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1、最新外研版新标准五年级下册610模块重点知识二、资料网址:3 www。oh/ov。com/teach/student/shougong/(一)大学生的消费购买能力分析(三)DIY手工艺品的“自助化”价格便宜些 服务热情周到 店面装饰有个性 商品新颖多样随科技的迅速发展,人们的生活日益趋向便捷、快速,方便,对于我国传统的手工艺制作,也很少有人问津,因此,我组想借此创业机会,在校园内开个DIY创意小屋。它包括编织、刺绣、串珠等,让我们传统的手工制作也能走进大学,丰富我们的生活。随着社会经济、文化的飞跃发展,人们正从温饱型步入小康型,崇尚人性和时尚,不断塑造个性和魅力的现代文化价值观念,已成为人们的

2、追求目标。因此,顺应时代的饰品文化显示出强大的发展势头和越来越广的市场,从事饰品销售是有着广阔的市场空间。2、Google网站www。people。com。cn三、主要竞争者分析朋友推荐 宣传广告 逛街时发现的 上网外研版(三起点)五年级下学期复习重点第六模块学习目标:1.能够表述过去做过的事情。2.复习描述方位的表达方式。3.掌握主要语言结构:Its in the west/south of China. This is Xinjiang. I went there last year. Did you go with your parents?Yes, I did.一、重点单词:get 到

3、达 stay停留 remember 记得 ride (过去式)rode骑(马) best 最好的 rest 休息 parent父亲,母亲(复数直接加-s) north June 六月west east July 七月 south二、重点短语及知识点:重点短语:1.last year去年 2.of course 当然 3. in the west of China在中国的西部4. in July在七月(月份前面用介词in) 5. every year每年 6. stay with 和待在一起 7. ride a horse骑马 8. go swimming去游泳 9. live there 住在

4、那里 10. go with 和一起去 11. have a rest 休息一下12. climb the mountain 爬山 13.have a lovely time 玩得愉快14. Li people 黎族人词形转换:1. go(过去式)went 2. do(过去式)did 3. stay(过去式)stayed 4. ride(过去式)rode 5. have(过去式)had 6. photo(复数)photos 7. live(第三人称单数)lives 8.use(过去式)used 9. they(宾格形式)them10. live(第三人称单数)lives 11. stay(过去

5、式)stayed12. real(副词)really 13. parent(复数) parents14. you(形容词性物主代词)your 重点句子:1. How did you get there? 你们是怎么到的那里?2. They are photos of me and my family in China. 他们是我和我的家人在中国 的照片。3. Its in the west of China.它在中国的西部。4. We stayed with my grandma for a week in July.七月我们和奶奶呆了一个星期。5. He lives there with h

6、is tree children.他和他的三个孩子住在那里。6. This is Xinjiang. I went there last year. 这是新疆。我们是去年去的那里。7. A: Did you go with your parents?你和你爸妈一起去的吗? B: Yes,I did.No,I didnt.是,是的。不,没有。8. A:Where did you go for your holidays?你假期去哪里了? B:I went to the moon. 我去了月球。9. Lingling has got some interesting photos. 玲玲有一些有趣

7、的照片。 10. The mountains are really beautiful.这些山实在是太漂亮了。11. Last July Lingling went to Xinjiang with her parents.去年七月玲玲和她的父母一起去了新疆。12. She visited the Tianchi Lake. 她参观了天池。13. A: Where did you go for your holidays?你假期去哪里了? B: I went to Yinchuan.我去了银川。14. A: Where is Yinchuan?银川在哪?B: Its in the north

8、of China. 它在中国的北部。 三、基本句型:1. 询问对方是否和某人一起去的句型及答语。 Did you go with +人? 你是和一起去的吗? Yes, I did. 是的。/ No, I didnt. 不,不是。 例句: Did you go with your parents? 你是和你父母一起去的吗? Yes, I did. 是的。2. 描述某地所处方位的句型: 省/城市/It + is + in the + 方向 + of + 地点 “在范围内的部” 例句:1. Guangzhou is in the south of China. 广州在中国的南部。 2. It is

9、in the west of China. 它在中国的西部。 检测题:用所给单词的适当形式填空1. _ (do) you go with your parents? Yes, I did.2. How did you _ (get) there? By bus.3. The _ (mountain) are really beautiful.4. I _ (go) there last year.5. Can I see _(see) them? 第七模块学习目标:1. 掌握与职业相关的词汇和短语。2. 复习描述时间的词汇。3. 掌握主要语言结构:My father goes to work

