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1、七年级第一二三单元知识点讲解7A Unit 1(一)、单元知识点:1. Would like to do = would love to do = want to do此短语中,like / love 后面不能用doing形式,I would like to do可缩写成Id like to do.疑问句为would you like to ?答句为Yes, Id like/love to. 或Id/like to, but 例句:(1) I would like/Id like to go traveling. = I would love/Id love to go traveling.

2、= I want to go traveling. (2) -Would you like to come to tea? -Yes, Id love to./ Id love to, but I am too busy at the moment. (3) - Would you like some coffee? - Yes, please. / No, thanks.2. My hobby is + doing = Doing is my hobby. (我兴趣是做什么)Play + 球类运动/棋类,play + the + 乐器3. Work as + a/an +职业:某人的职业是什

3、么。如:My mum works as a musician in Beijing.Brain worked as an English teacher two years ago.4. be keen on sth. / doing:对某事很有兴趣如:They are keen on writing computer programs.5. be in glasses = wear glasses:带眼镜,注意glasses要用得数形式且be和wear需根据主语作相应变化。如:The little boy is in glasses. = The little boy wears glass

4、es.6. One of the + 形容词最高级 + 名词得数:其中之一。如:He is the tallest boys in our good at + sth. / doing = do well in sth. /doing 意思是“擅长做某事”如:He is good at drawing. = He does well in drawing. would like to do sth / want to do 课文原句:I would like to be your pen friend. (Reading)Now I want to tell you abou

5、t the four seasons in Canberra. (More Practice) 两者都表示“想要”,但want 的语气不如would like委婉;两者都可直接加名词或不定式(to do) would like通常也写成 “ d like ”,用于所有人称;want则要根据人称和数的变化而变化 own,there be,& have 课文原句:My parents own a Chinese restaurant in Newcastle. (Reading)How many people are there in your family? (Language) own 表示“

6、有,占有”,强调所有权 there be 表示“存在”,某处有某人或某物 have 表示“有,具有,拥有” be happy to do 乐意做 课文原句:She is always happy to help others. (Reading) 类似结构:be glad to do sth be sorry to do sth practise 的用法 课文原句:He practises every morning and night. (Reading) practise 可解释为“练习、实习”,强调有规律的练习、反复的练习、不断地练习。常见短语:practise sth / doing

7、sth 名词:practice. 不可数 eg. Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。 近义词:exercise 练习,指“锻炼、操练、训练”,可作名词可作动词。作名词,解时释为“锻炼”时,不可数 eg. do morning exercise 解释为“练习,训练”时,可数 eg. spelling exercises be good at sth / doing sth 擅长于 课文原句:He is good at tennis. (Reading) be good at = do well in 后接名词或动名词 big,huge,large & great 课文原句

8、:I want to go to a big city and learn the French language. (Language) big 最通俗,最常用,强调比正常程度、范围以及规模的标准大,常用于修饰人、物或数量。反义词是little或small。 huge 强调尺寸、体积“庞大”,容量、数量“巨大”,不强调重量 large 强调远远超过标准的“大”,可指“数量、容量、体积和面积的大”,比big正式,反义词是small great 通常形容抽象事物,可表数量、距离和程度的大,修饰人时,通常译为“伟大的” on 的用法 课文原句:He is also a basketball pla

9、yer on the school team. (Reading) 表示所在球队 eg. on the national team 课文原句:On the fifth of July. (Speaking) 表示时间,通常指特定的时间段,与表示日期的名词连用 eg. on Sept.11.2001 on Saturday moring 表示位置,意为“在上”,物体与物体间有接触eg. the book on the desk apples the tree ( birds the tree ) 表示穿着、带着的状态,意为“穿戴着,附着于”eg. Do you have any money on

10、 you? 表示状态、方式方法eg. The building is on fire. on holiday on sale I go to school on foot / on the bus. 表示主题、内容,意为“有关,关于”eg. Do you have any ideas on this project? 表示靠近、接近,意为“接近于,面向、朝着”eg. Cambridge is on the River Cam. reply & answer 课文原句:You want to reply to Simons letter. (Writing) reply 可作名词也可作动词,指较

11、正式或经过考虑的答复常见搭配:make no reply reply to the question I reply that (+从句) answer 可作名词也可作动词,用法比较广泛,可指口头或书面的答复常见搭配:the answer to the question answer the question 听电话 thanks for sth & thanks to sth 课文原句:Thanks a lot for your letter. (Writing) thanks for sth = thank sb for sth / doing sth 因为某事而多谢某人,用于事情已发生的

