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1、Everyday Heroes,Interpretation of the Text 文本解读,A story,how,where,when,why,who,what,TJ Smith;Brad Ware the bearded man,Interpretation of the Text 文本解读(Who),Kim,TJ Smith,the bearded man,a suspect,neighbors,rescue,Brad Ware&his wife,kidnap,TJ Smith;Brad Ware the bearded man,On a street in Wichita Fall

2、s,Texas.,Last December,on a crisp Saturday afternoon,The bearded man kidnapped Kim;TJ Smith tried to rescue her.,?,Possibly with the help of Brad Ware,If he lost her,TJ feared,she might never be found alive.,Interpretation of underlined words,street,alley,catch her breath,walked away,kicking and bit

3、ing,get free of,Brad Ware,dashed,panicked,first thought,Interpretation of given information续写首句解读(G-N策略),Para.1 Once TJ hit the alley,he spotted the man a couple of blocks down,standing in front of an abandoned white house.,Given Information,Para.2 Alerted by Julie and other neighbors,the police and

4、 the victims mother had arrived on the scene.,New Information,on the street or near/in that house,Kim was saved.(possibly by TJ and Ware),What was the house like?What did TJ see and do?How was Kim saved?,What happened to Kim and the bearded man in the end?Who are everyday heroes?Why are they conside

5、red heroes?,panicked,Brad Ware,dashed,first thought,street,kicking and biting,Para.1 Once TJ hit the alley,he spotted the man a couple of blocks down,standing in front of an abandoned white house.Its windows were busted,doors boarded up,and yard over-grown.He was shoving the panicked girl through a

6、window.Just then,Ware and his wife pulled up.“Stay here,”Ware told TJ as he took off toward the house.Ware and the man fought with each other,and finally Ware managed to take him down.,Para.2 Alerted by Julie and other neighbors,the police and the victims mother had arrived on the scene.Kim dashed i

7、nto the safety of her mothers arms.Meanwhile,officers cuffed and arrested Raeshawn Perez,26.there were a few heroes that day,but Ware insisted that the quick-thinking,dogged 11-year-old deserved most of the credit.,对上述问题进行回答,我们就可以写出这样两段结尾:,点评:从故事情节上看,两个续写段落已经完整地交代了这个事件的结局。但是,从内容和语言角度看,续写第一段中how was

8、Kim saved应该是该故事最紧张,最扣人心弦的高潮部分,对这个部分进行细致的描述,不仅容易吸引读者也有利于烘托everyday heroes这个主题,传递正能量。而本段仅仅用fight with去描述打斗过程,显得有些干瘪,让满心期待的读者颇感失望。续写第二段虽然清楚交代了受害者和犯罪嫌疑人的结局,以及对everyday heroes这个主题进行了呼应,但是如果能再增加一些细节描写和人们对于该事件的评论的话会更符合本文的报道文学的特点,增加其可信度和可读性。,The Micro-skills Training in writing 表达微技能之动作表达:打斗篇,我们常说,行动从思想中来。动

9、作描写是刻画人物的重要方法之一。人物在各种外在因素的作用下和不同性格的驱使下,会产生不同的表情、心理和动作变化。动作描写常常和人物的表情、心理描写相结合。准确细致的动作描写有助于更立体地反映人物的心理和性格特点,使得情节进展更加顺畅自然,人物形象栩栩如生,跃然纸上。本文主要聚焦打斗类的动作描写。,The Micro-skills Training in writing 表达微技能之动作表达:打斗篇,bear down on逼近let go of放开;松开crash/bump into撞到break into a run拔腿就跑slide/sneak in潜入;溜进hit/kick sb in/

10、on打/踢某人的(身体部位)hit sb with a loud crash砰地一声砸/击到某人 bite sb by his leg 咬住某人的腿leap/jump/hop onto/into/off跳上/跳进/跳下pound against 反复击打;砰砰地猛击,11.throw/aim sth at把瞄准/对准12.dash for 冲向13.rush/dive/jump intowithout pausing毫不犹豫地冲/跳进去14.catch up with赶上15.pull/drag sb.into/onto把某人拉进/上16.race/chase after追赶17.restar

11、t/launch another attack再次发动袭击18.wrap sb in ones arms紧紧抱住某人19.pull sb back into把某人拉回去20.dragswiftly into/onto/out of 把迅速拉进去/上去/出去,II.句子的积累He dashed along the platform and jumped on the train.It started to rain so we dived into the nearest caf.He bent down/over and picked up a book from the floor.He c

12、ast a look at the woman.He stormed out of the room and crashed the door shut behind him.She fought him desperately,kicking and biting.She would scream and kick and lie on the floor drumming her heels.He held up his bicycle and threw it at the wolf,in the hope that the wolf would be frightened away.B

13、efore it could realize what had happened,Paul had already opened the front door and instantly pulled Mac into the car.Hardly had Mac stood up when the wolf arrived and was about to launch another attack.,III.片段的积累1.Every time I made a move to get it,some passing eye detected my purpose,and of course

14、 I straightened up and looked indifferent,and pretended that I hadnt been thinking about the pear at all.This same thing kept happening and happening,and I couldnt get the pear.I was just getting desperate enough to brave all the shame,and to seize it,when a window behind me was raised,and gentleman

15、 spoke out of it,saying:“Step in here,please.”2.With great care she began the dangerous crossing,sometimes on her hands and knees,hardly daring to look down between the sleepers into the wild flood waters below.If she should slip,she would fall between the sleepers,into the rapidly flowing stream.3.

16、Mac saw his last straw,jumped off his bike and dashed for the side of the car.He slammed the car door wildly as the hungry wolf was almost reaching him.Paul quickly unlocked the door and Mac dived into the car,out of breath.The hungry wolf seemed unwilling to give up on its prey,growling outside the window.The frightened three sat inside trembling with horror with the wolf trying to enter the car.After what seemed a long time,the exhausted wolf walked away,disappearing into the woods.,3.Mac was

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