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1、全国I卷届高三英语下学期第二次模拟考试题一(全国I卷)2021届高三英语下学期3月第二次模拟考试题(一)注意事项:1。答题前,先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试题卷和答题卡上,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。2.选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。3.非选择题的作答:用签字笔直接答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内。写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。4.考试结束后,请将本试题卷和答题卡一并上交.第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)略第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;

2、每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.AThe United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the eleventh largest nation in Europe. England, Wales and Scotland make up the island of Great Britain, which takes up most of the Britain Isles。 Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wale

3、s are mountainous。 The highest mountain is Ben Nevis in Scotland. Plains and valleys cover much of England。 The British climate is mild。About 58 million people live in the United Kingdom. Few other countries are so crowded. Four out of five people live in cities such as Belfast, Glasgow, and London。

4、 London is the capital. Great Britain grows half of the food it needs. Its industries help to pay for the food that is bought from abroad。 The United Kingdom manufactures a wide range of goods。 Service industries, such as tourism, that provide services rather than producing goods, are increasing。 Tr

5、aditional industries, such as coal mining, are declining。21. There are many mountains in _。A。 Northern Ireland, Scotland and EnglandB. England, Wales and ScotlandC. Wales, Scotland and Northern IrelandD。 Northern Ireland, Wales and England22。 In the United Kingdom, about _ people live in big cities.

6、A. 58 million B. 48。8 million C. 38.8 million D. half23. According to the passage, which of the statements is true?A。 Great Britain grows all of the food it needs。B. The United Kingdom manufactures a narrow range of goods.C. The speed of tourism in UK is increasing faster than producing goods.D。 The

7、 coal mining is also increasing fast.BTwoyear-old Samantha Savitz is deaf and loves interacting with her neighbors, so they all learned sign language in order to communicate with her better. The little girl is just so charming and adorable that its hard not to want to be able to have simple conversa

8、tions with her.In the United States, about two to four of every 1,000 people are functionally deaf about 2 million people。 Around 28 million Americans, 10% of the population, ave some degree of hearing loss. Around 500,000 deaf people in the country use American Sign Language(ASL), and its the third

9、 most commonly used language in the US; many hearing people are also fluent in ASL。 With so many people using ASL, its only right that Savitzs neighbors learn the language, not only for her but also to be able to communicate with other deaf people。Located at the end of Islington Road in Newton, Mass

10、achusells, this little neighborhood is absolutely charmed by one little girl。 Savitz is a super engaging girl, and she loves interacting with people in her community. She is delighted when they are able to sign with her。 However, she gets really sad when they cant understand her when she tries to co

11、mmunicate with them。 Because of this, Savitzs neighbors collectively hired an instructor for ASL classes. With the help of their instructor, Rhys McGovern, the neighbors are able to help Savitz feel a sense of belonging.What the neighbors did for this little girl is wonderful because she will grow u

12、p being well-adjusted in society。 Instead of feeling separated because no one outside of her family will understand her, Savitz will be accustomed to constantly interacting with different people。 Her family is so thankful that they are fortunate to have such caring and compassionate neighbors. Savit

13、z calls her neighbors “friends and accurately so。Other than speaking with the darling of their neighborhood, the residents of Islington Road will also be able to communicate with any other deaf person they encounter。 “We are really enjoying the whole process, not only the learning of ASL, but the le

14、arning together,” says McNeil, one of Savitzs neighbors. “Its made our neighborhood a closer place.24. Why does the author present the figures in paragraph 2?A。 To recommend people to learn ASL。B。 To show why the ASL class is appealing。C。 To stress how terrible the life of the deaf is。D。 To account

15、for Savitzs neighbors learning ASL。25. How does little Savitz feel when her neighbors are able to communicate with her?A。 Proud. B. Pleased。 C. Confused. D。 Surprised。26. What does Rhys McGovern do for Savitz?A. He teaches her neighbors ASL。B。 He guides her to interact with her neighbors.C。 He hired

