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1、东南大学软件学院项目管理外教课项目整体管理The Project Integration Management Knowledge Area includes the processes and activities needed to identify,define,combine,unify,and coordinate the various processes and project management activities within the Project Management Process Groups.In the project management context,i

2、ntegration includes characteristics of unification,consolidation,articulation,and integrative actions that are crucial to project completion,successfully meeting customer and other stakeholder requirements,and managing expectations.Integration,in the context of managing a project,is making choices a

3、bout where to concentrate resources and effort on any given day,anticipating potential issues,dealing with these issues before they become critical,and coordinating work for the overall project good.The integration effort also involves making trade-offs among competing objectives and alternatives.Th

4、e project management processes are usually presented as discrete components with well-defined interfaces while,in practice,they overlap and interact in ways that cannot be completely detailed in the Guide.项目整体管理知识领域包括识别、确定、结合、统一与协调各项目管理过程组内不同过程与项目管理活动所需进行的各种过程和活动。从项目管理的角度来看,“整体管理”兼有统一、合并、结合各方面特征,包括为

5、完成项目和满足顾客与其他利害关系者的要求,管理他们的期望而必须采取的贯穿项目整体的至关重要的行动。从管理项目的角度,在任何给定的一天,“整体管理”都要从多种选择中决定应集中的资源和努力,预测潜在问题并加以处理,避免日后恶化,为项目的整体利益而协调工作。“整体管理”还必须努力在各个相互冲突的目标与方案之间权衡取舍。本章虽然会以明确的界线将项目管理各个过程分开介绍,但在实践中,它们是以本指南无法完全详尽阐明的方式交叉重叠并相互作用。The need for integration in project management becomes evident in situations where i

6、ndividual processes interact.For example,a cost estimate needed for a contingency plan involves integration of the planning processes described in greater detail in the Project Cost Management processes,Project Time Management processes,and Project Risk Management processes.When additional risks ass

7、ociated with various staffing alternatives are identified,then one or more of those processes must be revisited.The project deliverables also need to be integrated with ongoing operations of either the performing organization or the customers organization,or with the long-term strategic planning tha

8、t takes future problems and opportunities into consideration.在各个过程相互影响并作用之时,“整体管理”可在项目管理中发挥明显的重要作用。例如,制定应急计划的费用估算就要求将项目费用管理、项目时间管理,以及项目风险管理过程中各详细说明的规划过程结合为整体。在识别出人员配备的各种办法带有风险时,必须重新考察上述一个或多个过程。项目的可交付成果也需要同实施组织或顾客组织的日常业务,或者同考虑到将来问题和机会的长期战略规划结合为整体。Most experienced project management practitioners know

9、 there is no single way to manage a project.They apply project management knowledge,skills,and processes in different orders and degrees of rigor to achieve the desired project performance.However,the perception that a particular process is not required does not mean that it should not be addressed.

10、The project manager and project team must address every process,and the level of implementation for each process must be determined for each specific project.大多数有经验的项目管理人员都知道,管理项目并没有单一的办法。他们通过应用不同顺序与严格程度的项目管理知识、技能和过程,来达到项目理想的效果。然而,当在直觉上认为不需要某个具体过程时,并不等于就不应加以考虑。项目经理与项目团队必须考虑每一个过程,必须针对每一个项目的具体情况来确定每一个

11、过程实施的水平。The integrative nature of projects and project management can be better understood if we think of the other activities performed while completing a project.For example,some activities performed by the project management team could be to:项目与项目管理的整体性可以通过思考为完成项目而执行的其他活动而得到更深刻的理解。例如,项目管理团队执行的某些活

12、动可能包括:Analyze and understand the scope.This includes the project and product requirements,criteria,assumptions,constraints,and other influences related to a project,and how each will be managed or addressed within the project.分析和理解范围。其中包括项目与产品要求、准则、假设、制约因素和与项目有关的其他影响,以及如何在项目中管理或处理上述的每一个方面。Document s

13、pecific criteria of the product requirements.将产品要求的具体准则形成文件。Understand how to take the identified information and transform it into a project management plan using the Planning Process Group described in the Guide.理解如何利用指南中介绍的规划过程组,选取信息并将其转换成项目管理计划。Prepare the work breakdown structure.准备工作分解结构。Take

14、appropriate action to have the project performed in accordance with the project management plan,the planned set of integrated processes,and the planned scope.采取适当的行动,使项目按照项目管理计划、计划而形成整体的若干过程和计划的范围来展开并付诸实施。Measure and monitor project status,processes and products.测量并监视项目状态、过程和成果。Analyze project risks

15、.分析项目风险。Among the processes in the Project Management Process Groups,the links are often iterated.The Planning Process Group provides the Executing Process Group with a documented project management plan early in the project and then facilitates updates to the project management plan if changes occu

16、r as the project progresses.在各项目管理过程组的子过程之间,经常反复多次产生联系。规划过程组在项目的早期为执行过程组提供一份正式的项目管理计划,然后在项目的绩效发生变化时,对该项目管理计划进行更新。项目主要文件There are three major documents described within the Guide and each has a specific purpose:指南介绍了三个主要的项目文件,每一个都有具体的用途:Project Charter.Formally authorizes the project.项目章程。正式核准项目。Proj

17、ect Scope Statement.States what work is to be accomplished and what deliverables need to be produced.项目范围说明书。说明应完成何种工作,需要提交哪些可交付成果。Project Management Plan.States howthe work will be performed.项目管理计划。说明如何实际完成这些工作。Figure III-2 depicts these three documents and their relationship to their components.图I

