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1、Amazon亚马逊SES群发邮件服务最佳实践指南Amazon亚马逊)SES群发邮件服务最佳实践指南_1-2更新日期(2014.7.16)、八 、 刖言此系列文章是翻译亚马逊提供英文版的 SES最佳实践,方便大家更好的了解SES邮件服务, 更好的使用亚云邮件营销软件。原文名称:Amazon_Simple_Email_Service_Email_Sending_Best_Practices原文网址:amazon_ses邮件服务最佳实践目录Abstract(摘要)3In troductio n(概述)3How Email Gets Delivered( 怎样把邮件发送给收件人)3Email Flow

2、(邮件发送流程)4Email Receivers and Email Delivery( 收件人和发送邮件)4In ternet Service Providers( 互联网服务商)4Corporate Systems(商业系统)4Homegrown Systems(自 建系统)5Metrics That Define Your Success( 邮件质量指标)5Bounee Rate(邮件反弹率)5Complaint Rate(用户投诉率)5Content Issues( 讨论邮件内容)6Recommended Best Practices( 推荐最佳操作方式)6General Recomm

3、endations( 般性建议)6Doma in and “ From Address Con sideratio ns( 关于域名和发信由 E箱 )7Authentication( 身份认证)7Building and Maintaining Your List( 创建和维护邮件列表)7Compliance(合规问题)8Avoiding Bounces(防止反弹)8Handling Bounces(处理反弹)9Avoiding Complaints( 防止投诉)9Handling Complaints( 处理投诉)9Creating Quality Content( 创建优质邮件内容)10C

4、losing Thoughts(结束语)10Amazon亚马逊)SES群发邮件服务最佳实践指南-第三页更新日期(2014.7.17)Abstract (摘要)英文原文:Gett ing your email into your targets in boxes can sometimes seem challe nging. Anu mber of differe nt factors, in cludi ng your content, your list quality, and the in frastructure betwee n you, the sen der, and your

5、 target recipie nt, can in flue nee email delivery. This paper discusses these factors and provides many best practices and recomme ndati ons that will enhance the probability of your email reachi ng its target.译文:把邮件发进收信人的收件箱有时是件复杂的事情。这涉及到很多方面的因素,包括邮件内容,邮件内容质量,还包括发送者和收信人之间的设定机制,都会影响 到邮件发送。这篇文章主要讨论这

6、些因素,并提供一些最佳实践的操作方式和建议, 以提高把邮件发送到对方收件箱的几率。Introductio n(概述)英文原文:You might send email for a variety of reas ons, in cludi ng enhancing an existi ng relati on ship with a customer, marketi ng new products and offers, educat ing a group of people shari ng a com mon in terest, or no tify ing customers of

7、 an eve nt. Some examples in clude: Newsletters (e.g., recipe of the month club digests) Receipts (e.g., purchase confirmations) Travel itineraries (e.g., airline tickets)-Account notifications (e.g., password resets)-Legal notices (e.g., changes in privacy policy)How you man age the electro nic com

8、 muni cati on with your recipie nts through email can be called your email program.To run a successful email program, you must be aware of a few topics that can affect your delivery and ultimately your impact on email recipients. We ll start bydiscuss ing the value attributed to your email by your r

9、ecipie nts and the Internet Service Providers (ISPs) responsible for protecting their in boxes. Then we ll explaiemaili ng process looks like, who s in volved, and what their roles are. Fin ally, you learn how to optimize value and drive it up based on some best practices we compiled.By the time you

10、 finish readi ng this, you should have many of the tools you n eed to make your email program a success!译文:发送邮件的原因很多,包括和 客户加强沟通,最新的产品和报价,和一群人分享共同感兴趣的事情,或者提醒客户一些事情,比如下面的一些情况:* 一些组织的新闻摘要订单确认信息*旅游计划,如飞机票信息帐户信息提醒,比如修改密码合法的提醒,比如一些隐私信息的更改怎样调用电子邮件程序和收信人通讯。使用好电子邮件程序,您必须要关注几个方面的因素,这些因素会影响程序 的发送和最终是否能被收件人接收。

