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Lesson 7 Letter of apology 简案 详案.docx

1、Lesson 7 Letter of apology 简案 详案Unit 2 Social CorrespondenceLesson 7 Letter of apology课 题Business letter writing & Lesson 7 Letter of apology课 时6时 间第一,二周 2.18,2.21,2.25,2.28教学目标知识目标:1. Master the essential parts of a business letter2. Know how to write a business letter and the envelope;3. Know how

2、to compose appropriate letters of apology能力目标:1. Know how to make an apology clearly and sincerely2. Know how to avoid wordiness3. Know how to pronouns consistent 情感目标:4. Raise awareness of importance of writing a business letter and a letter of apology教学重点1. Get Ss to master the basic expressions o

3、f writing a letter of apology;2. Lead Ss to write a letter of apology 教学难点Lead Ss to write a letter of apology教学资源Teaching plan, PPT, Course Website教学过程教学内容教师活动学生活动时间分配Step 1Lead-in1. Business letter writing1.Review2. review90 minsStep 2Writing Letter of apology:1. Parts of letter of apology2. Words

4、 and basic expressions3. Writing1. give tasks2. give tipstry to finish the given tasks in oneself or groups150minsStep 3 Commentscommentsgive commentsgive comments20minsStep 4 ConsolidationReview the basic expressions and the parts of letter of apologyReviewTake notes; Review5minsStep 3 Comments& as

5、signmentPractice writing a letter of apologygive tasksTake notes5minsStep4ExamSentence translation and writing examinationexaminationexamination45minsTeaching ProceduresTask 1 Business letter writingStep 1: Lead in 90Choose some of the Ss to check if they can still remember 7C, and then show them on

6、 the screen.7C: 101. Clearness (Clarity)清楚 1) explain yourself clearly; 2) avoiding ambiguous sentences and needless jargon; 3) statements in well-constructed sentences and paragraphs; 2. Conciseness 简洁 4) in the fewest possible words; 5) briefly but completely; 3. Courtesy 礼貌 6) more than Polite; 7

7、) sincere, tactful, thoughtful and appreciative; 8) avoid irritating, offensive or belittling statements. 4. Consideration 体谅 9) Try to put yourself in HIS place; 10) emphasize the YOU attitude; 11) emphasize positive, pleasant facts; 5. Completeness 完整 12) provide all necessary information; 13) Ans

8、wer all questions asked; 14) give something extra, when desirable; 6. Concreteness 具体 15) To make the message specific; 16) dont try to write in a literary style; 17) use action rather than camouflaged verbs; 7. Correctness 正确 Step 2: Business letter writing 80 Parts of a Business Letter 301. Essent

9、ial Parts 必要部分 18) Letter Head 信头19) 信头包括写信人地址和写信日期,通常写在信笺的右上角。在比较熟识的朋友之间的通信,写信人的地址常可略去。地址的写法通常是由小到大20) Date 日期21) 日期的写法,如1997年7月30日,英文为:July 30,1997(最为普遍); July 30th,1997;30th July,1997等。1997不可写成97。22) Inside Name and Address 收信人名称地址23) Salutation 称呼24) 称呼指写信人对收信人的称呼,如DearXiaojun,写在信头的下方和信笺的左边。称呼一般

10、用Dear或Mydear开头,称呼后一般用逗号。25) Body of the Letter 正文26) 正文(Body)这是书信的主体部分,即写信人要表达的内容。27) Complimentary Close 结尾敬语28) 它是书信结尾的恭维话,相当于文中书信最后的“祝好”、“致礼”之类的话语。 “Bestwishes”, “I love you”, “Many thanks” “Give my regards to your family” 29) Signature 落款30) 签名通常签在结束语下方的中间偏右的位置,.签名应是亲笔书写,即使是打字机打出的信件,最后仍需亲笔签名。在签名

11、的上方可根据写信人和收信人的关系写上Sincerelyyours/Yourssincerely(用于长辈或朋友之间),或Respectfullyyours/Yoursrespectfully(用于对长辈或上级)。2. Optional Parts 附加部分 531) Attention Line 具体收信人32) Subject Line 事由33) Reference Notation 案号34) Enclosure 附件35) Carbon Copy Notation (abbr. c.c.)抄送36) Postscript (abbr. P.S.) 附言3. 齐头式信件款式: 5注:用齐

