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新理念仔细阅读 2.docx

1、新理念仔细阅读 2 Just over a hundred years ago, there was a young Canadian physical director who was working in a training school for athletes in the United States. One day the Canadian instructor was asked to design a team sport that would provide good exercise and be fun to play. He decided on a ball gam

2、e. The game had to be flexible (灵活的) and avoid rough play. There was to be no bodily contact between players and running with the ball was prohibited. The rules were simple and players didnt need much equipment to play. Peach baskets were originally nailed to a wooden balcony surrounding the gymnasi

3、um (体操房). They were placed above the head and the ball had to be skillfully thrown into the basket in order to score. That gave the game its name: basketball. Speed and finesse were the main requirements, not strength. It was an ideal indoor team sport. The game was first played in the United States

4、 but was introduced to Canada soon after. Canadas most famous team held the World Championship for sixteen years during the 1920s and 1930s. This team also competed in four Olympic demonstration matches (表演赛) winning twenty-seven consecutive (连续的) games, but they received no medals. Why not? Because

5、 they were women, and womens basketball wasnt an official Olympic sport until 1976.1. Basketball first appeared in _C_. A. Canada B. England C. America D. Germany2. What does finesse in Para. 3 mean? A. Goodness. B. Great skills. C. Strength. D. Quick response.3. Basketball was NOT designed to be a

6、form of sport that _. A. is played by more than one person at a time B. prohibits bodily contact C. is easy to learn and play D. requires the players to be very strong or heavy4. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A. Basketball was named after its inventor. B. Basketball-players can run with

7、 the ball. C. Basketball was introduced to Canada in 1920s. D. Basketball-players usually move fast.5. It can be inferred from the passage that _ A. women basketball-players did better than men B. womens basketball became an official Olympic sport in 1976 C. basketball becomes very popular in Canada

8、 D. basketball was introduced to Canada by its inventorThe heart is made up almost entirely of muscle. It is a large, tough organ, about the size of a clenched fist (握紧的拳头). It is positioned on the centre line of the body, about halfway down the chest, just beneath the breastbone. The heart is basic

9、ally a pump, which forces blood through a network of tubes (软管子), or blood vessels (血管), throughout the whole body. Each of the billions of living cells that make up the body needs oxygen and food in order to live, and these are supplied by the blood. The circulation of the blood consists of two par

10、ts. First the blood is pumped from the heart, around the body, and is returned to the heart. At this stage, oxygen has been used up, and waste materials like carbon dioxide (二氧化碳) have entered the bloodstream. But, instead of being pumped back around the body, the blood is now pumped to the lungs, w

11、here oxygen is replaced and carbon dioxide is removed. Then the blood is pumped back to the heart and around the body to begin the cycle again. A heart that works well can operate for sixty to a hundred years or more. The heart is made up of four distinct chambers (室). The entire four-chambered pump

12、 is surrounded by a protective layer called the pericardium (心包), which contains a lubricating (润滑) liquid. The four chambers of the heart consist of two upper chambers and two lower chambers. The upper chambers are thin-walled and they receive blood returning to the heart from the large veins (静脉)

13、of the body. The lower chambers of the heart are much larger and very much more muscular. The left and right sides of the heart are divided by a tough wall called the septum (中隔). This thick wall separates the blood which is to be pumped to the lungs from the blood which will go to the rest of the b

14、ody. Blood is kept moving in the proper direction by a series of valves forced open by the pressure of blood and then shut to stop it flowing back.1. The heart can be compared to a _. A. network B. valve C. pump D. fist2. Carbon dioxide is removed from blood in the _. A. heart B. blood vessels C. lu

15、ng D. cells3. Which of the following has NOT been talked about in the above passage? A. The blood circulatory system. B. The composition of blood. C. The function of the heart. D. Heart valve replacement.4. What is the function of septum? A. To prevent different bloods from mixing. B. To protect the

16、 whole heart. C. To lubricate the pumping chambers. D. To separate the lower chambers of the heart.5. The valves are _. A. one-way B. muscular C. two-way D. thin Shanghai, literally the City on the Sea, has in the 1990s become the center of Chinas economic development. Lying on the Yangzi River delt