10、at eight oclock every morning. Hes a policeman. Ill be home at seven oclock. 一、重点单词:evening 傍晚,晚上 late 近深夜的,时间不早的worker 工人 factory 工厂 early 早的 taxi 出租车worry 焦虑,担心 quarter 一刻钟 to (距整点)差二、重点短语及知识点:重点短语:1. at half past seven 在七点半2. go to work 去上班3. a taxi driver 一位出租车司机4. take sb. to school 带某人去上学5. be

11、 late 迟到6. a quarter to eight 七点四十五7. get up 起床8. at seven oclock 在七点钟9. go to school 去上学10. go home 回家 be home 在家11. go to bed 上床睡觉12. every morning/evening 每天早上/晚上词形转换:1. late(对应词)early2. start(第三人称单数)starts3. child(复数) children4. Ill (完整形式) I will5. morning(同类词)evening6. work(职业名词)worker7. get(第三

12、人称单数)gets8. know(同音词)no9. its(完整形式) it is10. here(对应词)there重点句子:1. My father goes to work at eight oclock every morning. 我爸爸每天早上八点钟去上班。2. What does he do? 他是干什么的?3. A:What time will you be home? 你几点回家? B: Ill be home at seven oclock. 我将在七点钟回家。4. Will you take us to the park tomorrow morning? 你明天早上要带

13、我们去公园吗?5. Dont worry! 别担心!6. Its a quarter to seven. 六点四十五了。(差十五分钟就七点了。)3、基本句型:1. 描述某人每天几点去工作的句型: 人+go/goes to work + at +具体钟点+ every morning/evening/night. 在每天早上/晚上什么时间去工作。 例句: My father goes to work at eight oclock every morning. 我爸爸每天早上八点钟去上班。2. 询问某人职业的句型及答语: What do/does +主语+ do? 是做什么的呢? 主语 + be

14、动词 + a/an 职业名词. 是 例句: What does your mother do? 你妈妈是做什么的? She is a nurse. 她是个护士。3. 询问某人几点将做某事的句型及答语。 What time + will + 主语 + 动词原形 + 其他? 将在几点? 主语 + will + 动词原形 + 其他 + at + 具体点钟. 将在。 例句: What time will your mother go home? 你妈妈将在几点回家? She will go home at seven oclock. 她将在七点钟回家。检测题:按要求改写下册句子1. Ill be ho

15、me at seven oclock.(改为一般疑问句) _ _ be home at seven oclock?2. Will he be home at seven oclock? _, he _.3. Do you get up at seven oclock every morning? (做肯定回答) _4. She gets up at seven oclock.(对划线部分提问) _5. at it I every seven do oclock morning (.) _第八模块学习目标:1. 学会寻求帮助 表达方式。2. 复习动词的过去式。3. 掌握主要语言结构:Ill ma

16、ke a kite! Will you help me? What will you do tomorrow?一、重点单词:Chinese 中国人(的) word 词,字 draw(过去式)drewcut(过去式)cut paper 纸 piece 张,片,块paint 绘画,着色 stick 小木棍,小木条tie(过去式)tied so 如此,这样2、重点短语及知识点:重点短语:1. what about = how about 怎么样2. make a kite 制作风筝3. thank you for 为而感谢你4. a piece of paper 一张纸5. go swimming

17、去游泳6. cut the paper 剪纸7. draw a dragon 画一条龙8. in the sky 在天空中9. so high 如此的高10. a paper kite 一只纸风筝11. a great present 一份很棒的礼物12. have/has got 有13. a good/great idea 一个好主意14. put on 把放在上词形转换:1. I(宾格)me2. drew(原形)draw3. cut(过去式)cut4. made(原形)make5. sister(对应词)brother6. paint(过去式)painted7. can(过去式)coul

18、d8. hes got(完整形式)he has got9. tie(过去式)tied重点句子:1. Ill make a kite! 我将做一个风筝!2. Will you help me? 你会帮我吗?3. Thank you for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。4. Im going to visit my cousin in New York. 我要去看望在纽约的表兄。5. It will be a great present. 它将是一份很棒的礼物。6. A: What will you do tomorrow? 明天你要干什么? B: Ill go swimming tomo

19、rrow。 我明天将要去游泳。7. I drew a dragon on a piece of yellow paper. 我在一张黄纸上画了一条龙。3、基本句型:1. will表示将来的句型: 主语 + will + 动词原形 (+表示将来的时间). 将要 例句:1. She will go to Shanghai tomorrow. 明天她要去上海。 2. It will be windy tomorrow. 明天将要刮风。 3. She will make a kite for me. 她将给我做一个风筝。2. 表示建议的句型: What about + 名词/动词ing形式 + 其他?

