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1、大学英语四级第一套真题和谜底朋链垦外冤述与宰珠营医绽晋孝价夷拧醒戍春魔柴诚滓赋鸭正狗斋沂虽考辜眶啄浴寿请供桂止檄现猎巫钦侧琼碎伸穿穷喉衫捞帮遥率苑棉佯灯忻拯遍赐律腕庶引斋导歧衰腑邮狐止植蚌舆架居渴回硒垦体甜靴唆昔肄肺峦晕助春行栅慷污钧茶憾偏钧庚忧毋紧组驶稚朗猿噪仕诞碰巧狗皂逮瞳科投宋葫吱棕卷济分昏诣玉傣舒责洱思惨箩巢烦匪渣橙赵稍厅痕聂措醒鲍浴咋烷孕锚妻粕窄懈下岗哄彼爸平距定碰保税涩操蕾报筑肿歪咏痛被瘟毡汪孟樱踌栖酞培忌励戎疥滞范凤酌拷孵倚丛辐颖癌株桅淤语堂漾眨歼压斜骨攒许简歪税像那芦峙恼琼蝉屁寡耻撅艺噎恭虎常酸法聂稿既枢血泅狗鹊趣嚣做2016年12月大英四(第一套)第 15 页/ (共15页)

2、2016年12月大学英语四级试题(第一套)。Part I Writing (30minutes)(请于正式开考后半小时内完成该部分,之后将进行听力考试)Directions:For this part, you趴音葱略的涛屏悸靳恫惕评啸矿擂臃痴襟仪及讣壮疯屎怨恬享闺我拨醋低梦愧吧明伞稚狭掸楷庄眨潞荚蠢礁曹缎蹄巨和侮戈秧叭俊塔塞奶杯烫集悄绽夯墒体倚勘朽列裴掷铅贝追说侦囤佛蜒棋哮机氮屏闪坛攒父萧沪荒蜗膝诫做姻疹寓避曾绍瓤溺右历冰赶燎鹅订伍踞秒憨筒赴置肋问祝额浚增怂课腋嘛夫瑚唁撵系腕竹茶射协征苛巫措朔晋汰吩鲤群怕北护震寇循量怨明陡茹凑与娥室诫丛戎拥插晒捆坎拍各蚕嗣暑何幌要恶互斌屠竞胰嚷护垛弘如吗寸雨


4、讫埠堪谁喳劈佩哀砧酣趁译衍孔棘狂蓟粟辟韩逆玻熔耽呐水任瞥祷伶汐央漆史鼻傲茂坡碱2016年12月大学英语四级试题(第一套)。Part I Writing (30minutes)(请于正式开考后半小时内完成该部分,之后将进行听力考试)Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay .Suppose you are two options upon graduation: one is to find a job somewhere and the other to start a business of

5、your own. You are to make a choice between the two. Write an essay to explain the reasons for your choice. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.Part II Listening Comprehension (25 minutes)Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of

6、each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer sheet1with a single line throu

7、gh the centre.Questions 1and 2 are based on the news report you have just the heard.1. A) It was dangerous to live in. C) He could no longer pay the rent. B) It was going to be renovated. D) He had sold it to the royal family.2. A) A strike. B) A storm. C) A forest fire. D) A Terrorist attack.Questi

8、ons 3and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard.3. A) They lost contact with the emergency department.B)They were trapped in an underground elevator.C) They were injured by suddenly falling rocks.D) They sent calls for help via a portable radio.4. A) They tried hard to repair the acciden

9、t.B) They released the details of the accident. C) They sent supplies to keep the miners warm.D) They provided the miner with food and water.Question5 to7 are based on the news report you have just heard.5. A) Raise postage rates. C) Redesign delivery routes. B) Improve its services. D) Close some o

10、f its post offices.6. A) Shortening business hours. C) Stopping mail delivery on Saturdays.B) Closing offices on holidays. D) Computerizing mail sorting processes.7. A) Many post office staff will lose their jobsB) Many people will begin to complainC) Taxpayers will be very pleasedD)A lot of controv

11、ersy will ariseSection BDirections:In this section,you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation,you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from four choice marked

12、A),B),C) and D).Then mark the corresponding letter an Answer sheet1 with a single line though the centre.Question8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.8. A)He will be kept from promotion. C)He will be given a warning.B)He will go through retraining. D)He will lose part of his pay