12、头式信件写信,其正文与称呼之间空一至二行。每段的第一句句子不需要空格,但段与段之间需要空一至二行。齐头式信件的信尾客套话和签名可以有两种款式。第一种写在左下方,这是最常用也是最正式的。另外也可以写在右下方,这种形式则表示写信人与收信人之间的关系比较熟悉随便。下面是另一种齐头式信件的格式。 Envelope Addressing 信封格式 101. 格式:37) 写信人在上,收信人在下 38) 根据收信人名称地址的写法分两种格式: 39) 缩格式(缩行式):收信人名称地址逐行右缩 40) 齐头式(平头式):收信人名称地址左端对齐 2. Tips:41) 在信封的左上角写寄信人的名字和住址。42)

13、 在信封的中间或右下角偏左的地方写收信人的名字和住址。43) 寄信人不自称Mr.、Mrs.或Miss,但是在收信人的姓名前则必须加上尊称Mr.、Mrs.或Miss以示礼貌。44) 住址的写法与中文相反;英文住址原则上是由小至大,如必须先写门牌号码、街路名称,再写城市、省(州)和邮政区号,最后一行则写上国家的名称。45) 在信封的右上角贴上邮票。46) 信封上的邮政区号(zip code),在美国州名之后以五位数阿拉伯数字表示,前三位数代表州或都市,后两位数表示邮区,至于邮政区号10027的念法是one double o two seven。47) 住址中常用字:有简写的多用简写: 楼 F(e.

14、g. 2F) 巷 Lane ( e.g. Lane 194) 段 Section;Sec. (e.g. Sec. ) 弄 Alley (e.g. Alley 6) 路 Road;Rd.( e.g. Chunghua Rd.) 街 Street;St.(e.g. Yangkwang St.) 3. Zhang Xiang NO.56 Middle School stamp Shanghai 200433 Peoples Republic Of China Prof.K.F.Hill Department of Mathematics The University of Michigan Ann

15、Arbor, Michigan 48109 U.S.A. 48) 注:发信人的地址应写在信封的左上角,收信人的地址应写在信封偏中右偏下处。3. Business letter and envelope writing 30 i. Please write a business letter and an envelope according to the following information: 251) Senders name: China National Light Industrial Products Import & ExportCorporation. Shanghai B

16、ranch 2) Senders address: 568 Huchiu Road, Shanghai, China 3) Date: March 23, 20. 4) Receivers name: H.G.Wilkinson Company, Limited 5) Receivers address: 245 Lombart Street, Lagos, Nigeria 6) Salutation used: Dear Sirs, 7) Subject matter: Sewing Machines 8) The Message: We thank you for your letter

17、of March 16 enquiring for the captioned goods. The enclosed booklet contains details of all our Sewing Machines and will enable you to make a suitable selection. 11) Complimentary close: Yours faithfully, ii. Comments 5Step 2 Writing (Letter of Apology) 1501. Ss get to be familiar with the learning

18、aims:1) Compose appropriate letters of apology2) Make an apology clearly and sincerely3) Avoid wordiness4) Keep pronouns consistent 2. Letter of apology1) What is the letter of apology?生活中,由于我们的疏忽或是不当行为给他人造成了伤害或财产损失,我们都需要想当事人道歉,说明原因,争取对方的谅解或赔偿对方的损失。这种道歉信言辞要恳切真诚。2) Format 道歉信的格式同普通信的格式一样。3) How to wr

19、ite a letter of apology?开篇:开头先要向对方表示歉意,态度诚恳.正文: 接着陈述犯错的原因,也就是要说出让对方原谅你的理由,措施:然后,在信中还要写明你将如何弥补你的过错,结尾:结尾则没有固定的格式,可以再次表示道歉,也可以说些客套话.4) New wordsapologize v.道歉 apology n.道歉 regret 抱歉 excuse 原谅forgive 原谅 shame 羞愧awkward 难为情的embarrassed 尴尬的interrupt 打断 disturb打扰carelessness 粗心大意 careless粗心的compensate 弥补

20、promise承诺5) Sentences:1. I am sorry that I was out when you came to see me yesterday afternoon.非常抱歉昨天下午你来看我时我不在。2. I am very sorry that I missed our scheduled appointment last Tuesday.非常抱歉上周二我没能赴约。3. I hope you received my message and were not too inconvenienced by my missing our appointment.希望您收到我的