17、a (三角洲), it marks the point where Asias longest and most important river completes its 5,500km journey to the Pacific. Until 1842, Shanghais location made it merely a small fishing village. After the First Opium War, the British named Shanghai a treaty (缔约) port, forcing the citys opening to foreign

18、 involvement. The village was soon turned into a city and in its best time, it was known for the best culture and arts in Asia, the greatest architecture, the strongest business. Today Shanghai has once again become one of Chinas most open cities. It now hosts the nations stock market, accounts for

19、one-sixth of the countrys GNP, and houses the most important industrial base in the nation. Shanghais open policy has also made the city the new hot attraction for foreign investors. As millions of dollars pour in, especially to Pudong, Shanghai has again become home to tens of thousands of foreigne

20、rs. Foreign influence has made todays Shanghai a Chinese consumers heaven. With higher salaries, more goods, and more and more means for entertainment, its not surprising, then, that the Shanghainese enjoy one of the highest living standards in China.1. In the early nineteenth century, Shanghai was

21、_. A. only a small village B. a prosperous city C. forced to open to foreign ships D. an important port in China2. The first paragraph mainly tells us about _. A. what turned Shanghai into a city B. the First Opium War meant disaster to Shanghai C. Shanghais location is very poor D. Shanghai is near

22、 the Pacific3. Which description of todays Shanghai is NOT true? A. It is one of Chinas open cities. B. It is an ideal place for consumers. C. It boasts the nations stock market. D. It hosts most of the nations industrial bases.4. Foreign investors come to Shanghai for _. A. its unique location B. i

23、ts preferential policies C. its vast area D. its glorious history5. Which of the following sentences can be used as a best example to support the sentence Foreign influence has made todays Shanghai a Chinese consumers heaven? A. World-famous brands can be found here and there. B. Many foreigners pou

24、r into Shanghai. C. Many Shanghaineses go to study abroad. D. Foreign films are on show in many theatres. Shortly before the end of World War II, leaders of many nations, including the United States, decided to form an international organization. It was hoped that nations could discuss their disagre

25、ements in this organization instead of fighting over them. On April 25, 1945, some 200 representatives from many nations came to San Francisco, California, to make the rules that would govern this organization. After months of hard work, arguments, and compromises (妥协), the United Nations was establ

26、ished. The essential functions of the U.N. are to maintain international peace and security, to develop friendly relations among nations, to cooperate internationally in solving international economic, social, culture and human problems, to promote respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms a

27、nd to be center for coordinating (协调) the actions of nations in attaining these common ends. No country takes precedence (优先) over another in the U.N. Each members rights and obligations are the same. All must contribute to the peaceful settlement of international dispute, and members have pledged (

28、发誓) to refrain from the threat or use of force against other states. Though the U.N. has no right to intervene in any states internal affairs, it tries to ensure that non-member states act according to its principles of international peace and security. U.N. members must offer every assistance in an

29、 approved U.N. action and in no way assist states against which the U.N. is taking preventive or enforcement action.1. What does them in Paragraph 1 refer to? A. The nations. B. The United Nations. C. Disagreements. D. The representatives.2. The idea of establishing the U.N. was put forward _. A. be

30、fore World War II B. during World War II C. after World War II D. on April 25, 19453. Which one is not seen as the U.N.s function? A. Cooperation. B. Compromise. C. Coordination. D. Peace-maintaining.4. What is the U.N.s attitude toward non-member states? A. Force them to join the U.N. B. Ensure tha

31、t they also act on its principles. C. Has a hand in their domestic affairs. D. Prevent the member states from coming into contact with them.5. The member states cannot _.A. start wars against any other states B. help any state that the U.N. is taking action against C. offer assistance with the appro

32、val of the U.N. D. do business with non-member statesMy formula for staying young is simple: concentrate on the part of you thats young and growing your brain. Keep your mind awake and youll stay young all over. These are exciting times. Take an interest in the world around you, and make a point of learning at le

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