16、 an instructor for her neighbors。D。 He called on her neighbors to help her。27. What lesson can we learn from the story?A. Many heads are better than one。B。 Help others and be happy with yourself.C. You cant hide the world from your next neighbor.D。 The poor are good to themselves and the good for th

17、e world.CThere are many therapies(疗法) for depression, including medical treatment, psychotherapy and talk therapy. Having a range of treatment choices is a good idea because no single treatment works equally well for each of millions of sufferers. Choosing the most suitable treatment is important to

18、 them。 Now researchers say a new therapy proven to relieve depression should be added to the established treatments。 Its called nature therapy. “Interacting with nature can have positive effects on those with depression,” says Ethan Kross, PhD, an expert who has studied the nature depression link.A

19、little exposure to nature helps all of us get our energy back, and it may have special benefit for those who are depressed。 “It seems that, from our work, the restorative effect of nature seems to be stronger for individuals with depression,” says Marc Berman, PhD, an assistant professor of psycholo

20、gy at the University of Chicago. That might be because they feel mentally exhausted, and being in nature reenergizes them. However, Dr Berman has a strong warning. “Were not arguing that interacting with nature should replace clinically proven treatments for depression,” he says, “Nor should those w

21、ith clinical depression try to treat themselves。However, Berman and others say, interactions with nature could serve as a very effective supplementary treatment. Compared to adults with depression walking for 50 minutes in an urban setting, those who took a 50 minute walk in a natural setting were l

22、ess depressed and had better memory skills。Why does nature hold this special effect? Berman says, “In a natural environment, we can choose to think or not, and this choice is believed to help us rest our brains. You can then pay attention later, when you need to.” He adds, “It gives people more abil

23、ity to concentrate, which is a big problem for those with depression。” Nature provides an effective setting for resting our brains, unlike urban setting。 Even in the most peaceful urban environment, you have to pay attention to such things as traffic and stoplights.28。 What can we learn about depres

24、sion therapies from paragraph 1?A。 They focus on physical activity.B. They pay no attention to interactions.C. They mainly depend on natural environment.D. They need to be tailored to different patients.29。 How does nature benefit patients with depression?A。 By making them feel energetic.B. By remin

25、ding them to rest in time。C. By taking the place of clinic treatment。D。 By covering up their mental problems.30. What does the underlined word “supplementary” in paragraph 3 probably mean?A。 Additional。 B。 Traditional. C. Controversial。 D. Essential。31. What is the text mainly about?A. An urban sett

26、ing of restoring energy。B。 The positive role of nature in treating depression.C。 The popularity of using multiple ways to treat diseases.D. An effective replacement of clinical therapy for depression。DWe all know employees talk, and things can never remain totally secret。 But a direct discussion abo

27、ut salary details probably isnt the best idea.There are organizations that openly share salary information around the office。 However, unless all similar jobs pay the same rate, people advise that open salary concepts do not work well。When companies have different employees on the same job and one o

28、f them is paid differently, many unfairness issues surface。 It can happen in any company that differentiates(区分) pay for any reason like seniority and performance. You should run the risk of causing a distance between you and your colleagues if they learn you earn more for what they think to be the

29、same job.The secret nature of your salary, in fact, can be a greater benefit to you. It creates an opportunity for a manager to have a personal discussion with employees as to why they are being paid what they are and how they can then move forward with confidence that they have developed a “special

30、” relationship with their supervisor(主管) on their individual issues, good and bad, without involving others in the process.If you learn that someone who holds a similar position earns a bigger paycheck, dont panic。 First, do some due diligence to determine if you are being underpaid in general。 Use

31、the Internet salary calculator, and also reach out to your outof-office network to find out how people at other companies are being compensated。 Next, youd better go to your boss and ask the reasons. Open a rational dialog to understand what skills or experience youll need to improve your performanc

32、e and earn more recognition and financial rewards。32. What could happen if your colleagues learned that you are paid more?A。 They might become less friendly to you。B. Your salary might be reduced soon.C. They might badly perform in their work。D。 You might be given extra jobs。33。 What is the advantage of keeping salary information secret?A. It inspires you to make greater progress in your work。B. It warns you to work harder to make more money.C。 It gives

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