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1、考研英语作文范文素材及译文14考研英语作文范文素材1、跑步比赛Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should:1) describe the drawing briefly,2) explain its intended meaning, and then3) state your point of view.You should write on ANSWER SHEET 2.如果重新画这幅画,最好多画上一些白人和黑人的脸。范文:A first glace at

2、 this picture gives us the impression that it is a common running competition. Yet, a more careful survey reveals that the participants of the race come from different countries, as is indicated by their skin colors. The banner behind further tells us that the event was held jointly by Chinese and A

3、merican students on the symbolic site of the Great Wall.Anyone who sees this picture would be convinced that such an activity must generate international friendship among the young. As is commonly known, sports usually serve the role of “ambassador” among nations, greatly promoting mutual understand

4、ing and communication between different peoples. Take the Sino-U.S. relation as an example, against the background of the Cold War in the 1970s, the cold relation between the two countries was firstly warmed up not by politicians but ping-pong players from both countries. Moreover, the Olympic Games

5、 is also endeavoring to achieve the ultimate goal of uniting the worlds citizens by encouraging them to compete fairly in the domain of sports.To briefly conclude, sport activities and competitions not only bring forth personal enjoyment and friendship among common people, but more importantly, bene

6、ficial exchanges across countries, and for that matter, world peace and prosperity. In particular, they can also help shape a more sound relationship among future generations.译文:第一眼看到这幅图给我们的印象是这是一场普通的跑步比赛。但是,仔细观察该图我们会发现跑步者肤色不同,他们应该是来自不同的国家。图上的横幅进一步告诉我们这是一场中美学生在具有象征意义的中国长城上举办的一场活动。任何看过这幅图画的人们都会相信这样的一

7、场活动一定会促成年轻人之间的国际友谊。众所周知,运动一般都扮演了国家之间的“大使”这一角色,能够巨大地促进不同民族之间的互相理解和交流。以中美关系为例,在20世纪70年代冷战的大背景下,两国关系不是由政治家而是两国的乒乓球运动员们改善的。此外,奥林匹克运动会也是努力通过鼓励世界人民通过体育的公平竞争来达到团结人们的最终目的的。简单的总结来说,体育活动和竞赛不仅可以带来个人的享受和民间友谊,更重要的是还可以带来跨国间的有益交流,以及世界和和平和繁荣,特别是还可以帮助在下一代之间形成更加健康的关系。闪光词汇及词组:race: n. 赛跑banner: n. 旗帜,横幅,标语generate: v.

8、 产生,发生people: n. (可数名次)民族warm up: 加热,热身,变暖Sino-U.S. relation: n. 中美关系ultimate: adj. 最终的,根本的bring forth: 带来万能句型:A first glace at this picture give us the impression thatYet, a more careful survey reveals that further tells us thatAnyone who sees this picture would be convinced that2、老外过春节Write an ess

9、ay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should:1) describe the drawing briefly,2) explain its intended meaning, and then3) state your point of view.You should write on ANSWER SHEET 2.老外过春节范文:What is presented here is a very interesting scenario. A white man is dressed

10、in traditional Chinese costume composed of a bright red hat and a long robe. From the subtitle we know that he is participating in the annual celebration of the Chinese Spring Festival, his face revealing happiness and satisfaction. Behind him are more foreigners in traditional Chinese costumes of v

11、arious styles.We can deduce from the picture that the world is paying more attention to the traditional Chinese culture that with a long history. It partly owes to Chinas growth into one of worlds principal economies, and partly to the colorful and diversified components in the culture itself. Excep

12、t the case reflected in the picture, there is bountiful evidence demonstrating the prevailing influence and strong surge of Chinese culture. For example, it has become a convention for the French President to congratulate on the Chinese New Year.To conclude, I believe that the worlds recognition of

13、Chinese culture brings China and the rest of the world closer. Apart from mutual benefits of economic expansion, culture exchanges also promote international friendships at home and abroad. Furthermore, they can create a friendly ecosystem to allow China a better environment of development. Lastly,

14、they also contributes vastly to the worlds peace and prosperity.译文:这幅图展示的是一个非常有趣的情景。一个白人穿着一套中国传统服装,即一顶大红的帽子和长袍。从题目中我们可推断他正在参加一个庆祝中国春节的年度盛会,同时他喜气洋洋的笑脸充分展示了他的快乐和满足。他后面还有更多的外国人穿着不同风格的中国服饰。我们可以从这幅图中推断,世界对于拥有悠久历史的中国传统文化开始投入了越来越多的关注。这一部分是因为中国已发展成为世界上的主要经济体之一,一部分是因为中国文化本身就非常多采和丰富。除了图中反映的例子,还有无数的事实可以证明中国文化的

15、影响越来越广泛和深入。例如,现在法国总统每年向中国人们问候新年已经成为了惯例。总而言之,我认为世界对于中国文化的承认使得中国和世界其他地区走得越来越近了。除了经济扩张带来的相互利益,文化交流促进了在国内外的友谊发展。此外,文化交流也为中国的发展创造出了一个友好的环境。最后,这对于世界的和平与繁荣也做出了巨大的贡献。闪光词汇及词组:component: n. 组成部分bountiful: adj. 慷慨的,大方的demonstrate: v. 显示,证明,论证prevailing: adj. 流行的,主要的surge: n. 高涨,汹涌convention: n. 传统,惯例recognitio

16、n: n. 承认,重视ecosystem: n. 生态系统prosperity: n. 繁荣万能句型:What is presented here is a very interesting scenario.From the subtitle we know thatWe can deduce from the picture thatIt partly owes to and partly toTo conclude, I believe that3、邻里友谊Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In

17、 your essay, you should:1) describe the drawing briefly,2) explain its intended meaning, and then3) state your point of view.You should write on ANSWER SHEET 2.范文:The picture reveals a scenario that is commonly seen in any urban area. A woman on the third floor of a building is happily hanging up th

18、e clothes she just washed on a sunny day, ignoring that the dropping water is drenching the dry coverlets hung by her neighbor downstairs. The victim looks very annoyed by the womens selfish behavior.It goes without saying that the drawing targets at assailing the deteriorating relationship among ne

19、ighborhoods or communities. Not only friendship between neighbors becomes rarer, people even tend to forget that helping each other is our ethical responsibility. In contrast, they prefer to place their own interest at the utmost position, overwhelming the fact that others have the same rights. The

20、result is that neighbors are often like strangers, who would never talk to each other of even a single word after living in the same building for years. It is also not surprising to hear news about old people died in their apartments without being known for month.As the Chinese saying goes, a close

21、neighbor is better than a distant cousin. It fully testifies that neighboring friendship is one of the traditional Chinese virtues, which should not be abandoned or omitted. In short, I firmly believe that maintaining a sound relationship with those who live nearby will make life easier and happier.


23、族的传统美德之一,不应该被丢弃或者遗忘。简而言之,我坚信保持一个良好健康的邻里关系会使生活变得更加轻松和美好。闪光词汇及词组:drench: v. 弄湿,湿透coverlet: n. 被单,床单annoyed: adj. 苦恼的,懊恼的assail: v. 质问,攻击exceed: v. 超过testify: v. 证明,证实abandon: v. 放弃万能句型:The picture reveals a scenario that is commonly seen in any urban area.The drawing targets atAs the Chinese saying goes, a near neighbor is better than a distant cousin.

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