12、场合,与will 连用表示请求或要求;thank you to do sth用于事情未发生的场合,与will连用表示请求或责备eg. Thanks / Thank you for coming my birthday party. I will thank you for a cup of tea. I will thank you to come with us. thanks to sth意为“多亏,多得”eg. Thanks to your help, much trouble was saved. be kind to sb 对某人友善 课文原句:She works very hard

13、 and is kind to us. (More Practice) kind 作形容词,意为“友好的、友善的”;也可作名词,意为“种类”,后跟of:a. this / that kind of, a kind of 表示“一种事物”,后面的名词不加冠词,且为单数 eg. a kind of fish b. many / several kinds of 表示“各种各样的”,后面可接复数名词,或不可数名词 eg. many kinds of books several kinds of coffee c. kind of 意为“多少有点、有几分”,可修饰形容词、副词和动词 eg. Its k

14、ind of cold. I kind of hope to meet you again.1、不定冠词a, an a用在辅音音素开头的词前 e.g. a booka useful book a “u”ju:sful ju:an用于元音开头的词前. e.g. an applean hour an “F” au ef 2、定冠词the1) 特指某人/某物 The book on the desk is mine.2) 世上独一无二的事物前 the sun , the moon, the earth, the sky3) 形、副最高级及序数词前 The third boy is the talle

15、st of all.(但当这些词前已有其他限定词,如物主代词、所有格、指示代词时,则不能再用the) He is my first English teacher.4) the + 姓的复数表示 “某家人”或“某夫妇”。 the Greens 格林一家/ 格林夫妇3、不用冠词的几种情况:1) 在星期、月份、季节前不用冠词2) 学科名词前3) 球类运动及早、中、晚三餐名词前(但:当三餐名词前有修饰词时,则要加适当的冠词. 表乐曲演奏的名词前应加the)1) He went to school after he had a quick breakfast.2) play the violin /

16、piano练习:单选1. _ cards is Peters hobby.A. Plays B. Playing C. To play D. Play2. Rachel works _ a taxi driver in New York.A. at B. to C. as D. about3. _ Kidman good at _?A. Does, running B. Is, run C. Does, run D. Is, running4. The boy didnt _ today.A. in glass B. wear glass C. in glasses D. wear glass

17、5. Eddie is keen on _ sports.A. doing B. does C. do D. did.6. Justin Bieber is one of the _ in the USA.A. younger singer B. youngest singer C. younger singers D. youngest singers7. Singing and dancing _ Marys hobbies.A. is B. be C. am D. are8. Ada would like _ to you later.A. wrote B. writing C. to

18、write D. writes9. I _ good at math.A. do not B. am not C. does not D. is not10. - Were going boating. Would you like to join us?- _.A. Yes, I love to B. No, I am busyC. No, I like D. Yes, Id love to同义句转换1. Jerrys hobby is making cakes._ _ _ Jerrys hobby.2. They do well in telling funny stories.They

19、_ _ _ _ funny stories.3. Would you love to go to the China Plaza (中华广场)?_ you _ _ _ to the China Plaza?4. Look, the girl doesnt wear glass.Look, the girl _ _ _.5. Mrs. Right wants to learn guitar.Mrs. Right _ _ _ _ guitar.在空白处填入a / an 1. This morning I bought _ newspaper and _ magazine.2. I saw _ ac

20、cident this morning. _ car crashed into _ tree.3. There are two cars parked outside: _ blue one and _ grey one. 4. My friends live in _ old house in _ small village. There is _ beautiful garden behind _ house. I would like to have _ garden like that.(二)、语法点:一般现在时一、概念1表示经常性或习惯性的动作,常与表示频度的时间状语连用。如:alw

21、ays, usually, often, sometimes, seldom(很少), never(决不), every day, at 8:30, on Sunday, in the morning等。如:I always get up at 6:00 in the morning.2表示现在时刻的状态、能力、性格、个性。如:She loves English very much. My sister can play the piano very well.3表示客观的事实。如:The sun rises in the east. 太阳从东方升起。4格言或警句。如:Pride goes b