21、信息,并希望我的失约不会带来太多不便。4. I will call your office within the week to reschedule another appointment that is convenient to you.我将在本周内与您办公室联系重新安排您方便的时间(见面)。5. I look forward to meeting with you.盼望见到您。6. Thank you for your time and consideration.谢谢您的时间及(给予的)考虑。7. I am sorry that I couldnt attend your party

22、 because.很抱歉不能参加你的宴会,因为8. I must apologize to you for.我必须为向你道歉。9. I regret to inform you that.非常遗憾地通知您10. I am writing to apologize for.我写信为向你道歉。11. I am writing to ask you for forgivingness.我写信请求你的原谅。12. Let me apologize here that.让我在此为道歉。13. I regret that my carelessness has caused you too much in

23、convenience.为我的粗心给你带来这么多麻烦感到后悔。14. I owe you an apology for.我应该为向你道歉。15. I wish I didnt give you too much trouble.但愿没给你带来太多麻烦。16. Thank you for your patience and understanding.感谢你的耐心与理解。17. Please forgive me.请原谅我。18. Please accept my apology/ apologies for.请接受我对的歉意。19. Please excuse my thoughtlessne

24、ss.请原谅我的考虑不周。20. I sincerely hope that you will accept my apologies.21. Please accept my sincerest and deepest apology.请接收我最诚挚最深切的歉意。22. Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused by it.再一次为给你带来的不便道歉。23. I hope you will excuse me for my carelessness.希望你能原谅我的粗心。24. Please accept our apologie

25、s for the trouble caused.对于给您造成的不便,请接受我们的道歉。25. We wish to apologize once again for the delay in delivery.对于此次的延期交货我们再次向您表示道歉。26. You should be able to confirm the receipt of the funds in your account tomorrow, your time.Please accept our sincere apologies for the delay.贵方应在明天收到汇款,请接受我们真诚的道歉。27. We

26、would appreciate your understanding and ask you to accept our apologies.我们感谢您的理解,并请求您接受我们的道歉。28. We would like to apologize for the delay in answering your letter.耽误了给您的回信,对此我们向您道歉。6) Tips:表达歉意要真诚清晰道歉信最主要的部分是真诚地表示歉意,不要敷衍了事并详细解释事情的经过,对自己的过时负责而不是推脱、责备他人或公司。如:Not: Much to my regret that I may not be ab

27、le to keep my promise because I have something urgent to do.非常遗憾不能遵守诺言,因为我有些急事要处理。But: Much to my regret that I may not be able to keep my promise because my sister was injured in a car accident and I must look after her in the hospital for several days.非常遗憾不能遵守诺言,因为我姐姐在车祸中受伤,我必须在医院里照顾她几天。对于提出的补救措施一

28、定要明确,并且在道歉信中还要注意强调正面信息,从读者的角度出发。如:We will replace your shaver. 我们给您更换剃须刀。I can see how disappointing this must have been. 我们看得出您很失望。You have the right to be upset. 您有权利对此不满。 避免赘词(冗长)商务信函的原则之一就是间接(conciseness)。在道歉信中需要对自己的过失进行具体的解释但尽可能简练。为了避免冗长,做到以下几个原则:(1)使用具体的词汇,去掉多余毫无意义的词汇;(2)避免不必要的重复;(3)简化词语或句子,尽可

29、能用动词代替动词短语。 如:Not: take into considerationBut: considerNot: Keep this information on file for future reference.But: Keep this information for reference.Not: The reason we are recommending the computerization of this process is because it will reduce the time required to obtain data and will give us

30、more accurate data.But: Computerizing the process will give us more accurate data more quickly. 7) 代词指代的一致性 在写作中为了保持连贯性(coherence),尽可能避免不必要的人称转换。代词指代一致是代词与其所代替或修饰的名词(或代词)在性、数、格上必须保持一致。如:We were sorry to hear that the washing machine you ordered was defective, as described in your letter of April 29. 你在4月29日来信中提到订购的洗衣机有问题,对此深感歉意。8) Exercises:Finish and check the exercises from P86 to P959) Practice:Write a lett

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