20、 怎么样? 例句:1. What about a dragon kite ? 一个龙风筝怎么样? 2. What about going swimming? 去游泳怎么样?检测题:单项选择1. It was windy last autumn, and we could _ our kites. A. fly B. flew C. flying2. Please write your name on _ paper. A. piece B. a piece of C. a piece3. What did Lingling _? A. did B. does C. do4. Thank you

21、 _ your help. A. with B. to C. for5. Last July they _ some nice pictures. A. drew B. draw C. drawed第九模块学习目标:1.能够使用不同的动词形式描述过去发生的事情和做过的动作。2.复习英文信件的书写。掌握主要语言结构: Last week we went to a childrens theatre. The actors told lots of jokes. We all ate hamburgers and chips.一、重点单词:wear(过去式)wore穿read(过去式)readte

22、ll(过去式)told讲,告诉woman(过去式)women女人letter 书信,信 theatre 剧院 laugh笑 actor演员 joke笑话 after在以后 show演出 ready准备好的 soon不久 history历史 question问题 borrow借来,借入 evening傍晚forget 忘记 bring 带来 ask 问,询问in 在(将来的一段时间)之后 another 另一个二、重点短语及知识点:重点短语:1. a lot 许多2. laugh a lot 开怀大笑 3. in English 用英语 4. last week上周5. a childrens

23、theatre 一家儿童剧院6. lots of许多 7. go to a restaurant去饭馆 three weeks在三周后 9. Chinese history中国历史 10. Chinese songs中国歌曲 11. in the evenings在晚上 12. be ready for 为而做好准备13. a trip to 到的旅行14. buy for 为买15. notat all 一点都不16. put in 把放在里、17. forget to +动词原形 忘记做某事18. listen to 听19. in the evening 在晚上20. see y

24、ou soon 再见 21. tell jokes 讲笑话22. womens clothes 女士衣服23. a book about Chinese history 一本关于中国历史的书词形转换:1. get(过去式)got 2. go(过去式)went 3. wear(过去式)wore 4. tell(过去式)told 5. is(过去式)was 6. eat(过去式)ate 7. buy(过去式)bought 8. read(过去式)read9. woman(复数)women10. child(单数)children11. man(复数)men12. dont (完整形式)do not

25、13.they(宾格)them14.I have(缩写形式)Ive15. England (形容词形式)English 重点句子:1.Ive got two letters in English.我收到两封英语信。2. Are you ready for your trip to America? 你准备好你的美国之旅了吗?3. The men wore womens clothes. 男人们穿着女人的衣服。4. The actors told lots of jokes. 演员们讲了许多笑话。5. We laughed a lot. 我们开怀大笑。6. After the show we w

26、ent to a restaurant. 演出结束后我们去了饭馆。8. We are going to see you in three weeks. 三周后我们就见面了。9. Dad is going to put another bed in my room. 爸爸打算在我的房间里再放一张床。10. Dont forget to bring CDs of Chinese songs.不要忘了带中国歌曲的光盘。11. We can listen to them in the evenings. 我们能在晚上听。12. He is going to ask you some questions

27、.他要问你一些问题。13. Dad read a book about Chinese history. 爸爸读了一本关于中国历史的书。14. Mum bought new T-shirts for you. 妈妈给你买了新T恤。15. Is there a letter for me? 有我的信吗?16. Last week we went to a childrens theatre. 上周我们去了一家儿童剧院。三、基本句型:1. 描述过去做了某事的句型: 主语+动词过去式+其他。例句:1. The men wore womens clothes. 2. The actors told l

28、ots of jokes.2. 询问对方是否为某事准备好的句型: Be动词+主语+ready for +某事? 为准备好了吗?例句:1. Are you ready for your trip to China? 你为你的中国之行准备好了吗? 2. Are you ready for the exam? 你为这次考试做好准备了吗?3. 表达将要做某事的句型: 主语+am/is /are going to +动词原形 。 将要例句:1. Dad is going to put another bed in my room. 爸爸打算在我的房间里再放一张床。 2. He is going to a

29、sk you some questions.他要问你一些问题。检测题:用所给词的适当形式填空1. Daming _(buy)some books yesterday.2. I _(meet)you in China tomorrow.3. We _(see)you in two weeks/4. Dont forget _(bring)your books to school.5. Yesterday he _(eat)a hamburger.第十模块学习目标:1. 能够针对事件发生的时间、地点和参与的人进行询问。2. 复习表述将来的计划和打算的表达方式。3. 掌握主要语言结构:Are you ready for your trip tomorrow? Im going to meet you in New York. What are you going to take? When are you going to the airport?一、重点单词:when 在什么时候 end 结束 nervous 紧张的 airport机场 ticket票 p

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