22、efore a fall.骄者必败。二、句子结构1如果句子主语的人称是I, we, you, they或复数名词时,动词用动词原形。如:We often go home by bus.2如果句子的主语是第三人称单数,即:he, she, it 或单数名词时,动词要用第三人称的单数形式。如:He often goes home by bus.三、动词的第三人称单数形式的构成规则如下:1一般情况下在动词的后面直接加“s”;如:work works play plays rain rains see sees visit visits 2以o, x, s, sh, ch结尾的动词,在后面加“es”;

23、如:do does fix fixes guess guesses wash washes teach teaches3以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,先把 “y” 改为 “i”, 再加“es”;如:fly flies study studies carry carries 4不规则变化。如:have has 四、注意在一般现在时的句子中,如果前面使用了助动词does, doesnt, will, wont, can, cant, would, wouldnt, must, mustnt 等,尽管主语是第三人称单数,后面的动词用动词原形。如:He doesnt want to go shopping

24、.He can sing the song.五、一般现在时的一般疑问句一般现在时的一般疑问句是把助动词do, 或does 放在句首来引导。1、如果句子的主语是I, we, you, they或复数名词时,用do来引导,其余句子的位置不变。肯定回答:Yes, I/we/they do. 否定回答:No, I/we/they dont.如:They go to school by bus every day.Do they go to school by bus every day?Yes, they do.(肯定回答)No, they dont.(否定回答)2、如果句子的主语是he, she,

25、it 或单数名词时,用does 来引导,其余句子的位置不变,但是要把原来句子中的动词第三人称单数形式,改为动词原形。肯定回答:Yes, he/she/it does. 否定回答: No, he/she/it doesnt.如:He often goes to school by bike.Does he often go to school by bike?Yes, he does. (肯定回答)No, he doesnt. (否定回答)六、一般现在时的否定句1如果句子的主语是I, we, you, they或复数名词时,则在主语的后面加dont。如: We always go to scho

26、ol on foot.We dont always go to school on foot.2如果句子的主语是he, she, it或单数名词时,则在主语的后面加doesnt 。但是要把原来句子中的动词第三人称单数形式,改为动词原形。如:He often goes to school by bike.He doesnt often go to school by bike.7A Unit 2(一)、知识点:1. other students 其他的学生“other +名词复数”相当于others,通常指(三者以上之中)其余的人(或物)。She asked me to bring other

27、books. 她叫我再拿一些其他的书。2. find out 找出,查出look for “寻找”,强调寻找的动作;find意为“找到”,强调寻找的结果,find还可以作“发现,碰到”,多指偶然的发现;find out意为“为解,查明,弄清楚,得到”等,指通过观察、探索而发现事实的真相、真情,调查找出原因,或发现秘密、错误等。- What are you looking for? 你在找什么?- Im looking for my keys. 我在找我的钥匙。Can you find out the reason why he is late for school? 你能弄清他迟到的原因吗?3

28、. put on 穿上,戴上,表示穿的动作。可用于穿衣服、鞋、袜,戴帽子、手套等。宾语若为代词(it, them),须放在put 和on 之间,其反义词是take off. Its cold outside. Put on more clothes. 外面天冷,多穿些衣服。be in 穿着,表示穿的状态,后面常接表示颜色或衣服的词。 The woman in red is his mother. 穿红色衣服的那位女士是他的母亲。wear穿着,戴着,用于穿衣服、鞋,戴手套、眼镜、手表等,强调穿戴的状态。 He wears a white shirt. 他穿着一件白衬衣。dress 作及物动词时,

29、是“给穿衣服”之意,其宾语不是衣服而是人。 The nurse dressed the boy in a red jacket. 护士给那个男孩穿上了一件红夹克。try on 试穿,on为副词,代词作宾语,须放在try与on之间。 Please try on the suit. 请试试这套衣服。 Do you like this shirt, Dick? Try it on. 迪克,你喜欢这件衬衣吗?穿上试试。4. on the way to在去的路上to为介词,后跟表示地点的名词。on the way to the shop/ zoo/ park/ school 在去商店/动物园/公园/学校

30、的路上注意:地点为home, here, there等副词时,to要省略。on the way home/ here/ there 在回家/ 来这里/ 去那里的路上5. enjoy 享受;喜爱;欣赏 enjoy + 动词-ing形式。enjoy music 欣赏音乐 enjoy oneself 过得愉快I enjoy reading. 我喜欢读书。6. walk +地点副词(home, here, there)或者walk to+地点名词 (走着去)I like to walk to the park. = I like to go to the park on foot. 我喜欢走着去公园。 拓展:常见的表达交通试的短语:take a bus / by bus 乘公共汽车tak

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