿拉伯数字加上序数词的最后两个字母构成的。first 1st 第一 second 2nd 第二 third 3rd 第三 fourth 4th 第四9. 基数词变序数词记忆口诀特殊疑问句1. 特殊疑问句是对句中某一部分内容提出疑问的问句,是指以

16、what, who, when, where,why, how等开始的疑问句,也称wh-疑问句。特殊疑问句与一般疑问句不一样,它不能用yes或no回答。2. 结构 (1) 倒装结构:疑问词+一般疑问句语序? (2) 陈述语序:疑问词+谓语+宾语/状语? 用陈述语序的结构往往是对主语进行提问,这时疑问词作句子的主语。3. 疑问词小结 (1) 什么都要问的what疑问代词what的基本含义是“什么”,通常用来询问姓名、物品、数学运算结果或什么时间做什么事等。 Whats your favorite subject? 你最喜欢的学科是什么? My favorite subject is Englis

17、h. 我最喜欢的学科是英语。(2) 谁见谁爱的whoWho是疑问代词,意为“谁”,用来询问“人”。在句中可作主语、宾语或表语。当who作主语时,句子要用陈述语序,谓语动词多用单数形式。 Who do you want to help? 你想帮助谁? Who likes playing the guitar? 谁喜欢弹吉他? (3) 一探究竟的whywhy是疑问副词,意为“为什么”,多用来询问原因,回答时多用连词because引导的句子,意为“因为”。 以why开头的否定疑问句多表示建议或请求。 Why do you like Beijing Opera? 你为什么喜欢京剧? Because I

18、 think it is very interesting. 因为我认为它很有趣。 Why dont you go to work a little earlier? 你为什么不早点儿去上班? (4) 爱问时间的whenwhen是疑问副词,意为“什么时候,何时”,回答when引导的特殊疑问句,可以是笼统或具体的时间,而回答what time引导的问句,则要说出具体的时间点。 When is your mothers birthday? 你妈妈的生日是什么时候? It on September 20th. 是在9月20日。 What time is it? 几点了? Its 10:20. 10点

19、20。【当堂练习】一、单项选择(20分)1I dont think _ art is _ useful subject. Aan;an Ba;a C/;a D/; an2_is your favorite subject? P.E. AWhich BWhats CWhat DWho3Mr.Li is my favorite teacher._funny. AHe BHes CHis DShe4Lets play pingpong at 4:00.Is that OK _ you? Ato Bfor Cwith Dabout5Why dont you like English? Because

20、its_. Ainteresting Bfun Cexciting Ddifficult6We students go to school_Monday_Friday. Afrom;to Bon;on Con;and Dfrom;and7_ comes after Saturday. ASunday BFriday CMonday DThursday8After class we can play soccer_an hour. Ain Bfor Cat Don9Who_math? Eric does. Alike Bis Care Dlikes10I have PE._the afterno

21、on of Tuesday. Ain Bat Con Dfor11_do you have PE.? We have PE.on Tuesday and Thursday. AWhere BWhen CWhat DWhy12_your father busy? No,he is_. ADoes;free BDoes;busy CIs;busy DIs;free13Why _ your brother like science? Ais Bdo Cdoes Dare14_is your art teacher?Mr.Green. AWhere BHow CWho DWhat15Mr.Cooper

22、 has a little dog.He likes to_it. Aplay with Bplays with Cplay and Dplay to16Tony,lets play baseball _class. Aat Bin Cafter Dto17This is _ Brown.He is our math teacher. AMrs. BMr. CMiss DMs.18We have two_in a week. Ageography class Bgeographys class Cgeographys classes Dgeography classes19We have an

23、 art lesson_9:30_Monday morning. Aat;at Bat;in Con;on Dat;on20I like math.Its difficult_interesting. Abut Band Cor Dso二、完形填空(10分) Jim is a student.He goes to school five days a _1_.He has classes from Monday to _2_. Usually he _3_ at six and has breakfast at seven in the morning.He leaves(离开) _4_ at

24、 seven thirty. _5_ start at 8:10.There are four classes in the _6_ and two in the afternoon.He _7_ in the dining room(餐厅)in the school.Jims favorite subject is PE.Every day after school he _8_ with his classmates.In the evening Jim usually starts to _9_ at six after dinner.He usually _10_ at about n

25、ine Bweek Cmonth Dyear2A.Saturday BThursday CFriday DSunday3A.gets up Bgoes to school Cgoes home Dhas Bclassroom Chome Dbed5A.Classes BMusic CParty DArt6A.morning Bevening Cnight Dnoon7A.has breakfast Bhas dinner Chas lunch Dhave meals8A.has lessons Bplays soccer Cbuys

26、 his homework Bhave dinner Cget up Dgo to bed10A.gets up Bgoes to school Cgoes to bed Dgoes home三、阅读理解(20分)A Kens TimetableMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 9:10 am Math Math English 10:30 am PE. History Science Geography 11:15 am Chinese History 1:45 pm Chinese Chinese3:00 pmEnglishMat

27、h1.What class does Ken have at 1:45 pm on Wednesday? AChinese. BP.E. CHistory. DMath. 2.How many math classes does Ken have in a week? ATwo. BThree. CFour. DFive. 3.On Friday,a Chinese class starts at _. A9:10 am B10:30 am C1:45 pm D3:00 pm 4.He has_classes in a week. Aten Beleven Ctwelve Dthirteen

28、5.How many kinds of classes does Ken have in a week? AFour. BFive. CSix. DSeven. B Mr.and Mrs.Brown are from America.They are now teaching English in Zhengzhou.Their son Jack is with them.Jack speaks English.They want him to learn some Chinese.Jack is in Grade Three in a Chinese school.He plays with

29、 Chinese children every day.He listens to Chinese,speaks Chinese,reads books in Chinese and writes in Chinese.He is doing well in his Chinese. 6.Mr.and Mrs.Brown are_. AChinese BEnglish CAmerica DAmericans 7.They are working_now. Ain Shanghai Bin China Cin America Din Grade 3 8.Jack is_. Aa student in a C

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