11、我们开始讨论收件人会设定哪些规则,邮件服务商(ISPs)会怎样保护它自己客户的邮箱,接着描述发送邮件的过程以及在这个 过程中会涉及到哪些角色。 最终您将学会怎样优化,并基于我们的推荐的操作规则进行发信。读完这篇文章以后,您一定可以使用好您的邮件程序成功的发送邮件。How Email Gets Delivered (怎样把邮件发送给收件人)英文原文:s inboHave you ever thought about how and why email gets delivered? Deliverability refers to the likelihood that an email mes

12、sage you send will actually arrive at its inten ded dest in ati on. Emails don t always make it to the inten ded recipie nt delivered to the junk folder (sometimes referred to as the spam folder), rejected by the receiver s email infrastructure (usually in the form of a bounce), or disappear altoget

13、her (for example, whe n the receiv ing system drops the message without informing the sen der or recipie nt). Some ISPs have eve n created default folders based on user en gageme nt to help recipie nts better orga nize their messages, and email will be delivered to these folders, rather tha n the in

14、 box itself.As an email sen der, you want as many messages as possible to be delivered to your recipie nts in boxes. The best way toempTvery is to send high-quality email; that is, email that recipie nts find valuable. Email recipie nts only want your email if they can extract value from the message

15、. That value can come in many forms, such as offers, order con firmati ons, sweepstakes no tificati ons, or eve n social n etwork com muni cati ons. Value, of course, is a loaded word, since differe nt thi ngs make email messages valuable to differe nt people.Email quality equals value to the email

16、recipie nt. Despite its subjectivity, ISPs try to predict email quality as accurately as possible using a variety of metrics to gauge whether a message is wan ted (and thus valuable) or is not wan ted (and thus con sidered spam). These metrics in clude various internal computati ons based on an ti-s

17、pam tech no logy and recipie nt in puts that ISPs attempt to qua ntify.You, as the sen der, build trust with a receiver (whomever or whatever is behi nd the address you re seodbgqending high quality email over time. This trust is referred to in the in dustry as reputati on. Receivers use metrics to

18、assess the value of a sender s email. These metrics are often combined into scores, and are typically referred to as a sen der putastion.译文:你以前曾经想过邮件是怎样发送的吗? 发送率能力 是指你能发送到目标收信人邮箱的实际到达率。邮件并不总是能发到对方收件箱的, 比如有时会发到垃圾收件箱,也有可能被收信人设定的规则而拒收(反弹),或者完全消失(比如收信邮局扔 掉了邮件,并不给发送方返回任何信息 )。一些邮件服务商会创建和用户约定好的默认目录,邮件会转移到这

19、个目录,并不会在收件箱。发信人总是想尽可能发送到对方收件箱,最好的改善方法就是发送高质量邮件,让收信人可以看到。收信人只想看到对他们有价值的内容。所谓有价值有很多 形式,比如报价单,订单确认,奖励提醒,甚至社交网络沟通。价值,是一个主观 性的词汇,因为在不同的情形下,邮件内容对不同的人价值不同。邮件是否有价值取决于收件人, 尽管这是非常主观性的,但是邮件服务商还是尽力 通过测量一些指标来判断这圭寸邮件是否是客户想收到的还是不想要的 (垃圾邮件).这些计算指标包括通过各种反垃圾邮件程序的计算, 还有收信人对邮件的处置方式 的统计。作为发信人,需要给收信人发送一段儿时间高质量邮件,才能建立信用度。

20、信用度是指行业信用度。收信方会通过一些指标评估邮件的价值。 这些指标会得出一个 分数,通常就是发信人的信用度。Amazon亚马逊)SES群发邮件服务最佳实践指南-第四页更新日期(2014.7.17)Email Flow(邮件发送流程)英文原文:The diagram below depicts the entities invoIved in sending and receiving email.译文:下面的图表描述了发送和接收邮件流程中涉及到的实体。Email Receivers and Email Delivery( 收件人和发送邮件)英文原文:Email receivers decid

21、e whether your email gets delivered. They comprise the en tire federatio n of n etwork systems, software, and policies that man age email delivery. There are several differe nt classes of email receivers, and you must know the class of r eceiver you re sending to in order to ensure that you re optim