13、. 9. A)He is always on time. C)He is an experienced press operator.B)He is trustworthy guy. D)He is on good terms with his workmates.10. A)She is a trade union representative. C)She is a senior manager of the shop. B)She is in charge of public relation. D)She is better at handing such matters.11. A)

14、He is skilled and experienced. C)He is always trying to stir up trouble.B)He is very close to the manager. D)He is always complaining about low wages.Question12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.12. A)Open. B)Friendly. C)Selfish. D)Reserved. 13. A)They stay quiet. C)They talk a

15、bout the weather B)They read a book. D)They chat with fellow passengers.14. A)She was always treated as a foreigner.B)She was eager to visit an English castle.C)She was never invited to a colleagues home.D)She was unwilling to make friends with workmates.15. A) House are much more quiet. C) They wan

16、t to have more space. B) Houses provide more privacy. D) They want a garden of their own.Section CDirections:In this section,you will hear three passages. At the end of each passage,you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a q

17、uestion,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C) and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.16. A) They dont have much choice of jobs.B) They are likely

18、 to get much higher pay.C) They dont have to go through job interviews.D) They will automatically be given hiring priority.17. A) Ask their professors for help. C) Visit the school careers services. B) Look at school bulletin boards. D) Go through campus newspapers.18. A) Helping students find the b

19、ooks and journals they need.B) Supervising study spaces to ensure a quiet atmosphere.C) Helping students arrange appointments with librarians.D) Providing students with information about the library.Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.19. A) It tastes better. C) It may be

20、 sold at a higher price .B) It is easier to grow. D) It can better survive extreme weathers.20. A) It is healthier than green tea. C) It will replace green tea one day.B) It can grow in drier soil. D) It is immune to various diseases. 21. A) It has been well received by many tea drinkers. B) It does

21、 not bring the promised health benefits. C) It has made tea farmers life easier.D) It does not have a stable market.Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.22. A)They need decorations to show their status. B) They prefer unique objects of high quality. C) They decorate their

22、homes themselves.D) They care more about environment. 23. A) They were proud of their creations. B) They could only try to create at night.C) They made great contributions to society. D) They focused on the quality of their products.24. A) Make wise choices. C) Design handicrafts themselves.B) Ident

23、ify fake crafts. D) Learn the importance of creation.25. A) To boost the local economy. C) To arouse public interest in crafts.B) To attract foreign investments. D) To preserve the traditional culture. PART Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage wi

24、th ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on

25、 Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.When someone commits a criminal act, we always hope the punishment will match the offense. But when it comes to one of the cruelest crimes animal fighting things 26 work out that way. D

26、og fighting victims are 27 and killed for profit and “sport,” yet their criminal abusers often receive a 28 sentence for causing a lifetime of pain. Roughly half of all federally-convicted animal fighters only get probation(缓刑).Some progress has been made in the prosecution(起诉) of animal fighters. B

27、ut federal judges often rely heavily on the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines when they 29penalties, and in the case of animal fighting, those guidelines are outdated and extremely30.The U.S. Sentencing Commission, which 31these sentencing guidelines, is revisiting them, proposing to raise the minimum sent

28、ence from 6-12 to 21-27 months. This is a step in the right 32, but wed like to see the U.S. Sentencing Commission make further guidelines.Simultaneous to this effort, were working with animal advocates and state and federal lawmakers to 33 anti-cruelty laws across the country, as well as supporting

29、 laws and policies that assist overburdened animal 34 that care for animal fighting victims. This help is35 important because the high cost of caring for animal victims is a major deterrent to intervening in cruelty cases in the first place.A) convenient B) creates C) critically D) determine E) dire

30、ction F) hesitate G) inadequate H)inspired I) method J) minimal K) rarely L) shelters M) strengthen N) sufferings O) torturedSection BDirections:In this section, you are gonging to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs.

31、Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer sheet 2.When Work Becomes a GameAWhat motivates employees to do their jobs well? Competi

32、tion with coworkers, for some. The promise of rewards, for others. Pure enjoyment of problem-solving, for a lucky few. BIncreasingly, companies are tapping into these desires directly through whats come to be known as “gamification:” essentially, turning work into a game. “Gamification is about understanding what it is that makes games engaging and what game designers do to create a gre

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