18、II-2表示出这三个文件及其同组成部分之间的关系。The project management plan is composed of the plans and documents generated by the various processes.Those items are the subsidiary plans and components of the project management plan.项目管理计划由各个不同过程完成的计划书与文件组成。这些成果属于项目管理计划的分计划和组成部分。 Figure III-2.Three Major Project Documents

19、 and their Relationship to their Components图III-2 三个主要项目文件,以及与组成部分之间的关系过程流程图A process flow diagram is provided in each Knowledge Area chapter。The process flow diagram is a summary level depiction of the process inputs and process outputs that flow down through all the processes within a specific Kno

20、wledge Area.Although the processes are presented here as discrete elements with well-defined interfaces,in practice they are iterative and can overlap and interact in ways not detailed here.介绍知识领域的各章,绘有过程流程图。该流程图直观、概括地展示出具体知识领域所有过程的依据与成果的传递路线与方向。该流程图所表现的这些过程,虽然彼此之间有清楚的界线,互不联系,但实际上,这些过程彼此交叉重叠,以此处无法详细

21、说明的方式相互影响与作用。 Figure III-1.Process Flow Diagram Legend图III-1 过程流程图示例The symbols for the process flow diagrams are explained in Figure III-1 and depict three types of information:图III-1解释过程流程图使用的符号,并直观地说明3种信息:1.Knowledge Area processes,their interaction with other processes within the Knowledge Area,

22、and their outputs to Chapter 4 integration processes.1.知识领域的各过程及其与本知识领域内其他过程之间的相互影响与相互作用,以及这些过程供第4章各整体过程使用的成果。2.Processes external to the Knowledge Area,whose outputs are used as inputs to the Knowledge Area processes under discussion.2.知识领域之外的各过程及其供该知识领域当做依据使用的各项成果。3.Organizational process assets a

23、nd enterprise environmental factors are shown as inputs to the first process.3.第一个过程的依据都是组织过程资产与事业环境因素。The project management plan,and its subsidiary plans and components that are external to the Knowledge Area,are provided as input into the first process of the diagram,and are considered to be avai

24、lable in each subsequent process in their latest updated form.知识领域之外的项目管理计划及其分计划与组成部分都表示为流程图第一个过程的依据,并认为以后的各过程都可以在这一依据经过最近的更新之后加以利用。The organizational process assets and enterprise environmental factors are shown as inputs to the first process to provide those items of information,policy,and procedu

25、re that are external to the project,but can impact the project planning and execution.These assets and factors,plus the external process outputs used as an input to a Knowledge Area process,are also considered to be available in each subsequent process in their latest updated form.流程图中组织过程资产与事业环境因素是

26、第一过程的依据,提供属于项目之外但可能影响项目规划与执行的信息、方针与程序。这些过程资产与事业环境因素,以及某一知识领域过程当做依据使用的外部过程成果,也认为以后的各过程都可以在这些成果经过最近的更新之后加以利用。The process flow diagram is not detailed and does not show all the possible interfaces with all external processes.It also does not show possible alternate process flow paths or feedback loops

27、among the specific Knowledge Area processes or with processes external to the Knowledge Area.The iterative nature of most projects makes the permutations of the process flows and feedback loops very complex.Therefore,in the interest of keeping the flow diagrams easier to follow,alternate or iterativ

28、e paths were not included with the diagrams.该过程流程图没有经过详细绘制,也没有将同所有外部过程所有可能的交接关系表示出来。该图也没有表示出过程的其他可能流向与路线,或者具体知识领域内各过程或与该知识领域之外过程之间的反馈回路。大多数项目所固有的反复性质,使过程流向、路线与反馈回路的排列、布置与绘制十分棘手。因此,为了便于掌握,流程图中没有表示过程的其他可能流向与路线,及其多次的重复。Integration is primarily concerned with effectively integrating the processes among

29、the Project Management Process Groups that are required to accomplish project objectives within an organizations defined procedures.The integrative project management processes include:整体管理的基本任务就是为了按照实施组织确定的程序实现项目目标,将项目管理过程组中需要的各个过程有效形成整体。整体项目管理过程包括:1 Develop Project Charterdeveloping the project ch

30、arter that formally authorizes a project or a project phase.1 制定项目章程-制定项目章程,正式批准项目或项目阶段。2 Develop Preliminary Project Scope Statementdeveloping the preliminary project scope statement that provides a high-level scope narrative.2 制定项目初步范围说明书-制定项目初步范围说明书,概括地说明项目的范围。3 Develop Project Management Plandoc

31、umenting the actions necessary to define,prepare,integrate,and coordinate all subsidiary plans into a project management plan.3 制定项目管理计划-将确定、编写、协调与组合所有部分计划所需要的行动形成文件,使其成为项目管理计划。4 Direct and Manage Project Executionexecuting the work defined in the project management plan to achieve the projects requ

32、irements defined in the project scope statement.4 指导与管理项目执行-执行项目管理计划确定的工作,实现项目范围说明书确定的项目要求。5 Monitor and Control Project Workmonitoring and controlling the processes used to initiate,plan,execute,and close a project to meet the performance objectives defined in the project management plan.5 监控项目工作-监视和控制项目的启动、规划、执行和结束过程,实现项目管理计划中确定的实施目标。6 Integrated Change Controlreviewing all change request

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