22、izingyour email program for deliverability.邮件接收方决定邮件是否能发送到。他们组成网络、软件、政策联盟,来管理邮件发送 行为。有几种类型的邮件接收方,你必须能了解他们是哪种类型的,然后有针对性地优化您 的电子邮件发送能力。Internet Service Providers( 互联网服务商 )英文原文 :An ISP (Internet Service Provider) usually hosts email services for subscribers. Typically, B2C (business to consumer) emails

23、 are sent to addresses hosted at ISPs. Sites like Yahoo!, Gmail, and Comcast fall under this category. These large providers make decisions across millions of mailboxes about whether your email is spam, and they base these decisions on many recipients feedback.Most ofte n, this feedback comes in the

24、 form of a complai nt whe n a recipie ntmarks a message as spam in their email clie nt but it can also in clude whetherrecipients are opening or clicking on your email. The amount of recipient feedback at an ISP s disposal for reputation calculations is usually vast, but ISPs tend to implement a “on

25、e size fits all ” reputation system that they can easily roll out across all mailboxes.译文:ISP互联网服务商一般提供邮件服务,通常都是一些B2C勺客户邮箱,例如Yahoo,Gmail, 他们基于用户对邮件的反馈,来判断数以百万计的邮件是否是垃圾邮件。一般情况下,ISP会记录用户的投诉(用户点这是一封垃圾邮件),也会记录用户是否打 开了这个邮件,通过统计用户这些行为,来计算和累积发送方的信用度。 ISP 一般倾向于使用一刀切的方式,根据信用度来判断邮件是否能发送进来。Corporate Systems( 商

26、业系统 )英文原文 :A corporate system usually refers to the independently-hosted email system used by employees, students, governmental agencies, or certain paid or non-profit associations. This system is commonly referred to as a B2B (business to business) system. A corporate system also can include the ho

27、sted email services that ISPs offer to run inbound email systems. Often the rules for spam prevention are set by the in-house Information Technology (IT) department, or the rules are defaults provided by the email-receiving Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) solution, like Microsoft Exchange.商业系统是指有自己独立的邮件系统

28、, 使用者为职员,学生,政府机构 , 非盈利组织等。 这类系统通常为B2B类型。一些大企业系统内部也包含邮件系统。这类邮件系统的反垃圾邮 件功能有的是靠企业内部IT技术,有的是靠一些成熟的 MTA解决方案,比如Microsoft Exchange.Amazon亚马逊)SES群发邮件服务最佳实践指南-第五页更新日期 (2014.7.18)Homegrown Systems(自建系统)英文原文 :If a mailbox isn t managed by an ISP or an IT department, chances are it is run in the cloud or on a p

29、ersonal server (e.g., sitting in someones garage). Dealing with a homegrown system involves dealing with a nonstandard set of rules that can be set up ad hoc by the server s owner. If you want your email to reach someonesitting behind their personal email server, you must comply with their specific

30、definition of high quality email.All of the above classes of receivers employ several means of defense against unwanted email. Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) handles most of these defenses for senders at the infrastructure layer (e.g., email DNS setup, send rate,throttling, automatic retri

31、es, etc.). However, you still need to know which class of receiver you re sending to in order to best adhere to their email rules and get your messages into your recipients inboxes.The bottom line is that recipients rule! Anyone can send email, but email delivery into an inbox is a privilege reserve

32、d for those senders who know how to respect the recipient.译文:如果一个邮箱不是被 ISP 或者一些技术部门管理 ,那这个邮件服务程序很可能是被运行 在云端或者一些个人服务器上 ,这些邮件系统会执行一些非标准化的规则 , 这些规则很可能是 某个人自己设立的 .如果你想把邮件发送到这些个人邮件服务器上 , 你必须满足他们指定的高 质量邮件要求 .上面所说的几种类型接收邮件的服务系统都有防垃圾邮件的措施 Amazon Ses的基础构架包含了绝大多数的优化措施(比如 邮件dns,发送速度,调节流量,自动重发等等).尽管 如此,您还是需要了解接收人邮箱所在邮件服务的类型,只有按这些邮件服务的规则进行优 化,才能更好

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